2022-09-16 zgsdta2008 8820

Was it a mistake for the U.S. forces to leave Afghanistan?


US Politics
The US accomplished their main goal. We should have left after Bin Laden was killed.


Chris Everett
The mistakes were as follows:
Having no clear, and certainly no achievable goal after the initial destruction of AQ assets.
Attempting, essentially, to buy democracy with pallets of cash, which became nothing more than corruption.
Continuing to think that the endgame was “right around the corner”. Had we assumed being in Afghanistan for 20 years up front, we could have had an orderly plan to end up with something like Uzbekistan, hardly ideal but stable and on a decent trajectory.

原创翻译:龙腾网 转载请注明出处

Running with the Karzai government for as long as we did, in spite of obvious corruption and little respect of his leadership within Afghanistan.
Essentially ceding any and all moral authority because… reasons. We ignored things like sexual abuse (e.g., “Bacha Bazi”), when even the Taliban executes those who engage in it… Yes, we had a lower moral standing the the Taliban here. Congrats, US Military.
Failing to have consistent leadership at any level. A constant churn of officers at all levels meant that there was never anyone the Afghan population could trust.

实质上是放弃所有的道德权威,因为某些…原因。我们忽视了性虐待(例如,“Bacha Bazi”)之类的事情,甚至连塔利班都会处决那些参与性虐待的人……是的,我们的道德底线比塔利班低。恭喜,美军。

Officers who delivered honest and blunt assessments about situations were relieved in favor of officers who told their leadership what they wanted to hear. This happened at all levels.
Essentially, no accountability. As long as senior leaders said the right things, they were never in any danger of negative repercussions on their careers or political ambitions.


A complete failure by the Biden administration to have an orderly withdrawal plan (which he apparently was all but given by the Trump administration, and which he promptly dismissed). (Further note that Obama managed a reasonably functional withdrawal from Iraq without major issue. Iraq today, by the standards of the region, has a reasonably functional government that has a reasonable chance of success, a growing GDP, and enough national character to repel ISIS, albeit with modest US help. So I say this not as a partisan issue).


Having too many NGO’s around that all had their own goals, many of which were incompatible with each other 》


World History
No. The mistake was going ion there 20 years ago. Nothing was learned from Vietnam


US Politics ·
Biden ended a Forever War.
Two trillion dollars and 2000 US killed in combat, 30000 wounded, hundreds of American military suicides so that the local mullahs and nabobs in warlords and gov't bureaucrats could shit in $50k gold toilets.
Trump never should have recognized the Taliban. Pompeii was a traitor for meeting with the Taliban.


Trump Is A Criminal ·
It was a mistake for our forces to stay there after Al Queda had been taken care of.
Our mistakes in the last century should have taught us that you can’t occupy a country and force through a republic that enough of the people aren’t willing to fight for.


We need to return to the pre-WWII approach of only sending the military to assist if a nation’s people are actively struggling for democracy and welcome the help.
I suspect though that the military industrial complex has a lot to do with continuing the Korea and Vietnam approach.
Corporations that manufacture weapons were clear winners in this war. They made money hand over fist.


The World History of War and Peace ·
You don’t send your military to go across the world to occupy another country and expect that the international community and your own people and the people you are occupying would approve of having this military stay in that country indefinitely; this is especially as soldiers continue to get maimed or killed, all sides are publically committing war crimes, the blatant puppet government erected is absurdly dysfunctional and corrupt even in the best of times, and the reason for staying becomes increasingly unjustified.


Afghanistan was constantly called “Vietnam 2.0”, because once the USA left there was nothing stopping a power vacuum from destroying the frail neo-colony that most of the natives despised. The only real difference is that the Islamic Republic of Afghanistan was so incapable of existing independently as a government and a military that it collapsed while the USA gradually left.


Leaving was inevitable. The big mistake was military strategy and leadership:
Bush established the Islamic Republic of Afghanistan, laying the foundation for the occupation. He also laid the precedent of relying on high kill counts rather than actually effective anti-guerrilla strategies (which sounds like the same USA mistake in Vietnam).


Obama, despite assassinating Bin Laden, prolonged the occupation in response to the Arab Spring/Winter and the peak of ISIS.
Trump had a sloppy ceasefire negotiation and made it publicly clear that the USA was disinterested in staying in Afghanistan— which encouraged the Taliban to gear up. Trump then attempted to sabotage Biden’s succession by attempting to stall or block the transfer of documents and authority— including a blatant coup attempt— which disrupted the Biden administration’s ability to strategize and lead in Afghanistan.


And Biden was partially oblivious to the speed and efficiency of the 2021 Taliban Offensive, resulting in all of Afghanistan effectively being conquered in 3.5 months and both civilians and remaining Americans fleeing in a panic. By comparison, the 1975 Spring Offensive in Vietnam took 4.5 months. But the difference isn’t by a wide margin; this really was Vietnam 2.0 in many ways.

原创翻译:龙腾网 转载请注明出处

The World History of War and Peace ·
This question demands a complicated answer.
Withdrawal from Afghanistan exposed the westernized population to difficult lifestyle choices in the cities. Womens rights have been curtailed. Starvation is rampant. The Taliban is dangerous and abusive.
On the other hand, the Afgan government was corrupt and abusive. After 20 years the country was still at war and draining the US Treasury and killing Alied troops.


Now America and NATO are pumping that money into Ukraine, where arguably it is doing more good.
Afghanistan has been a perianal basket case since British times.
As Kipling said:
When you're lying wounded on Afghanistans plains,
And the women are coming to cut up what remains,
You roll to your rifle and blow out your brains,
And go to your Gawd like a soldier.
Not much has changed since the 1800′s.


Sam Morningstar
Not at all. It was actually a mistake to attempt to “nation-build” in the first place…and spend two decades occupying the country.
The only reasonable approach would have been to invade the country to specifically root out AQ terrorist cells, support the Northern Alliance, and establish bases in allied nations in the region and monitor the situation. Troops could be sent in for future large-scale operations as needed (to prevent terrorist cells from using the nation as a haven or training ground).


US Politics ·
Afghanistan in general was a mistake for the US. Biden will take the blame for recent events, but there’s plenty of blame to go around for Bush Jr, Obama, & Trump as well in the way they’ve handled Afghanistan. Bush went in with the intention of getting Bin Laden, but without a clearly defined end goal or exit strategy. Obama stayed the course, neither committing enough troops to fully finish the job of wiping out the Taliban, but not exiting either, changing the mission strategy to a “rebuilding” one. A noble goal but again, not clearly defined. Trump began the exit of troops, stating (wrongly) that the job was done) and Biden merely continued the path of exit. It was pretty much a lose-lose issue for Biden. Finish the exit of soldiers, or remain stuck in there with insufficient troops to do anything. Certainly there was no option of sending more troops in.
From start to finish, the whole thing has been one massive clusterfuck.


Trump Is A Criminal ·
No, it is not a mistake. How many American lives are we going to lose, how many trillions of dollars are we going to spend and how many years are we going to support a corrupt government?


Veterans Information & Military Matters (VI-MM) ·
I believe it was a mistake to stay one minute past achieving our obxtive. The minute that Bush, Cheney, and Rumsfeld allowed Osama Bin Laden to escape back into Pakistan, we should have gone home. Besides, it never was about Bin Laden, but rather it was always about Saddam and Iraq. Everyone who is honest knows that this is the truth.


Semper Fi
The US should have left as soon as they kicked that taliban out the first time and told Pakistan to keep their nose out of it and stopped giving them money when they didn't keep their nose out of Afghanistan. Maybe given India a lot of military aid to kick Pakistan's butt instead of pouring money into Afghanistan. What kind of intelligent agency's do we have if they couldn't figure out that the Afghan leadership were thieves, and were going to run with the money when things got hard?

原创翻译:龙腾网 转载请注明出处

World History
Yes is the honest answer. The bigger mistake was going there in there first place. Anyone who knows anything about Afghan history will know invasion never ends well for them - just ask the Russians and the British.


Global Politics ·
For the purpose of national interest and security I personally think the US shouldn’t have physically gone into Afghanistan. Success was achieved by supplying arms to the Mujahideens to thwart the Russians in May’89 and send them scurrying home. That was the US moment and if influence was needed, efforts should be made to keep it that way. Use diplomacy to bring the Mujahideens to your side, keep supporting them with firearms which may even eliminate bin Laden from the equation and 911 along with it. Neglect only allowed the Talibans into power and natured bin Laden’s ideas and plans.


Undeniably, the adventure into Afghanistan was basically an ego trip. After the anger of 911 subsided, the bruised US ego has to seek retribution. So do you consider the assassination of bin Laden a success any difference between Biden beating Trump at the polls? Terrorists and politicians are one of the same. It depends whose lens you’re viewing the situation.


So, what’s the latest ego soothing #tag for another failed mission?
There were articles that I’ve read during those 20 years of the US occupation that greed was partly the driving force. Natural resources, oil pipelines and terrorists training camps for Uighur dissidents of which the finished product will go exported exclusively to China to paint their towns red. These may only be conjectural but I wouldn’t place a bet on it against the possibility that it was a US plan all along.
You can go ahead and say whatever you like as I’ve said mine. After all freedom of speech exist, isn’t there?


Semper Fi
We should have pulled out the day after bin Laden was killed. Obama failed . Then big mouth Trump who bitched for years that Obama failed , had FOUR fucking years to pull us out, and he did not have the balls to do it in FOUR YEARS. Then Biden did what he should have done, he got us out.
HOWEVER, he listened to the wrong military and intelligence leaders and more brave Americans died.
But let me say one more thing.


No matter what, the same thing would have happened. The VERY MINUTE that the Afghans would have seen (as they did), the US pullout, they would have rushed the embassy and later, the airport. The VERY MINUTE the Afghans would have seen our interpreters and others that assisted us “disappear” with their families, they would have known that the pullout was under way and they would have did exactly what they did by rushing the embassy and airport. NO ONE, NO ONE, NO ONE, foresaw the Afghan Army throwing down their arms and running like the cowards they are (most of them) and allowing the Taliban to take over the country in a week. However having said that, we have to remember that their coward president loaded a plane full of cars, cash, and family and fled the country, so what the hell was the military to think and do?


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