2022-08-25 遐怪 5663

Matthew Bates, Teacher (2009-present)
Originally Answered: What is a city you will never visit again?
New York City. Specifically, Manhattan.

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I spent two weeks there for work in 2002. I was a personal assistant for a kid that was having a major surgery at NY Presbyterian Hospital. The kid’s parents put me up in a very nice hotel near the hospital and, since there’s wasn’t much for me to do other than sit with the kid in the hospital for a few hours each day, I had plenty of time to explore the city.


I’d been living in Chicago for four years at that point. I didn’t have anything against big cities in particular. But Manhattan was on a whole new level of obnoxious, dirty, overpriced, and overcrowded.

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Here’s what I didn’t like, in no particular order:


1.Constant honking of car horns. My hotel room was 20+ floors high, and I still had trouble sleeping because of the constant honking from the street corner below.It was obnoxious.


2.Trash piled high on the sidewalks. I get it… there are no alleys to hide the garbage in until it’s picked up. Still, there has to be a better way than just piling everything on the sidewalk days before it’s picked up.


3.Overpriced everything. A small cup of grapes… maybe 25 total… was $3.50. Grapes are not some exotic fruit, even in the off season. They’re like bananas… always available and always fairly cheap. Well, everywhere else in America, at least. I wonder if people who’ve never left NYC realize how much they’re being ripped off.


4.Rude workers. Besides the doctors and nurses at the hospital, I did not have a single pleasant encounter with anyone who was working in Manhattan. Everyone acted like I was bothering them by attempting to be their customer, or they were outright rude to me when I asked a question. The worst were the hotel housekeepers. I’d hear them speaking English in the hallways while I was in my room, but as soon as I’d ask them to skip my room ,because I was trying to nap, they’d switch to another language ,and act all annoyed. Like, lady… chill. I’m doing you a favor and making your job easier.


5.Nothing really unique to see or do. There was nothing there that I couldn’t also get in Chicago. Often, I felt like I was paying for the privilege of saying I ate at a famous place or went to a famous place, even though it wasn’t anything special. Even the street vendors that New Yorkers are so proud of… they aren’t that special. It’s just food from a cart. Overpriced food from a cart. I took the subway to Times Square, because that’s a good touristy thing to do. The subway was bigger and faster than the one in Chicago… I’ll give them that. It was also dirty and crowded and took me to a place that was even more dirty and more crowded.

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6.Over-regulated everything. This is just a personal pet peeve of mine as a small-government type of guy. Everywhere you looked there were official city permits on display. Even the street performers had them. I saw one street vendor complain to a cop that another street vendor was too close to his “spot,” which I guess he paid the city for. It was like you couldn’t do a thing in that city unless you got permission from the city. I suspect “permission” including a hefty fee.


My excitement for Manhattan diminished quickly after my first few days there. I spent the other 10+ days I was there looking forward to the day my client was released from the hospital, and I could drive him back to Chicago. “Once they say we can go, we can be packed and off of this island within about three hours…” That’s what kept running through my head for my final week there.


Dave Samwell
Couldn't agree with you more. I once had to buy a drum kit for a tour in NYC. I had $1000 to spend and needed something vintage, or vintage sounding. Every single shop I went in without exception was rude. I was ignored, talked down to and treated like an idiot.


I got one in the end but it was a struggle. After that I vowed whenever I went back to New York I'd just stay in my hotel room and catch up on sleep.


Chris Nash
I’ve been there several times. The first time I went, I was excited to try an authentic New York bagel with cream cheese.


Most anti-climactic moment of my life. A very mediocre bagel with a square block of cream cheese in between the halves. It took like 15 minutes to spread the cheese with the crappy plastic knife I had to know to get (I had to go back and get it).


How did it taste? Mediocre. For the life of me, I don’t know why New York bagels are so famous. The best bagels I’ve ever had are here in Colorado Springs.


I’ve been a few times with my family. It’s better visiting with your family, but I don’t really feel a compelling need to return.


Tiago S. Paz
The trash was completely unbearable. Miami is a place with very little visible trash and a whole lot of green, so that’s what I assumed New York would be like.


NOPE. It’s like every street corner is a dump, no matter where you go. Its insane!


Emmett Redd
Try visiting during a sanitation workers strike; I did.


Jonathan Johnson
Realizing it would take another three hours just to escape the city would simply add to my misery.


Eliseo Nesci
I live in Brooklyn, and I agree with you 100%. Whenever I have to travel from south Brooklyn to Manhattan, I start feeling anxious. It drains the life out of me.

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Not to mention that the cost of living here, even in Brooklyn, is over the top. NYC has nice places, but overall it is overrated.


If you ever do come back, visit the area around Coney Island. People are more laid back and the neighborhood has more character:)

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Lensei Nishizawa
I think Tokyo is closer to the image of NYC. Imagine NYC without the honking, the unpleasant people, the trash on the sidewalks etc.It has its overpriced stuff, but you can still find bargains.


Rogers Mwangi
This is only my opinion but I feel like Tokyo is similar to NYC in that the majority of people who were brought up there generally think their city is the center of the universe and would never ever dream of living anywhere else. In both places, this kinda has the effect of making their residents blind to a lot of the negative parts of their cities. It’s really interesting to me because both places have major drawbacks. But don’t tell that to New Yorkers or Tokyoites!


Lensei Nishizawa
Ah, but Tokyo is the center of the universe!
The Japanese-speaking universe, that is.


If institutions and businesses were as centralized in NYC as they are in Tokyo, today’s California simply wouldn’t exist. There would be no Silicon Valley, Hollywood would be a small-time outfit specializing in comedies, and the rest of the state would be depopulated farming communities.


Rogers Mwangi
Excellent points!


Haritha Jayawardanage
It's exactly the same with Paris (and I suspect a lot of the major capital cities)


Will Scathlocke
“Nothing really unique to see or do.” ?!?!?

“没有什么特别的可看或可做的。”? ! ? ! ?

Well, let’s see… Does the Statue of Liberty count as unique? Or do you see one of it on every street corner?

原创翻译:龙腾网 转载请注明出处

My first week in New York, I’m afraid, was radically different from yours. Did anyone point out to you the Metropolitan Museum of Art? I couldn’t get enough of the place, but unfortunately had only two half-days that I could spend there owing to other commitments. But what a museum!


Then there was the Museum of Mondern Art. I’m not exactly a fan of modern art, but that museum was certainly worth a visit as well. So was the American Museum of Natural History. Then there were things like Ellis Island.


Not sure whom you ran into, but I honestly didn’t find New Yorkers excessively rude. They were busy, yes; but whenever I, a clueless toruist, needed a bit of help, the first person whom I asked always helped out even if he did glance at his watch first.


Jacob Dorn
Chicago has museums which rival all three of the ones you mentioned. Paris has a Statue of Liberty, so it's literally not unique


Charles Neilsen
Upvote for the trash. Our kids took us to a Broadway show, trash piled on the sidewalks, tacky.


Quora User
The trash is put out at the times scheduled for collection just as they do everywhere. If a tourist drove down your street on collection day and did not allow for that you would be surprised. I have worked and visited across NYC and Manhattan for decades including the “bad old days” and these comments do not reflect my experiences in NYC currently.


Dustin Jackson
“Like, lady… chill. I’m doing you a favor and making your job easier.”


Actually, this type of thing can really hurt low-skilled employees. I'm a college student working in fast food part time to pay my rent. If there's nothing to do, they send you home early to save on manpower. They schedule me for about 20 hours, but I usually only end up working 15 hours .

原创翻译:龙腾网 转载请注明出处

I'm not saying you should inconvenience yourself or anything, BUT there were times when I've been ticked that customers insist on cleaning up after themselves. Sure, it saves me from a few minutes of cleaning, but it also makes it really hard to stay busy because there's only so much shit to get done, and cleaning up after customers is literally my job.


That's why they might have gotten ticked off, at any rate.
It could also be that this means they'll have to circle back around later, which may be somewhat annoying.


Aaron Woodin
Im with you on the car horn thing. Im working in an office on eighth ave and the fucking honking is unceasing. Do these fucking idiot drivers really think their silly little noise making device is gonna motivate all of those vehicles? Do they really think the driver ahead of them is holding them up on purpose?


Peter Goggins
Contrast what you see in New York with a city such as Boston. I’ve always been impressed when I see how clean, organized and efficient Boston is compared to NYC. Everything about Boston seems to indicate that the city has energy and growth associated with it. New York on the other hand….I breathe a sigh of relief when I leave without any stab wounds.


ML Steel
Thumbs up from a Bostonian!! Awesome city with lots to see and do and fairly clean. People are cool too.


Kiki DeGroove
My daughter was there last summer and came back saying the exact same things that you’re saying. She said it was dirty, over-priced, and that everyone and she meant “everyone” was rude plus she said there was nothing there that was worth seeing. She said it was a lousy trip and she’d never go back. She was there visiting with her high schools theatre department. She did say the plays they saw at the theater were excellent so there was one redeeming factor at least.

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Margrit Eddy
I really feel sorry for such small town mentalities who don't bother to research and plan to take advantage of a fabulous opportunity. If you think there is nothing to see and only see the garbage you have a definite problem. Did you ever hear of all the bridges, parks like Central Park, the High Line, the Hudson River front, Liberty and Ellis islands, not even to mention all the famous buildings, museums and cultural venues. Chicago is provincial in comparison and so are most other US cities.


Kiki DeGroove
We live in one of the largest cities in California and have visited many other states within the US but my daughter has mainly spent a lot of time in Europe (especially Italy and France) and visits often.


So based upon her knowledge and exposure to so many cities and places so rich in history and with beauty unknown to other parts of the world ,I will believe her when she comes home from New York and tells me how trashy it was and how rude the people were, because she’s well-traveled and knows the difference.


Charlie Rand
I live near Washington, DC and feel EXACTLY the same way about NYC. Heck, we have better food AND weather with the bonus of the Smithsonian museums and government buildings to tour.


Mark Langer
You really needed a native to show you around. And think about it in reverse. A New Yorker would not know what to do in Chicago.


Nadzir Jamal
As someone who never attempted to make his way East of Nevada, spending most of my time in California, reading articles and other media similar to yours make me feel content with my decision.


John Smith
Great post. I especially like your point about how when you boil it down, there’s nothing that special about New York when it comes to things to see or do. People will say, “Oh, but NYC has great museums and art galleries!” Sure, but so does Chicago, Philadelphia, Toronto and a few other places in North America. “Oh, but they have the Empire State building!” Great. Another skyscraper. It’s been in movies. Who cares. “Oh, but there is such a ‘buzz’ to New York!” Buzz? OK, I guess 24/7 horn-honking and too many people crammed into a geographically small city is what constitutes “buzz.” … And aside from Central Park, there is little to no green-space in NYC, something virtually every other major city in North America or Europe does have.


Ashwin Dollar
Having actually lived in Chicago and visited Philadelphia and Toronto the Metropolitan Museum of Art’s collection dwarfs anything in those cities. Globally only the Louvre and Vatican are truly comparable. Central Park is also far from the only green space in the city. There are many city parks in New York City that are much larger.


Matthew Lewis
The closest I ever got to New York City is Liberty Island, which I guess is technically part of the city but hardly seems to qualify. Regardless, I was shocked at how rude all the employees were. The ferry staff acted like the paying customers were just a nuisance; to my extreme surprise even the security officers were overtly rude. It’s like basic human courtesy just went totally out the window. I can’t imagine what it must be like in the “city proper.” I’ve never been and definitely don’t plan to go. I’m used to treating people like human beings, and being treated like one in return. There are plenty of places I can spend my money with good-hearted people who will be happy to do business with me; there’s no need to fork it over to people who treat everyone like vermin.


Julie Slama
I keep wondering who is so busy/ rich that they simply hire a minder when their child is hospitalized.


Garrett Hastings
You seem to have missed a bit about NYC. Firstly, Chicago is far from perfect. The level of violence rivals NYC’s in the 80s.


Your “guess” about street vendor permits is incorrect. Yes, the city requires permits for a lot of stuff - because it’s a large city with huge infrastructure and supporting a significant portion of the national (and global) economy. Heck, the NY Stock Exchange owns, literally, the Chicago Stock Exchange.


The Chicago transit system is crap; it makes you go out of your way to get to your destination. NYC with some exceptions (always the ones my friends want to hang out in), goes pretty much everywhere. You might have to walk three blocks. NYC is a walking city, which is fine - it’s laid out in mostly numbered grid format. The transit system also brings you to other states, counties, and boroughs, which isn’t so much a thing in Chicago.


Chicago is 3 times the size (geographically) as NYC (and it sounds like you only checked out Manhattan, so you skipped 80% of the city). But the population is roughly the same. Yes, that causes things like garbage management problems - sorry we didn’t wipe your nose when you sneezed on the homeless guy.


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