2022-08-25 遐怪 6017
Ian De Pagie
Lugano, Switzerland
I had fallen asleep on the bus that brought me from the Milano Malpensa airport to the city. Instead of waking me when we arrived, the bus driver drove me back to the airport. And he made me pay for another ride.


When I eventually arrived at Lugano (again) I left my luggage at the hotel and went for a light breakfast. There were few people around. Being a weekday and mid morning, just what I’d expected. The coffee was reasonable, the sweet bun acceptable. I called the waitress who brought me an outrageous bill and walked off again. The receipt said 95 francs, close to 100 dollars. So I called the waitress to my table, explained I had a coffee and a sweet bun, so that could never add up to 95 francs. The lady at the counter intervened and told me it was not just a coffee and a sweet bun. Actually, she had forgotten to add that to the bill: six coffees, two cappuccinos, an apple cake and crepes. 95 plus 10 for my coffee and sweet bun. I explained I came alone and never ordered all that food. Table 6? Yes. Then you did order all that. Sorry. The waitress sheepishly said she didn’t remember. The manager came. He too insisted in me paying 105 francs. The few people in the café told me they did not want to be involved.


I paid the whole sum and went back to the hotel, knackered.


The key, a key-card, did not open the door. At the lobby a spotty youth controlled the computer. At least, he faked controlling it, and he was the worst actor ever. Two suited men came to stand next to me. Please walk along…


Apparently I had forgotten my bag in the corridor. So they called the police who called the army who called the secret services (that is not true, I made that up). Anyway, they had the bag removed and my key-card deactivated. All a mistake. Sorry, the early flight, the bus, you know. No problem, the suited people gave me the address where my bag could be recovered. The room, the spotty youth muttered, was alas no longer available. But it would be refunded.


A taxi brought me to the address and a mere 100 francs were charged for the bag-accident.

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I settled for the first hotel I found nearby. An over-priced viewless hotel room.


The afternoon meeting was very nice. The merchandiser, a jolly round fellow, offered me dinner. A very fine dinner indeed. We had a trifle too much to drink. He told me he was perfectly able to drive and I did not doubt that. He dropped me off at the hotel and disappeared in the dark night. Too late I realized I was at the wrong hotel, they one he had booked for me. With not a taxi to be found, I walked all the way back to the other hotel. Under cold, incessant rain.
Lugano, never again.


Stephen Morgan
Switzerland never ceases to disappoint and is still the same I think from your experience. I spent a lot of time travelling around Europe for pleasure and also business in the 80’s. Venturing into Switzerland without a company expense account was always a wallet draining experience and the level of service in hotels and eateries was always zero regardless of the number of stars.


I came to the conclusion that it was the vast expense of painting the grass so green and putting some dazzlingly white snow on top of every mountain and keeping the place so clean that made the locals charge any foreigner a fortune just for being there.


Switzerland is best experienced by looking at photos unless you want to get bankrupted. Interestingly my first encounter with Swiss hospitality was on the Orient Express in 1967 at age 10 when it was a non luxury trip. The Swiss dining car was hooked up and a most unappetising dinner served.


Yes no wonder no one ever invades the place as it might look pretty but is actually pretty shite.


Ian De Pagie
Thanks for the comment. Very funny indeed. Cheers

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Stephen Morgan
No problem, to be honest I always thought I was just unlucky with my experiences but now at age 63 I realise that yes it really is a pretty place and super clean but a real f*** up in terms of a country. The best thing that ever came out of the place was the ‘Sound of Music’ and Cuckoo clocks . Rolex was a UK based company that moved there to avoid tax so that high end stuff can be discounted.


Reno Hyde
so then what places do you actually recommend going to in europe?


I think this is too negative of an outlook of switzerland. The place is really expensive because it has so many rich people but the quality of the stuff is high. Swizz chocolate like lindot is very good. Sure you can get better or equal chocolate for cheaper in belgium but still very advanced country technology.


Stephen Morgan
I was not denigrating the quality of things in Switzerland merely pointing out the high prices for crappy service in hotels, bars and eateries. It needs to be experienced at first hand. Europe is very variable and each country has strengths and weaknesses as you would expect.


Roland Franzi
Do your know why all foreigners think that Switzerland is so expensive? There is just one reason: the Swiss Franc is highly overrated, because everybody wants Swiss Francs if things go bad somewhere in the world. And as Switzerland is small, it immediately pushes the Swiss Franc up. If you compare the average income of the Swiss with the cost of living, people are not even the best paid in the world! Average median income is currently a little over 6000 CHF, which is at least 3 times higher than in France or Germany. But as prices are also much higher, everything looks normal for Swiss. The problem is for the foreigners who come to Switzerland, because they have to buy very expensive local currency to get around.


Reno Hyde
I think it's just very expensive country in general that people will not be satisfied with what they get. What's your favorite places you've been to then?


Stephen Morgan
Well I moved from the UK to Poland in 2003 and never went back to the UK and became a Polish citizen. I think money really had only a small part in the decision, the main one being quality of life. Once I had learned the language it all fitted in like a well worn shoe.


Reno Hyde
quality of life is higher in poland?

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Stephen Morgan
Yes come and have a look if you dare!


hotel, 1.5 years ago while traveling through, and they still keep it safe for me. No extra charges. Great food, people, history everywhere, and shopping is cheap. I like the malls in Warsaw. Great movie theaters, cafes, Starbucks is better there than in USA. Very clean. Transportation works well, and the little retro trains are quite amazing. I will be there as soon as the borders reopen.


Ted Dus
AS for chocolate, you can get the same good quality in virtually every country of Europe, from Russia to Portugal. Swiss and Belgian chocolate are just more famous in the US, as far as I know, for unknown reasons.


Robert Constandse
Switzerland is expensive because salaries are high even for average workers . However medical insurance and medical expenses are high too i.e. the highest after the US. Many Swiss people go across the border to France and Germany for dental treatment.


Macleod Carre
I visited Switzerland once , arriving on the very luxurious Orient express in February and skied in Davos and St. Moritz. At the end of a week I took a train over the glaciers to Italy where I spent the next week . I kissed the ground in Italy and swore never , ever to return to freaking Switzerland. Boring, dull ,uptight and the skiing cannot compare to the American West . You can keep your damn watches.

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Richard Johnson
“I paid the whole sum, went back to the hotel, knackered.”
I would not have paid that bill under any circumstances. I would have gone Defcon4 first.


Ian De Pagie
I’ll keep it in mind


Richard Johnson
Everything in life comes down to a happy balance.
don’t be so british that you pay $100 for a muffin


Bob Ilori
“British “ has nothing to do with it!!..I can think of plenty of other words that would!!!..


Bob Ilori
There you go again!!..that reply sums up a lot of things!!.


Heinrich El Omari
The only way for them to get my money is to take my wallet from my dead inert body.


Simon Moore
I love Switzerland but the Swiss are something else entirely. The Swiss German in particular are so uptight, officious and anal they make the Germans look relaxed and easygoing. The Swiss Germans are to Germans as the Germans are to the Italians.


A couple of stories:
Got to a train station, checked the departures board. The train I wanted was leaving at 2pm on Platform 6. Next train was at 2:15pm. It was 1:57pm and I didn't feel like running. I bought a ticket and strolled through the underpass to platform 6.


On the 2:15pm train I presented my ticket to the (Swiss German) conductor. He started spluttering at me. “This ticket was bought at 1:58pm! You should be on the 2pm train!”
I told him I couldn't have possibly got from the ticket machine on Platform 1 to Platform 6 in under 2 minutes. He ignored me and kept repeating that I was in big trouble because my ticket was invalid. I told him this was not my problem. The ticket machine shouldn't be selling tickets if they aren't going to be honoured.


This went on for a couple more minutes. In the end he said he would let me off with a warning rather than a fine because I was a tourist so “didn't know the rules”.


Second story:
I was in Bern with two friends. We went to a cafe with a very nice outdoor area. We saw a table in a great spot overlooking the Aare river. Alas, only two chairs. I stop a waiter and ask him if he could bring a 3rd chair for us to this table.

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He stared at me like I had just hit him in the face with a fish. “NO! NO! You cannot have another chair! That is a 2 chair table! You cannot have 3 chairs at a 2 chair table!” (this is literally what he said)


I stared back at him, thinking surely this is a joke and soon he will smile, “just joking mate, I'll get you one". But nope. So I asked him where could we sit. He waved us over to the other end of the outdoor area. “The 3 chair tables are over there!” and with that he ran off like a scalded cat no doubt disturbed that a kiwi was entertaining such crazy insane thoughts of 3 chairs at a 2 chair table!


And yes, the 3 chair table was exactly the same size as the 2 chair table.


When I mentioned this to my uncle (who's Swiss French) he just sighed and said, “that's the Swiss Germans for you. They're even worse towards other Swiss.”


Richard Johnson
you should be ashamed of yourself for completely disrupting the operation of switzerland


Simon Moore
The Swiss Germans must hate us Antipodeans with our laissez faire ways. Just as they must hate travelling round NZ and Oz and seeing absolutely no rhyme, reason or structure to our cafes, restaurants and public transport. You want an extra chair? No problem!


Oded Ben-Josef
They probably dislike Israelis even more, then. I would just take an unused chair from a near table, without permission.


Yan Sing
This is the most entertaining thing I have read for a long time! and I thought some locals in Provence were unpleasant! I think I will make sure I don't venture into Switzerland unless absolutely necessary

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Don Gomez
You should not have anything to do with the Swiss legal system as an outsider. They make a travesty of the idea of justice.


Julien Thévenoz
What ?
The Swiss judicial system, a travesty ?
I’m a Swiss citizen and have never heard of such a thing. Sources please


Stephen Taylor
Aha. The famous Swiss clockwork.
Take me to Sicily, where things might at least be charmingly dysfunctional.


Ian De Pagie
Lugano is probably a perfectly normal city. If the same had happened in Brazzaville I’d have shrugged my shoulders and muttered something like ‘typical’. (cold rain in Brazzaville?! anyway, you get my drift, right)


Alex Dumitrescu
Lugano is pretty close to Italy though. Even the name of the city has an italian resonance.


Rachel Fefer
I’m sorry to hear you had all this happen during your brief stay. I lived in Switzerland (outside Fribourg) for 14 years and went to Lugano often both for business and pleasure.
It’s a gorgeous locale and I founds all the hotels and restaurants quite welcoming to visitors. I’m not denying you experienced this but it’s definitely not the norm.


Ian De Pagie
Dear Rachel, i guess it could have happened in whatever other city; the ‘Lugano, never again’ sentence could be rewritten as ‘once bitten, twice shy’. Swiss people are an interesting lot; no hard feeling towards them whatsoever


Rachel Fefer
No worries Ian. I know your answer wasn’t condemning the country as a whole. The Swiss can be odd, and anyone who travels has a story like this in one city or another. I had a horrific experience in Rome that has some similarities to yours - a rip-off taxi artist dropped me off in a giant roundabout, pointed vaguely saying my hotel was ‘over there’ (not even close), then I wandered around in the rain for an hour to find it, got there late, room cancelled, etc, etc - so I truly understand and empathize with your sentiments.


Linda Monique Muniz
Europeans complain about over the top customer service and tipping culture in the USA but stories like this completely baffle me.
Maybe it’s just me, but I’ve been to many restaurants in Europe and I always end up paying at least 50 euros for a less than basic meal for two. In the US, I can eat for 2 on a $30 delicious meal (guaranteed it will be good otherwise they can always replace your order, many times for free!) and always have leftovers for the next day. Plus a good service with a good meal make it a satisfying experience.
A small tip for a great service never breaks the bank, but for some reason, Europeans are beyond horrified that you have to tip yet you have occurrences such as these that are beyond perplexing to me.

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Dom Vaice
Eating out in Europe IS cheaper than the US, not even considering tips. Being charged for 6 cappuccinos when he only had a coffee might be a clue as to why it appears so expensive. It is absolutely horrible that this has happened the way it did, but he never should have accepted to pay and insisted on calling the police if the restaurant pushed it.


Richard Johnson
you cannot say it’s cheaper eating food in all of europe than all of the USA
come on
yeah, if you’re eating in a fine restaurant in New York City, it’s going to be nosebleed expensive, but not everywhere is like that


Bartolomeo Bresci
You’re right. Quite a number of inner-city Rome, Venice, Florence’ etc. restaurants etc. can be tourist traps, too, even for not-local Italians.
Just walk a little out of the famous, monumental areas, and look for a place where average ’natives’ go eating.


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