2022-08-28 辽阔天空 3883

Why do some smokers live long lives?


Eddo Reyes
For me smoking cigarettes was something I started to do because I was bored. I quit about 6 years ago but I do miss it. I miss it because of the feeling you get, like a cathartic feeling of stress going away (although it doesn’t, it’s just the nicotine). So yeah I was just dumb. All the same smoking lends itself to other opportunities. I’ve met many people just smoking because people walk up and ask for a cigarette or you can have a conversation with random people as you both enjoy a good smoke. More importantly for me, something I miss the most was the opportunity to excuse yourself from a room. Meeting your wife’s extended family? Go outside and smoke, you’ll be out of sight and out of mind. Need to take a drive? Excuse yourself and say you’re buying a pack of smokes. God I miss smoking, although physically I feel MUCH better. so I don’t regret quitting.


Luke Harrison
As a veteran, I think I’m qualified to answer this.
It’s because of the exercising they do. Exercising will not make you immune to cigarette related diseases. Even though you’re physically fit, you’re still a dying smoker like the rest of them.
Smoking affects everyone differently.
Some people can smoke a pack a day and run 2 miles in 13 minutes.
Some people can smoke less than a pack a day and be completely winded after a mile.
Soldiers do PT (Physical training) everyday (Mon-Fri) at 0630 until 0730 or sometimes 0800. After the work day, they go to the gym. No, it’s not about a soldier being young.
A smoker who runs 3 times a week will be ALWAYS be in better shape than a smoker that barely runs at all. Their lungs open up. But they are still damaged.
Cigarettes are a soldier’s best friend in the army. At the field or on the battlefield, they can help.
There are soldiers who smoke, and soldiers who don’t smoke.
Do I recommend smoking? No. It causes a lot of damage to your body. And it WILL affect you in the future…unless you quit. Quitting smoking, running, and drinking green tea will most definitely help heal you and eventually, greatly reduce your risk of smoking related diseases.
Just don’t do it.


Eileen M. Gormley
Possible? Yes, of course.
There are plenty of smokers who will never get lung cancer, or any other disease. And there are non-smokers who do get lung cancer. But statistically, smokers are more likely to get lung cancer and the other assorted diseases of smoking. But it’s not guaranteed.
I have a great aunt who smoked all the time, and she lived to be 92. But she was lucky enough to be from a long lived family, and to have enough money to make sure her health was never at risk.
It’s like wearing a seat belt. Can you not wear a seat belt and not be in a car crash? Absolutely. Does it reduce your chances of surviving a car crash? Yes.


Frank Oden
Yes, my grandmother smoked her whole life and died of natural causes at 96 years old. She never had cancer of any kind.
What she did have was eight children. Seven of them were smokers and all seven died of lung cancer or heart disease in their 50s and 60s, while she was still alive. Smoking didn’t kill my grandmother, but she had to watch it take the lives of all but one of her children.
Her one child who never smoked even one cigarette (my mother) lived to be 92 years old. She had several different types of cancer in her life (but never lung cancer), survived them all, as well as major back surgery and a broken hip in her 80’s, she died of Alzheimer’s in decent physical health for her age.
Point is, you can always find anecdotal examples of people who smoked and lived a long time, but it’s no guarantee that you can get away with it — even if you share the same DNA, you’ll be better off without smoking.


Iwan Prasetyo
when we are talking about smoking and death, it will come to cancer.. all the time…
well, let me explain. any cancers require these 3 conditions to develop:
good seed (your genes. check your parents and ancestors whether they had cancer)
good soil (your body supports for cancer development)
good climate (“bad habit”, such as smoking and drinking)
any numbers of statistics are something questionable about the method of data collection. when you visit any recent physicians and complaining about lung/heart, they will ask you whether you smoking or not. if you smoking, later when you dead, they will simply report “dead by smoking” +1. such a funny method of modern procedure of medical record. this method is commonly used in USA. how do you know/distinguish the cause of death between 2 persons who have died because of heart attack or lung cancer? sure, they died because of lung cancer or heart attack, but how do you know that it was because of smoking? a decision/statistic/conclusion based on assumption?
let me tell you, japan is a country which has quite high percentage of smokers. even higher than my country. but why the rate of the death because of heart attack and lung cancer here is higher than japan? if we agree to this premise “smoking then you die”, it should be japan has higher rate of the death than my country. aha…


if you have money, you have proper job, good environment, happy family, healthy relations, perfect life, then even you smoke everyday, it’s just fine and you will live longer. if you’re poor, eat once a day, can’t afford to buy any healthy food, broken home, unhealthy relations, crazy life, then even if you don’t smoke, probably you will die sooner.
life longer or die sooner is all about happiness. just don’t believe that junk science. if you want to smoke, just smoke. if you don’t want to smoke, then don’t. that’s it. don’t let such that anti smoking zealots make the decision for you. it’s your life, it’s your right. that’s freedom. choose whatever you want.
for me, smoking is just as safe as (or as dangerous as) beer, wine, vodka, whiskey, coffee, tea, or even sugar and water. if you consume them properly, you will get the good things and leave the bad things behind. if you over consume them, any of them, then the bad things will come around.
my grandpa is 97 by now, walk every morning, talk normally. smoking about 3–4 times a week.
my grandma is 86, smoking any cigars, walk every morning, talk normally. smokes anytime when my grandpa smoking.
my dad is 72, physician, play tennis. smoke twice a day.


my mom is 68, physician, smoking hoyo de monterey or romeo y julieta, play tennis. smoke once a day although sometime twice if she is in the mood.
i’m 38 now, pipe smoker, swim 100m in less than 1 min, running every morning about 3km with my 10 dogs. smoke 2–4 bowls a day.
what should i say? smoke properly, smoke with manner, then you will have all the good things and leave the bad things behind. if you smoke like locomotive all the time like junkies, of course, there will be some bad things come around you.
you can even die by drinking water too much. would you mind to say water is dangerous?
you can die by car accident on the road because you were drink whiskey with everclear (95% pure grain alcohol) shot. would you mind to say whiskey is dangerous?
some people could die because of cholesterol. would you mind to say beef, pork, crab, sea food are dangerous?
and… for the record. although we are all smokers, we are not addicted. we can traveling to australia and stay in sydney for 2 weeks which is quite difficult to find smoking area (even such radisson blue hotel doesn’t have any smoking area), and we didn’t bother for “searching smoking area” or purposely buy any cigars in aussie as all cigs and cigars in aussie are way too expensive, overpriced. we can live without smoking, but we choose for smoking when it is possible, we are in the mood, good occasion, good atmosphere. that’s it.


Nick Ball
Because even though smoking is very unhealthy dying an early death from smoking is not absolute, in fact very few things in life are actually absolute, There’s a saying that the only two things in life that are guaranteed are death, since everyone dies it is actually the only one true absolute , and taxes, which people actually do avoid paying taxes but it catches up to them eventually, so taxes are fairly guaranteed, but not necessarily absolute.
Also some people just have super bad ass genes, the same way some people are just skinny no matter what they eat, or barely have to shave, cosmic random happenstance brought together the best genetic specimensand that person just happened to chain smoke while they just happened to have super sturdy lungs or whatever let’s them survive where most would hack up a proverbial black lung.
So regardless of how terrible everyone says cigarettes are, or how much fear mongering you have heard about “the evils of smoking”, believe it or not, a super healthy muscular non-smoker can drop dead just as easily as an unhealthy obese chain-smoker can live in to their 90’s if their genes end up that way, it can(and does)happen, but also it is a rare occurrence, and statistically speaking I wouldn’t bet my life longevity on random cosmic happenstance, or the genetic freakishness that allows certain people to live long regardless of how they treat their bodies.


Liz Hilton
Two ideas enter my head in answer to your question.
The first is that you are addicted to the chemicals in the smoke of cigarettes - NOT nicotine. NOT NICOTINE. There are other chemicals and additives in cigarettes that make you have to have a cigarette because your body feels uncomfortable without them. So, when you do not have a cigarette you get the screaming heebeejeebees and that feeling makes you have a cigarette to get rid of that awful feeling.
I know the feeling. I smoked for 50 years. The difference between us is that I loved cigarettes and got great pleasure out of smoking.
So my second thought was to ask “do you hate cigarettes because everyone tells you they are terrible things, but really, in your heart, you love smoking?”
This is a very important question to ask yourself. Are cigarettes compensating you in some way for something that is missing in your life? Are they comforting you, relaxing you, helping your life in some way?
They really helped me - and some of the best moments of my life were with a cigarette.
The reason I ask this is because you need to figure this out before you try to quit.


If you ACTUALLY hate cigarettes, it should be easy to stop smoking in all the ways others have suggested in other answers here.
But if cigarettes are doing something more subtle in your life, and you actually love smoking, you need a bigger plan. You will have to contend with the grief quitting causes and the loss of pleasure. You must have a plan to fill your “holes”.
I could never do that. Eventually, and purely accidentally, I switched to vaping. I found it filled MY “holes”.
Vapers who vape nicotine don’t get the screaming heebeejeebees if they can’t vape which is why we can prove that it is NOT NICOTINE in a cigarette that addicts you to smoking! And smokers that switch to vaping find, in the beginning, although they are getting nicotine by vaping, vaping doesn’t satify them the way smoking did. However, once the other chemicals have left their bodies, the “addiction” fades away. To have a smoking addiction go away, you have to stay off smoking!
I wish you the best, and understand fully the inner anguish you are going through.
Thank you for the question.


Ray Schilling
Fact is that you cannot clean out your lungs. If you smoke, quit smoking. That is the most important step. But for those who never have smoked there is no way to clean out your lungs. Ex-smokers will notice some brownish phlegm come up every once in a while for several years after quitting. This is old tar from the cigarette smoke that is excreted by the mucous glands from the bronchial tubes and the smaller airways, called bronchioles. The remainder of the tar is visible on the surface of the lungs like a tattoo for the rest of your life.
When I was sectioning corpses as part of my anatomy training in medical school, you could see who had been a smoker and who was not.
The only thing you can do is to prevent inhaling cigarette smoke by becoming or staying a non-smoker. Also, avoid super-polluted areas of the planet like Beijing or Delhi as pollution also enters your lungs and stays there partially.
I have read so many misleading answers to this question. People are suggesting that hot steam inhalations would work cleaning the lungs out. They do not. You get rid of some secretions, but you are not removing the deposited tar on the lung surface, which is incorporated into the lung cells. Meditation, eating broccoli sprouts, green tea, eating a Mediterranean diet are also not removing the tar deposits from the pleural surface of the lungs. I agree that preventative steps like not smoking, stopping to smoke when you are still a smoker, will all be helpful in preventing further damage. But they do not remove the tar deposits from your lungs.

原创翻译:龙腾网 http://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

Nigel Lusby
Most medical professionals think that smokers should get their brains checked!
Why would anyone with even half a brain think it’s a good idea to deliberately breathe in smoke, let alone smoke loaded with one of the most poisonous substances known to man?
You work hard for hours & hours at your job, then take your hard earned wages & set fire to it- WTF!
If you walk through a cloud of smoke from a fire, what do you do? Cough, & cough & cough!
The very first time you tried a cigarette, what did you do? Cough, & cough & cough, & probably felt sick & threw up!
Your body was and still is trying to tell you something….. smoking is seriously bad for you!
If you could extract the all nicotine in an average pack of 20 cigarettes & directly inject it into your bloodstream, you will be dead in minutes, if not seconds, it is SO poisonous.


原创翻译:龙腾网 http://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

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