2022-10-17 西斯摩多 18398

The First Asian Country which hired Canadian, British firms to prepare a 30 year future plan for Road Layouts as early as 1980 was Singapore under its visionary PM - Lee Kuan Yew (Father of the Current PM).
These Roads were made with Laterite Compression, Inorganic Clays and High Grade Asphalt and Rubber Polymer to bind the materials.
It was originally developed by Germany in 1935 and Britain in 1952.
During the same time - Chinese Roads were like Indian Roads. Tar, Gravel in a mix and lasting for 3 months - 12 months and being damaged by the slightest monsoon.
In the 1990s - The Chinese began to slowly and steadily penetrate the Civil Engineering Industry in Singapore through its premier universities- National University of Singapore and Nanyang Technological University and Chinese civil engineering professors became consultants with the PUB (Public Utilities Board) and the other construction companies like Sembawang Constructions etc.

20世纪90年代,中国人开始通过新加坡国立大学和南洋理工大学等一流大学缓慢而稳定地渗透新加坡土木工程行业,中国土木工程教授成为PUB(公共事业委员会)和其他建筑公司(如Sembawang Constructions等)的顾问。

They began to slowly develop their own roads on the new 30 year model in 1992 (Meaning that in 1992 - they would plan for 2022 traffic and in 2007 they would modify for 2037) and used the same road building skill that the Singaporeans had become experts in thanks to the Britishers and the Canadians.
By 2005 - The Chinese were adept at Road Building and Traffic Planning and were better than any other country leaving even Singapore or Canada far far behind. Only Israel is ahead of them today.
Todays Chinese Roads are better than any other in Asia including Japan in terms of Grading and Planning.
They literally stole the art of Road Building and Traffic Management from the Singaporeans and bettered and modified it within 20 years to become the Worlds Best.


Honestly, nothing is more infuriating to any man in India than roads. Your status may let you get away with poverty, negativity, crimes but almost everyone suffers the plague of horrible roads, even in metro cities.


Ooh god, don't even mention the condition of roads in India…few weeks back they dug a huge hole in my street and blocked full line in my colony, for laying drainage pipe lines…due to rain, it's full of water like river..it's been a month it's still not changed lol


Absolutely. Destroying something for a project and then leaving it midway is so common


And you know, we do have the technical know-how to make good roads (I have never seen potholes in the roads maintained by GVK at mumbai airport) it is just that there are a lot of corrupt officials and contractors that deserved to be fired


If corrupt people are just fired then you know where the problem is. Such people need to be punished severely to deter others.


Yes, our soldiers are fighting there, but what does that have to do with condition of roads in our country?


If India had good roads, Chinese will walk right in. But because they’re now used to good roads, they cannot navigate potholes.
This is a top level defense strategy of India. No one can beat the thinking of a Gujarati mind.


Roads weren't any better in Congress era though.


We have mud roads. Best in the world.


Obvious reason why any of our government is not building such quality roads. For the councilors and other low level bureaucrats to get their cut. These are the people who keep their party functioning.
They usually wait till the election to put an extra layer above the existing road.
I was always thinking how hard it is to build a road that lasts 10 to 15 years?


What would it take to start a country wide demand for better quality roads and no water logging? In the era of social media, we can make this issue mainstream and force every govt to do something about it.


Nothing. 67% of India is rural and I can assure that they don't really vote for roads.


Because they are never told about kind of prosperity which comes with better infra and accessibility. Sad reality is that people have accepted pot holes and water logging as normal. In a civilized society, this should be simply unacceptable.


Civilised society is the key word here.


People vote based on caste and religion unfortunately. Nobody cares about infrastructure and other issues.


You might not know this, but Germans, Britishers, Canadians, Singaporeans and finally Chinese people got this technical idea from Hindutva book Vedas.
Road from Ayodhya to Rameswaram was built with the same technology.
We should be proud of our culture and religion.


in my opinion,cultural and nationalistic pride should be about making your country the best in the world in terms of everything
the japan was among the few asian countries or perhaps the only asian country that resisted colonization,industrialized itself and protected it’s culture yet after ww2,they were pushed back to the stone age
the japanese had this spirit of becoming the best in the world and just look where they are now
coming back to india,our rich history should ideally motivate people to make india the greatest again
instead what we do is live in the glory of our past and keep saying “ye sab hamare yaha pehle se tha”
and ofc whatsapp forwards
as a result,today’s india is an insult to bharat
during the reign of say ashoka the great,we dominated almost everything and we were very much ahead of the rest of the world
yet today parts of many indian “cities” look like villages and lack basic things
china has lived upto it’s ancient name,we have not.

相反,我们所做的是活在过去的荣耀中,不断地说“ye sab hamare yaha pele se tha”。

What is Hindutva book Vedas. Do you have any source that claims that the Vedas had anything to do with road construction? There is a difference between sarcasm and sheer idiocy. Blaming religion for the lethargy and corruption of the citizens of this country (including you and me) is just keyboard


You must be fun at parties, people must be dying to hang out with you.


Oh? Then please provide me a concrete proof(oh not some YouTube video or some sites). Provide me something scientific and that too from authenticated research sites.
Get out of it already. Stop bringing religion and culture on to everything dude.


Here we steal tax payers money and lay cement roads which also get damaged by monsoons.


We, the public of India are at fault. We don’t question back our government or authorities rather just complain and criticize only among peers. We never go beyond that.
We are busy ranting, complaining, and mocking china about “CHINA PRODUCT” many times again and again, but will never learn a thing from CHINA, or any developing/developed countries. We don’t act, instead, we stay NEUTRAL, na idhar ka, na udhar ka.
And we love being in our comfort zones doing nothing. That is the saddest reality of our country.
I don’t understand, why people don’t realize that we Indians get so-called CHINESE MAAL (products) of utterly low quality only because the sellers of India demand for it, cause there exists such customers who buy it. Had there been no DEMAND, SUPPLY wouldn’t have existed for the same.
CHINESE doesn’t use the same quality, but only exports when low quality is being asked. As simple as that. One can easily know that by simply looking about China anywhere in the internet. Instead, we should learn a lot from them. Learning something wouldn’t make anyone ANTI-NATIONAL, cause we Indians are more worried about what people around us would say if we do certain things, and hence we do nothing so that no one could point a finger towards us.


Chinese have taken Sanskrit books from Nalanda and found the ancient Indian secrets. Thats why they are so much developed today.Nehru is respondible for this. Due to his ‘ Hindi Chini Bhai Bhai’ policy many Chinese scholers were given free visa to visit India. These scholers stole the entire ancient knowledge from us.


I only hope it is sarcasm. But there is not a tinge of it in the tone.


How come we can’t build such roads in India? Where are we lacking?


The better question would be where are we NOT lacking?


Indians need to demand for Expressway over conventional highway roads.
Both are different and till now we have the lowest no.of such Expressways amongst developing countries.
We have only 1200kms of such expressway, while China has nearly 15000kms of such Expressways.


China's expressway network was already spanning more than 120,000 kms even at the time of you posting your comment.


I have travelled to Guangzhou and Shenzhen in China. It's so true their roads are not just good but have brilliant connectivity.


No country could match our technology. Whenever VVIPs are supposed to visit, within one night the roads become world class, till the VVIP passed the road. Then immediately it crumbles like cookies


India is an ancient civilization and has deep culture and philosophy. In tune with that, our roads too are built with a higher purpose in tune with that culture and philosophy. In that sense, roads are not merely to go from one place to another, but a mechanism to go from one level to another!!!


I have been hoping that Modi Govt would bring in a sea change in road laying.
Hope at least now under the so-called smart city program, some rigorous specifications are drawn and enjoined on the contractors coupled with obxtive quality checks to give India good roads.


Not only roads, rather they literally stole every technology from the world through this tactics of sending its people to become part of other countries and leak their technology etc


Can you provide any credible sources in support of your claim or you are just regurgitating Western propaganda?


Similar for High Speed rail. They stole from their European counterparts!!


My teacher used to answer: Brahmas life time, to a question When would India develop?
Only after seeing it with your own eyes will you realize that China is light years ahead of even the USA in terms of infrastructure, roads and other forms of transport. India is like a African country for them. In fact even Africa is rapidly enhancing their transport networks with the help of China. We are definitely developing (we like to be perceived like that too.. another wit from the same teacher), but brahmas lifetime is what it would take to reach developed status.
We should have punished the Chinese by making them invest heavily in India and rapidly enhancing all our infrastructure.


原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

The first reason is that they are not a democracy and don’t have to go through a lot of limitations that democracies go through including land acquisition, traffic management changes, the entire building process etc.
Whenever you see a Chinese ass kissing answer, please remember the difference and limitation that each political system brings.
Not to discredit what they have achieved. But let us not have this old colonial mindset that coated with most of the answers.


China is a democracy. Chinese people want their govt to develop their country and their govt did. Oh you meant to say Western cesspit democracy?


our judiciary functioning is more infuriating than anything else in India including Supreme Court.


Traffic jam is still a big deal. More you add lanes, more cars appear hence, more jam. As said, “You have not stuck in traffic, you are the traffic.”

原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

Thanks for the insights.
I hv seen the quality of highways and city roads in China. But I was unaware of all these details.


What's the point in boasting past history when we are least bothered to preserve them, we should accept the fact that China is way ahead of India by all means. We are poor even at imitating things…


by 2030–2040, South Asian, Indian, and Sub-Saharan Africa Roads will be Like Those in America, and Other First World Countries.


Infrastructure Development in China is on par with developed nations so is their roads.


Rajesh Manhas
Let me compare their (China’s) GDP with India at present
Indian GDP Estimate 2020, $3.2 trillion
Chinese GDP Estimate 2020, $15.2 trillion


原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

I think the reason for massive development in China is “their economy” which is sky rocketing day by day even in this era of global pandemic. On the other hand, our GDP estimation for 2020 stands at 3.2 trillion US Dollars, which means China is 5 times ahead in comparison to our Gross Domestic Product. Development of any country depends on its economy and China should not be an exception here.
How did China become so good at building roads and highways?
See, this is the proposed Expressway from Delhi to Katra (J&K) which the National High Authority of India is supposed to complete it by 2024.
It will be 8/10 lane road that will run from Delhi via Amritsar to Katra.
Now see Chinese Expressway


In China - at present total length of Expressways is almost 1.6 Lakh kilometers and in India it is just few thousand kilometers and if Ministry of Rural and Urban development is true of its claim then by 2024 - the total length of expressways (all, underprocess and completed one) in India will be around 15000 kilometers.
Now why such a low scenario in India when building expressways come in our mind?
Since India is still a developing country and almost whole budget goes in giving subsidies to the people having income below then from the average national income. For developing such a big projects we need big tranches of budget. Anyhow under the reign of current Prime Minister, India is doing good, doesn't matter if it comes late (better late than never) since our economy is grooming and thanks to the recent announcement made by PM Modi and Finance Minister -Nirmala Sitaraman on Self Reliant India initiative.
Now coming to China:- China reserves a large amount of Budget for building roads, highways, railway lines etc. It comes from their massive GDP and CCP announces it through an annual financial statement every year. China is called as the manufacturing hub of the world and it’s pertinent to mention here that, its economy wholly solly depends on export traditing, if some how it derails, their economy too will suffer.
If answer seems good, don't forget to upvote it..

现在来看看中国:中国预留了大量预算用于修建公路、高速公路、铁路等。这来自他们巨大的GDP, 中国每年通过年度财务报表公布。中国被称为世界制造业中心,这里要提到的是,它的经济完全依赖出口传统,如果它脱轨了,他们的经济也会受到影响。

原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

You are confusing gdp with infrastructure. It was due to vast spending in infrastructure that they were able to grow their gdp


If GDP is good, then spendings will come and eventually to be invested in infrastructure.. If GDP isn't stable, how will u get investments for such projects? And all is intermingle here, if GDP was good then spending comes and finally, it will again improve GDP. It's like a cycle..


Completely wrong. China borrows heavily from world bank for development of their infrastructure because they know it will be helpful in future for more business whereas India borrows very less because we are under the mentality that debt is bad even though for a developing country like ours debt is better.


Avi Travis
People have given very amusing answers.
What they miss out on is that merely developing city roads does mean the whole country is developed or can even be compared to USA, Canada or UK or even India.
USA has the largest road network in the world. Means almost all of USA has road coverage even in remote areas.
Second largest road network is of India. which means maybe India has some roads which are in bad but it has road covering almost all of the country and even rural areas.
China comes at number 3. And although it has more expressways than India. The roads in China do not extend to rural area. Total road developed in China as available to locals is far less than India. But China is developing rural areas fast and it make become number 2 in world soon.


Param Vishnu
Recycling of wastes can be used in road building, plastic plus bitumen. Every year china ships all christmas waste in ships, recycles it and flies it back to them. Korea south recysle its waste and makes mobiles, ac bodies, washing machines and sells it to india, bangladesh, states. Germany, UK, US , recycles the human waste for manure.. India creates waste, and destroys earth, rivers, sea, rather all five nature elements have been destroyed by our people. When we used coal.wood as fuel, pollution levels in the country never existed.


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