2022-10-11 兰陵笑笑生 4734

Why are men from the US seem to be more violent than men from other western countries?


Because their allowed to be. Violent men are are protected here. If they protected the climate like they protect abusers, climate change wouldn't even be a thing.

原创翻译:龙腾网 http://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

Men in other countries can be violent, even if it's not physical.


and... I get a feeling it is also because news channel don't report other country's domestic violence news.
it is definitely there, but you just don't hear about it.


The big loud gun-toting yee haws are loud and noticeable but they're just an easy target of 'everything is wrong with" mentality.
People everywhere are people. Access to gund makes it easier to kill, but the people as a whole are not necessarily more violent. People tend to forget that countries are divided by invisible made up lines drawn on maps and that humans in different countries have some differences, but those differences are culturally determined and at the core we are all the same, regardless of skin colour or gender etc.


It is a culture our society promotes.
It's hard to convince people to go settle already settled areas by killing and running off the inhabitants unless you have already inundated those people with the belief that they are better than everyone else and deserve what they want.
But my eastern European family is just as violent if not moreso than my American.
Violent men historically procreate more as they controlled more. We are the product of evolving the best killers over generations.


‘Violent men historically procreate more’is something pretty insightful, never thought of it that way but it makes sense


Most the men in my family are terrible. I'm extremely proud that I have the father I do, otherwise I wouldn't be who I am.
We are just as prone to violence as my other relatives. But that doesn't mean we succumb to such impulses.
My dad has never laid a hand on my mom in anger. He taught me from a young age to not behave that way or tolerate such behavior. We don't even associate with my our extended family because of many of these issues.
I've never even raised my voice to my wife in anger, much less laid a hand on her.
But I still love fighting, as a child and still now. But I am a big proponent of consent, whether that is in a sexual context or just physical. I have a great place for consentual violence, the fighting ring.
My wife thinks I'm the most potentially violent person she has ever met. She also knows I would never harm her.


It might make sense anecdotally but it’s not really true. There may be a certain optimum level of violence (for evolution not morality) but as a social species violence within an individual’s social group is not always sexted for.
A quick “cave man” example is that if there is a single violent male hoarding all the women, then multiple weaker males that are better at collaborating but otherwise weaker/less violent males will run him off.


As a non American I always had an impression that there is an heightened readiness and normalization for violence in the American culture compared to what I am used to. One example is the very idea of owning a gun or a weapon in general “for protection”. Where I grew up (Ukraine in the 90ties) we did have a problem with juvenile gangs, so it was not that uncommon to get mugged or assaulted but the most you never had to fear for your life or your health. Yet looking at America from the outside it seems like the stakes are always high and the reaction always has to be extreme and violent.
As to why it is so, I am a total loss. Maybe it’s a product of the frontier culture where small groups had to take justice in their own hand and strangers were mistrusted. Or maybe compassion was generally discouraged in the American society (it does seem like it’s obsessed with the idea of everyone being solely responsible for any problems they might have).


Right, I believe that the individualistic culture in US plays a part too


And it’s not just individualism but that particular kind of “if you are weak that’s your problem” individualism. I live in Switzerland now whose culture is very individualistic (tons of guns too), and yet there is also a strong sense of community, communal responsibility and solidarity.


Agree and this is something I wonder sometimes as well, like there are other countries with guns too but when guns and US mixed together it’s a whole different vibes than say, in your example Switzerland, that’s why I made this post because it seems like something deeper is going on and I couldn’t figure out why


It’s apart of the culture towards women. Boys are encouraged to be abusive towards women and girls.


This right here! Boys grow up excluding girls because girl stuff = bad and dumb. Unfortunately, they never leave this behavior behind when they get older. Instead of "eww girls!" it changes to "lol, girls inferior (but I still wanna fuck them)" Both boys and men bond by mocking and dehumanizing women and girls. It's cemented into the culture.

正是如此! 男孩在成长过程中排斥女孩,因为“和女孩有关的东西=坏和蠢”。不幸的是,当他们长大后,他们也没有放下这种行为。将“噫,女的一边去!”取而代之的是"哈哈,女的真没用(但我仍然想和她们做爱)" 男孩和男人都通过嘲弄和非人性化地对待妇女和女孩而结合起来。这已经固化在文化中了。

A lot of good answers here, but one I don’t think a lot of people realize is our media.
Go to Canada, France, UK, or any other developed country and watch TV. They really restrict violence and don’t let kids see any.
On the flip side, it is the opposite for nudity and sexual things. You will (almost) never see a woman’s nipple on regular TV channels or print material that isn’t age restricted. And sex education is a total joke.
I remember being in Canada at a cousins house watching broadcast TV. There was a show about women with large breasts and the issues they cause. There was a scene where one of the women was trying on bras, and they just showed her breasts. It was totally non sexual, and awesome to talk about issues with out stigmatization. You won’t see that in the US.
But turn on the TV in the US and the number of murder shows, both fictional and non fiction, with violent and gory scenes has shocked many a visitor to the US.


I'm quite well traveled as well and, personally, I don't think what you're saying is true. I think men everywhere think that same way, but perhaps it is more acceptable to make it known in American culture than some others you have been to. Worship of violence is as hold as human culture itself.
Just curious, but have you ever been to Spain? They have their own special brand of toxic masculinity there.


Because they recieve no repercussions for violence.


You're probably just exposed to more news about the violence in the US than in other countries

原创翻译:龙腾网 http://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

Uhm, no. Come to Houston.


I have grown up in the U.S. I agree. Men here expect women to cater to them. They are very entitled, and they are very aggressive. I can only speak upon what my experiences have been. They have not been good sadly.
Many women have trouble disagreeing, or rejecting their advances without some form of harassment, abuse, or trouble.
It’s really sad. I have been enduring this from men since I was around 12. I grew up in a household of abusive men since I was born, so I have been around this my entire life. I am 37 now.
Please give me some hope ladies that there are decent men, in some far away corners of the world that are decent and amazing...


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