2022-09-08 jiangye111 6116
Animal Rebellion activists vow to disrupt UK milk supplies
-Vegan protesters aim to block supermarkets this month and stop millions of people from buying milk


(Animal Rebellion said it would take action at supermarkets in five UK cities on Saturday by blocking shoppers from reaching milk and dairy aisles.)


Vegan activists have vowed to cause massive disruption to the UK’s milk supplies this month, as they demand the government supports a transition to a “plant-based food system” and rewild land used for animal pasture.


Animal Rebellion, an offshoot of Extinction Rebellion that focuses on the environmental harms of animal agriculture, claims it has hundreds of supporters willing to be arrested and go to prison for taking direct action.


The group also said it would take action at supermarkets in five UK cities on Saturday by blocking shoppers from reaching milk and dairy aisles.


In a statement, the group said “millions of consumers will be unable to buy dairy milk” once it begins taking action in the first two weeks of September.


“We have spent months trying all the proper channels to engage with the government on the scientific consensus to transition to a plant-based future, but they have chosen to ignore us,” Animal Rebellion’s statement said. “We have been left with no choice but to step into civil resistance to pressure government action to preserve our futures.

原创翻译:龙腾网 http://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

“We are announcing our intentions in advance so the British public [can] prepare for a disruption to the milk supply this September. We apologise for any stress this may cause during a cost of living crisis, but the government are sleepwalking every single one of us into poverty, misery, and climate and ecological collapse. We cannot sit by and let this happen.”


Animal Rebellion is known for its blockade-style tactics, having previously prevented access to McDonald’s distribution centres, factories and restaurants, the UK’s biggest dairy, and London’s last remaining abattoir.


So far this year, activists from the group have disrupted the trooping the colour ceremony at the Queen’s platinum jubilee celebrations, invaded the track at the Epsom derby horse race, and emptied milk bottles on to the floor in the food hall at Harrods department store in London.


The group says it has raised more than £40,000 to support its campaign against milk supplies, but expects to receive more donations once the actions begin.


Many of Animal Rebellion’s supporters and organisers have had key roles in other environmental campaigns, including Extinction Rebellion and Just Stop Oil.


In a press conference on Wednesday, the group said it was opposed to all animal agriculture but was targeting milk because it was “the weak lix in the animal farming industry”. One in three households were already switching to non-dairy milks, while dairy farmers were among the most hard-pressed of all agricultural businesses, activists said. But, most importantly, milk had the shortest shelf-life of all potential targets.


Arla, the UK’s largest dairy processor, declined to comment on the threatened protests.


Dr Judith Bryans, the chief executive of Dairy UK, said: “It’s difficult to comment upfront before any events take place, but we are very disappointed at Animal Rebellion’s planned action, which could cause totally unnecessary disruption for businesses and consumers and is unhelpful during a cost of living crisis. We’d urge them to rethink their actions.”


I will still buy the same amount of milk regardless but possibly some milk will go past it's sell by date due to disruptions which means we'll need even more milk to cover the loss.
None of this will change the habits of millions of people to any noticeable degree as the past has shown, so maybe just stop pissing people off to get noticed, hasn't gone too well for militant vegans or the eco numpties. Nobody supports those narcissistic, power hungry sad sacks because they're annoying people, not educating.


To be honest, this makes me want to go to a supermarket on saturday and buy more milk just to spite them


None of this will change the habits of millions of people to any noticeable degree as the past has shown
I couldn't say exactly why - but there's a fuck tonne more vegans and veggies than there were even 10 years ago.
Maybe some of this stuff does raise awareness after all?


OK. Can they please explain to my autistic 4 year old why she can no longer have many of the foods she relies on? Switching her to soya milk isn't something I can just do overnight. She's tried it and said it's slimy. I've tried it and she's right. If we were going to switch to a milk alternative, we would have to have one that shares the same nutrition in terms of calcium, protein and calories. It would also have to have the same texture and taste as milk.
Nothing like that exists, so therefore I'm not going to stop buying milk.


I feel like protesting's biggest issue atm is a massive oversaturation of causes and the inability to unite over one. We've had dozens of small environmental protester groups in the last couple years but none of them seem to have a concise message about what they want; some want insulation, some want renewable energy, some want plant based food prioritised, and their methods have done little to settle the divide on the issue. We've protested against lockdown restrictions, against vaccines, against HS2, the war in Ukraine (arguably the most united people have been on an issue in recent times), against the government and their parties or controversies, dozens of strikes protesting the cost of living crisis (and wages not going up to match) and loads of other small protests such as the removal of a controversial statue. Everyone you ask has a different answer to what our biggest problem is.
We can't unite under a single issue and the government, corporations and the media know it, so they continue to play their games content that their pawns are still just scattered non-threatening inanimate game pieces.


I just have a genuine question: do people like these animal rebellion activists understand or realise that the production of plant-based milk (like almond in particular) also relies heavily on industrial farming and can cause damage to the environment too?
Of course, it is cruel to keep cows in captivity to just use them to produce milk for humans consumption, which is an argument I can get behind and understand the cruelty of it, but what about the environmental impact of almond, coconut, hazelnut etc. farming? I’ve read it somewhere that almond farming might actually consume much more water and resources from the useable agricultural land. (I can be wrong, or I remember it wrong, please understand that I am genuinely trying to educate myself on this topic).
I admit that I’m not very educated and well-informed on this topic, so I am hoping someone who knows more can share some insights into it.


The environmental impact of plant based milks is tiny compared to cow's milk, especially when you consider the amount of crops that must be grown just to feed the cow over its lifetime.
This website shows a good visual comparison between cows milk and different plant milks.
You'll see that even though almond is by far the most environmentally damaging of all the plant milks, it is still nothing compared to cow's milk.

原创翻译:龙腾网 http://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

Thank you for sharing your knowledge and information. I appreciate that.
After posting my first comment, I realised too that I overlooked the fact that plant-based milk still has significantly much less environmental impacts compared to animal milk production. But that's the comparison based on current market demand and consumption of plant-based milk...? If plant-based milk continues to get more and more popular, wouldn't that cause the environmental impact to increase significantly too?


Those figures and graphs are based on producing 1 litre of each milk, if supply increases it doesn't change the environmental impact of producing 1 litre. Every person switching from cow's milk to a plant milk is drastically reducing the environmental impact of that purchase.


My understanding is that almond is the worst of the plant based milks (by a pretty long shot), but is considerably more environmentally friendly than dairy.
Personally, I don’t get the hype over almond milk. Soya is cheaper and a good source of protein, oat has a creamier texture, cashew tastes of nothing so doesn’t really flavor things, coconut is really thin but has an okay flavour… but almond is just meh.


I don’t get the hype for almond milk, either. I’m from east Asia, where soya milk is like a daily breakfast beverage, and it’s widely available. Many people prefer soya milk as well because milk can be expensive or of bad quality. Not to mention that around 90% of East Asian people are lactose-intolerant.
After I came to live in London, I tried different kinds of milk to go with my cuppa, and I decided that oat milk gives the tea a way smoother texture and tones down the bitterness of the tea (thus, less or no sugar is needed).
I'm neutral when it comes to coconut milk. However, just thinking from the top of my head, isn't the coconut farming industry known for causing environmental damages and worse labour conditions in the places where they're cultivated? I am thinking mainly of South East Asia. I don't know where the coconut from the coconut milk sold in the UK is from, though...


I’m not too sure about coconut milk. I usually have soya milk (mainly because it’s 55p per litre in Tesco), or oat when I’m out as more of a treat, and I think both of those are comparatively okay for the environment.


These people are classist, ableist, stupid fucks. Not only do they ignore that vegan versions of dairy products are inherently more expensive, they refuse to acknowledge that there are disabled people out there who cannot eat a vegan or vegetarian diet because of their disabilities. Not to mention the simple fact that, you know, people deserve a choice in their diet.
In fact, I'm sure plenty of us would be happy to go as plant-based as we're able to if these fuckwits quit guilting people over it. Eggs, milk, wool, and honey do not harm animals to produce, and in the case of meat, it truly doesn't matter as long as the animals were given good lives before they were slaughtered, because you know what? Human lives always come first, and meat is a calorie-rich, protein-rich food that few people are unable to eat (except in the case of seafood allergies for fish and rare cases of alpha-gal syndrome for red meat). And that's key in all of this, and something that vegan activists often ignore - no matter how much you love animals (and I guarantee you, I love animals too), no matter how much you think they're cute and sweet and funny - human. Lives. Come. First.


Dairy is inherently more expensive than plant based options. It’s only so cheap right now because of massive subsidies. Humans won’t die without eating meat or milk or anything. In most cultures throught history our intake of animal products was monstrously lower than what it’s now.I don’t agree with this protest either but they’ll probably go to Waitrose, M&S, Sainsbury, that sort of thing. I highly doubt that you’ll see very many of them around Aldi or Lidl. Let’s stop acting like people will die because somebody’s blocking the milk aile for a day.


OK. Find me a vegan diet that both me and my daughter can eat. It must not include anything time consuming to make. Time consuming is defined as more than 10 minutes for breakfast or lunch and more than half an hour for dinner. In addition, it must not use ingredients unavailable in an average supermarket.
I am type 1 diabetic. I have had an organ transplant and I'm on a lot of medications. I need to eat small, more filling, high calorie meals. I cannot eat a lot of bulky foods. I have had a lot of surgeries and my stomach is effectively half the size it should be. My daughter is autistic. She cannot tolerate complex textures. Lots of food mixed on a plate isn't something she can cope with. Complex flavours are out of the question.
These people don't acknowledge that people like me and my daughter exist. If they do, it's to imply we don't deserve to live. I have no time for people like that.


One of these cunts tried to preach to my friend and his kids in the supermarket today. How are supermarkets happy for these bullies to be in their stores?


If you're reaching for milk and someone physically grabs or pushes you that's assault and the police can (if they ever turn up) cart them off.
If they block the road it's not going to be particularly difficult to go around them.
So either way, I'm getting my cheap nutritious milk.


I use oat milk but this is stupid. In a time when people desperately need low price options for food and milk is a high calorie high protein/calcium source for low income family. Many people can’t afford to spend £1.50 on oat milk for 1 Litre, when you can get way more milk for a cheaper option.
These people come from privileged backgrounds so don’t give a fuck about poor people who rely on things like Milk. I am privileged that I can afford the alternative but many can’t

原创翻译:龙腾网 http://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

I wonder if any of these people have ever taken medicine, worn animal made products such as wool, have a car that has leather seats, use chemically made products to wash clothes and themselves?
There's so much that involves animals in normal life that these protests seem utterly pointless.


Of course they have. By far the majority of vegans are made, not born.
So what though, because you were raised to participate in for-profit industries of systemic animal cruelty you should just never try to extricate yourself from that participation, and you should just continue paying people to abuse animals for your benefit?


Who says the animals are getting abused? You do realise there's certain policies that stop that sort of thing. Also dairy cows would become extincted if we didn't farm them, they serve no other purpose.


Would you apply that logic to dogs I breed for dog fighting?
It's their purpose, the breed would go extinct otherwise.


Good, the dairy industry is fucked and needs reform. I'm no vegan but the shit I've seen from dairy farms of late has been nothing short of horrifying.

原创翻译:龙腾网 http://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

I hope these fools stay away from my local Waitrose this weekend. I really don’t want to be fighting someone for the right to buy two pints of semi skimmed tomorrow. It’s a complete disgrace that they would see so many dairy products go to waste at a time when so many people are struggling to adequately feed themselves


They need to be treated with efficient ruthlessness by anyone obstructed in buying their essentials. Do try to use reasonable force folks.


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