2022-09-22 yzy86 6147


My one homie asked this girl for a kiss and she said it ruined the moment and he never got a date after


I usually do the “walk with arm over shoulder” thing, then I stop, turn toward them an lean in a bit and gauge it. 100% guarantee for me


I would add that you need to consider the tone in which it is. Like, if it’s filled with stammering and hesitancy, then maybe not?
I’m a dude though, so no one has ever asked to kiss me.


When I was in highschool, the only way I could get myself to go for the kiss was to ask in as cheesey of a way that I could so even if she said no, we could get out of the awkward moment by laughing it off.


i.e. One time we are walking to her car and I want the smooch before she drives away. She makes a comment about how out of the line the car next of her is parked, we laugh about it. Bingo, my chance. "How out of line would I be if I stole a kiss before you left?" Worked like a charm.


Given there are times it hasn't worked, but I feel like it's a good way of asking while also staying light and fun.


"Can I give you a kiss?"
Have a Hershey's Kiss in your hand in case she says no


See, the secret to a kiss is to go 90% of the way... and then hold. As long as it takes... for her to come the other 10% .


Always give 110%.


My high school girlfriend called it "Smashing china".


There's truth to this. Non-verbal communication.


My husband and I make two successive kissy noises to let the other know we want a smooch


This is how I kiss my gf goodnight in the dark.


And then the cats appear looking for treats.


Had a coworker tell me that he and his wife would use code around the kids for sex. They would ask each other for “chips and salsa” in person or in text


Literally me this last week. I’ve seen this girl twice now and we talk everyday, this is my first relationship so super nerve wracking, and after our second date we were chillin in her car for a minute and we kinda stared at each other and I asked if I could kiss her, luckily she said yes. Later that night she said that was the most respectful and hottest thing she’s ever had a guy say to her before. Definitely made my night lol.


I've also seen the opinion that some women don't like it when a man asks permission to kiss. I suppose each woman has their own preference. What a novel concept.


I asked if I could kiss a girl one time and she said “if you had just done it I would have liked it, but don’t ask me. It’s weird”. She then proceeded to avoid me for the rest of the school year lol


Yeah there's a massive divide in conduct these days. Some people are for lack of a better term "old-school" where they want that surprise, others are a bit more new age and want permission. Total luck of the draw, your either successful.. or a weirdo who asked to kiss/somebody who just totally violated somebody's space lol


Than got you dudes like me who gotta play the guessing game to see which one gon kiss me back and which one is gonna slap me lmaoo


The workaround is to ask if you can ask to kiss her.


It’s not what you do but how you do it. OP is right that consent can be hot. All genders like confidence in their lover and there is a way to “ask” that can kill the mood. It takes lots of awkward mistakes to figure these things out when you’re young so don’t be hard on yourself. A confident lover who wants something but confirms consent in an authentic way is very attractive. There’s no single answer for every situation but that’s the point.


Perhaps for you. Every guy I've gone steady with has asked, and I like it that way.
There are women out there who prefer to be asked and those who don't. Simply find yourself someone who aligns with your preferences and you'll have a good time.
No need to belittle how the other half lives simply because it isn't your specific taste.


Lady here. It completely removes the spark for me. 100% of the time I kissed someone I knew they consented because we had locked eyes and leaned in, other body language

原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

Same. Had a fabulous first date with someone once. We got to the end and started saying our goodbyes for the day and they asked if they could kiss me. I completely understand why they asked and I certainly would never think badly of someone for not knowing my preferences well enough after one date but it totally killed the magic of the moment.


Would you prefer it as a statement? I like to go along with something around the "I wanna kiss you" statement. Like "You are looking so beautiful tonight and I would really like to kiss you." So it's not necessarily asking, but it's still looking for permission if that makes sense?

原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

The turn off in that moment for me was how the question was posed. Up until that point, the energy had been intense, sexy, happy and mysterious. But when they asked, their energy changed to being robotic, fearful and like they asked because they felt they had to ask not because they wanted to ask. It was very unnatural.
So if you can make an open statement like that without changing the energy of the moment, yeah I personally would be quite pleased and probably flattered.


Yes, that's way hotter than a question.
Another good one I saw was a guy who was just like "I'm going to kiss you now" but then waited for her to say okay. Best of both worlds. He asked, but also did not ask.


Hard part is for the other party, nowadays anyway, they're risking sexual assault accusations.
It sounds ridiculous because it is. Things have gotten a bit wonky recently


Yeah, everybody's different. Some women also say they want a man who is open about their emotions, but when their boyfriends/husbands start talking about their sadness or insecurities, it grosses them out. Lotta people don't know what the hell they want and they're always gonna complain about something.


Yeah that’s what I’ve heard from women the most and learned to just read between the lines and go for it if the vibe is right. Now I’m starting to hear more people talk about asking to kiss so I’m a bit confused.


I have never once in my life asked a woman if I could kiss her. It's a natural thing, it either works or it doesn't, you should know while working up to it.
I can't think of a single Woman where that would have worked well.
I think my Wife would have died fucking laughing if I asked her for permission and would utter something along the lines of I'm drier than the Sahara and you need to get the fuck out now and we wouldn't be married.


People need to be less radical over some things. If a man tries to kiss a woman and she leans away, it is just embarrassing, but it happens.
It doesn't have to be a an offensive assault from the man because he didnt ask, nor does it have to be a humiliating rude refusal from the receiver. Sometimes things just don't work, and that's okay. You gave it a shot. Just respect if he/she does not seem into it and get on with your day.


I prefer to just say “I want to kiss you”, which leads to her initiating or a friendly decline, in my very limited experience on the matter


I mean idk how teens and early 20’s are nowadays but when I was growing up, if you asked permission, that was basically weak and the girl wouldn’t like you. Lol


I like to live dangerously. Luckily it works like 35% of the time with my wife of 26 years.


Normally if i go in for a kiss, even a first kiss, i know if its going to be acceptable and reciprocated. I follow the social cues like a normal person. Never have i thought, lets make this more awkward and ask for permission. At that point why even try?


I’ve done it both ways. It depends on the person and the setting, but both can be hot.


-My first time kissing without consent, we were on a date and things were just getting steamy so I went for it, she reciprocated and we went further from there. Very hot.
-Few nights ago I was drinking with a friend with whom I have a good bit of sexual tension with. I’m smooth and talkative when I’m drunk, so I was very complimentary towards her noting many of her features. I said she had very nice lips, and looked for a moment at them, then met her gaze, and asked if I could kiss her. And then we made out. Also very hot.


One instance is hot because it’s spontaneously done in the heat of the moment. One is hot because it’s built up to with some cheeky foreplay.
One instance can be ruined and weird if you don’t know it’ll be reciprocated. The other instance can be weird if it comes out of nowhere with no buildup.


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