2022-08-12 zgsdta2008 8471

How does it feel to be married to a transsexual woman?


I am living with my girlfriend, who is an Asian pre-op MTF transsexual. She appears absolutely feminine and most stunningly beautiful. She has a totally feminine temperament and mannerism. Therefore, we have the most awesome sex life imaginable.


The downsides are:
Despite her totally femininity, she still gets clocked 1% of the time. It would hence be a bit awkward to present her to people like my boss or some less open-minded friends.
She could become temperamental and moody at times.
She is too obsessed about being a total woman and she is neglecting other aspects of life eg learning, hobbies etc.

原创翻译:龙腾网 http://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

Annie Jones
It feels wonderful! I couldn't have a better life partner to spend the rest of my life with.
My wife is pre-op MtF, she's not on hormones, has had a couple of surgeries and she works hard on her body to look good, she has some dysphoria and loves her penis. She's open about being trans
We are both 27, we been together for 7 years, and we have two beautiful children together. Her parents are very supportive of her, mine on the other hand don't have contact with us, cause of who my wife is. Other than that minor annoyance our relationship is strong and we enjoy every minute of it.


Christine Rachael Roberts
My husband doesn’t not view me as ‘trans’ but a woman and we have been together for nigh on 30 years and legally married since 2005 (Birth certificate law changed in the UK in that year). I asked him the above question and his answer was ‘I’m not married to a ‘trans’ anything but a woman whom I love and think is the most amazing woman ever. My husband is a loving caring man and to him what I went through was in the past. So if you want to know the answer to that question then ask husbands of ‘trans’ women who are married. I had a friend whom sadly died and her husband only saw her as a normal woman.


Eve Christianson
She the best. I’d say she is beautiful inside and out. We were both our first. She looked like a girl when we teenagers. Encouraged and helped her transition. Together 35 years, married for 24 years. It doesn’t seem that long ago. I still remember the scimpy,sexy kind of wedding outfit we wore. Scandalous back then. Probably only provacotive at most today. Only using only our long hair to cover our bare back and ass cheeks. Full exposed front during the ceremony. Lezlee had to prove her real gender back then. The women officiating our ceremony says she couldn’t legally marry two women even though the marriage license designated her a male. We didn’t have our purses with. So I pulled down her string bicini bottom reached around her and spread her ass cheeks and down it flopped between her legs. I then pulled her bottom up and returning to her side leaving it hang there for her to see through the whole ceremony. She gasped . She stumbled through like she was running out of air all the time and having a hard time trying to keep her eyes off Lezlee and her unit. She quickly signed our marriage license and handed it to Lezlee smiling and quickly ducked behind the curtain. Lezlee covered her front with her hair and didn’t retuck her penis until it was time to get out of the limo at the special club we chose. We were the main attraction there for sure. She asked me did you the woman minister go behind the curtain? I was busy admiring our rings. Lezlee said she obviously lost control and peed herself. I said oh my god. She didn’t pee herself. She was obviously orgasming over you! Because I noticed her twisting and gripping the potium like she was hanging off a cliff. Our wedding outfit consisted of diamond studded string bicini bottoms . Using our only our long hair to cover bodies in more public places. It was easier fo Lezlee though because her hair is incredible thick. My hips would easily be exposed and my breasts would poke through the front easily. Wild times.


Star Smith
If someone is married to a transsexual woman, I think it would be nothing different from usual couple. In the husband’s eye, she is just a woman who is transsexual. It really doesn’t matter.


This is my 2nd post of the same comment because all of you pussies keep reporting this, luckily for me, I can do this all day…Remember, facts over feelings here pussies.
I understand why you posted this question as Anonymous, because you don’t want to attach your name to something that means you’re gay. Hey man, being gay is alright. Anyway, due to the sensitivity of this question, I’ll answer this anonymously as well, because I don’t feel like arguing with brain dead people who don’t understand what the fuck they’re talking about either.


According to society you’re transgendered lad, would not be a lad, but in fact a woman, And your question is in fact phrased as transphobic .
So if they’re transgendered, they are no longer a lad. Because they feel like a woman even though they have a penis, they are woman, which is fucking ridiculous. When I see men who are clearly men with tits and a full beard, and pretend like they’re women, and want to be identified as women, but they have a penis, sorry man, I can’t participate in your mental health delusions.


I work in a hospital along with professional psychiatrists, and it’s documented through the DSM-5 that gender dysphoria is a mental health condition. It literally blow my mind that in 2021, someone’s feelings is now considered the new science which is also fucking ridiculous. Feelings, or how someone feels on the inside does not trump science or biology.
If man has a penis, he is a man.. And if a woman had a vagina, she is a woman… Period. I will never as long as I live consider a transgendered man who thinks they’re a woman, but have a penis, a woman.


Whats even worse is that in today’s modern times if you’re a straight male but choose not to date a transgendered man, you’re often called a transphobe by regarded Twitter idiots. I personally have nothing against transgendered people personally, but I do take offence when I have to participate in in their mental health delusions.
Until a transgendered man goes through post op surgery and get a vagina, they are a man, not a woman.
Laslty, there are only two sexes or genders… All the Twitter weirdos trying to convince me that there are more than two also need to seek some professional mental health help as well. This world is going crazy, and everyone is losing their goddamn minds.


Also, if you’re wondering what it would be like to marry a transgendered, just Google what a gay marriage is like, because you marrying a transgendered man, would in fact mean you’re gay.
And to any clowns who downvote this, not to worry, I’ll keep checking from time to time and resubmitting my post, because I know there’s far to many people are actively trying to brainwash others with their own mental health issues also, I’ll keep posting just for the sake of adding some common sense to questions like these.
You can’t undo over 2000 years of science and biology because of how someone feels on the inside, that is fucking ridiculous.


Karen Lamont
I have been living full time as a female since I was 16. I have had several relationships with men, and all of them have been “normal” heterosexual relationships.
I met the man of my dreams a few years ago and told him of my history. He said that he didn't care and that I was the woman he wanted to live with for the rest of his life.
He recently asked me to marry him and I very happily said “yes please”. Next year I will be his wife in every way except that I cannot bear children.
Our relationship is very strong and loving. No-one would ever know that I started by trying to be a boy.
What is it like for him? He has an adoring woman by his side. Perfectly matched!

原创翻译:龙腾网 http://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

Christine Roberts
My husband of over32 years married me and is 100% straight. He saw a woman he liked courted me then married me. Transgender people are just people with the same needs, desires etc as any person who is not transgender. Yes I had undergone gender confirming surgery years before I met my husband if anyone is curious. We are just an ordinary couple and both our families treat us as such. I've worked in society in various types of employment and finally trained as a mental health counsellor. Absolute no problems with employment . We are not aliens from another planet and we don't have 2 heads etc we are just human beings. I'm 72 now and my husband is 64. I thought he was older when I met him as he is a mature intelligent man and it didn't shock him when I told him of my medical history. He just said to me is that all?


Dale Bewan
I’m a straight male, and yes. If I weren’t already married and I fell in love with a transgender woman who loved me too, that would definitely be a possibility.
Also, it doesn’t matter to me whether they have had that surgery, will have it, or will never have it. What genitals a woman has really isn’t that important to me. If I love her and she loves me, her physical attributes really aren’t a significant factor.


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