2022-10-17 admin315 11799

What do Northern Vietnamese and Southern Vietnamese think of each other?


Jacques Văn Khải
Vietnamese by blood, Vietnamese by thought,Lived in Paris2016–2017
To be honest, as a Vietnamese and speak Northern dialect, with their ancestry traced from the North, I have nothing to tell about but… the Southern Vietnamese are like, our brothers, though.
They are all the same with us.


I speak to them and I get f*ked because their dialect is not just weird but also causing entertainment problem. When I say “nói ít thôi” (talk less), they say “mà nó cái gì” (what the hell). I just feel absurd.
Their foods are sweet. Man though. Also their music is beautiful. Combination of Cham, Khmer and Vietnamese music. Also they are liberals. I also understand how much they hate commies. Because I hate commies as well. Feel sorry for them.
P.S.: I have been at Saigon and it is good.

当我和他们交谈时,我差点要疯掉了,因为他们的方言不仅奇怪,而且还造成了娱乐效果。当我说“nóIít thóI”(少说话)时,他们会说“mánócáI gíI”(这到底是怎么回事)。我觉得这很荒诞。

Larry Ho
I'm a Panda, I'm useless but I'm cute,Lives in Ho Chi Minh City
I’m a Southerner
My father said this “The further to the further to the North, the colder it gets. This apply for both weather and people”.
Us Southerner were pioneers originally. We were groups of people that throw themself out there in the wild tropical jungle of the South to find a new place to live and farm. We fought tigers, aligators, snakes and many other dangers from the wild, but all we had was each other. We consider each other like brothers and sisters. Thus the Southerner is much more open and warm. You will be amaze at the hospitality of a Southern family. The moment you step into our home, you are a family member (hell, you even expected to help make dinner and wash dishes sometime). With this being said, not so much the case in the North tho. They have their guard up way too high and it make them seems fake and cold to ward each other.


Thang Luu
chose to support Vietnamese Government,Lives in Hanoi, Vietnam
Up to 3 years ago, even with the explosion of internet usage, northerners and southerners never acted hostility agaist each others, and we never had this question asked. We treat each other with respect, just like people from America or Europe treat their own countrymen.


But currently there is a trend in south Vietnam to hate people from the north, especially with high school students in HCM city. One occurence I can cite is Dưa leo, a HCM city based standup comedian, who openly speaks bad propaganda agaist Northerner. Although this might be an isolated incident, he has nearly a million followers on facebook, which shows the interest and acceptance of local people toward him.

但目前越南南部有一种憎恨北方人的趋势,尤其是胡志明市的高中生。我可以引用的一个例子-Dưa leo,他是胡志明市的一位公开对北方人进行不良宣传的单口喜剧演员。虽然这可能是一个孤立的事件,但他在facebook上拥有近百万粉丝,可见当地人对他的兴趣和接受程度。

But overall, southerners and northerners don’t have tension agaist each other. When we go abroad, we are only Vietnamese, and if we get away from political topic, we treat each other with respect. I hope it stay that way!


North Vietnamese haved a high number of emotional reactionary communists and amongst the most toxic patriots towards their country.
I don’t care if you think I’m a traitor or whatnot. I base my posts on facts and truth.
It’s undeniable that Vietnam had to be forced to adopt capitalistic approach for it to be able to trade with the rest of the world otherwise it would have remained a war-torn backwater.


Truth is, trade could be cut off from Vietnam anytime the rest of the world wants to.
So Vietnamese need to learn manners and not be so inflammatory online or else potential sanctions can be placed.
Overseas Vietnamese want to be best for Vietnam, but if mainland Vietnamese act tough and cruel towards their compatriots, they will be a hell of pain.
Because literally every single Vietnamese is aware of the deadly consequences of imperialism, at home and abroad.


Knows Vietnamese
I come from the Central region. This is my opinion.
1. Northern people have a strong voice. This is a natural sextion through wars with foreign states. People with a strong voice will be liked by many people.

1. 北方人的声音很洪亮。这是一种通过与外国战争的造成的自然选择,声音洪亮的人会受到很多人的喜爱。

2. Southerners have a mellow voice generally. Southern men are more likely to express their feelings to family members than Northern men. Southern girls have sweet and pleasant voices. Their voices are as sweet as sugar. The girls also added sugar to any food. I was surprised to see them eating rice along with some fruits like watermelon, mango, pineapple, custard apple, durian ...
It's great when the dialects are different. Like you are looking at a flower garden with many different colors. Isn't it boring to see a flower garden with only one color?

2. 南方人通常嗓音圆润。南方男人比北方男人更倾向于向家人表达自己的感情,南方女孩的嗓音甜美悦耳。他们的声音像糖一样甜美。女孩们还会在所有食物中添加糖。我很惊讶地看到他们在吃米饭的同时还吃了一些水果,如西瓜、芒果、菠萝、奶油冻苹果、榴莲...

Biggie Cheese
I’m a South Vietnamese-American, and I’ve never been to Vietnam, so it isn’t really my place to say anything. But, I’ve been apart of this online community for quite some time, and whenever I watch videos about the Vietnam War, it’s all in the North’s perspective. (I’m apart of the CountryHuman fandom, I know it sounds weird.) The majority of the people who make those videos are all Northern Vietnamese, and they always make the South look bad. Yes, I know that the Southern Vietnamese government was corrupted in some areas, but that doesn’t mean all of us are bad.


I support the South so that probably explains why I’m so upset and uptight when I see these things, but I truly feel like I need to show the world the South’s P.O.V. What also offended’s me is that some of those creators aren’t even Vietnamese. I can understand that the North is upset at us, but not being Vietnamese (North or South) is really offensive. I’m assuming those creators do that because that’s what they saw from the Northern Vietnamese people. I’m still really confused about a lot, like if I should let go of my past and just accept that the South is gone, or should I embrace that South still exists in many people’s hearts. I’m sorry if I offended you in any way, I just wanted to share my opinion.


Hoang Pham
Works at Electronics and Telecommunications Research Institute (ETRI)
Studied at Ho Chi Minh University of Technology
I am a Southerner. I used to think negatively about our Northern fellows. Then at some point, I realize that all of my closest friends are Northerners, I have never been in a relationship with a Southern girl, not because they have problems but I just have a fetish for Northern girls’ accent hahah, oh and there is a well-known fact that Southern girls are more submissive, which somehow draws me away from them. I of course have many Southern friends but barely consider any my close friends actually, however the ones who I dislike the most are from the North, lol.

原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

For myself, it seems that the tension is possibly caused by cultural differences that lead to misinterpretation of each other behavior. Being Vietnamese, we aren’t always straight forward with what we think and what we expect others to understand without being told, this could be the key problem.
I think Vietnamese need to learn to be more open minded and more forgiving when communicating with people coming from different part of the country. Most of the time they don’t have any bad intention and we are just too quick on laying judgement.


Of course, some people opinions might also be affected by their relatives/families living overseas, who are victims of the Vietnam war. But let’s put this aside in this discussion because then it is no longer a fair argument :)


Vietnhi Phuvan
Buddhist. Columbia/NYU/CUNY alumn. New Yorker. Infosec/Devops. Martial artist. Pursuing the dream of peace through the study of war.
As a Southerner, I think of Northerners as more conservative and less open minded than we are. They are also more tied to tradition. I’d say that after a few centuries of getting married with Chams, Khmers, Chinese, Japanese and who knows what, our outlook is a bit different.
I think we are more daring and more willing to take the chance of falling flat on our face.


I believe that officially, Vietnamese is spoken with the Northern accent. Which causes me no end of mirth when some poor Western shmuck who learned Vietnamese with the Northern accent lands in Saigon :)
I may make fun of Northerners once in a while, but I make fun of them as members of the Vietnamese family :)


原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

Linh Nguyen Hoang
PhD Candidate at Lille 2 University of Health and Law
Master of science in Marketing, IÉSEG School of ManagementGraduated 2014
Lives in Lille, France
I am from the North (Hanoi) and my girlfriend is from the South (HCM), so I guess I am qualified to answer this question.
Simple, the Northerners don’t give a shit about their Southern counterparts. They are just people living in a different area in the same country. And their accent is just sweet, I mean really sweet, my god.


The Southerners kind of blame every mischief in their life, especially people in Ho Chi Minh City (Saigon), on the immigrants from the North. Like how many Americans now blame illegal immigrants from Mexico :).
Why such attitude does not exist in the North? Well, they have other groups to blame, the 37 & 36 :).
In the end, North or South, they are the same Vietnamese. Same same, but different, as we often say.


Nhung Truong
Born in Ninh Bình, 6 years in Hanoi, 6 years in HCMC.
Board Game Cafe Owner2018–present
I was born in the North and spent 24 years there before moving to the South. Since I was a kid, I always heard good things about the South, so good that I even wanted to apply for universities there. And it was also the first time when people told me that Southerners don't like us, I would be likely to have a hard time. I then decided to study in Hanoi and later worked for a representative office of an HCMC-based French company. Whenever I had a business trip there, people in the North seemed to envy me: oh, I heard that the weather there is lovely, oh, people there must be really outgoing, generous and open-minded. But my experiences in the South were not so pleasant.


First, I met like ~10 foreigners who said their local friends told them not to be friends with us. Reasons? We are bad! Some even mocked at me after I told them I'm from the North. Like, oh, she's a Northerner, and all the table just laughed.


Second, I worked for a company and my coworkers were just insane. They tried to tell me Hanoi sucks, HCMC is so much better every time even though they never visited Hanoi and I'm the only one who spent years in both cities. If I say I missed a dish there, they would be like: why the heck, Saigon is the heaven of food, you can find everything here. Nope, you cannot. Or when I had to order a pair of shoes from Hanoi, they told me I was crazy, there's nothing Hanoi has that Saigon does not. Come on, if I could find it in Saigon, would I have had to spend more money on delivery? Or when they tried to make fun of me by saying that they lost interest in a cute interviewee after knowing that she's from the North. I might have been sensitive but definitely the vibe there wasn't friendly. Whenever I met someone horrible, my coworkers would ask me if they are from the South or the North. Ironically, they are from the South, which kept them silent. I do know that if I said otherwise, they would again come to the conclusion that Northerners are bad.


Third, as my circle of friends got widened, I added many Southerners on Facebook and frequently see their posts that generalize us in a very bad way. I have never eaten any dogs or cats. I love them. I even save cockroaches. I'm a veggie wannabe. And it's really offensive. Not all of us eat dogs and cats. Lots of us love animals just as much as they do.


Forth, as I own a cafe in the Westernized part of HCMC (Thảo Điền), I see a lot of foreigners and locals here. And to my surprise, an American customer went downstairs told me that 2 local customers told her bad things about Northerners. I mean it shouldn't have surprised me, but seriously, the cafe is run by a Northerner and they still felt the need to spread that fake news here.


I always try not to think bad about a group of people based on one individual. Believe it or not, I've met lots of bad people here who speak the Southern accent. The one who exploited her employees. The one who tried to take my 2 months rent + deposit only because I was nice to pay him 3 months upfront instead of 1. The one who broke a contract with me, making me almost homeless because someone offered a better price. The one who screwed my business over 3 days before my opening and didn't compensate. I had to spend the next year in a horribly financial situation because of that. It'd take me forever to list down other bad encounters so I'm just gonna stop here. But I'm wise enough to realize that good and bad people are everywhere. I just wanted to tell those stories so people know lots of people here aren't really nice. Also, I've met many very friendly Southerners. But I met a lot of lovely people in the North too.

原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

I always think that every trait has its 2 sides, we should appreciate that diversity instead of looking down on those who are different. For example, polite might be considered as fake, straightforward can also come off as rude. And once people hold some prejudice, they will sink into it. Like the story listed above, people only pick up things to support their own prejudice. If they hear a bad thing about a Northerner, they will buy it and add it to their collection. But if that person is from somewhere else, well, just wipe it off their shoulder then. So eventually. they will come to the false conclusion that only Northerners are bad.


Let's all be nice and kind because you know what, when going abroad, people will just call us Vietnamese ^^ Sorry for the long vent, it feels quite good to take them all out once and for all.


P/S: Some Southerners think that we in the North hate them because they got ripped off while traveling there. Well, that's very untrue. Those greedy vendors hate everyone who doesn't live in their neighborhood. So basically if I go to their place and somehow make them think that I will never come back, they will rip me off too even though I'm a Northerner. Southern people are easy to realize as they speak with a different dialect. They don't live in the North much (while lots of us move down as the weather in the North is insane) so 99% of them are tourists who of course won't come back with a gang. That's the reason why those greedy vendors rip them off and think they can get away with it.


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