2022-08-15 zgsdta2008 9479

Despite living in Thailand, why do some foreigners hate Thailand?


Jane Jones
I haven’t met anyone who hates Thailand. Most ex-pats are free to leave if they feel so negatively about somewhere. Even if sent here to work by a large company, you can escape within a year or two.
I am British, live in Thailand but have also lived around the world (4 continents and many more countries). I think the unique thing about Thailand is the feeling that you’re unwanted. I have some good Thai friends and am not of course talking about everyone, but Thailand is xenophobic in the extreme and therefore, people feel free to criticise Thais.

我是英国人,住在泰国,但也曾在世界各地(4大洲和更多的国家)生活过 。我认为泰国的独特之处在于你会觉得自己不受欢迎。我有一些泰国籍的好朋友,当然不是说所有人都这样,但泰国是极端排外的,也因此,人们可以自由地批评泰国人。

The majority of Thais I’ve met are two-faced, dishonest, greedy and only want our money. We live in Thailand despite people feeling like that. Often because we have a higher standard of living; we earn similar or higher salaries than we would at home and the cost of living is much lower.


We don’t expect Thailand to change. We know that Thainess, loss of face and the notion of hierarchy with ‘farang’ being slightly below soi dog will never change but we enjoy the benefits whilst being free to criticise the negatives. Remember, Western Society has flourished because people feel able to criticise. Leese majeste, defamation laws and successions of coups are holding the country back and until Thais are able to understand criticism without being so childish and thin skinned, the world around them will continue to evolve and leave them behind. You’ll be the hub of nothing but empty promises from those in charge.

我们不指望泰国会做出改变。我们知道泰国人、丢脸和“farang”略低于“soi dog”的等级观念永远不会改变,但我们享受好处的同时,可以自由地批评这里负面的东西。记住,西方社会之所以繁荣,是因为人们能够自由的进行批评。冒犯君主、诽谤法律和接连不断的政变正在阻碍这个国家的发展,直到泰国人能够理解批评的意义,而不是变得如此幼稚和脸皮薄。他们周围的世界将继续发展,把他们抛在后面。而你们只会得到那些掌权者的空洞承诺。

Drazen Jagunic
It is amazing, for short periods. Once you live here longer you will quickly realize the flaws and see through the fake paradise.


Noise - There is always noise, from construction to traffic, to broadcast messages going out in public from shit speakers.
The worst noise of all - Motorbikes, everyone is trying to make sure their motorbike is the loudest. If you live in Bangkok it is unhand-able, but everywhere else is bad as well.
People have serious phone addictions. From 5–78 year olds, average screen time is 8 hours per day, while they walk, drive, skytrain and in public bathrooms they are watching tiktok, youtube or facebook.
Ignorant and stupid - They are unable to use their own head to think and come to logic conclusions.


Military state - They have been indoctrinated with the great king and great nation. Pictures of the king serves as keeping them under watch. And it has effects of a nation as a military state with all that entails.
People are extremely lazy. ( A large percentage of the people are working in the sun, the heat and the streets ) The other 80%, will never walk further than 5 meters to closest 7/11. They will order food from 7/11 2 min down the road. They will never, cook, clean or eat out if they do not have a scooter. Order grab, foodpanda eat and watch youtube.
People are two-faced. They do not stand up to themselves and avoid conflict, which makes it impossible to have a genuine discussion with anyone.


People are so afraid of loosing face and looking bad in front of others, that it makes interactions non-genuine.
People will never take any initiative to do or complete anything. The mindset is “someone else will do it”
They simply cant drive. It is not that they drive fast, or irresponsible. It is just that they completely lack skills. I have driven along all of They are racist. They do not show it. But double pricing, dark skin complexity etc is just the tip of the iceberg.
Non educated and not intelligent. Even a simple logical math problem concerning an electricity bill can not be solved for 3 months. They completely lack logical thinking.
Everything is always delayed and not working as it should.
Cant tell the time.


Superficial. I have lived in Monaco, Cannes and St Tropez. But Thai people are worst. White skin creams, plastic surgery, tiktok, Instagram, Gucci, BMW, Apple. Everything is a about Status. Bangkok traffic so bad because it is considered low level of status to take the skytrain. Having a car is status. And the car should be as huge as possible. The country is built on small streets with tank cars to drive on them. Because they are superficial and care about face and status.

肤浅的说。我曾在摩纳哥、戛纳和圣特罗佩生活过。但是泰国人是表现最差的。美白护肤霜,整容手术,抖音,Instagram, Gucci, BMW,苹果。一切都关乎地位。曼谷的交通如此糟糕,是因为人们认为是乘坐轻轨的都是地位低下的人。有车就是有地位。车应该尽可能的大。这个国家到处都是狭小的街道,街道上有坦克车行驶在上面。因为他们肤浅,在意面子和地位。

Overrated food. Seriously, instant noodles, cold rice, cheap processed pork and chicken. Shrimp and Squid that are 100% not even real. Completely tasteless, so they add a ton off oil, sugar and chili. It is a mystery that thai food is so popular. For what reasons ? Compare it to food in Middle east or south Europe.
It is very hot. Always.


Family relations. Exploit children and use them for money.
Fake Buddhism. They are all deeply buddhistic, but they do not understand even simple core buddhism. Every temple is selling coca-cola and lottery tickets. But the state has banned gambling because it is not buddhistic values. Come on.

原创翻译:龙腾网 http://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

I don’t hate Thailand but it isn’t a paradise on Earth. Here are some things I don’t like:
Basically it’s not very welcoming for people moving to live here. Sure, it receives many tourists and has a convenient infrastructure built for those wanting to stay even longer but for long term living it’s still a hassle with the bureucratic visas. The system is discriminating towards foreigners. It’s a nice place to stay for a short time but you really can’t plan any long term future in Thailand as a foreigner. There’s dual pricing also which is a backward practice. It’s not about money here but principle. I boycott places where dual pricing system is applied and refuse to pay more than locals unless in exceptional circumstances.


Corrupt as hell, police is useless and the less you interact with them, better. They only can collect money from you, reporting crimes is a waste of time other than for insurance purposes. There is no rule of law. How can you invest in a country where the institutions are not reliable? Also, Thailand is a military dictatorship without freedom of speech.
The culture is quite shallow, people are obsessed with superficial things such as cars, white skin, image, material possessions, etc. It’s not intellectually or philosophically stimulating place. Add to that the hierarchical nature of the country, language and cultural barriers, lack of education etc. and it will be difficult to form real friendship with Thais, except those who have lived abroad and are better educated. Sure, most people will be courteous and friendly even towards a foreigner even if deep inside they might hate you.


Dave Martin
I’ll give a slightly harsher response.
Thailand is so incredibly welcoming and, on the surface, non-judgemental. Many ex-pats, already deficient in some of the social graces or behaviours valued back in their home countries, flock there as a result - they feel they receive respect and a boost in their social status which would be unattainable back home. In short, Thailand attracts more than its fair share of social misfits; farangs who, oblivious to themselves, run against the grain of Thai society and more naturally fall-in with the fringes of Thai society.


Hence, a lot of the complainers come from this demographic. They exhibit a high degree of hypocrisy in their complaints (like the stereotypical British expat in Costa del Sol, who speaks no Spanish, but complains bitterly about all the foreigners coming to England) and expect the best aspects of their home countries, the best aspects of their host countries, none of the negatives, and yet only too happily benefit from those negatives (ability to use bribes, ability to behave in ways not tolerated elsewhere, access to a sex-industry that would be socially unacceptable elsewhere, etc.).


As few people call these ex-pats out on their behaviour, are deferential towards them or do not wish to lose face by arguing with them, these same ex-pat’s viewpoints and complaints go without challenge and become reinforced.
Undeniably, there are social and political problems in Thailand. But it’s always interesting to see so many ex-pats there misattribute any problem they are having to be caused “by Thailand”. Their relationship falls apart, “Thai women are terrible”. Their business falls apart, “You can’t do business in Thailand”. People in their area react negatively to them, “Thai people are two-faced”, etc. etc. While complaints are sometimes justified, and all cultures should be open to critique, in my experience most of the whinging farang would be far better off looking at themselves first before pointing their fingers at Thailand and Thai culture. Or just going back to where they came from if things really are so bad.


Thailand is as others have written not a perfect country.
But in many cases the problem is with the foreigners themselves..
Thailand has a reputation for nice sun and sea, low cost and liberal attitudes to alcohol, drugs and sex. True or not, this attracts a certain group in society. Let's call them bitter angry losers. Every country has those.


They leave their old, dull and impoverished lives in the rust belts or banlieues of Europe or America and come to paradise. Except that it's not paradise and they are so loaded with bitterness that they wouldn't appreciate it anyway.
So, they spend the rest of their lives in a country they hate, but don't leave as home is even worse. They couldn't afford not working and getting stoned or drunk every day, not to mention pay for sex.


Some still decide to go home. With a much younger, possibly illiterate and divorced thai wife. They are not able to reintegrate, continue drinking, no hope for a job, maybe domestic violence and then the thai wife leaves, there is only so much violence, neglect and poverty you can take in a cold remote country.
The man comes back to Thailand with even more bitterness and hatred towards thais but also knowledge that it is even worse back home.
Strangely enough many of those losers despite moving halfway around the world and taking home thai wives support closed borders and anti immigration parties like AfD, Front National, SD or Fidesz


Magnar Nordal
Some people will never stop complaining, even if they live in Paradise.
Most foreigners living in Thailand to it because they have a good life here. They may be married or retired and prefer to live in a country where they get a better life for their pension. Others are sent here by their overseas company to do a job. And others again are workers from neighboring countries finding an income in Thailand.


My first impression of Thailand was that people are very attentive, generous and smile a lot. You feel welcome and safe in Thailand.
But Thailand is more than the country of smiles. Many people are poor and work very hard to support themselves and their family. Thais are opportunists. When they see an opportunity to get some money in hand, they will grab the chance. Unfortunately do the politicians do the same, even when they are incredibly rich.
Corruption is Thailand’s biggest problem, and I cannot see how this problem can be eliminated, because it is based on the old tea-money culture.


Rob Paltridge
There are three primary reasons why:
There are a lot of Western expats who moved here because it was an inexpensive place to live, over time that has changed as the Baht has strengthened and home currencies have weakened. Many think that because they have bought a property and supported Thai families for many years that they are entitled and should be given a pass on the visa front when their savings don’t convert into enough of the local currency.


Ditto, visa’s, it was once very simple to get whatever visa you wanted . Now that has changed and the visa process is more robust, as a result, many are finding it difficult to qualify to stay here legally. Many will tell us they have already lived here for many years so not being able to qualify for the visa precisely shouldn’t be an issue for them and that the rules should be bent, just for them.


Finally, many westerners arrived here with an inherent superiority complex and believed that since they came from an advanced economy, they know how everything should be done properly. Those types of people look at the uneven sidewalks, hanging electrical cables, high road traffic deaths, the lack of policing and all the other things that are less than perfect and that differentiate Thailand from their home country, then they declare that the government must be stupid and the population crazy.


Brett Debritz
This is a good question. I’ve noticed this too often — long-term expats who grumble about their adopted homeland. Thailand isn’t perfect, and it can be difficult for foreigners to live there. Yes, there are social problems, and not every local is overjoyed to see so many foreigners living in the country. But it’s no different to other countries. What is different is that a large number of the expats who live in Thailand are at the last-chance saloon. Many of them can’t afford to go home — sometimes for legal reasons usually because they’re broke — or to the place they’d rather be. So, even though Thailand offers them sanctuary, they resent the place and the people. In a lot of these cases, it’s a manifestation of self-loathing, a tangible reminder that they didn’t get what they wanted out of life. I’m happy to report that Thailand is also home to plenty of foreigners who are living the life and enjoying it for the right reasons. And they freely mix with Thai people, who are among the friendliest on Earth and generally appreciate the economic and cultural input of tourists and expats and the mutual benefits that that brings.


Steve Waddington
GG (GIA), Founder SJW Gems (2013–present)5y
Some people are just unhappy people. It doesn’t matter where they are or what they do, or how good a place is otherwise, they are just habitually going to complain about it. They have a mean and stunted spirit, and don’t seem to realise that they themselves are the cause of their unhappiness, and instead blame it on everything around them.

原创翻译:龙腾网 http://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

Johs Roy
I worked in Thailand for a relatively short period only a couple of months in the tourism industry and my biggest gripe was the constant extortion.
During my time I was never extorted but I saw it happen so frequently that it really hated the place for it.
There are a lot of scammers such as taxis and resorts that were really run like organized crime in the sense that they would demand money to access what are essentially public facilities. The problem was not that people were trying to scam you but rather the way the intimidated people with threats of violence or using menacing behavior.


Additionally when complaining to the police the will always side with the Thais against you unless you have a very strong case and evidence. The legal system is quite corrupt and should you find yourself in trouble then the outcomes can be really awful.
Of course no place is perfect and I can think of flaws in every place I have lived but this one really puts me off because its an issue of safety which is critical. That being said Thailand has tons of really great things about living in it such as culture of hospitality and friendliness, great food, cheap cost of living etc. I really dont want to demean the country because I really do love it and would recommend people to visit the place. My only advice would be never to get into a confrontation with a local even if you are within your rights to do so such as being extorted.


原创翻译:龙腾网 http://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

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