2022-10-08 辽阔天空 3178

What can I do to develop a strong mind?


Owen Tyler
This comes from practice.
You need to have a good way of Thinking.
How to use words (in your head) in order to THINK effectively.
if you can write well you can think well.
if you can think well.even slowly .
the slowest thinker can become a powerhouse because if you ask the right questions >> our Brain will Search for the answer.


Abhinav Agarwal
Try to surround yourself with smart people. Try to hangout more with them
This technique was used by HITLER, all his senator were highly intelligent with iq of 150. And thus had help hitler to broaden his mind. And consequence we all know


Ankit Saigal
What are the keys to self-discipline?
Let me explain.
You decide you want to start running at 6:00AM every morning. You are excited to finally make the decision and can’t wait to get up in the morning to go for your first run.
You wake up with the alarm at 5:45AM. And now you do the most dreadful of things. You know you shouldn’t do it. But you do it anyway. Habit. Oh the devil, the good old enemy. You start to THINK.
“Oh I should probably sleep a little more. Its 5:45AM and I have to go for run at 6:00AM anyway”
“Oh I slept a little late last night and if I don’t get enough sleep I won’t be able to function at work today”


“The weather is kinda cold”
“I can go for a run in the evening anyway”
“I will compensate for today and run twice the miles tomorrow”
You think. And you rationalize. You sugarcoat your excuses with rationality and logic. It makes you feel good about yourself.
How many times has it happened that you decided something and didn’t follow through? How many times did you rationalize your inactions and indecisions?
Let’s say in an alternate reality, you made the decision (after a lot of thinking) and after that you stopped thinking.
You wake up with the alarm at 5:45AM. You put your shoes on and get out of the house for the run. The END.

原创翻译:龙腾网 http://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

David Galipeau
How can one develop mentally? What are the steps to developing a sound mind?
Develop a good network of contacts: start in a safe environment such as Toastmasters (a Worldwide non-profit organization). You’ll have critical opportunities to speak and do leadership roles to grow under the wings of your mentor at a fair cost. Communication is vastly undervalued.
Read fiction/non-fiction books. Start with the most recognized authors, not necessarily the best sellers. Power of Habit by Charles Duhigg is the work I value because every affirmation is with solid research. For fiction, Tolstoy, Dostoevsky, Hesse are good choices.
The goal of reading is to develop critical thinking; knowing facts is one thing; you also need scientific literacy to interpret them correctly to have your opinion.
Hiring a therapist is an excellent way to solve all your emotional/personal problems. What you will learn is to talk about your past fluently. You’ll be aware of your personal history. You’ll be able to communicate who you are in relation to where you’ve been.

阅读小说/非小说类书籍。从最知名的作家开始,不一定是畅销书。查尔斯·杜希格(Charles Duhigg)的《习惯的力量》(Power of Habit)是我珍视的作品,因为每一个肯定都有扎实的研究。对于小说来说,托尔斯泰、陀思妥耶夫斯基、黑塞这些作者的书都是不错的选择。
原创翻译:龙腾网 http://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

A perfect childhood does not exist; everyone has lived dissatisfaction. Being able to voice them to someone who can help shed light on your dark past is an excellent way to widen your roots in the ground to establish the momentum
Writing a journal. With words, you can change the world. Improving the way you write will directly affect your speech, and it will develop your awareness about the expression of your feelings.
Begin to embrace a new paradigm: the producer of content, ponder what you are good at, and share what you know with the world. Instead of just reading for your sake about topics you enjoy, let others benefit.
That way, with every content you will interact with, you will enjoy it to a deeper degree because you will have this new responsibility to teach people what you know. Teaching lets you become aware of the gaps in your knowledge because you can’t explain something if you don’t fully understand it, and it also allows you to learn more about a given topic.


Then the exercise is to empty your brain of knowledge by sharing because you can’t make more space if it’s already full. You can fill it again once it’s empty. The recipe is simple: teach, fill (reading), and repeat.
Practice sports in a group (your body needs fitness, and going to the gym alone can be boring).
See if there are any acting, yoga, singing, improv courses in your city. Just meeting new people can be an excellent opportunity to improve your moods and emotional stability.
Keep your brain sharp by doing complex activities. It can be taking a class at the university which you would never have taken before, it could be learning a new language, and it could even be learning a new skill such as programming. Playing a musical instrument is also a good investment.


Anything that stimulates your brain is perfect. It helps for self-esteem; you feel you have reached a nice milestone when you accomplish something that others can’t. The ego needs some rewards to continue.

Adopt power nap in the afternoon, the Chinese call it wushui 午睡, sleep and put some relaxation music with you, you’ll be gone for a while, and you’ll reenergize yourself, you fill your mental energy battery, you can start fresh to do some work.

For the sake of optimizing your time and having control, feedback and keeping track of your actions. Spending less time on work means you have more time for doing the things you like.

下午小睡,中国人称之为午睡, 睡觉并放一些放松音乐,你会离开一段时间,然后你会重新给自己充电,你的精神能量电池充满了,你可以重新开始做一些工作。

Avadhesh Khanna
How do I have presence of mind?
Let me ask you a question.
How many months have 28 days?
February, that’s correct? No, all tweleve months have 28 days.
Another question,
What is half of 2+2?
Two, BIG NO! answer is three.


Now coming to point. What was missing in answering above questions? It’s common sense or say presence of mind. As soon as someone starts asking a question either in interview or viva, our mind starts panicking. We overlook basic elements of question. There are simple things to follow:
Listen carefully.
Look for all minute details.
Be observant.
Be undisturbed from outer turbulence.
Practice HARD.
There is nothing called out of box. It’s just an overrated theory which is being used by so called consultant to suck your money.
Learning begins from home. Everything is there in that box. We are just ignorant to that dark corner. Throw some light and your mind will glitter.
You know, people sometimes call me absentminded. Oh boy, I am just focusing on something which is way important than your 745263+


Anthony Andranik Moumjian
What is the way to be emotionally strong in life?
People ask my mom how she remains so happy, so perked about life.
Anybody who sees her knows it. She radiates goodness and positivity. Nothing gets to her. To the stranger looking from the outside, you’d think she’s the strongest person in the world.
She works in retail, she works with people. Last year, she sold almost a million dollars worth of clothing. The company loves her. Her clients love her. When people come to the store, they ask for her by name. There is a sea of 500 associates with the ability to help someone find a shirt, but if they’ve been helped by my mom, they will wait in line to be helped by her instead.
She’s a product of abuse. Constant abuse that she confused for love at the hands of her own mother. 20 years of it, in fact.
Her mom never telling her she was good enough.
She never showed that side of her.
She gets dressed, she puts on her make-up, she tries her hardest to be an amazing mother to my sister and me. She checks off all the boxes of a great mom.
If I have any kindness, I like to think I got it from her. In the smallest sense, I hope that I at least learned it from her.


She was strong because she had to be. She was strong because there was no other way to live. She was forced into three abortions between myself and my sister because my dad didn’t know how to spend a few dollars on a condom.
I stand next to her, and sometimes I feel the weight of everything on my shoulders. I snap out of it when I remember all the things she’s been through. I snap out of it when I realize how far we’ve gotten out of those dark days.
We tell ourselves that just because somebody else went through something tougher that it doesn’t mean our problems are insignificant. That’s just the thing—that’s exactly what they are. We try to remove the ability to compare when comparison is all we have.
It’s the acknowledgement that people have gone through worse and they still choose to stand tall.
If you choose to stand small, there is no recourse. My mom survived; it’s because she told herself there was no other choice. She had to. Her reason was for us. For my little sister and myself. She only had one reason to be emotionally strong against a tide far too big to handle alone. But she only needed a reason to stand tall.
Today, I stand tall for my little sister and her.
Sometimes, emotional strength is a matter of finding a single reason to fight when there are a million reasons to give up.
You only need one. Some of us are still finding it.


Matthew Brooks
How can I develop a strong personality?
Here are 15 ways that can help you to develop a strong personality.
Be yourself: People can tell when you're faking it. Acquire the ability to be at ease in your own flesh.
Smile: anytime you talk to people. Speak clearly and make your message clear.
Ask questions: Question that begins with “why” works best. Let people discover themselves when talking to you.
Be very knowledgeable, try as much as you can to have deep knowledge on different topics.
Speak only when it’s necessary and always make sense with valid points.
Don’t complain: Don’t bawl about how this sucks and that isn’t fair. This won’t get you anywhere in life. And quality people won’t like to be around you.
Be encouraging: Genuinely help and encourage people to do better. You will feel good doing it. And people will like you more.


Use Your hands while having a conversation: Using Your hands will make you comfortable and highly presentable while having a conversation.
Don’t gossip: Quality people don’t gossip. They don’t need to put other people down to feel good about themselves.
Wear clean shoes. Don’t just wear anything but dress with sense! Appearance matters a lot, the way you make yourself presentable is how people are going to treat you.
Boost your confidence by always learning new stuff every day. If you can afford it, travel as much as you can.
Don’t compare yourself with anybody. Do your own thing in your own way, invent your own style.
Memorize peoples name and avoid using ‘Hey’ to address people all the time. You can do this by repeating peoples name constantly anytime you’re having a conversation with them.
Be humble: Nobody likes an all-time show-off. Yes, you are good enough but you don’t need to shove it in people’s faces.
Be very kind. Always have some kind of genuine solutions to other people problems.
FREE BONUS: If you've ever been curious about who you truly are, then this is something that you NEED to see...
To me, it felt a little bit surreal - almost too accurate to be true, even.
But as I delved deeper into my archetype, I just couldn't help but think how true everything was.
In just a matter of minutes, my heart was captivated.


Sajeev Rajan
How do you become strong as a person?
You can't totally be happy with someone else until you're happy by yourself! Agree?

原创翻译:龙腾网 http://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

Ruben Kusi
What is a good way to have a good mindset?
Always remember, NOTHING IS PERMANENT. Things WILL turn around someday. BELIEVE THAT[1]
STOP COMPLAINING. Complaining is simply giving yourself excuses for your inaction.
STOP BLAMING EVERYONE FOR YOUR PROBLEMS. They are your problems for a reason. You could complain for years and no one will solve them for you or you could use a day or a week or months to take care of that issue.
BE CONTENT WITH YOURSELF AND WHATEVER YOU CURRENTLY POSSESS. Don't envy. Simply try to make your life better. ACCEPT whatever your life circumstances are currently. Then if you can change it, do so.
LET GO OFF EXPECTATIONS. Your kindness and goodness should come from a place love and abundance. Give freely and you will NEVER be disappointed.
Stop trying to change what you cannot control and take control over what you can. Stop trying to change people but instead try to influence them.
Try to live by yourself. Why? It will teach you how to take responsibility for yourself and how to be self-reliant. Plus you will appreciate people more.
NEVER QUIT whatever makes you happy unless you are uncomfortable doing it or it goes against your beliefs or is unhealthy for you. It is what keeps you sane.
Help people out in the smallest of ways possible. It doesn't matter. Helping that man out with his load wouldn't be a bad idea. Getting that kid whose mother cannot afford that toy as his Christmas present would be fantastic. If it wouldn't break the bank. BELIEVE IT OR NOT THAT KID WILL ALWAYS REMEMBER and do similar for others in the future. And that's how you make the world a better place
Be grateful.
Thanks for reading,


Poornima Mohan
How can I develop more mindfulness?
If you are thinking of mindfulness, then I must congratulate you. You are on the right path. Modern day living brings lot of stress which, in turn, brings lot of diseases. But if we recognize this and take measures, we can be calm.
The first step is meditation. You may say it is difficult to concentrate. But there are techniques which will help you.
First, make a routine. Try to get up atlas 15 minutes earlier than your ususal time. Use this time to meditate. You can play some music to do that.
Second, try reading spiritual books or listen to spiritual discourses. I find Dr. Deepak Chopra’s books and lectures a great help.
Third, stay away from your phone, laptop, computer etc. as long as possible. Predetermine time when you will check your email. If your work requires constant use of your phone, then put it aside once you reach home.

第二,尝试阅读灵性书籍或聆听灵性话语。我觉得迪帕克·乔普拉(Deepak Chopra)博士的书和讲座很有帮助。

Fourth, practice diaphragmatic breathing. That is expand your stomach when you are inhaling and contract while exhaling. Do this five times. After that watch your breath. Breathe slowly and deeply.Breathe in, breathe out. Just that. you will find when you do that, the internal struggle will subside.The longer you take to breathe in, the longer you will be able to keep stress at bay.
Fifth, become aware of your body and this will come automatically because now you are breathing mindfully. So you become more aware of your body.
Sixth, Concentrate. paint a big red dot on a piece of 6.6 inches white paper and place it on a wall where it it is at your eye level once you are sitting on the floor. Now sit down and concentrate on this dot. Increase the time slowly. The more you concentrate, the longer you will increase your mindfulness.
Seventh, spend some time in nature. Go for a walk. Stop and smell the flowers. Touch the leaves by hand and feel their texture. You are increasing your mindfulness.
And last but not the least, smile. It has a physiological effect. Once you smile, you will find that you are automatically happier.
So be it !!!
I hope you find the steps helpful. Please give your feedback


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