2022-09-30 jiangye111 5560
Fossil fuel recruiters banned from UK university careers service
-Birkbeck, University of London, is first institution to blacklist firms ‘most responsible for destroying the planet’


(A careers fair in Leeds. Universities have been urged to steer their students towards careers with long-term prospects that do not damage the planet.)

原创翻译:龙腾网 http://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

Fossil fuel companies have been banned from recruiting students through a university careers service for the first time. The new policy from Birkbeck, University of London, states its careers service “will not hold relationships of any kind with oil, gas or mining companies”.

原创翻译:龙腾网 http://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

The decision follows a campaign, supported by the student-led group People & Planet, to cut off recruitment pathways to fossil fuel companies. The campaign is now active in dozens of UK universities.


The group said universities have been “propping up the companies most responsible for destroying the planet”, while the climate crisis was “the defining issue of most students’ current lifetimes”.


The campaign is backed by the National unx of Students and the Universities and College unx, which represents academics and support staff. It calls on universities to end all relationships with fossil fuel companies. Student protests have already targeted fossil fuel careers events, including at Oxford University, where students blockaded an event by the mining group Glencore, and at Sheffield University, where a sit-in protest prevented BP and ExxonMobil events.


Birkbeck’s new ethical careers policy says it will not allow fossil fuel companies to attend their careers fairs or take part in sponsorships or advertising. The policy also says that “job posts made by or on behalf of oil, gas or mining companies … will not be approved by Birkbeck”.

原创翻译:龙腾网 http://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

Julius Cassebaum, a careers consultant at Birkbeck, said: “As the climate crisis continues, we are proud to help minimise exposure to those industries in any capacity that we can. We hope that our commitment can be a stepping stone for other universities to follow suit soon.”


Chris Davis, one of the student campaigners, said: “Climate justice should be central to the college’s institutional vision as it enters its third century.” Birkbeck’s new careers policy was developed through talks between students, the careers service and university management.


Bill McKibben, campaigner and founder of the climate campaign group 350.org, said: “The fossil fuel industry is clearly at war with the planet at this point and recruiting more troops to help them with their work is not in anyone’s best interest, including those students they might try to entice into a dead-end and deadly career.”


Birkbeck’s decision represents “the first domino, which sets the precedent and shows that this is not only a reasonable demand, but an achievable one”, said J Clarke of People & Planet.


About 20% of UK universities already ban certain sectors from their careers services, including the tobacco, pornography and gambling industries.


Clarke said banning fossil fuel companies was justified: “First, these jobs are terrible for the planet.” Second, the jobs “simply don’t make sense” from a student’s perspective, since “these are industries that are going to rapidly downsize or cease to exist entirely within the working lifetime of students”. Third, Clarke said, almost two-thirds of UK universities have divested their endowment funds from fossil fuels, so it would be hypocritical to allow those companies to recruit students.


Clarke hopes that up to five more universities will announce a fossil-fuel-free careers policy by the end of 2022, and that half will have done so within five years, though Clarke would like progress to be even quicker.


ChlorophiliaEuropean unx
Not arguing for or against this, but I've been through undergrad and now PhD in the geoscience department of a top UK university, so I have a pretty good first hand experience of these recruiters. The major problem I have is that, because of how wealthy these companies are, they can afford to absolutely dominate the recruitment scene. If the university's careers fair was anything to go by, you'd be forgiven for leaving with the impression that Big Energy, management consultancy, and finance are the only respectable options available to bright graduates. This is obviously not true, but these particular sectors get a disproportionate amount of exposure at top universities compared to how many students are (at first, at least) interested in them. Most of our undergraduates these days want to help the environment rather than destroy it, so I completely get why a large number of students are fed up with just seeing the same old corporations at careers events.


I like this move. The university is doing what it can to show some leadership.


FineusUnited Kingdom
While I'm not defending the fossil fuel companies at all, I'm not sure I agree.
Birbeck charges ~£9250pa to students and while some / many students may agree that fossil fuels / energy companies are not good, it shouldn't be for the University to veto those opportunities. You're paying - you should get to choose.
If students wish to vote with their morals then that's entirely their choice.


I work with (not for) the careers services for about 90 universities and the general graduate recruitment sector, so my thoughts are possibly tainted by that, sharing this detail so you can factor that into your weighting of my thoughts. (Also these thoughts are mine and not necessarily my employer's)
A university preventing a company from recruiting using the platforms that they offer isn't preventing the company from recruiting that university's graduates. They can still post their jobs to other platforms, and general jobs boards or engage in other recruitment activities that the students can access. Sure it'll be less visible, but if someone wants to work for that company they'll find the jobs. In this case platform can be the jobs board the uni has, the events they run and any outreach that the careers service supports the company with to students.
Students are often critical of the universities not taking a stand in issues they feel are important to them and there's an argument to be made to say that if you're offering space to a company you at least don't disapprove of what they do.
As an example, students were protesting a few years ago about university pension investments being able to be placed in arms manufacturers and, I think, fossil fuel companies also received a share of the protests.
In my days as a student I remember that Nestle was banned from any recruitment activities and their products were all banned from the student unx shop, much to my frustration when I just wanted a pack of polos. I could still have found and applied for jobs and bought their products elsewhere if I really wanted though.


FineusUnited Kingdom
I do appreciate your point, but can the University be sure it's speaking for all its students when making decisions like this, or would it really be responding to appease those who shout the loudest?


A very good point. Some universities have very good student representative teams that are involved in setting these policies. Since they're usually elected every year by students then there's an argument that they're speaking for the student body, but the arguments against it are the same as the democratic process for our MPs, what about the people that didn't vote or voted for someone else with a different attitude? But that's a debate I'm thankfully never involved in in my position!
I can't say how the university in the story reached the decision that this was the policy to pursue, but I know that from my other experiences students are often involved in some capacity.

原创翻译:龙腾网 http://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

Fossil fuel companies will still be relevant for the next 50 years. Even if the UK/EU stops buying it, 3rd world counties will still buy for a good few decades.
So there are jobs there for aspiring Students, which now, they do not have access to. The University is hurting the job prospects of its student population.
If I was studying a course like Chemistry/Geology/Engineering/Marine Biology/Environmental studies and I had future aspirations to join a PetroChem company, I would be very angry with the decisions taken by the University, and the actions of the Student Body who recommended this idea, as it may have hampered my future career.
Most possibly, the students who recommended this, do not even have courses were PetroChem was a possible career, so they have sabotaged other students future jobs.


I don't think top oil and gas firms will be looking to recruit from Birbeck anyway lol.
All this move does is take away eventually high paying jobs and careers from those who might not know these jobs exist in the first place, and a careers fare often helps with that.
These jobs will be filled regardless, whether its by students from low income backgrounds or those whose are well connected, or by immigrants.
Furthermore plenty of these firms are involved in driving the energy transition, all be it slowly and arguably could be sped up, so still a good place to be in the near future to get valuable experience working on clean energy sources


Seems irresponsible if you want the companies to change change them from within. A lot are researching alternatives and people still need fuel until that switch so scientists will.help.lead that and the fossil fuel companies have the money to fund research. Saying oil companies are solely repsponsible is not quite right when they supply to the users too. Would we really want them to just pack up shop and go that's it then...no more cars or transport or plastic or chemicals or drugs or anything else synthesised from oil.....good luck


The fossil fuel industry knew about climate change and the effects they're having on the earth since the 70s and have done fuck all to help. Capitalism will not solve climate change. The short term profit from destroying the planet is more important to private industries than actually doing anything meaningful for society.


KhenirEast Sussex
Looks like no one read the article.
Students asked for this.
The university agreed.
The university is not a publicly owned building and people/companies do not have the right to free speech within them.


Students asked for this.
Let's be real, a tiny minority of students who participate in student 'politics' asked for this.


Yes, puts me in mind of a large house full of students when I was at uni. It was supposed to be run by the students themselves, all with an equal voice. Ultimately, all the decisions were taken by a fairly small group, much to the chagrin of the rest of the residents, who often complained that the “wrong” decisions were being made.
I had a friend who was in the “disenfranchised” group, and I asked her how it was that she never carried the day in the policy discussions. “Don’t they let you speak at all, or do they just not listen?” I asked.
“Oh, nothing like that”. She said. “I’ve never once turned up to the meetings. They’re held in the kitchen (just downstairs from my room), and they’re always trying to get all of us to attend. I can hear them yacking away, but I can’t be arsed to go down. Why should I waste my time?
I’m so angry, though, because not one of the decisions they’ve made is what I would have done. It’s incredibly unfair: they should have known it’s not what I would have wanted.”


If a general election had a turn out of 3% or something then we'd all rightly be saying that the system was no legitimate, and not blaming the voters.
And importantly in normal life we don't accept the tyranny of majority as some kind of trump card so I don't see why it applies to students. A key part of governance (in any organisation) is trying to represent/account for voices that aren't in the room.


Students asked for this.
It's a national campaign to ban them from all universities, to be clear.
‘Birkbeck Futures are happy to announce that we are now a fossil-free careers service, in line with People & Planet’s mission to end university careers services working with oil, gas and mining companies.
And to be clear, Birkbeck promotes numerous of its courses as leading to employment in the oil and gas industry.
These students who are studying, let's say, History of Art, have no right to sabotage the students who have been studying for years to work in oil and gas, and who have got into tens of thousands of pounds in debt on the basis of promises from Birkbeck that they will be employable there.
Like it or not, the oil industry is both legal and socially accepted, and sextively sabotaging students from certain universities will only harm those students, not the oil industry as a whole.



“Birkbeck Futures很高兴地宣布,我们现在是一家无化石就业服务公司,这与“人与星球”的使命一致,即结束与石油、天然气和采矿公司合作的大学就业服务。
原创翻译:龙腾网 http://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处



That's how democracy and capitalism works pal.
If they chose a shit career destroying the planet we live on and then find out that people don't actually want them to pursue that career then that is unfortunately on them. No one is handing out freebies to social arts students because they made a poor choice for their degree.
Such is life.


If they chose a shit career destroying the planet
Jesus fucking christ. You do know its the Chemical engineers working there who are finding more ways to make the most of the resources that we actually fucking need, right?
That keyboard you used to type that comment on was made using oil products. The computer its connected to was made of oil products. The syringe that gave you a life saving vaccine just this year, oil products.
Fossil fuels != enegry,
There are thousands of products that are only possible using fossil fuels. There needs to be development of alternatives fucking obviously but that takes time.
For now, we need innovators in that industry to develop better, more efficient, and cleaner ways, f using oil products until those alternatives are sufficient in capacity to take over from oil.
Thats not exactly "destroying the planet for profit" is it.

化石燃料 != 能源

Do you know the sheer number of batshit things """students ask for""" at my university, because the only people who actually bother participating in the student unx are people who are completely batshit themselves?
If "students" as as whole actually agreed with this, there would be no reason for the recruiters to attend the careers fair in the first place, because nobody would come up to their stall.


In time we will view the fossil fuel industry as more immoral and harmful than even something like the human trafficking industry, once millions start to die as a result of their decades of lobbying against climate action and spreading purposeful disinformation about climate change.


Too right good job.instead they should be allowing green eco recruiters instead.The world needs to move away from fossil fuels one baby step at a time.Im just glad I will not be around when the world is fucked beyond repair.


Fossil fuel firms run massive green energy schemes as well. A friend of mine works on huge solar farms and their parent company is Shell.


很赞 1