2022-08-26 辽阔天空 5853

Why do some smokers live long lives?


George Porter
Really good question and I have no idea.
I began smoking at 11 years of age and I still smoke about 30 rollies a day.
I am 75.
I have seen non-smokers die of lung cancer and non-drinkers die of cirrhosis of the liver.
Smoking did ruin my teeth and I get a bit puffy climbing stairs, but otherwise, I am still here.
Many smokers are also drinkers and I quit drinking nearly 50 years ago.
If you get a solid answer, let me know.
I wrote the above, two years ago. I am 77 in two months and nothing has changed. Still smoking about 20 a day.


Laura Thomas Boren
Both of my parents smoked. One lived to 87, the other to 83. My dad had finally quit in his mid to late-70s, so he didn’t smoke when he died. But my mom only stopped about 3 months before she died. And only because I had to take them away when she was moved from assisted living into a board and care home that just was entirely non-smoking.
You might wonder why I even bought cigarettes for the woman which I did up until that time.
Well, they were her last pleasure. She really didn’t smoke all that much the last few years of her life, but she did enjoy a cigarette after dinner and at that point, having lost a bunch of friends and family and . . . and . . . (you know the drill if you’ve had elderly parents), I just didn’t think it much mattered by then.
I even chided doctors who’d give her the “you need to quit smoking” routine. I’d challenge them and say, “what in the world does it matter NOW?” In fact I’d even go so far as to say that the stress of trying to quit smoking at that late point in her life would probably do more to shorten the last few weeks and months of it.


People, even doctors, can be really stupid about smoking cigarettes especially for the generation that my parents were in when so many people smoked. It’s like c’mon, it’s terrible, but we’re talking about someone who’s over 80 here.
So I just couldn’t say she had to go through one more stress (she had other health issues that led to her dying at 83 including some dementia and a long run with bipolar illness) until it became just untenable due to the home’s rules. By then her mind wasn’t entirely all there anyway, so the transition off them wasn’t horrible. It would have been so much worse had she been more cognizant.
Neither of my parents ever got cancer (which seems obvious, but I thought I’d state that for the record.)


So I think in both of their cases, it was genetics that was the primary reason they lived relatively long lives.
Second, except for smoking, my mom ate very healthy foods, exercised a lot when she was younger and generally took good care of herself. My dad, too, came from a generation where you had a pretty decent diet and even though both ate meat, they also always ate vegetables and fruit and mostly ate home cooked meals.
Basically, they didn’t eat junk foods or drink a lot.
So their absolute worst habit was their smoking.
Other than those two main factors - genetics and otherwise decent lifestyle habits, I have no idea how they both lived so darn long.
It’s weird, right?
Sadly, I also had a very good friend who was a smoker who died at age 56 from severe COPD. Not saying all smokers die this young, either, but you know, you figure they will die of some smoking related ailment like my friend. Yet neither of my parents had deaths attributed to direct smoking-related causes.
On the other side, I have a family member who died at age 71 of lung cancer - a non-smoker.
So the jury’s out on me - maybe I’ll get lung cancer or COPD having never smoked, too. Oh the irony of it all.


Yogesh Mawashm
Largely by abstinence: They don’t over-eat, they refrain from skydiving, and do not engage in high risk ocupations. Also avoiding buses: They don’t stand behind them, breathing diesel exhaust, neither do they step in front of them while in motion. They also don’t get in buses, where they will be exposed to the germ laden general public, or the point of a knife wielded by a member of the said general public. Another form of travel they avoid is guilt trips: They simply take no shit from paid service providers like doctors, whom they refer to as meat mechanics or soft pipe plumbers. Community involvement is promoted to maintain mental and physical health: Smokers have a more balanced outlook and are generally approachable, meaning they attract and maintain more friends . Stress management: Being so focused on trying to find somewhere to smoke without vilification, smokers seldom have time to worry about dying.


Chris Price
As far as I’m aware, most of the documented cases of those who have recently held the title of oldest person in the world were smokers. In some cases they smoked for around a hundred years.
Smoking kills, but it doesn’t kill everyone. Those with bullet proof genes can apparently survive anything.
The main value of bringing this up is the hilarious value of seeing some poor propaganda victim who has embraced a ridiculous cause forced to stammer and stutter as they somehow attempt to justify their position that smoking kills everyone or is extremely unhealthy for everyone, or whatever the flavour of the month is - combined with the fact they themselves shorten their own lifespans with virtually every decision they make, of course.
Basically it’s about the ridiculous hypocrisy people exhibit, especially zealots. It is just so tremendously funny.
The blowhards telling you that smoking is unhealthy choose to live in cities (lose 4 years of your lifespan compared to living up a mountainside and breathing pure air); watch TV and spend hours lazing on a sofa or in front of a computer (lose 2 years lifespan compared to those who aren’t couch potatoes); eat processed food from a supermarket (lose 3 years compared to someone who grows their own food); work in city jobs that involve sitting around doing nothing all day (lose 4 years compared to someone who works in a job that involves physical work); and they drive to work 2 miles instead of walking or cycling (lose 2 years compared to those who walk or cycle).


So, when you ask them why they will die at 81 instead of the 94 years they should by rights achieve, since they laze around all day breathing pollution and eating shit then drive home, all they can do is go “But… but… I… um… er…” and go bright red and walk away in a huff.
People are just so hilariously funny with their utter hypocrisy and zealotry that it is very, very difficult not to wind the silly pratts up for a laugh.
All life choices that city dwellers make reduce their lifespan, especially choosing to live in a centre of pollution in the first place. Live and let live, don’t start trying to control other people’s lives or you’ll become the worst possible expression of humanity: a ponced-up berk who should be taken out back and shot to save others having to listen to their cretinous bleating.
Smokers choose a shorter, happier life - just as you did, and just as you do every day - unless you are living up a mountainside and forage for your food. For god’s sake put a sock in it.

原创翻译:龙腾网 http://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

Tommy Seeker
I’m not a scientist or a doctor, so what I’m about to say is pure speculation only, please do not take this as advice of any kind.
I’ve always wondered about this phenomenon. I have a theory that some smokers who are in their older years and have smoked for a very long time, have accustomed their bodies to the chemical toxins in cigarettes and tobacco; to have almost built a psychological / physiological immunity to it, so much so that if perhaps they were to quit in their later years, they may indeed actually become ill.
It could also be pure luck. Some individuals are unfortunately predisposed to develop fatal health complications due to inherited DNA, so perhaps smoking can also trigger these things in those who do fall ill as a result of smoking.
Conversely, perhaps there are those who have healthy immune systems which are built like fortresses, allowing them to fight off the negative effects of the toxins found in tobacco.
I also speculate that environment could play a huge role in how a smoker is affected, such as the disposition of their mental state. What I mean by that is if an individual is predisposed to hypochondria, they may weaken their mind / body connection in being able to resist the effects of toxins within their bodies.
Pure speculation of course, but that’s what I think.


Marc Atkinson
Two sides to my answer. So my grandad lived till he was 92 & smoked from age of 11! 80 years he smoked was healthy never went hispital in his life. My dad his son is 78 still smokes. Now my nanny mum died in her late 50s breast cancer & she smoked. i vape now but my dad allowed me to smoke from when i was 11 he said i would do it anyway so why hide it!! Hopefully ive inherited my grandfather’s genes & live to my 90s im 54 now.


Michael J. McFadden
Actually, I think you’ll see more skinny smokers toddling along with their canes and a cigarette than you’ll see obese folks doing similar.
Walk by a senior center and count the number of smokers and then walk by one where smoking on the benches isn’t allowed
Still, you’ll get some overweight people who manage to keep chugging along.
It’s largely a matter of statistics and odds. Without smoking and drinking we’d probably see even more 80+ers out there. But our own eyes let us see that there are a lot of folks, by virtue of genetics and just the luck of life who’ve followed the path of enjoying themselves and still chugged along for a good while after some of the more puritanical ones have fallen.
On average, would we live longer and healthier if we didn’t smoke, drink, and eat too much sugar? Almost definitely. But it’s up to individuals to make those choices in their lives, and it should be up to them making those choices without being treated like lab rats and “shocked” by negative disincentives to conform their behavior patterns to the ones that others desire them to have.
We can explain the fact that many smokers live past 80 simply by “the luck of the draw.”
That’s life.


Samir K Barman
Your typo is interesting.
Why indeed do smokers leave the choice to live long and continue to smoke, which i have no answer to.
But why do some smokers live long?
Here is what i found on the web,
So why don’t all smokers get lung cancer? Several reasons. First, one needs to accumulate a lot of these mutations before the cell becomes cancerous. Secondly, for reasons we do not completely understand, some people seem to be more susceptible to getting mutations from these cancer-causing substances than others. Finally, our bodies are remarkably good at repairing the mutations when they do happen, so in many cases they never cause the cell to become cancerous.


Martin Hedington
Well, I smoked cigarettes from the age of 14 until two years ago when I was 65, then switched to vaping, so in my case, sixty seven years so far.
If however you’re looking for figures on average smokers longevity, you’d have to research that yourself. ‘A’ smoker is far too vague, that’s like asking how long is a ball of string.
For some people there are of course worse things than death, my father deliberately OD’d on painkillers at 78 (according to my mother) because he couldn’t face life with his feet amputated due to a lack of circulation from smoking.
He also suffered from chronic emphysema for his last ten years alive, couldn’t walk more than a few paces. That’s not a life, that’s a disability sentence.
He’d smoked for sixty years.


Tracy Kolenchuk
Living a long life is relative. When we see a smoker who is 80, or 90, we notice, because it's an anomaly. The heavier the smoker the more we notice the anomoly. When we notice an anomaly, we often think it's 'normal'.
It's normal for some people to die early, smoker or not. It's normal for some people to live longer than others, smoker or not. We don't typically notice people who have died - they are gone. We notice the people who are here.
Statistically, heavy smokers die about 10 years early. So a smoker who, if not smoking would have lived to 100, dies at 90, after living a long sickly life. And we wonder “how a smoker could live so long”. They didn't, they died ten years early.
When we see an aged smoker, we should ask “how healthy would they be if they didn't smoke”.


Max H Malcolm
She didn’t smoke cigarettes every day, she smoked a cigarette every day for 80 of her over a century lifespan. This puts her consumption higher than the common threshold for cancer/lung disease of 100,000 cigarettes.
There are multiple protective factors. The biggest one is genetic. I can think of at least one chain smoker who lived into his mid 80s and died from non smoking related causes: Kurt Vonnegut. The conclusion is that some people have genetics to resist the damage of heavy smoking and others do not.
Low exposure is a big thing here though. One cigarette a day is a pack in a little over two weeks. She also lived in France, which is famous internationally for low air pollution relative to the rest of the Western World. France was the first to completely separate power production from coal. The small amount of tobacco smoked amounts to less damage than a non smoker would get living less than five miles from a coal power plant.

有多种保护因素。最大的一个是基因。我能想到至少有一个老烟鬼活到80多岁,却死于与吸烟无关的原因:库尔特·冯内古特(Kurt Vonnegut)。结论是,有些人有抵御大量吸烟危害的基因,而有些人则没有。
原创翻译:龙腾网 http://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

There is something else she got from living in France; good healthcare. Many smokers in America are also poor, and in America that means only getting medical treatment in emergencies. There is also a much more secure and safe food supply in Europe. All of this means that her lifestyle would involve more access to healthcare and healthy food.
I’ve known multiple 90 year old men who smoked for 40–50 years. It just depends on what else they did during that time. Exercise, family support and many other factors can extend lifespan.
What Jeanne Calment shows is that you just don’t know for sure what your lifestyle decisions will result in. She didn’t set out to be one of the oldest human beings in history. She enjoyed her life and lived it to the full. That’s a good path whether you have a few or many years left on this planet.

Jeanne Calment的研究表明,你并不确定你的生活方式决定会导致什么结果。她并不打算成为历史上活得最久的人类之一。她享受她的生活,过得很充实。这是一条很好的人生轨迹,无论你在这个星球上还有几年或很多年的时间。

Michael J. McFadden
Sure. Statistically, smokers die on average several years sooner than nonsmokers. How much of that loss is due to smoking and how much is just from poorly accounted for confounders is uncertain though: there’s a lot of money riding on research results that please the “Tobacco Control” folks and their chest-full of gold from the annual MSA disbursements to “good” researchers.
Meanwhile, smokers tend to be somewhat more inclined toward risk-taking behaviors, and are thus more likely to have had varied experiences in ways that some people would consider to be part of “living life to its fullest.”
And finally, in terms of any individual, statistics out there pointing to one thing or another in life. There have been many, many smokers in the world who’ve lived a lot longer than many many nonsmokers. The reverse is certainly true as well, even somewhat more so, but the point is that for an individual… life is uncertain.
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