2022-09-05 yjl0518 7640

Sue Dreamwalker
Thank you Mabel, all we can do is try our best. and great that you enjoy cooking.. My husband is also a great cook.. So I often let him loose in the kitchen.. He is a tidy cook too, now that in itself is a bonus..


Mabel Kwong
Try our best, hope for the best, hope it will work out for the best. You got a very good catch there, one who cooks and cleans. He’s such a keeper and quite right you’ve kept him all these years


Now I’m really looking forward to future trips so I can try more types of food. Your photos are gorgeous too.


Mabel Kwong
Thanks, Sandy. The more you travel, the more you can try and eat. So book that next trip


Sreejith Nair
Reading the whole post, what I could understand is how closely Indian and Chinese cultures are matched as far as food and dining habits are concerned.
Now a days, there is a tendency to foolishly mimic the western style of food and dining habits, which started causing lot of health issues here in India.
How people eat and what they eat is very much related to the place they live in, the climatic conditions and what’s available to them locally, right?
I like experimenting all different food over weekends from restaurants of different style but try to stick to our traditional food habits as much as possible.
Images in this post are irresistible and thank god, I read it after my heavy dinner, rice and fish.


Mabel Kwong
True, Indian and Chinese dining habits can be similar, in that both cultures tend to share food and eat together.
Very sharp of you to notice some Asian cultures like Indian culture imitating Western food styles. For instance, fried foods are becoming so popular these days… Definite, what we eat depends on where we live and the climactic conditions, and how much we can afford. Sounds like you like to eat well and appreciate the different dishes around you
I had so much fun taking some of these images…and even more fun cooking some of these dishes


Hugh's Views and News
What I liked most about this post is that I learnt so much from it. Placing knives and folks upside down to invite spirits to dine with you is comply new to me. I’ve never heard that before. I love the thought of peanut soup, and also those custard tarts, too. I do agree that Asian desserts are sweeter than western desserts. As a big fan of desserts, I usually avoid a starter before the main course, but I know many that prefer a starter to a dessert. I usually miss out on dessert because of this, as most seem to go for a starter, and I dislike eating dessert alone.
I do like eating with just my fingers, especially fish and chips. For some reason, it seems to make the food taste better.


Mabel Kwong
Thanks so much for reading and reflecting, Hugh. Peanut soup is hard to make – there’s a technique to it to not make the soup curdle and turn hard. I should learn to make it and tell all of you the recipe.
Such an interesting observation, that many prefer a starter over a dessert. I think that’s very true, but I wonder why. To be honest, if I had dessert I wouldn’t mind eating dessert as an entire meal


Hugh's Views and News
Yes, please, share that recipe with us, Mabel. I have Peanut Crunch for my breakfast every morning during the summer months, and I love bars of peanut brittle. Can you tell I’m a fan of peanuts?
Like you, I could easily have a dessert as a main, but oh all those calories. Still, who’s counting?


Mabel Kwong
It does sound like you love peanuts very much, Hugh. Happy to treat you to a peanut and peanut butter coated sundae if we ever meet
I think dessert as a main once in a while is perfectly okay


Vashti Q
Hi Mabel! You made me hungry with those great pictures and mentions of food. Growing up we didn’t have any drinks with our food because it was believed to interfere with digestion. We could drink water or juice an hour after eating. Also, if the food was cooked it had to be served hot (like soup, rice or meat) but if the food was prepared (like yogurt, peanut butter & jelly sandwich) then it’s okay to serve cold. Very interesting post!


Mabel Kwong
So interesting to hear that growing up you didn’t have drinks with food. Without drink, in a way you learn to focus on food and savour what we eat. Cold foods like the spreads you describe there can often be served with warm foods – like toasted peanut butter and jelly sandwiches. Thank you so much for stopping by, Vashti


Somali K Chakrabarti
This is such an interesting post on food and you’ve so rightly pointed out that food habits of people in different places reflect the virtues valued in the culture. The practice of sharing three or four dishes with rice or flatbread is common in Asian cultures, as it is supposed to make a balanced meal but ordering for individual dishes is prent in western cultures that place a high emphasis on individual choice.
When we go out to dine, we generally have a combination of one or two shared dishes and one individual dish. At home, I love to have conversations while eating while others prefer to watch the TV.


Mabel Kwong
Sharing food is really so common in Asian cultures…it would be strange not to share a meal together or at least try something from someone’s dish From your experience eating out, Asian cultures might be more keen on ordering individual dishes and also sharing dishes at the same time. Everyone gets their own share, and more as well


Somali K Chakrabarti
That’s like striking a balance between having food of one’s individual choice as well as appreciating common choices and sharing those.

原创翻译:龙腾网 http://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

Mabel Kwong
Sharing food is always a lovely moment


We usually eat everything from Aslan to Western food. I usually cook at home and I cook different food every night, from Thai, Japanese, Chinese, western, etc. When we travel mostly we try to eat local food and experience the difference flavour. When we come back home I try to cook the food we have eaten while travel:)


Mabel Kwong
Sounds like you are quite a cook, cooking quite a few dishes! Always nice try local food when you are traveling – something different and you might find a new food you’ll want to eat again and again


Yeah…. cooking and baking are kind of relaxation to me. When I cook, I forget everything and just enjoy to be in the kitchen. But I am not good at cleaning house, ha..ha.. I wish you a great weekend.


Ali Grimshaw
Mabel, this was an interesting and reflective article. I admire the a Chinese value of sitting at a round table and sharing all of the dishes served. I like the way this creates community and participation of all. I always learn something new from you.
Although I have grown up and lived by whole life in the U.S., my favorite food is in the Asian category. I love pho, salad rolls, and spicy stir fried veggies. I have always disliked hamburgers.
I think that food is a great way to bring people together. Thanks for another great share.


Mabel Kwong
Thanks, Ali. There is certainly an emphasis on being together when it comes to eating in Chinese culture. So lovely to hear you are a fan of Asian, and you don’t like hamburgers I guess each to their own Hope you get to eat more delicious Chinese and Asian cuisine in the future.


What a fascinating post, Mabel. I used to enjoy both but after getting a parasite in Egypt, my tummy prefers blander food. I am a healthy eater but I really enjoy a bowl of carrots with butter, salt and pepper.


Mabel Kwong
Sorry to hear about the parasite you caught in Egypt. When in doubt, bland food can be the safe option. Or hot foot. Your simple bowl of carrots, butter, salt and pepper does sound enticing


Bette A. Stevens
I enjoy both Eastern and Western cuisine… Good food brings people of all cultures together and that’s a plus no matter where we live or what we eat!


Mabel Kwong
You said it,. Good food brings people of all cultures together. Everyone can bring a dish of food they grew up eating and it will be such a delicious feast.


Cheryl, Gulf Coast Poet
What a beautiful and interesting post, Mable! I love Chinese, Vietnamese, and Thai cuisine. I am a huge fan of Peiking duck and dim sum! I also enjoy western-style foods, especially Italian pasta dishes and American barbeque. When I was younger, I used to cook very complicated Asian dishes at home. Nowadays, due to age and health issues, we eat mostly very simple, healthy food: low-carb, lots of salads and vegetables, healthy fats, moderate amounts of protein, and small servings of fruit.


Mabel Kwong
Thank you for your lovely words, Cheryl. Sounds like you like your food, and know your food too. It’s great you know how to cook Asian dishes, and I bet they were delicious. Health is important and that’s very sensible of you to have a healthy diet these days


Initially looking for explanatory material on the way that Americans eat food and/or use their cutlery, as opposed to (Western) Europeans.
Anyway, when I spotted this topic on Eastern vs Western eating-habits, I was immediately drawn. Being bi-racial (or even ‘tri-racial’, since my dad was bi-racial too, ie, French-Indonesian), the mention of using fork&spoon or hands, is so very familiar!
To this day I cannot eat anything oriental without using a fork and a spoon, it feels almost compulsive. It’s also so much easier bc these dishes often have a rice component, pretty much by default, so trying to eat rice using a fork? I think I’d starve before the end of finishing my meal! Dutch people usually recognize this use, and say “Oh, that’s how Indonesian people eat, right?” I also loved eating with my hands whenever I was with my Eastern granny (my dad’s mom), but there has to be rice that’s a little sticky, so you can ‘squeeze’ little portions and don’t lose it it on the way to your mouth.
Chopsticks? I have them, a drawer full, but -for me- it’s a matter of the type of food, I’m nowhere near effortless chop-stick use.
It does require regular practice, but my hands are often stiff due to joint inflammation, but I will never give up.


Mabel Kwong
Thanks for stopping by, Jeanette. It’s so interesting how different people and countries eat – and use their cutlery as you mentioned. Some cultures do eat with their hand and there’s an art to that, which I find a fascinating practice. That’s interesting to hear you eat with your hand when you eat with your Granny.
You bring up a good point there. I agree certain foods probably are eaten best with certain cutlery. For instance, you can probably use chopsticks to eat any dish, even eating pizza with chopsticks – but using your hand to eat pizza would probably be the easiest. Hope you had a good weekend.


Great post, Mabel. I’m grateful that I grew up using chopsticks and had sufficient hand strength that when I was out with friends I could cut a steak with chopsticks. These days, I like to cook with chopsticks, even something like scrambled eggs.
Living alone, I confess, there are times when fingers get used more often than is proper. I would never do it in the presence of others.


Mabel Kwong
That impressive, Gaz, to be able to cut steak with chopsticks. It is convenient to use chopsticks. As you said, you can swirl scrambled eggs with it. You can also pick up bits of food to taste as you go.


Whenever I cook chicken thighs and wings I eat with my fingers too. Lamb cutlets are handled like lollipops


Mabel Kwong
Eating chunks and hunks of meat with hands is probably the fastest and easiest way to eat them. Lamb cutlets like lollipops? You make them sound very delicious…but I still prefer chicken

原创翻译:龙腾网 http://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

Great post my friend! There are so many dining differences between Eastern and Western culture. I have always found it very sensible that hot beverages are served with meals instead of cold. It is so much better for the digestive system. I also love the idea of sharing meals. It creates a more intimate, inclusive setting. It makes me miss our dumpling dates! I unfortunately am very unskilled at using chopsticks. Even if I hold the bowl close, I am so clumsy I cannot seem to grasp the food. I guess practice makes perfect though!

原创翻译:龙腾网 http://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

Mabel Kwong
It is lovely to hear you prefer warm beverages with meals! For the longest time I thought I was the odd one out since everyone likes to have a cold juice or soft drink with their meals lol. Holding chopsticks depends on practice and skill, but sometimes also how a person’s hand is shaped.


Oh, you’re way better than me, Mabel. I almost never use chopsticks even if I’m in Chinese restaurants – unless I’m eating a noodle dish kwan loh. I still find it hard to control it (or maybe I haven’t mastered the technique yet).
I reckon the reason why we have so many dishes that are served hot (rather than cold) in Asian cuisine is because of the belief that too much cold food would wreak havoc on our digestive system. Or something along those lines. Not to mention, most Western dishes involve the use of butter in the cooking too. I’ll still order something warm/hot when I’m having a Western dish – which makes it difficult to dine in a Western restaurant/cafe cause that leaves me with the limited options of coffee, tea, or warm water. Or the occasional lemon tea.
As for me, I prefer a mixture of both Asian and Western dishes. While I don’t mind the occasional consumption of steak and potatoes, I can’t foresee myself having it on a daily basis. It goes the same with stir-fried vegetables, Asian style.

原创翻译:龙腾网 http://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

Mabel Kwong
I actually thought you’d be more confident than me with chopsticks. Though I feel confident with chopsticks, some have remarked that I hold my chopsticks awkwardly :/ How I hold the chopsticks feels comfortable to me, but looking closely the thumb doesn’t bend that right because of how it is shaped.
There is definitely that idea floating around cold dishes make the body cold and that will make us sick – like how when the weather it’s cold we might be more prone to catching a cold. It is interesting to note butter is common in Western cooking and I read somewhere it brings out the flavour of food. Then again, butter is a kind of fat and fats are known to be tastier lol.
As the saying goes, variety is the spice of life. Eating one kind of dish or cuisine can get boring after a while. Sometimes you just got to mix it up.


I know my way around chopsticks to eat rice from a bowl, but using it to eat noodles from a soup dish is rather difficult. I guess I’ve been lucky that no one has commented on how I hold my chopsticks, lol.
The last Western dish I had, the sauce had butter mixed with white wine. You would probably laugh, but I licked the plate clean, ahaha.


Mabel Kwong
Eating soup noodles with chopsticks can be so hard, agree with you on that. The noodles can easily slip between the chopsticks and back into the bowl, whether the noodles are thick or thin.
Actually I have heard white wine goes well with butter. Hope you get to eat that dish again

原创翻译:龙腾网 http://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

which is why I use forks and spoons nowadays. It is more convenient and prevents the soup from spilling everywhere, aha.
My campus is close to the restaurant that serves the sauce cooked in butter and white wine. It just depends if and when I want to eat there again.


Mabel Kwong
You are right. The soup can splash about if the noodles slip from the chopstick and fall back into the bowl. I’ve been guilty of that, and when my parents see they will give me a kind of rude look lol.


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