2022-10-11 兰陵笑笑生 6990

Why are men from the US seem to be more violent than men from other western countries?


So the reason why I make this post is because over the last decades, I’ve noticed American men(especially the conservative ones) tends to worship violence a lot , I’d say way more than a man from France , for example.
Now for me, I’m from Canada, which is a country bordering the US, with similar colonial history, language and culture but living in Canada I can generally say i feel pretty safe as a woman, whereas when I traveled to the US I can’t say the same.
And I’ve seen many American women say the same on many different social media platforms. So I know I’m not the only one feeling this.
I’ve also lived in mainland China and Hong Kong besides Canada, and traveled to around 10 western countries(including US) and US just gave me a different vibe, for a lack of a better word.
And yes, we all know US have a gun culture, but could this really be the only reason why American men are more violent?
Also I noticed comparing living in the west and living in Asia, western men are much more easy to fall into loneliness than Asian men living in Asia, personally I believe it’s due to the effect of the individualistic culture that the West promotes vs the collectivism culture in the East.
So yeah, let me know your thoughts on this , if you’re from the US feel free to share your experience, if you’re not from the US but have been there , feel free to chime in as well

原创翻译:龙腾网 http://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

The feeling I get from American men is they have a sense of exceptionalism and entitlement that goes above and beyond.


It’s the entitlement for me. Not quite sure when or how that happened but it is rampant.


Also there is the whole legacy of cowboys in this country.


This is a correlation vs causation problem. Many guys are very sweet and peaceful but given all the shootings lately they’ve become more rare

原创翻译:龙腾网 http://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

I hate to generalize American men, and to some extent, I feel like my comment above could be a generalization, but when I look at the men in my life that I love and know are nonviolent, I just get a sense that these men feel like they have the power to do anything they want because they have grown up in a nationalistic society and culture that promotes the patriarchy.
Like, I don't think many American men are thinking about the oppression of women, children, families, etc in other parts of the world, let alone their own country. They've never had to live their lives as the minority.


I get the sense that many men spend their lives in secret terror of becoming a minority. So many conspiracies about books, movies, or even simple acts of kindness turning a "real" man gay. It's as though they realize their privilege on some level, even though they would never admit it out loud, and fear losing it.


that's an interesting observation. When you've been handed everything on a silver platter your entire life, the thought of it all going away and having to live below these standards must be terrifying.

原创翻译:龙腾网 http://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

I think you ladies are onto something. The men in my family that are aggressive, abusive and misogynistic tend to end their conversations with the phrase, “But I’m not gay.”
There is nothing wrong with being gay at all. I always tried to understand why they said this when they seemed to be communicating at their most vulnerable moments. I still don’t understand it, and I will never excuse them for their horrific behavior towards women.
Is there a connection here?


Our culture is violence-based, especially in the ammo sexual community.
It really is the guns and the rest of purchasing military style assault weapons for "home security."
It is grotesque, and we kind of suck as a society.


Interesting point, can you elaborate more on the ammo sexual community and what do you mean by that ?

有趣的观点,你能更详细地说明“ammosexual community”是什么意思吗?

It is a term to describe the gun obsessed people, typically men, who believe the Second Amendment is the most important of the Bill of Rights, and is more important than ensuring children are safe in school.


To expand on this a bit, for these people, owning and carrying a gun is a central part of their identity as a person. Regardless of their justification for it, the basic necessity of them owning and carrying a gun outweighs anyone else's consideration for safety, no matter how basic. These people practically worship the NRA, and strongly tend to favour the republican party.
They tend to go hard on toxic masculine concepts, from the aforementioned violence solutions, to masculine superiority. There's a big overlap with anti-government sentiment and dysfunctional individualism.


The US culture is heavily based on violence. War on drugs, war on poverty.


Even economically, in business, there's often a sense of kill or be killed, fight or die.


It’s a combo of things. American nationalism, gun culture, patriarchy, rampant and unchecked religious extremism in Christianity, etc. Violence is strength to the American man, and America is all about showing strength.


I've lived and worked on three continents (North America, Europe, & South America), traveled to many countries, and honestly -- I have to disagree with you. I don't think US men are more violent than men from other Western countries.
It's interesting you pick France as an example, because I would actual pick France as the place with the most dangerous & violent men I've ever encountered in my life.
Just thinking about my personal experiences, while I was living in France (less than 2 years), I:
Witnessed a man kill his partner in a domestic dispute
Had my local train station shut down due a different murder (a man threw a woman he'd been stalking in front of a train) and got to spend a week staring at whatever powder/crap they used to try to soak up/clean off the blood from the tracks
Had a man try to abduct me in broad daylight (my close friend also narrowly avoided an abduction by two men that same year, also during the day)
Had to help a different friend avoid her stalker, who repeatedly broke into her home and office to leave her "gifts" (police did nothing)

4)我不得不帮助另一个朋友躲避她的跟踪者,这个跟踪者多次闯入她的家和办公室,给她留下 "礼物"(警察什么也没做)。

Things like these that have happened to me in the USA, where I've lived 20+ years, having traveled to 30+ states (mostly traveling by myself): Zero.
In fact, I was more comfortable traveling as a woman alone in South America (I went on several solo expeditions) than I was leaving my apartment after dark in France.
I think here's what happens -- when we travel to other countries (especially western Europe), most travelers don't go outside of the touristy areas, and those touristy areas tend to be very safe because tourism is so critical to those countries' economies. Those touristy areas are protected and tend to be extra safe, often safer than the "everyday" places in that country.
Meanwhile, where I lived in France was very far from any major tourism destinations (foreigners like myself were quite rare). When I went to touristy spots in France like Paris, Nice, Mont Saint-Michel, etc., I was always treated wonderfully, never had issues with anyone, etc. If those were the only places I visited, I would have said that I felt very safe as a woman in France, safer than I did in the USA! But the places I went for my work were very non-touristy. And in those places, I felt extremely, extremely unsafe as a woman, way LESS safe than in the USA.


But the USA is SO BIG, and because international tourism is honestly not as important to us as it is to other countries, we don't have a lot of places that are more catered to tourists than they are to locals.
For example, in 2019, France saw about 90 million international travelers (this was more than France's population of 65 million). Now, in 2019, the USA saw about 79 million international travelers... against a population of 328 million. Our "tourism spots" are just our big cities, and they're still more catered to locals (and domestic travelers) than international.
So unless you're really purposeful about going into non-touristy areas (like, not just "off the beaten path" in the guidebook, but literally not even mentioned in the guidebook), in many Western countries (especially western European countries) you get a curated tourist experience that is safer than the "everyday" experience of locals in that country. Of course American women find this "safer" than their "everyday" USA experience.
But in the US, that degree of "curated experience" doesn't exist (outside of Disneyland, maybe?). In fact, because city/urban violent crime rates are 74% higher than rural crime rates in the USA and most international travelers are visiting urban areas in the US, that means they're not only NOT getting a "curated tourist experience" but that they're actually getting an experience that is potentially more dangerous than if they went to a non-tourist locale like the suburbs or a rural area.


There is a hughe class discrepancy betwean poor and the rich in the US. In most western countries it's way smaller. And poverty leads to violence and crime.


I'm gonna go a bit against the grain here:
I don't think American men are necessarily more violent than European or other western nations ones; I think that the US has a more open culture when it comes to reporting domestic and sexual violence.
I'd wager that violence rates are similar, though Americans' love of guns might mean that there are more serious physical injury/fatal incidents.


As a person that moved from the UK to the US as an early adolescent I found UK kids were more violent than US kids. I used to fight more there.


Yes, this. My wife’s family are Brits and my mother-in-law grew up in a really rough part of Liverpool. My MIL chose to stay with a crappy husband in Kuwait (of all places) because she was afraid if she went back to the UK, she’d have to live in a dodgy area and her sons would get targeted by gangs.
Which is all to say: I don’t necessarily think that US men are more violent than men in other countries. Brits can be pretty awful. I mean look at football (soccer) hooligans. Mobs of hooligans riot after matches (win or lose), burning shit and attacking random people (sometimes killing them). The British government had to pass laws specifically targeting hooligans to try to stop the madness.
Americans get fed the sanitized version of the UK, where it’s all sophisticated Downton Abbey types or people baking cute cakes, but there’s just as much badness. They just kill with knives and fists instead of guns.


I stayed in the US when I was younger for a year or two. It really seemed in school anyway, that it was less violent as well. Even more juvenile in a way. However they seemed more entitled than UK kids. Which was more in line with the rich kids I ran into in Uni.

原创翻译:龙腾网 http://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

This. British guys, and some other European guys (French, German) go out and fight for fun. They call it a bit of fun. WTF.


You don't start shooting people though

原创翻译:龙腾网 http://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

Yeah, guns are a whole other thing.
Maybe non-US people feel more free to fight because they can reasonably expect their antagonist does not have a gun.


A lot of US men are simply too fat to fight


I feel like I'm qualified to answer this as a dude who has lived in Europe and the US for more than 15 years each.
The US combines anti-intellectualism, gun culture, sexism, religion, homophobia, and a weird obsession with the idea of "dominance" into a cultural slurry that just flat-out encourages violence as a form of self-expression and "masculinity". Basically ALL pro-social behaviors are treated as explicitly wrong and result in a loss of face in front of other men. Negligence and abuse normally aren't explicitly encouraged, but basically being a decent person is socially punished unless you carefully curate your social circle (which people usually don't).


Most of that just isn't the case in Europe (and other continents, but I haven't spent enough time there to speak for them). Even very sexist cultures in Europe only have half of these cultural drivers in the same way (sexism, religion, homophobia is a common combo). That still probably leads to a lot of violence, but statistically it's clear that it's not in the same way or with the same homicidal intensity as in the US.
Especially in the more egalitarian parts of Europe, it's completely normal for absolute dudebro-looking men to have hobbies that include cooking, knitting, gardening, book clubs, or just blasting Ariana Grande, or whoever's famous right now, while pumping iron at the gym.
You just get a sense that guys "grow up" more, meaning they don't spend much (or any) energy on "proving" their masculinity to other dudes, the way insecure teenagers do.


Violent misogyny comes out a lot more obviously when society actively tries to make society more equitable among genders. American misogyny is reactionary.
In a lot of societies beyond the United States, you have patriarchy explicitly upheld institutionally. Those men don't have to react to anything. Society is already built in their favor and they enjoy open privilege. The violence and misogyny is implicit. They rule, they hold the cards, they can ruin a woman whenever they feel like it. So what's to react to? They can kick back and enjoy the view.


All Hail Notorious RBG
I'd wager it has something to do with "real men don't cry" culture. Basically, men aren't taught how to properly address their emotions. So they inevitably lash out. But I think that the prence of violence in pop culture plays a part, too. The "cool guy" is always portrayed as taking what he wants and being somebody people fear and respect. So "violence is necessary to be powerful" becomes ingrained in culture.


This is admittedly a slightly flippant comment, but perhaps we're seeing society dominated by a raft of adult men who saw Beauty and the Beast when they were children and completely missed the point that you're not supposed to idolise and emulate Gaston.
There was a very insightful post recently about how he's the most terrifying Disney villain. People fall for his charisma, boasting and physical prowess, but his character is utterly rotten and no-one seems to see it. And he's everywhere.


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