2022-10-08 辽阔天空 3591

What can I do to develop a strong mind?


Mukul Royy
How do I develop a broad mindset in life?
The most underrated hack is having the balls to stand up for yourself,
There’s nothing wrong with a woman wanting to bring out the best in you,
Nobody wants to accept that they’re an asshole, but it needs to be done if you want to grow,
Man must retain his ability to evolve,
No expectations = No disappointments,
More you do better you feel,
Life is easier when you’re ignorant,
He who can’t control his sexuality shall be enslaved to it ,
Get over your bitchy habits,


Michael Daconta
What can I do to change my weak mind?
Your goal is to develop "a mind like a trap." This is a mind that when a decision is made, it is final and will happen. In other words, your integrity is so strong that your word is unshakable and you always follow through on what you say. This comes from having a mind that can make a firm decision and follow through on it.
This comes from a disciplined mind that is constantly seeking to improve its mental map of the world and understanding of how the world works. But first and foremost is the strong ability to make a firm decision. I learned good decision making from my time as a platoon leader in the military. It is always imperfect, but you are willing to live with the consequences and THAT is the essence of leadership. Study leadership, including our great military leaders, for examples and ways to improve your decision making!


Hector Quintanilla
How do I become mentally strong?
The king of the jungle lives with pride in his natural habitat.
He has an army, lives in prides and hunts in groups with planned strategy.
Being the strongest, the alpha male will reign unchallenged with power.
Now, picture the exact same alpha male lion, but caged in a zoo, controlled and manipulated by human beings.
The result will be a depressed beast deprived of his powerful nature.
Now imagine you are the lion…
Each one of us was born with amazing natural abilities, but like the lion above, if deprived of those abilities, that potential will be wasted.
A weak mind will kill our potential.
For years I struggled with a “caged mind.” I didn't believe in myself and as a result I was always hacking myself with unbelief of what I could do.
To live our lives to the fullest is to live our life in freedom.
Just like a lion needs freedom to be “the king of the jungle,” you and I need freedom to be 100% ourselves.
Real freedom is only found when we can become everything that our Creator designed us to be, NOT what other people made us think we are.
So, to answer your question, how can you become mentally strong?
It's a bloody war, a daily battle and you need to fight for that freedom!


原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

How do we fight for freedom?
Stop the victim mindset; stop feeling sorry for yourself.
Stop avoiding change.
Stop being a people pleaser.
Stop fearing failure.
Stop dwelling on the past.
Stop making the same mistakes over and over again.
Stop trying to be like someone else.
Stop following the crowd.
Stop whining about what you can't control.
Stop feeling entitled to success. We only deserve what we fight for.
Most importantly: #NeverGiveUp


Warren Micheal Sakwa
How does a person set up a strong mind?
To set up a strong mind is something that does not happen over night.
Everybody faces challenges during the course of the day.
Setting up a strong mind would necessitate perseverance of such challenges.
How then do you set up a strong mind? By being proactive, become a problem solver.
This is what I do…
When facing a problem, instead of sulking and asking why always me?, I think about all the possible ways I could solve that problem and work on the solutions.
I repeatedly do this, so my mind has gotten so used to solving everyday problems that it can get dull when there are none.
But then again, there is always an issue that arises and its up, lets get to work and solve this.


Qiaochu Yuan
Is there any secret in being good at math?
Ignore everything you learned in school. There is no such thing as subjects. Learn everything at the same time, and continuously. There is also no such thing as books, so don’t worry about finishing them; all of the math out there is a giant book you will never finish reading.
Ask questions. Wonder about what you learn: if you changed this thing, what would happen? How is this related to that? Connect everything. Get curious about the math in physics, in economics, whatever you’re interested in. Follow your curiosity. If you stop being curious, stop learning and go do something else.
Find mentors, or failing that, find good math bloggers, or people on Mathematics Stack Exchange who write answers that you get a lot out of, and read everything they’ve written. Write up what you’ve learned and ask people for feedback on it.
Give yourself exercises: how do I prove this cool theorem I heard about once? Write up your answers.
Teach other people. Try to answer their questions, online or in person.
Forgive yourself. Math can get hard, and it’s okay if it takes a long time for you to understand something, or if you never understand it. Look at it this way: in mathematics, you’ll never run out of challenges to overcome. Isn’t that wonderful?


Johan's Work
How can you improve your imagination?
Accept everything. Never reject or discriminate. Tolerance and indecision are the essence of an open mind. Don't judge thoughts or observations, especially your own. With every judgement, possibilities collapse, and your imagination will shrink. Intolerance is intentional blindness. Allow everything its rightful place. If your cup is full, the cup will grow.
Be obsessive. Feed your mind with what you are passionate about. Pursue your aspirations. Dream big and dream often. Like a gold fish grows to fit its tank, your imagination will grow to fit your dreams.
Think beyond words. Words are low bandwidth. Practice seeing and feeling the entire experience. Think in memories, but of the future. Try to remember what it could be like. Words will always follow.
We are all equipped with an extremely powerful and potent imagination. It is an integral part of our reproduction and survival. Even the least imaginative of us has no problem imagining an obxt of desire naked, or envisioning a life with them with children, or obsessing to the point where it feels like it already happened, even when we're just peeping from a window.
Imagination is also what breaths life into reality. We render everything with our minds. We fill in gaps. We experience our intuitions. No one has a crippled imagination. Direct it towards fiction and it will grow in that direction.
Ultimately our imagination expands proportionally to what we are focused on and for how long.
Imagination = Focus x Time x Knowledge / Intolerance


Focus is focus on a specific subject.
Time is time focused with your eyes closed.
Knowledge is what you know and should continue to feed.
Intolerance is what you exclude from the picture.
Never admit to being unimaginative. It's just an excuse to not be creative, and we hear it all the time. All anyone needs is more time alone with their thoughts. An unimaginative person is someone afraid of being alone or who just can't stop talking.
The following is from my answer on How one becomes more creative:
Energy always has a source, as does creativity. The sum of creativity in a system remains the same. How you can channel more of it through you is a matter of input and output. Take in more. Put out more. In the process you will inevitably become smarter and more imaginative proportional to your throughput.
My favorite quote:
The secret to creativity is knowing how to hide your sources.
-- Albert Einstein
The answer to creativity is not to work harder. Working hard is a given, and it's easy if you're passionate about your work. We all work hard. The thought of some of us able to push the boundaries of effort is appealing because we've all hit that wall and imagined overcoming it. But sometimes we do and sometimes we don't. We're all more or less the same in this regard. The only way to gain a real advantage with effort is sacrifice, and by that I mean drastic sacrifice (moderate sacrifice is a given). Can you sacrifice your social life, your family, your health? Sacrifice can give anyone an edge, but you pay the price. For some feats I do not doubt it to be necessary. But out of all the creative minds we value and envy, sacrifice is by no means a common denominator. Happiness and creativity are not mutually exclusive, and sacrifice remains a choice. It makes for great drama, but not for a great life.
Beyond effort, the real issue is more about work ethic, drive, and strategy. Work ethic is a matter of habit and discipline. These are acquired with focus and training. Drive is about passion and obsession. These have more to do with your character and natural dispositions. Strategy is a matter of perspective and approach. These have to do with how you value intelligence and experimentation.
The following are more quotes from Einstein:


If at first, the idea is not absurd, then there is no hope for it.
We can't solve problems by using the same kind of thinking we used when we created them.
The true sign of intelligence is not knowledge but imagination.
Logic will get you from A to B. Imagination will take you everywhere.
The important thing is to not stop questioning. Curiosity has its own reason for existing.
The only thing that interferes with my learning is my education.
Imagination is everything. It is the preview of life's coming attractions.
I am enough of an artist to draw freely upon my imagination. Imagination is more important than knowledge. Knowledge is limited. Imagination encircles the world.
Anyone who has never made a mistake has never tried anything new.
The most beautiful thing we can experience is the mysterious. It is the source of all true art and all science. He to whom this emotion is a stranger, who can no longer pause to wonder and stand rapt in awe, is as good as dead: his eyes are closed.
The mere formulation of a problem is far more essential than its solution, which may be merely a matter of mathematical or experimental skills. To raise new questions, new possibilities, to regard old problems from a new angle requires creative imagination and marks real advances in science.


Anna Sharudenko
What are some social life hacks?
“Appear weak when you are strong, and strong when you are weak.” Know when to play dumb.
Tell people what they want to hear. “You can make more friends in two months by becoming interested in other people than you can in two years by trying to get other people interested in you.”
“When strong, avoid them. If of high morale, depress them. Seem humble to fill them with conceit. If at ease, exhaust them. If united, separate them. Attack their weaknesses. Emerge to their surprise.”
You must be exceptionally good at getting along with people and with fitting in like you always belonged in any group of people. Nobody will hire you or trust you as a leader if your social skills are repugnant. universities now offer “communications” as a Bachelor’s degree, hence we are on the verge of a social skill epidemic.
Communication & friendship = either the other person is using you, you are using the other person, or both of you are using one another. The last scenario usually leads to strong bonds.
Facts don’t care about feelings, yet most people function solely on emotions, so you have to adapt to people’s irrational mentalities.
Don’t lie because lies are challenging to remember.
Always ask for people’s names and remember those names — starting from the man who works on the valet or that one professor because “a person’s name is to that person the sweetest and most important sound in any language.”
Do favors for others. Most people have conscience and feelings of remorse and embarrassment, so use it for your benefit. They will feel obligated to help you when you will need help.
Let the other person do the 70% of talking. Make them feel wanted and valued. People love getting their ego stroked and easily fall for obsequious flattery.


Nick Lui
How do I develop a strong, full voice?
There’s an exercise out there that can help you fix this problem in just 5 minutes a day. It’s an exercise by Marian Rich, a voice and speech teacher in New York to help actors improve their vocal presence.
Find a paragraph- it can be from a book, an article, anything that’s long enough for you to read for at least 2–3 minutes.
Split the paragraph into two to three syllable bite size chunks.
Read the paragraph once whispering. Each time you encounter a slash mark, stop, inhale, and fill your belly with air. Whisper each phrase with all the air you inhaled. Intentionally pronounce each consonant and vowel as much as you can, but don’t force the whisper. Keep your throat open, and lift it over your throat.
Repeat step three, this time speaking it instead of whispering it. Keep taking great pleasure in enunciating each word. Make sure you stop at each slash mark.
Make sure you to take 5 minutes every day to do this, and if you do it for a few weeks, I guarantee you that you will see dramatic improvements in vocal clarity, diction, and presence. Hope this helps!
Credits to Sims Wyeth, follow if you like this answer. :)

有一个每天5分钟内的练习可以帮助你解决这个问题。这是玛丽安·里奇(Marian Rich)的一个练习,她是纽约的一名语音和演讲老师,旨在帮助演员们改善他们的声音表现。
感谢Sims Wyeth,如果您喜欢这个答案,请点个关注。

Wong Sr Chin (Mr); LL.B, B Soc Sc.
Can a weak-minded person ever become strong-minded?
Dear Raymond, thank you for your question.
To me, there is no such thing as a weak-minded or strong-minded person.
What you may have is a highly awakened and empowering mind or a unconscious/cluttered and disempowering mind.
Everyone has the inherent freedom and power to keep their mind in an empowering state. Unfortunately, however, due to their ignorance and reluctance to learn for growth, they live in a state of low awareness. Consequently, instead of being the master of their mind, they become its slave.
The trouble is that an uncontrolled mind is incapable of regulating or disciplining itself. Instead of acting in your interest, it invariably acts to your detriment..
The best weapon against an uncontrolled mind is heightened awareness.


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