这些美国年轻人为了在Tik Tok上成名舍弃了大学教育
2022-09-03 达tothe洋 13541

这些美国年轻人为了在Tik Tok上成名舍弃了大学教育

I'm glad these people are doing what they love. I'm equally as glad that I don't need to worry about them coming for my job in 15 years.


David Lee
Hopefully outsourcing and automation won't take your job either.


You're probably going to be working for them tho


George Orwell
Don’t have to pay for their student loans either!


@rgr010 in 15 years most of these people are going to be as irrelavent as millenials are now

@rgr010 这些人中的大多数都将在15年内变得无关紧要,正如现在的千禧一代。

No one is gunning for your forklift or manufacturing job bro.


u guys are all salty


H Blackburn
I've always thought the same thing. Even Youtubers, I mean there's no longevity in this. At least my crappy 15/hour job I can keep for as long as I want. These "influencers" once they are out of their early 20s, their audience will also have grown up and they'll become irrelevant. That's if TikTok is still around in 10 years. Apps come and go all the time, look at Vine.

原创翻译:龙腾网 http://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

In 15 years you'll still be breaking your you know what to make a living while they'll be retired on their estates.

原创翻译:龙腾网 http://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

Alien Zord Falcon
You’re right, especially since AI will take your job WAY sooner.


I truly feel bad for the millions of kids now days who spend their free time watching other people's lives on a screen instead of going out and living their own

原创翻译:龙腾网 http://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

Watchu watching rn


Aena 5
Damn I m offended


Depressing future


It gives young people something to do. If school shooters were making TikToks instead of shooting people, this country would be better off


Gameplay Daddy
So many young kids/pre teens are like this. Even in my family. It’s so fuckin sad to see them literally waste their childhood.


VectorAlpha ���
I'm so glad I was born and grew up in the 90s. I could not imagine having these kids mindsets.

原创翻译:龙腾网 http://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

Peachy Queenie
I'm even happier I was born in the mid 1950s. I look at my son and adult grandkids and although they have their degrees and make money legally but something's just off about them especially my grandkids. I think the last generation with a soul was kids born in the 1970s.


Michail S
But you know, we did all sorts of absolutely disturbing stuff in the 90s. Also it was way more dangerous, as a boy in a traditional masculine environment of the 90s, I had to fight all the time and prove that I'm strong, accept any challenge, even if it was dangerous for me etc. Everything had it's pro and cons.

原创翻译:龙腾网 http://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

Kevin Zi-Xiao He
The word "influencer" exists because these people cannot pinpoint their skill or contribution to society. If they could, they would be called writers, painters, architects, composers, filmmakers, scientists, professors, doctors - i. e. the people who actually influence the world and better the life of mankind.


“Content Creator” and “Entertainer” could also be used though. At least today, serving free entertainment to people is greatly appreciated and is just like creating a TV show.. Sure a lot of it is garbage, but they still can contribute in SOME way


I'm gonna be honest, I think this is the worst possible decision a young adult could make. You are placing your livelihood, your basic needs, in the hands of an uncontrollable algorithm. You may argue, "Well, YouTubers do basically the same thing, how is that any different?" With Youtube being longform content, creators cultivate and nurture their own community. If Youtube somehow crashes or shuts down or changes, these creators can very well move to another platform while maintaining the same audience base. With this type of "content", you are making nothing of your own. None of your own dances, songs, even showing off your personality. No community is created around who you are besides maybe your looks, which will fade with time. What are these kids going to do when they're 27 and start to get wrinkles? What are they going to do when the advertisers at TikTok and their marketing teams refresh the platform, and change the algorithm to suit longform content, or original creation? This lacks foresight entirely, and is a decision that could only be made by those who are doomed to never fully mature.


abigal gelin
Honestly this is actually a huge opportunity for all of them to make some money ,get a financial adviser,learn how to invest it and open other work opportunities if they use their platform wisely and responsibly . This is not necessarily A bad thing.


They are finessing other peoples attention for money, the real losers are all the people consuming TikTok


fea ww
Kudos to the interviewer for being non judgmental and asking the right questions. It felt more like a dad being genuinely curious about what his kids are doing which was refreshing to see

原创翻译:龙腾网 http://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

as a teen who’s on tiktok a lot, it’s so bizarre seeing them actually plan out such simple videos

原创翻译:龙腾网 http://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

I don't blame these influencers. I blame the society that made this possible. All we did was create another avenue for people to become rich and famous. Tbh, they're no different than Hollywood elites but they have the ability to reach out to our youth and influence their career paths.

原创翻译:龙腾网 http://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

Alice Rama
Being a TikToker doesn’t mean that you shouldn’t get an education. There are a lot of Youtubers and TikTokers who go to college and still do what they love. Honestly, I’ll be happy for these people if they will never have to look for a job and will be able to live off of TikTok. But what I’ve learned is, you always need another plan to rely on. And getting an education, doesn’t only mean becoming an adult, it also means experiencing and learning what the world has to offer. It means being given the tools to create and shape our future who will one day be the future of the world. It means having the opportunity to do something big one day, and no one says you can’t be a TikToker at the same time.

原创翻译:龙腾网 http://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

Jason H Tran
As a young person, it's good to know that they are doing what they seem to be interested in and making a huge amount of money at this young age, for now. It's totally their personal decision, and nobody should judge them for that as long as it's not illegal. At the end of the day, they are the ones that will be fully responsible for their own action consequences. For those who are parents out there, social media nowadays is filled with a mixed bag of social trends, most of them are just misleading and shallow without any meaningful educational premise imo. Therefore, family connection and education should be exceedingly emphasized to effectively and timely counteract any bad consequences that might potentially be imposed on kids by the so-called "influencers."


Leighton Knight
I’m not into TikTok but from what I’ve seen, the best content is from people who have careers and share their skills on the platform, like cobblers, or chefs. I’ve never understood the appeal of generic people just being good looking and making posts of themselves…existing…


Rahul Raj
I'm worried for people who are getting influenced by these influencers


Don't worry bro.. tik tok is banned in India...


But all these so called influencers shifted to Instagram Reels.

然后那些所谓的网红都转移到Instagram Reels上去了。

Jake C
Honestly, they're choosing this over student loan debt and college, I can't say I blame them.


Z avla
When i was a young and teenager, i was riding bikes, playing basketball and other street games with my friends, personal conversations with my friends, adults and elderly in our community.. it is just so sad how social media influenced the kids today.. it seems like they are more superficial and materialistic..some kids today have depression.. too much pressure from society and social media.. hope there will come a time they realize that their value and worth is not base on the likes of people they don’t even know..


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