2022-08-30 碧波荡漾恒河水 17950

The Chinese J-20 fighter performed a rare flight demonstration recently, showing off its manoeuvrability for the first time after the 2021 China Airshow. As promised, I am sharing this video with you to analyse the latest flight demonstration.


Last year, the J-20 made a strong impression with a flight display at the China Airshow. The Chinese military actually claimed the flight was somewhat restricted, not revealing the full capacity of the J-20, but it was still exceptionally impressive, including a few post-stall manoeuvres, such as Tail Slide. This time, the J-20 demonstration is low-key, but it is still a very interesting flight demonstration worth investigating further. The latest demo of the J-20 was carried about at the Air Force Achievement airshow in northern China. It started with the landing gear down, low altitude, low speed flypast, including low speed turning at an angle. That is mainly to show the low speed stability and manoeuvrability of the aircraft, which is the basis of having great anti-stall performance.


The J-20 also did low speed turns, likely at an angle of 40 or 50 degrees. Some analysts believe that the speed is similar to the landing speed of the S-U-27 fighter. The speed and altitude have been maintained, proving the J-20 can be very stable even at such a low speed. While doing so, a few J-20 control surfaces were not deflecting. That is an indication of good stability design at low speed. When all surfaces are in action, the pilot would be able to complete much greater manoeuvres, for example, swiftly pointing the nose at the enemy direction, then locking on and firing a missile. Adding to that, the J-20’s two V tails deflect inward together, generating a positive lift. The static stability of the J-20 at this moment is negative. The two canards are level; they are not even needed in this maneuver. The main wing slats are also level. In summary, the J-20 definitely has an impressive statically unstable design. Therefore, when all the surfaces are in action, the J-20 can perform exceptionally high-maneuver moves.


The next thing the J-20 did was a small angle climb plus a half loop, an integration of multiple manoeuvers. The half loop is similar to some post stall manoeuvres and only takes 3 seconds to complete. That demonstrates how quickly the J-20 can change course. Next, the J-20 performed minimal radius turns. At last year's airshow, the J-20 did that, too. This part proves this much larger, heavier, stealthy fighter can make a turn as quickly as an F-16 fighter with an air combat payload. And the F-16 is well known for its world-class maneuverability. This is downright impressive.


This time, the J-20’s turning angle is around 80 degrees. The turn is steady, and the G force is roughly 6G. If we look at the angle of attack, control surface deflection, and engine thrust level indicated by nozzle status change, we can confirm that the J-20 is flying at an intermediate status and it matches the extreme performance of an F-16C fighter.


Keep in mind that the J-20 has not yet received its designated turbofan engine or vector thrust nozzle. When these two improvements are delivered to the future J-20 variant, the fighter can achieve even higher maneuverability.


The last part of the flight demo is a steep climb plus a high angle of attack roll. Some analysts point out that, observing the wingtip vortex, the J-20 is actually at a higher angle of attack when doing the climb and roll. Therefore, this is not just a basic climb and roll routine. If we look at these continuous screenshots of the flight, we can easily see that within less than 3 seconds, the J-20 has completed a 360-degree roll with a high angle of attack, and the nose direction of the J-20 has changed over 40 degrees per second. That is actually another proof of the J-20’s world-class post-stall manoeuvre capability. And this is why the J-20 pilot chose to perform this part; it tells everyone how great this fighter is.


Lastly, again, this routine is completed without a great turbofan engine similar to what the US F-22 has, and there is no vector thrust control involved. For many people, they can’t wait to see what the ultimate variant of the J-20 can do in a flight demonstration.


I wonder When’s the Ws19 engine coming - cool video though


WS-15. The WS-19 is a medium thrust engine for the J-XY. It should be within a few years (by 2025).


Ah right - the ws15 engine is solely for the j20


Hopefully soon, the west needs another reason why they shouldn’t interfere in Taiwan


is there a justification for the 2025 date? that's relatively soon.

2025年这个日期有合理的理由吗? 很快。

J-20 doesn't even need to maneuver exceptionally well. Because of it's huge range and weapons capacity compared to the smaller F-35, the main mission for the J-20 is to hunt and kill refueling planes and AWACS which the F-35 is dependent on, again due to it's smaller size, leading to less range (reliance on air re-fuelers) and reliance on AWACS for both sensing and battle-space control as America is fighting so far away from its borders. Kill those and the F-35 is crippled.

原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

That's the second line of defense. The first line of defense is killing the aircraft carriers and the airfields in US bases. The survival of us fighters choose to China is 0 and will remain 0 for years.

原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

J-20 doesn't even need to maneuver exceptionally well.
Yes, it does.


Because of it's huge range and weapons capacity compared to the smaller F-35, the main mission for the J-20 is to hunt and kill refueling planes and AWACS which the F-35 is dependent on
What if the US does something completely unpredictable and unforeseen like... defend those refueling tankers and AWACS?


Most air to air engagements these days will frankly be BVR (Beyond Visual Range)
It will be all over before fighters get anywhere close enough to 'dogfight'...ala Tom Cruise Maverick (Top Gun) Western fantasy.


The party therefore with the better sensors and missile range wins.
Currently China has longer range missiles for BVR.


Targeting is of course another issue.
With regard AWACS, the F35 can still perform its own AWACS and sharing of info but the range of its radar will be less than a dedicated AWAC system.


OTOH the key currently is ability to see other Stealth fighters and target them.
In the case of China, they have just demonstrated very long range Infrared sensors and Targeting (IRST) albeit work still to be done as it was preliminary.


Stealth fighters will still emit heat so the thinking is that they will not be able to evade this sort of system.
Coupled with very long range missiles, its a game changer.


And if the other side does not possess the same, its a lob sided victory (ala Israel v Syria Bekaa valley 82), air maneuver becomes good to have but moot.
The maneuver capability is a long view contingency just in case a near peer rival should catch up with China on Air to Air long range targeting and strike.


Ultimately, it is near impossible to evade missiles that can pull way more Gs.


Most air to air engagements these days will frankly be BVR (Beyond Visual Range)
The USA had that mentality going into the Vietnam War, which led them to remove the autocannon from the F-4 Phantom, relying only on missiles. If the missiles failed to hit the MiGs, they simply closed in for the kill, and all the F-4 could do was attempt to escape, since it was somewhat faster than the MiGs. They ended up adding an autocannon to the F-4 again.


Missiles can and do miss, especially with electronic warfare being a factor.


Stealth fighters will still emit heat so the thinking is that they will not be able to evade this sort of system.


"Stealth" fighters just mean you have trouble acquiring them with crappy old radars. You will still be able to track them using radio waves, beyond the horizon.


And if the other side does not possess the same, its a lob sided victory (ala Israel v Syria Bekaa valley 82), air maneuver becomes good to have but moot.
The superior air maneuver of MiGs in the Vietnam War meant that if the F-4 missed with its missiles and then failed to escape fast enough, it was stuck in a hopeless situation, which happened many, many times.


Ultimately, it is near impossible to evade missiles that can pull way more Gs.
It's actually relatively easy to evade missiles with EW countermeasures and quick maneuver.


sexy plane.


Highway to the taiwan zone


Copium before Changchun airshow:
Lol J-20 turns like a truck. It will never win in a dog fight against the f-22.
Copium after Changchun airshow:
Supermaneuverability is useless in modern air combat. It's all about BVR


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