2022-10-13 IPmod 15253

Yingzi Li
B Sc. Computer Science from University of Calgary,Lives in Alberta, Canada1992–present
What is a QR code?
QR stands for Quick Response.
Invented in 1994 by a Japanese Company Denso Wave, a QR code is a type of two dimensional barcode that can contain data and information about the item to which it it attached such as addresses, URL, text information, etc.
Users can use their smartphone embedded with a QR scanner to scan the QR code and bring the viewer to the advertiser's website immediately for example. The device will display the contact information to the user, or compose an email or text message.

什么是二维码(QR code)?
QR码是一种二维条码,由日本Denso Wave公司于1994年发明,它可以包含与所附项目相关的数据和信息,例如地址、URL、文本信息等。

The information of the user can be captured by the QR codes, When user scans a QR code, they may be lixed to a location (ex. a website) to track where a code has been scanned.
Restaurants can present a QR code that brings the guests to the online menu site or even direct them to an online ordering and paying website or app. It is the need for social distancing during the Covid19 pandemic that makes the usages of QR code for ordering become popular.


However, the QR scanning for ordering the food through QR code scanning can release your personal information to the restaurants. The restaurant can record your order and put it at the top of their menu next time when you visit the same restaurant again since they know that you like the dish that you ordered last time. The restaurant could try to influence your choices by offering a discount on the dish you enjoyed last time. Isn’t that the same with the Facebook collecting the personal data from Facebook users when they conduct activities on Facebook?


When you scan a QR code on your phone, you are most likely to be sent to either the restaurant’s website or to the website of a service provider that’s being used by the restaurant. And that website can track all your activities and record your information down. Therefore, the security risks associated with QR codes derive from the destination of QR codes appear.


Furthermore, there may have some hackers who can create malicious QR codes which send users to fake websites that capture their personal data such as login credentials or even track their geolocation on their phone.
I guess that is one of the reasons that American restaurants just started using Q.R. codes for ordering while China started that more than 10 years ago.

我想这就是美国餐馆刚刚开始使用二维码点餐而中国在 10 多年前就开始使用二维码的原因之一。

Reasons could be:
Cameras with embedded QR scanner software in America are not popular like they are in China.
Americans are more cautious of their privacy when dealing with the technology than Chinese people. They just don’t like to expose their personal information to some entities when they just visit occasionally.


Chinese people don’t care about privacy.
"All the young people are very busy chasing their dreams, and the old people don’t care. That means privacy is not the top priority in people’s lives," Dr. Zhang Weining, an associate professor at Cheung Kong Graduate School of Business said.


Milord Jimmy Lee
, studied at Restaurants (1976),Lives in California
The existing answers focus on the technology and/or economics of the QR code.
I don’t know too much about tech or economics.
I do know about eating out at restaurants, though. I love eating out!
The thing is, the culture of eating out for the Chinese is different than the culture of eating out for the American consumer. For the Chinese, it’s all about the food.


Yum! Chinese go out for the excellent food. They love a feast of diverse, delicious dishes.
No offense but service is not a huge priority at Chinese restaurants. QR codes fit the function of the Chinese eating out. They order their food on the app. The food comes out quickly, efficiently, and deliciously. There’s minimal interactions with waitstaff.


Americans are foodies, it’s true. But going out to eat isn’t as much about the food. It’s about the service. It’s about the experience.
Good service means being waited on.


There’s a ritual. You’re seated by a host, who hands out nicely designed and presentable menus. You enjoy drinks while perusing the little leather bound catalog of dinner possibilities. There’s a casual discussion of what everyone is considering. The waiter comes, offers pleasantries and suggestions, and takes your order. You go around the table, declaring your preference. It is all an essential part of the experience. Ordering from a mobile phone disrupts the sacred ritual of American restaurant dining.


Howard Galt
, My Grandmother Was a Chef
Q.R. Codes have a “mark of the beast” connotation that is off putting to a lot of American consumers. There is also a fairly large portion of people who do not use credit/debit cards for the same reason. It was even people more in the past, which is why credit/debit cards did not catch on as fast in the United States as they did in Europe.
Holy Bible— Revelation 13:16–18
16 Also it causes all, both small and great, both rich and poor, both free and slave, to be marked on the right hand or the forehead, 17 so that no one can buy or sell unless he has the mark, that is, the name of the beast or the number of its name.

二维码有“野兽标志”(mark of the beast)的含义,这让很多美国消费者感到不快。美国还有相当大一部分人出于同样的原因不使用信用卡/借记卡,在过去这样的人甚至更多,这就是为什么信用卡/借记卡在美国没有在欧洲流行得那么快的原因。

I don’t use Q.R. codes myself because they don’t work properly on my phone half the time. You have to have just the right lighting, camera angle, etc. or forget it. Nothing like being in a dimly lit restaurant or club and using your flash just to download a menu.


Paul Denlinger
, Have lived in China, Taiwan and Hong Kong; fluent in Mandarin (written, spoken),Lives in Huntington Beach, CA
US payment systems are based mainly either on cash or credit cards.
The credit card payment infrastructure rolled out in the US in the 60s and 70s, and the Visa and Mastercard consortiums pushed for their adoption among retail stores and dining areas. In addition, they were very strong at lobbying the US government for support.
In the US, government lobbying usually means having Congress passing legislation which effectively turned businesses into monopolies. This meant that there has been very little incentive in the US for modernization of payment and payment gateways because if Visa, Mastercard oppose them through the banks and Congress, it is almost impossible for anyone new to break through and gain market share.


The situation in China was very different. The leading banks are state-owned and moved slowly to the point that many Chinese were unhappy with their service. Alibaba saw an opportunity to make an infrastructure leap by skipping credit cards, and offering a virtual payment system using QR codes. QR codes had been developed by Fujitsu in 1994 mainly for tracking inventory during manufacture.


Alibaba’s Alipay made the genius connection between mobile phone cameras and QR codes, and saw them as a mobile payment method which would be completely digital and offer security to users. Because China had been modernizing and changing so quickly, Chinese users were quick to make the change and adopt QR codes. Chinese were used to and supported rapid tech change.


Unlike the US, the Chinese government was anxious to adopt new technologies which would help China to modernize. For this reason, the Chinese government supported the development of QR codes for payment.
WeChat was launched in 2011, and WeChat Wallet in 2014. WeChat Wallet also used QR codes; this is why Chinese usually have both an Alipay QR code and a WeChat QR code to rec
eive payments. In a very short period of several years, China has gone virtually cashless.


In the US, the credit card monopoly and payment service providers are largely protected by Congressional legislation; this is how business monopolies protect their own interests. The flip side of this is that it also prevents the US from modernizing as quickly as China has.
This delay in infrastructure modernization is the reason for why American restaurants have been slow to introduce QR codes for payment. There is little demand, except for some visiting Chinese tourists, since most Americans use credit and debit cards.


Wasut Pornpatcharapong
QR payment is a phenomenon in many developing countries as well, as not a lot of people have credit cards, so banks can bypass legacy infrastructures and try something new. This also helps small vendors to adapt with negligible cost.
Living in Thailand, I never have more than THB100 in real cash. I pay everything even small street vendors using QR payment. For some shops that accept cards, there are also middlemen akin to Alipay or WeChat pay that bind my credit card with their platforms, so the KYC was already done through their apps. The actual card payment is also QR code based and really quick.


I left the US for a couple of years already but in Southern California, big stores at least accept Apple Pay or Google Pay but it wasn’t that widespread but the adoption rate should be slower as their entire ecosystem heavily depends on credit card infrastructure. There’s also another problems for cash only stores (mostly ethnic restaurants and grocery stores) that won’t accept anything other than cash, but I can understand why they do that (to avoid the almighty IRS of course).

我离开美国已经有几年了,在南加州,大型商店至少接受Apple Pay或Google Pay,但这并不是很普遍,采用率应该会更低,因为它们的整个生态系统严重依赖信用卡基础设施。对于只收现金的商店(主要是民族风味的餐馆和杂货店),还存在另一个问题,它们除了现金之外什么都不收,但我能理解它们为什么这么做(当然是为了避开万能的国税局)。

Mike Wu
-Same for Singapore and many more “developed” places. Yes, entrenched vested interests can be stifiling to new concepts and technologies.



Kelvin Lee (李维山)

Malaysia urban area POS(point of sale) systems are integrated with multiple systems driven by user demand. So Credit Card, QR pays and finally cash.
It's quite bizarre in some cases where you could drive into an interior area, find a wooden shack of a restaurant discover people accepting QR pay like alipay or WeChat pay here.


The friction to apply for these system is low, they need to have a mobile phone with camera, and the payment system app to accept such payment.
Given that not everyone has a bank account, the wallet provided by QR systems further reduces friction from users utilizing such a system.


Similar for India too - a lot of merchants don't accept cards, but they definitely do have a QR code for UPI (mobile payments) stuck on their wall - even roadside vendors use it too, since it currently has 0% transaction fee. Some people still do prefer cards since phone based systems assume that you have a smartphone, your smartphone needs internet, and it's sometimes more of a hassle than handing your card, but mobile payments are a pretty big part of the pie.

原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

Metin Ersin Arıcan
Is using QR code really faster? I don't think so. I think the fastest method is using NFC.


Bo Peng
In the restaurants I went to QR codes were printed on tables and everyone can pay at any time. Street performers had QR codes on the ground. The entire concept of POS is so outdated.
The credit companies fiercely defend their systems by saying credit cards are safer AND they have to charge you more to fight credit card fraud. Yeah, I totally buy that argument.


Min Yan
NFC requires dedicated machine. QR code transaction can be done as long as you have mobile phone and internet connection. The upcoming new digital Chinese money does not even require internet connection.


Bill Chen
I think this is about scanning qr codes for ordering food off a menu on the phone. This was popularized during covid to reduce staff cost and improve hygiene (no menu sharing).


Bo Peng
Payment systems, like distribution systems, sit between production and consumption. The modernization of payment infrastructure, just like the modernization of distribution systems (roads, railways, robotic sorting centers, etc), reduces costs and boosts the economy. Using QR codes on average saves Chinese merchants nearly 2% processing fees compared to credit cards, which is why the acceptance rate of credit cards in China has been in decline after it peaked at around 45% in 2017.


This does not count the saving of labor costs. For example, typical street food stalls in China used to be operated by husband and wife duos when the husband prepared food and the wife handled payments. Nowadays they are typically operated by one person, with customers all paying by themselves through QR codes. Similarly, many, if not most restaurants no longer have dedicated cashiers since most customers just pay by themselves before leaving.


Some may say that they are willingly paying for the services that credit cards provide, and for securing jobs for waitresses and cashiers. This is more or less ok in a closed economy, but will not fare well in the presence of competitions. The impact of less efficient payment systems may be less obvious than bumpy roads or slow port turnaround time but are just as damaging as those to America’s global competitiveness.


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