2022-08-22 孔雀东南疯 6352

When you hear 'Africa' what is the the first thought that comes to your mind?


Ronnie Otieno
I live in Africa so I know a thing or 10,000 about it
My home. My continent. Where my country is. Where I am right now.
When I hear of Africa I visualize our continent. The continent just below Europe and west of Asia. The continent where so many people don't know about. The continent where humankind starts. The continent which is very diverse. The continent I am yet to find more about.
When I hear of Africa, I remember the things and documentaries I always watch online. The purely exaggerated articles I see online. The mindset I ‘see’ in Non Africans about Africa.


When I hear about Africa, I see beauty, I see the cascading water of Victoria falls, the famous Wildebeest migrations, the elephants which I am always fascinated about. The diverse culture. The food. The modern cities. Lovely people.
When I hear about Africa I see the need of development, the need to end corruption, the need to better Healthcare, the need to proper distribution of nations wealth. The need to stop hunger and famine. The need to end tribalism, conflicts and war.
When I hear about Africa I see HOPE.


Matthew Bates
This girl I knew in high school named “Africa”. She was beautiful. She also seems to have disappeared after high school. None of our mutual friends have heard a thing from her in the last 19 years.
Playing Civilization V with the real-world map. Once I figure out that my spawn point was Africa (the map reveals as you move around so it takes awhile to figure out where the hell you are in the world), I usually restart the game and hope for a better spawn point. Nothing against Africa, but I just haven’t had much success when I start there. Or South America or Australia or Europe, for that matter. Asia or North America are the best places to start.
A lot of the big, cool animals are there.
Also the cradle of humanity.


Although they share a continent, North Africa and Sub-Saharan Africa are very different.
The whole continent is huge. There’s a desert the size of the United States on the northern part of the continent too.
There’s a thriving business around here of buying entire cars and shipping them to Africa. They often fill the cars up with spare car parts before they ship them. I used to know one of the business owners who did that. He was from Kenya and told me it was cheaper to buy cars here and pay the shipping costs than it was to buy cars there.
Pick-up trucks, Jaguars, and Lexus were the high-demand vehicles in Africa.
For all of the foods from different cultures I’ve tried, my African cuisine experiences seem to be lacking. I’ve had Ethiopian and Moroccan food, but that’s about it. I should branch out more in this area.


Ashley Williamson
People in different countries think different things. I mainly know what people think in the United States.
People in the US think of Africa as a single country. Most don’t think of any country when they hear “Africa.” The main thing they think about is the large animals in some parts of Africa such as lions, elephants, giraffes, and zebras. It’s strange to see representations of different continents where with the other 5 inhabited continents it will be mainly about people and cultures and with Africa it will be exclusively animals. And most Americans will see that and think nothing of it.
Sometimes if they show a person it will just be a non-African going to visit the animals.
Americans only think about African people if they are specifically told to think about people. And then they will mainly think about extreme poverty and warfare. Some Americans basically think there’s constant warfare in all parts of the continent. Most Americans don’t know anything about any cultures in Africa.


Subodh Mathur
Author: India's Path to Prosperity 2022-2047


I have worked in Africa for the last 20 years. Have travelled through the rural areas of South Africa, Mozambique, Zambia, Uganda and Tanzania. And capitals of many other countries.
What comes to my mind is hope and frustration.
There’s hope that African countries can increase their economic growth. In theory, there’s plenty of potential. For example, there’s abundant solar energy. Could be tapped to power economic growth. Population densities are low - so, overcrowding is not an issue outside big cities. There are other natural resources. Lot of people from outside Africa are willing to help.


The frustration is that it is difficult to get quick results. Even if you say that it is the organization (World Bank) that I work - that’s the problem. Well, OK. SHow me super-success projects undertaken either by the countries on their own or with help from others.
Ghana is one exception that I know of. Has been doing well. But, even here, they have messed up their economic policies in recent years, and had to get a bailout from the IMF. IMF confirms extension of Ghana's programme - Ghana News That’s just too frustrating.
Look at South Africa. They ignored their power sector after Mandela became President. Result? In 2010, they had to borrow $ 3.75 billion - yes, billion - from the World Bank to build a coal power plant. South Africa Wins $3.75 Billion Coal Loan In 2014, they were short of power. Unplugged And there are bleak jokes aplenty. “Q: What did South Africa use before candles? A: Electricity.”


Just too frustrating. And, yet there is hope. NIgeria is now working with the World Bank to tap solar power for rural areas. [Disclaimer: I am a consultant for the World Bank on this project.] World Bank Lends Nigeria $350m for Rural Electrification Projects It’s basically a solar energy project. The newspaper report says that the loan has been provided … not yet, but it’s in the works. The Nigerians working on this project are hard-working and high quality. So, there’s hope.
I went to Rwanda a couple of years ago. What’s your image of Rwanda? Terror? Chaos? Nothing works? Totally wrong. The reality is the opposite. Government officials want quick results. They work hard. They are motivated. That’s hope.
There are charges that the President is a dictator. Is Rwandan President Paul Kagame a savior—or a dictator? It’s surely authoritarian government - that’s frustration.


When I think of Africa, I think of Liberia and Monrovia and Roberts Field and Pan Am. We laid over there for a week at a time, and had our own private beach. Young boys would climb the coconut palms and bring us coconuts. They’d break them open with a machete and we’d have a great lunch of fresh coconut.
I had my own clump of trees on the beach and I got stung by a jellyfish once.
Africa makes me think of one of the world’s most poisonous snakes, the black mamba.


It makes me think of the lagoon where I wasn’t supposed to swim, but did anyway. There was a parasite in it that would invade our bodies should we be so foolish as to swim there, and would fly home inside flight attendants, emigrating to the United States, In Search of a Better Life. When they got here, they were tasked with bringing about our eventual downfall.
Sorry. It’s my fault for going to the bathroom after I arrived home from those trips. I lived in New York and we all know what’s supposed to live in the New York sewers. At least the Monrovian Parasite conquered the Great New York Sewer Alligator, a fearsome beast who’s grown bigger and bigger every year since 1951.

原创翻译:龙腾网 http://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

Why do you think New York City has all those potholes? From the epic underground sewer battles being waged between these two adversaries. Occasionally, you can catch one of their battles at Madison Square Gardens. Trump Tower will be sinking soon, no worries. I wonder if they’ll let the fifty foot alligator have a condo there? If they’re smart, they will. He doesn’t like to be turned down for condo applications.
Africa reminds me of the night I almost died because I thought it would be cool to go swimming in the rain in the ocean in the huge waves one dark night.


It reminds me of the little envelopes of quinine pills we had to take for a week to ward off malaria. They must have worked, because none of us got malaria.
Africa reminds me of Lurch, the tall black waiter at the hotel who wore black tie, and never, ever cracked a smile. We’d ask him if the restaurant had the steak or other items on the menu, and it never did. We’d ask him for those things every night for a week, just to watch him say “No” as if it was the first time we’d asked. He’d stare above our heads, expressionless, straight out of The Addams Family.


Africa reminds me of the time there was a coup and the ruling family, the Caesars (prophetic name, huh?), got their heads chopped off, and were used as footballs by the guerillas. The crew had to hole up for a week, all of them in one room, until they could be flown out. It was touch and go there for awhile.
It reminds me of the little town of Smell No Taste, so named because the villagers could smell the cooking smells of the military based at Roberts Field. Francisco and I were out walking once, and the villagers who passed called him ‘Boss’.


Africa reminds me of flights across the continent, west to east, and back again. Other airlines could only fly from top to bottom. (North to south ) We did go to Johannesburg, though. I remember seeing lots of tall white women there, which was unusual, apparently descendants of the Dutch.
No other airline could do what Pan Am did, flying west to east across the continent.

原创翻译:龙腾网 http://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

Once a captain had to pay out of his own pocket for fuel in Lagos or the Cote d’Ivoire. The captain made three million dollars a month, so don’t feel too sorry for him. He got a lot of green stamps for filling his 747 at that gas station and was able to redeem several books for a toaster when he got home.


Africa makes me think of King Kong movies, and Fay Wray and the Empire State Building. It makes me think of Kenya, and tall, beautiful Masai, and side trips to see the wild life.
My honest thoughts of Africa are affectionate ones of wonderful times with great crews.


Mike Van Horn
I’ve been to the northern tip and southern tip—Tangiers, Morocco and Capetown, South Africa. And Dakar, Senegal, for refueling.
Africa is one big continent! On our way to South Africa, we flew 9 hours from Washington DC to Senegal for refueling. Then another 9 hours to Johannesburg, SA. Then another 2 hours to Capetown. That is one long trip!
From Senegal south it was dark. No lights. No cities. Not till we got into South Africa.
Africa is beautiful. The landscapes we could see, from ground or air, were stunning. Some parts very foreign, unlike any I had seen. Other parts very familiar, looked like home.


In South Africa, we got up close to lions and elephants, and up close to artisans and wine makers and movie producers. A monkey stole bread from my lunch plate. Neighborhoods like Malibu California and shantytowns stretching for miles. The locals we talked with—Zulus and Afrikaaners—were proud of their country but worried about its future.
The questioner asks for “honest thoughts.” Thus he’s anticipating dishonest thoughts. I suppose he thinks most people will have prejudices against Africa, but I can’t be sure what he means. I wish the questioner would be honest himself.
I’ve been in many parts of the world, and everywhere I’ve been has been glorious and beautiful, with fascinating people. And also ugly and filled with trash, with frightening people. Africa included.


I’m a white American who was raised with the toxic idea that Africans didn’t have phones or modern technology, and it was just a bunch of little huts and villages with people wearing leaves as clothes. I know better now (I still am not 100% sure what Africa is actually like, I haven’t delved into the topic) but when the word comes to mind the image of little hut villages still (unfortunately) pops up.


Antara Sarkar
It’s not really a thought. It’s a feeling. A feeling of nostalgia.
I am Indian, and I was born in India. However, my family moved to South Africa when I was 7 (year 1995). We returned to India four years later. So for me, Africa reminds me of some of the best memories of my childhood. We lived in the beautiful seaside city of Durban, before moving to Pretoria, the city of Jacaranda trees. In 4 years, I went to 3 schools! It might seem a bit crazy, but it was quite an adventure to be honest. I met so many types of people, and made so many different types of friends. Thanks to Facebook, I am now in touch with them and even with some of my teachers.


We travelled a lot, while in SA. We drove 1500km from Pretoria to Cape Town, and back. We went to Kruger National Park thrice. Saw about 25 lions in total, including a live attack which is such a rare sight. Also drove into Zimbabwe, and visited the stunning Victoria Falls, a distance of 1300 kms. Went to Sun City way too many times (thanks to guests from India), saw the Big Hole in Kimberly, stood over the oceans at the Cape of Good Hope, and obviously visited the unx Building.


So anyway, you get it. Africa to me is nostalgia. It’s a part of my childhood that is so far away that it feels like it is out of my reach.
The second thought/feeling that goes through my mind is “irritation”. Why? I don’t like all the countries being clubbed together and being called “Africa”. I find that most people are not country-specific when it comes to African nations. Argh, as if the entire continent is one insanely massive country! I mean, seriously, look at a world map sometime, people.


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