2022-10-03 西斯摩多 17954

​TIL in 550 AD the Byzantine Emperor dispatched two monks to smuggle silk worms out of China to bypass Persian control over the Silk Road. Hidden in the monks' walking sticks, the silk worms produced a Byzantine silk industry that fuelled the economy for the next 650 years.


Aye - Justinian.
Historically, the clinch point was the Persians - they'd add whatever markup they wanted and there was no other bypass - the eastern frontier of the Byzantine Empire was where the western part of the Persian began.
Also somewhat odd is Justinian's choice of agents - Nestorian priests. They were subjected to persecution as heretics of Orthodox Christianity, so IIRC Justinian told them to fuck off to China so he wouldn't have to deal with them ever again.


Probably they weren’t actual Nestorian priests, but were chosen to pretend to be them so they’d be less likely to be suspected as agents.


Who knows? The Nestorians weren't monophysticic so they were already subject to heresy charges. On the other hand, they had more "forward operating bases" in Asia Minor and the Byzantine eastern frontier.
Mind you, this is a particularly bi-polar Emperor with everything from politics to military matters, whose to know for sure?
The way Procopius writes it in one version, Justinian says "secret of silk? Uh, yeah, sure. Good luck with that. Um, see you in ten years? Whatever, fuck off". In the other account, Justinian is a visionary who received special knowledge based on personal divination.

原创翻译:龙腾网 http://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

Its incredible how many incredible voyages were effectively funded by kings and queens going "yes fine shut up have a boat or whatever hopefully you drown and stop annoying me".


Did he perhaps use actual Nestorian priests for plausible deniability if they got caught?


Sending two guys and what could very well be a suicide mission doesn't seem like a plan he thought would work.
Tale as old as time you take the credit for that thing you didn't expect to pan out.


The way Procopius writes it in one version, Justinian says "secret of silk? Uh, yeah, sure. Good luck with that. Um, see you in ten years? Whatever, fuck off". In the other account, Justinian is a visionary who received special knowledge based on personal divination.
"Ah, all according to plan. Everything has commenced as you predicted, Lord Ainz- err, I mean, My Basil."


Agree on the probably, though we'll never know for sure. But Nestorian priests were probably more trustworthy for the mission, or at least pretending to be Nestorians was a good idea, because pockets of Nestorian christians existed throughout central and eastern Asia, and they weren't affiliated with a state in particular so they were less likely to create suspicion.


Nestorian Christianity was the dominant form in Persia. They were one of the few people who could go in without raising suspicion


Good call for him. Either they died smuggling, or they succeeded and produced a ton of wealth for him


Historically, the clinch point was the Persians - they'd add whatever markup they wanted and there was no other bypass - the eastern frontier of the Byzantine Empire was where the western part of the Persian began.
Technically there were trade routes to East Asia through India and then by sea that existed at least as far back as the 1st Century AD. However oceanic travel, even when essentially hugging the coast, was significantly more dangerous than the land routes through Persia.


Just ask the Romans about how dangerous sea travel was back in the day. They must hold the world record for the most men lost at sea.


Funny because Byzantiums conquerors did the exact opposite with coffee. Used to be pre-brewed in barrels for months long voyage to Europe. Apparently the top had to be scraped off to be drinkable.


They couldn't just go up and around through what would become Ukraine and Russia?


They'd need good roads for their carts on a profitable route. That probably wasn't likely going that way, and they were more likely to be robbed and/or murdered in areas without effective governments.


This could make a cool movie.


The same thing happened with Chinese tea. Robert Fortune was a Scottish botanist who had a deal with the East India Trading Company to smuggle out some tea saplings and seeds. The British also had extremely limited knowledge on how tea was grown and processed. In fact when the British first got tea from China they asked if they could get only black tea and not green tea. The Chinese were a bit confused because black tea is just burned green tea. The Chinese agreed and where happy to upcharge for burning the tea.
Getting the saplings and seeds was not going to be an easy endeavor. The Chinese had specifics on how far a respective foreigner could travel and where they could go. The big law at the time was you could only travel as far as you could in a day but you needed to make it back to your specific trade area by sundown. Robert Fortune was obviously going to need to be gone alot longer then that since many of the tea operations where located in inland China.
Robert shaved his head, had a custom wig with the popular male Mandarin hairstyle made, dressed in Mandarin clothing, and hired some Chinese guides. He traveled under the guise of a dignitary and not once was ever suspected as anything else. In fact most tea producers just gave him seeds without asking any questions. Robert received 500 pounds (triple his annual pay) and his haul was 10,000-13,000 seeds and all of china's tea growing knowledge. The EITC set up tea plantations in India afterwards and the rest is history.
A Journey to the Tea Countries of China
For All the Tea in China


Wow, just learned black tea is green tea...


Fyi, black tea is not 'burned' green tea. Parent comment doesn't know what he/she's talking about. Black tea, or cured-leaf tea, is made from tea leaves that are left to cure/oxidize for a time after picking and before drying. The oxidization changes the flavor. Green tea is dried immediately after picking to stop the oxidation process. Both 'black' and 'green' teas can come from the same plant, and a variety of curing and drying processes can be used to change the flavor of the final product.


Good explanation. Burning wasn't quite the right term but oxidation makes sense.


Burning is just uncontrolled oxidation at high temperatures lol


Most Chinese teas are the same plant just picked and processed differently.

原创翻译:龙腾网 http://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

Black tea is not burned. It is crushed and dried slowly. Green tea is simply the dried leaves. The reason the English wanted the back tea is because it kept better when shipping around the world.
Making ~back~ black tea does take some skill. I've tried a handful of times, I can get it to look like black tea but struggle to get the trace green tea flavor completely out.
Source: I have tea bushes
Edit: white tea is also the same plant but it is the leaf buds that are collected before they fully open


Didn't this also stop the Opium smuggling in China too, as after this the british were able to produce tea in India?
(The chinese would only accept silver bullion for tea. English demand for tea was so strong that they almost crashed their economy as all their silver bullion went to China. Solution was to smuggle Opium in China from India, which was paid by Chinese in silver bullion, then exchange the bullion for tea)


It all makes sense now. The west stole from Chinese long back and now the Chinese might be justifying themselves for infringing patents of west.


People less technologically developed are going to copy from the leaders. Everyone stole from the most advanced places. It is how progress is made. The only reason to refrain from sharing information is to maintain dominance and supremacy in one eay or another.


So the West was stealing shit from China and now China stealing shit from the West. So come a hundred years ago we going back full circle?


The British are great at being scummy.


Black tea is burned green tea common dude get it together


If I remember correctly, a similar thing happened with strawberries from South America.


Damn the British really screwed China. First with the tea then with opium.


What an interesting history, worthy to be made into a movie, or better yet, a book since it would allow to write more details about the setting and the action.


Amazing! I guess it's not really surprising, since silk was so closely guarded. I wonder what they fed the silkworms once they got to the Byzantine empire?


Mulberry. They brought that along too, or ensured it was in place beforehand.


That makes sense. Guess the mulberry should have been guarded as closely as the silkworms.


Can silk worms not eat European mulberry trees?


Apparently they can if it's the right kind of mulberry tree. I got curious with your question and looked it up. Silkworms only eat the leaves of the white mulberry tree.


Industrial theft.


Literally worse than the GTA 6 source code leak


China is getting revenge for it now


Industrial espionage. Please.


Industrial espionage is the term.


Ironic that China was the victim here instead of the culprit.


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