2022-10-08 Kira_Yoshikage 3541

Physically disabled users of Reddit, what are some less commonly talked about struggles that come with your disability?


Not me, but my dad is blind. Lots of home appliances have been going from physical knobs and buttons with clear distinct functions to touch screen panels, some without even any type of sound or tactile cue to let the person know.


Touch screens also absolutely suck for those of us with hand tremors and proprioception (position sense) issues. If you miss a physical button it's no problem; just slide your finger to where it needs to be and push. If you miss on a touch screen, fuck you you're going to wherever that touch sends you.

原创翻译:龙腾网 转载请注明出处

I've been concerned about the rise of touch screen controls in automobiles, how much harder they make it to change a control setting by feel so you don't take your eyes off the road. I hadn't considered how touchscreens affect people with vision or fine motor control issues in things like turning on a coffee maker.


Before becoming disabled I was an appliance specialist and tech. Whirlpool actually started coming out with smart appliances back then (so they may be even better now) that could be voice controlled much like using Google home/Alexa. There was even a feature for pre-prepared frozen food where you scan the barcode and it tells the oven what to do and automates it. Not sure on price point but these things tend to lower in price over time.

在残疾之前,我曾经是一个家电科技专家。惠而浦之前曾经出过一些智能家电(所以现在可能更优秀了),可以用语音控制,和Google Home/Alexa差不多。甚至有一个针对预制冷冻食品的功能,你只需要扫描条形码,机器就可以告诉你该干什么,然后剩下的交给它自己完成。我不太确定多少钱,但是这种东西是会随着时间越来越便宜的。

My issue with these technologies is that they add complexity to use a device. On top of that it forces manufacturers to support those features, and there's no guarantee from manufacturers that the those features to be available for the entire life of the product.


Also they require you to be OK with the privacy implications of using google home / alexa, which a lot of people are not

此外它们还需要你完全同意使用Google Home或者Alexa所必须的隐私条款,但是很多人其实不同意。

As someone who has a degenerative eye disease, this is one of my biggest annoyances at the moment. Like I still have vision, but those touchscreens are getting more and more common and it honestly kinda scares me.

原创翻译:龙腾网 转载请注明出处

I'm not even a blind or disabled person but I absolutely hate touch screens. Newer cars have those everywhere. I cant even lower the volume or turning the A/C without having to take my eyes off the road. It's just not practical!


I remember first time ATM went full touch screen. I was young(so very self centered at the time) and I didn't know anybody with disability and still I realized that it was a big fuck you to blind people


Specially when there is no need for it


Urinary incontinence and the cost associated with it. A vast people with my condition struggle with incontinence, but we don’t talk about it! I’ve had incontinence since I was 12 years old. I was so embarrassed that I didn’t tell anyone for years. I had to buy diapers behind my parents back. I also always smelled really bad. The diapers would leak or the pads I used would fall off, so I would just leak urine all the time. It was so embarrassing. I would have to change my pants multiple times a day to not smell.


Well, I consulted a doctor and there’s nothing they can do for me. I’m 22 now and have lost almost complete control of my bladder. People don’t understand that leaks are inevitable and happen occasionally. I get absolutely roasted for having leaks. My friends still make comments to me when I buy diapers and thick urinary pads, despite knowing my condition. People only accept disability until it’s embarrassing.


Not to mention the cost. Im a broke 22 year old college student living on my own in LA. 10 diapers from the only brand that won’t leak are $28. Think about how many times you use the bathroom a day…. Yeah. That’s just ONE cost of my disability. There’s so many more.


Bowel and bladder issues. It may not be obvious but they can be a constant issue.

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Also pain that isn’t obvious.


Having to power through meetings you need to lead and be interactive and on camera or in-person, when you really just need to shit your guts out and are cramping so hard you're getting a sweaty forehead and want to pass out... yeah, not fun.


Or trying not to be late to work, because you don't want to be explaining you were glued to the toilet seat...


My son is currently going through this. He's very worried that he might lose his job. He's up all night, and spends a lot of time in the bathroom at work. His medicine isn't helping and the gastro office wants him to stay on it for at least 6 weeks before they even have a conversation about it. By then he may be out of a job and have no insurance


and food you can't eat - people get SO, MORTALLY UPSET when you have to decline food. They take it SO personally and it's like dude, I just don't want to shit blood and feel awful for the next week. It's not about you.


You realize how much food is integrated into socialization when you suddenly can't eat a lot of food. Lunches at work, dates, events, etc. People look at you like you're a freak if you don't join in on the food and it fucking sucks, man.


People judging you for being a picky eater. Look, i would love to eat it. I fucking love food. But i cant spare the week of recovery my bowels would need.

原创翻译:龙腾网 转载请注明出处

For fucks sake, just not wanting to eat the food should be enough, though. Like, it isnt a moral failing to not like a food or even to be a picky eater. How do people understand consent for sex, but judge for food. Why does it matter to them?


I’ve had enough bouts on the toilet in tears to keep me from ever being anything but overly cautious when it comes to food. Especially mystery communal food from coworkers.


It shouldn’t matter and just straight up tell them if they won’t stop pushing.


just straight up tell them if they won’t stop pushing.


Yep sometimes this is the only way. If people don't respond to a polite "no thank you", my current policy is they get one warning shot ("I'd love to, but it disagrees with my stomach"), and then if they keep pushing they get the gory version ("if I eat X, I will start violently shitting myself in about 4 hours").


If i get to the gory version I'll usually say it matter-of-factly, and juuust loud enough for 3 or 4 people nearby to hear it - I find this is pretty effective at stopping any follow-up questions or comments.


The fact that it's hard to keep friends because you have to cancel last minute so often. It's not that I don't want to go - I so want to go! But my body said no. Only the best of friends stick around after years of this.


I have chronic pain from being crushed in a head on with a semi. I use low impact, high intensity exercise as my go to pain management. (If my muscles are sore from working out, my chronic pain isn't always the focus) This has me in really good shape but still very much disabled. Unfortunately that makes it look like I'm a completely able bodied person that's just lazy...


Ah I get this! I use exercise to cope with chronic pain too. So I’m relatively fit. But moving my body in certain ways still just doesn’t work. When I exercise I can do my own routines so it won’t hurt me worse. But sometimes I get invited to activities that I just can’t or really shouldn’t do. Or being expected to do certain tasks at work. I have nerve damage from falling out of a tree, mostly in my left leg.


I use a cane, and sometimes my fiancee forget I only have one hand available when standing.


Also the amount of energy required to do the same activities.


This!!! I'm a new cane user and the amount of times my mom leaves me to carry more than one thing is shocking. Also first time out I didn't get a basket that was a mistake I only made once.


I absolutely destroyed my right knee in the military. I was 22 years old, right knee cage looking brace. I walked with a cane to help support myself.


I started using the powered carts at Walmart and such, and got some really nasty comments about how lazy I was... While my cane was between my legs, and my caged knee was completely visible.


I couldn't believe it at first, then I stopped caring and just rode the carts until I didn't need to anymore.


Just the exhaustion from having to deal with your limitations, both physically and mentally.


Doing anything always takes extra effort, and usually requires more resting to feel up to doing whatever else needs to be done.


As a disabled person who works, I usually only have enough energy to make dinner when I get home. So chores tend to pile up, and some jobs just never get done because it requires more energy than I have in one day, unless I get someone else to do it for me.


Oh, I get this completely. And you can't just "fight your way through" fatigue. It's like the car is OUT OF GAS. A pep talk isn't fuel, it's just annoying. I work, too, and my medication has helped so much, but I still struggle big time with laundry, cooking, cleaning....The cat has to be fed, watered, etc. He has stuck with me through this so he gets priority.

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Hell even if you manage to find “reserve gas” to use you’ll have half a tank at best to start with the next day if you use it.


Absolutely! I hate having to push through something due to circumstances I have no control over and then have to spend 2 days recovering....always behind somehow. The constant drain and feeling incapable takes an emotional toll on top of the mental and physical drains too.


Yeah this so much. I always feel like every action needs to be considered and planned because the cost is higher. A trip to the store? Work? Yeah that means an empty battery so no energy left for anything else.


But it's down to smaller details too. Like, do I get up and fetch tea from the kitchen? Or can I put on that nice dress for once or is it too much to raise my arms up high to get in it? Can I still go and play with my kid on the floor later? Every single action needs to be considered and it's so exhausting.


The lack of energy to do even the most mundane things. Feeling bummed out and in pain a lot.


Showering is so hard. I have to psych myself up to do it and plan for lots of downtime after and if I do skip a shower then I’m paranoid that I’m rank. All of which is super depressing too.

原创翻译:龙腾网 转载请注明出处

Not (always) being able to tell when an illness or injury is bad enough to need medical attention. When "nauseous, fatigued, and in a noticeable amount of pain" is just your constant state of being, it's not easy to know when something worse might be going on or if you're just having a bad flare-up.


So true.


Twice I was in the ER for something else when I was asked, "Do you know that you have a kidney infection?"


No, ma'am, I did not.


My GP teased me (nicely) about not being able to distinguish "low back pain" from "low back pain". My spinal damage doesn't usually cause a fever, to be fair.


Such a vibe. Abdominal pain is just part of my life, and I'm scared that one day there'll be something else wrong and I won't realise. I just hope I'm so familiar with my colitis pain that I'd notice if the pain was slightly different.


Farts are wheelchair height.


This absolutely killed me


OMG THiS!! Lol. Constant onslaught of butts and not all of them are nice. But some are


“But some are”


People get mad when I'm standing in the disabled line. Yes, I've fucking noticed I'm in the disabled line, thanks for reminding me of that


As a wheelchair/prosthetic leg user, when people do that I just raise my pant leg and make a loud enough comment so everyone in earshot knows they're being a rude cunt. Fuck off, not every disability is visible. Public shaming is sometimes the right response to this bullshit.


make a loud enough comment


Can I ask what? Something along "Want to touch it, to ensure it's really not a real leg?" or more straightforwarded and simply calling them out without any questions etc. ?


I haven't had many experiences with this since 99% of people (in my experience so far) are cool about it. However, one time I straight up said something along the lines of "am I not disabled enough?" in response to whatever the other guy said, I don't remember though because it was years ago. A few people gave him a death glare and I felt pretty okay with that since he left me alone after.


Typically anything that both shows your actually disabled while pointing out the other person's rude remarks is sufficient thankfully. I haven't had it go into any kind of debate/argument thankfully.


I think an "Oh my god, my leg grew back?!" would throw people off


Oh I’ve actually had to use this once in a government setting, when the government gave me a 3 year review date to see if I’m still disabled. Someone on my medical file, one of my specialists, said in a more roundabout way that I’m not going to grow my feet back and the person who suggested I get re-reviewed is a fucking moron lol. The next review was stamped as “disabled indefinitely” with no more reviews


Several years ago I injured my back (herniated discs) and for a few years after I simply could not stand for any length of time and needed to take frequent breaks to sit. Outwardly though I looked just fine, and I got all kinds of weird looks when I'd use disabled seating, stand in the disabled line, so on. So I got a cane. The cane did not physically help me at all (and might even have made my back worse if I put real weight on it) but as long as I looked like I was using it the questions and weird looks stopped. Relatively simple solution in the end, but I was always just a bit annoyed that I had to use a prop so people would stop judging me.


"Well, you didn't look like an asshole until you spoke."


Menus up way behind the cash registers. I've always wondered if it gave people with normal sight problems.


If it helps you feel better (?), I have normal/corrected sight and those stupid menus are still hard to read. Many times I've just googled the menu or used my phone to zoom in. It's flat out terrible design.


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