2022-10-16 达tothe洋 14805


B Balderston
Wow it was so important to their fragile egos to continue to fight, instead of taking his 5 year old daughter for immediate medical aid after she was shot the Ram driver went after the other vehicle and unloaded his gun.


Ego? I would have lost my mind had someone shot at me. If they would have hit one of my children I certainly wouldn't be thinking clearly. Ego would not be a factor. I am sure both fathers would never do this again, however you never know until you are in the situation.


B Balderston
@rhetoricmonkey He chased after a man while his daughter was in back bleeding from a gunshot wound. That is disgusting.


@B Balderston It was blind rage. You probably haven't seen or experienced it.

@B Balderston 这是一种盲目的愤怒。你可能没见过,也没有经历过。

Sophie Katt
@rhetoricmonkey. Obviously you aren’t a parent. When your children are hurt, your first thought - IF you’re a right-thinking individual, that is - is to get help for your child. It isn’t, “I’ll git chew sucka”.


True Justice
These two fathers cared more about their road rage shootout than their own kids, thank god that both kids are okay and it wasn't deadly but I want to know what they're going to charge him with.


jim smith
It says attempted murder for both parties


Chris Coker
Both should get to serve at least 3 years in my opinion.

原创翻译:龙腾网 http://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

Sanada Sundes
More guns in the hands of people like these guys. This is how we take our country back! From who? I don't know, but it sounds cool.


Paul Mullin
They were both charged with second degree attempted murder. Released on $150,000 bond.


Unreal. Road-raging with your daughters in the car is reckless and stupid, but they both took stupid to next level. I hope they’re jailed for a few years. Their kids clearly don’t need them.


Abernathy John
Fifteen years in prison for each one.


Sophie Katt
@Abernathy John. My brother was beaten to death in a road rage incident in Houston Texas, and his attacker got 25 years. Thanks to our family’s letter-writing campaigns, we kept him down for 19 of that 25 year bit. Still, we’ll never know what really happened because Clarence Jones never took the stand at trial. So we’ll never know what really happened that day.


Soooo many unanswered questions. Was it a case of mistaken identity? Did my brother say something, or do something?? My brother was beaten so badly that we were forced to have a closed-casket wake and service. His cheek was crushed and one eye came out of its socket. Multiple skull fractures, multiple rib fractures..... Then he just casually tossed the axe handle in the back of my brother’s truck, and drove away to his job. My brother was in agony for 4 days in the Ben Taub Hospital Trauma Unit - then he died. It was a horrible death, and a horrible event for our whole family. I’ve never seen my father like that.

原创翻译:龙腾网 http://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

Rowan Dryadlis
They are out on bail


They should be charged with endangering a minor child as well. If my daughter was shot, my next move would NOT have been to continue following the moron that shot her. I just don't get it anymore. Can I please go back to my 70's, when life mattered and was so much simpler?


account name
Honestly, things weren't. It's just that with social media and the internet, we no longer need to rely on newspapers (which would only print the big things) and word of mouth to know what shitty things are happening in the world.


Anthony K Byars
Stupid people win stupid prizes. I was once In a road rage incident. The other driver pulled over and motioned for me to pull over. I just waved at him and kept going. One, to get some distance. Two, I didn't want something bad to happen. Cause once it starts, you can’t just stop it.


RedWolf' acütinaantam
I had some guys pissed at me on the highway because I was doing 60mph in the far right lane which was too slow for them, I guess. So, they pull up on the side of me roll down their window and proceeded to yell profanities at me. I had my 11y/o and 12 y/o in the car, so I bit my tongue and just kept cruising. No way am I going to do anything stupid to endanger my kids with all these nutjobs on the road. I hope those kids are alright! They deserve better fathers than the jackasses they have


yvonne mesle
Those poor babies.


chris del
They should lose all custody of their kids with fathers like that who needs them. And they should do more than a few years in jail they should at least give them 10 or 20 if not more


Rowan Dryadalis
They are out on bail. The justice system in Florida is broken. We NEED to keep these men off the streets.


Gone Fishing
These bozos shouldn't be allowed to ever own any firearm or be around kids alone.


Rowan Dryadalis
They should be in jail for at least 20 years. They are dangerous.


They should share father of the year award


Tayah Moon
Hope the kids have a speedy recovery.


jim smith
he was more concerned with revenge than the safety of his daughter




Chief Harddick
It's heartbreaking to think BOTH of them decided that continuing the fight was more important than taking care of the people who got injured


shelby namels
First driver: "I'll do anything to protect my family. That's why I support the Second Amendment".
Second driver:" Same here".


Mubashir Cheema
There are times when guns are actually used to protect a family member. But it appears those cases are exceedingly rare. Most of the times guns end up killing or injuring a family member or bringing about the circumstances that make it happen.Study after study has shown that being in possession of a gun during an assault makes you about 5 times more likely to get shot.


In this case, if the guy who shot first did not have a gun, he could have walked away with nothing more than a bruised ego. For the second driver, having a gun did not protect his kid from getting shot. It could have been so much worse.

原创翻译:龙腾网 http://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

Moral of the story: If you want to significantly improve the odds of survival, for yourself and family members, leave the gun(s) at home.


Mike W
What a bunch of dirtbags! They should never be allowed to own a firearm again, one. Second, they need anger management and parental classes. Lastly, They should forfeit their licenses for a period of 5 years. They've demonstrated that they lack the ability to act civil and calm in society. I hope they sit in jail for a long time. Ridiculous.

原创翻译:龙腾网 http://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

This is why u don’t road rage with ppl these day. Even if u KNOW u are in the right u just avoid the other person at all cost. U never know when someone will just start shooting.


Sanada Sundes
We should road rage at all cost. How else are we suppose to get the anger out. We need more guns on the streets.


@Sanada Sundes what? Are u slow?

@Sanada Sundes 啥?你是弱智吗?

Sanada Sundes
@Greg You didn't have to attack me personally. See, this is how the rage gets started. Where's my gun.

@Greg 你没有必要对我发起人身攻击。你看,愤怒就是这样开始的,我的枪呢?

Bones T
How many more times do we need to prove it, not everyone in the US deserves the right to bear arms.


or have children....


This is so ridiculous! They better have had their guns taken away before they were released! I don’t think anyone should be released on bond after shooting at someone over road rage! Especially not the one who shot first.


Ikr it's filthy they got released


When there's road rage I always apologize even if it's not my fault. I keep a couple of Glocks on me, but that's not a free pass to act a fool.Sometimes they look confused or smug like they won something, not knowing I may have saved one of our lives.


surviving it all
Can you imagine the humiliation of being parents of these men or being married to one?


Rowan Dryadalis
They are out on bail?????? WHY??????Road rage gun shootings = JAIL TIME. What is wrong with our justice system??? It is BROKEN.


Becouse the justice system allows people to buy freedom


Blake McCollough
Because they haven't been found guilty yet. They literally just said the investigation is ongoing.


December Potato
@Blake McCollough So we are gonna just send thess monsters that shoot kids back to street?

@Blake McCollough 所以我们就这样让这些朝孩子们开枪的怪物重获自由?

Stokes Seegers
I feel like these guys are going to be best friends one day, they both shot each other's daughters, they both have road rage, and they both carry guns. If they should team up, they could be unstoppable.


Joe Flowers
I can't believe these guys are out on bail.

原创翻译:龙腾网 http://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

pc m
It's the law, but one that needs urgently amended IMO. I'm guessing they still get to drive? Imagine seeing one of those two in your rear view mirror.

原创翻译:龙腾网 http://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

Carmen Perez
This is why I don’t carry a pistol with me anymore. I don’t trust myself or anyone else. I come across too many things and I’d rather pray about situations and die than hurt a child.

原创翻译:龙腾网 http://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

Any Expat
I am in the UK and know as a young man if i had a gun i will definitely do something very stupid.


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