2022-10-27 翻译熊 6802
What would the world be like if Nazi Germany had never lost the war?


Khalid Elhassan
As horrible as one might expect. The Holocaust? That was just Hitler's warmup act. Far worse, encapsulated in Generalplan Ost , was planned after a German victory.
Hitler's main goal in WW2 was to conquer lebensraum from the mostly Slavic races in the east and populate that land with Germans, whom Hitler felt were too hemmed in and crowded in Central Europe. He envisioned a German Reich along these lines:

和人们想象的一样可怕。大屠杀?那只是希特勒的热身行动。更糟糕的是,Generalplan Ost计划是在德国取得胜利后制定的。
(注:东方总计划(德语:Generalplan Ost)是纳粹德国制作的一份计划,主要内容是围绕波兰战役和苏德战争之后如何处置占领地区。德国计划通过移民使得这些地区德国化,并流放斯拉夫人。东部综合计划诞生于1941年巴巴罗萨作战开始之时。具体内容是将波兰及俄罗斯的3,000万—5,000万斯拉夫人强制迁移至西伯利亚等地,同时利用消灭犹太人和战争、饥荒等方式减少斯拉夫人的人口,而因人口减少所产生的空地则由德国人移民所补充。——维基)

The fact that those lands were already populated by their current occupants? Between German efficiency and Nazi murderousness, that was seen as manageable. The populations of the conquered territories were untermenschen/ sub-humans, anyhow, so time for ambitious ethnic cleansing.
Generalplan Ost envisioned the extermination of 50% of Latvians, 50% of Estonians, 50% of Czechs, 60% of Russians, 65% of Ukrainians, 75% of Belorussians, 85% of Poles, 85% of Lithuanians, and 100% of Latgalians. The remainder were to be Germanized if judged sufficiently Aryan, enslaved and put to work as helots for the "Master Race" settlers, or expelled beyond the Urals.
A world dominated by people who could calmly plan the murder, enslavement, and ethnic cleansing of hundreds of millions of innocents, would not have been a pleasant one.

Generalplan Ost计划设想消灭50%的拉脱维亚人,50%的爱沙尼亚人,50%的捷克人,60%的俄罗斯人,65%的乌克兰人,75%的白俄罗斯人,85%的波兰人,85%的立陶宛人,以及100%的拉脱维亚人。其余的人如果被认为是雅利安人,就会被日耳曼化,成为“优等种族”定居者的奴隶,或者被驱逐出乌拉尔山脉。

Bill Ness
Excellent answer Khalid and truly terrifying. I read about the GPO a few years ago and was amazed that the mass extermination of groups of peoples was detailed in such a ruthless clinical manner yet presented in a way not unlike some of the business reports I complete for my work.


Charlie Mincher
That is the gist. By the time he was finished with all that, 100% of the "defective" Germans would have probably been the next or at least sterilised, then it would be the homeless Germans, the unemployed Germans


Matti Porkka
Not to mention the non-German allies etc. They would have started with pressure to their allies in first going after all the initial targets of genocide and slowly extended it.
Germanization program would have been extended to their allies as well with the inevitable result that those who were not deemed Aryan enough or who weren't becoming sufficiently "German" would have faced slavery or annihilation. And even their murder was often incredibly cruel when victims were not just murdered but also subjected to cruel human experiments.


Shantanu Ray
Do you think the Finns and Estonians would have been targetted by the Nazis eventually ?


Matti Hirvola
In the Molotov-Ribbentropp pact the Nazis showed no interest whatsoever in Finland, Estonia etc. However, their attitude changed during the winter war when they realised that the Finns were able to defend their country against the Soviets. So the Nazis thought that Finland might after all be an useful ally for them and urged the Finns to negotiate a peace treaty with Stalin. They would be rewarded later on, when Germany would join the fight against the Soviets. The Finns took the advise, since the front would not have lasted any longer and there was no help coming from the West.


Guntur Wijayanto
Sounds pretty much like the "discovery" (and subsequent) of the Americas.


Brandon Lee
Your history is very inaccurate. The european settlers in the americas did not intetionally spread germs to the natives. That is incorrect information.


Stefan Hill
There was one event when blankets from a hospital were handed over to indians with the aims to infect them.


Brandon Lee
Historians now agree that if that happened (which is debatable), it was just an anecdotal happening and certainly was not what caused millions to die.


Stephen L
I don't believe that ever happened. First of all, who in their right mind would handle blankets infected with small pox? Second, if the intent was to murder a group of Indians, why unleash an uncontrollable disease? You can't stop small pox from infecting whomever is exposed to it. And although the death rate was far higher for Native Americans than Europeans or their American descendants, it was still pretty high among these groups too.


Adam Hernandez
I get tired of hearing of reading this same nonsense over and over on Quora. The Europeans certainly were murderous and duplicitous but never conceived of genocide through contagion. The extreme mortality rates of the European diseases was a tragic by product of the merging of two alien ecospheres.


Anthony O Hughes
Having studied World War II for nearly a quarter of a century now, I find questions like this always interesting to answer and people are often surprised to learn that the world where Nazi Germany won the Second World War wouldn’t be too far off from the one we know today, at least in theory.
To better understand, take a large rock and row to the middle of a lake, then drop the rock over the side. Where the rock hits the water is a very noticeable splash and a crest, however as the wave moves farther out, it gets smaller and by the time it reaches shore it is almost non-existent. Such is the same with Nazi Germany winning World War II in 1945…by 2016, the effects of this would not be as great, compared to the world we know today.


The aim of Nazi Germany’s territorial expansion was the concept of Lebensraum (“Living Space”) with Hitler’s stated goal being for Nazi Europe to extend to the Ural mountains. In a world where Nazi Germany wins, Hitler’s armies have achieved this aim. The territories of the east are now “Reich Commissions” under the direct control of the Nazi government in Europe. Life in the east would be harsh for the locals who would exist under ruthless Nazi rule, racial policies, and extermination directives. Comparing this to Soviet Russia it would have been worse, but not by that much.
Great Britain of course has fallen, but Hitler had no desire to annex this country since he felt the British people were equal to the Germans in terms of superiority. A Fascist England, led by an extremely subservient pro-Nazi government would most likely have come to power to enforce Nazi rule.


Poland as a state ceases to exist, as do the smaller countries of Liechtenstein and Luxembourg. Germany’s allies Finland, Romania, and Bulgaria would survive and be rewarded with territory and “protection” as long as they remained client states to Nazi Germany. Hungary would most likely have been occupied and annexed, given that country’s lukewarm reception to the Nazis to begin with. Norway would also have remained under direct Nazi control given that country’s desirable natural resources and access to the North Sea.
Yugoslavia would be annexed by both Germany and Italy and it is likely that Greece would have been taken over by Italy as well as part of a new Italian Empire. Thus by 2016 the Balkans crisis and genocides of the modern age might not have occurred, but Nazi racial policy would have killed just as many victims.


Vichy France controls West Africa and has been allowed to continue to exist as a vassal state under Nazi control in Europe. The fate of the Low Countries and Denmark is hard to determine. Many in the Nazi government saw occupation of these countries as temporary, but Hitler wanted full annexation. The more likely outcome by 2016 is a type of confederation, possible called “Burgundia” (a name Heinrich Himmler suggested) which exists as a Nazi protectorate.
Spain, Portugal, and Switzerland as neutral countries would have remained untouched; however, the Nazi government controls the Straits of Gibraltar and strict access to the Mediterranean Sea.

原创翻译:龙腾网 http://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

At Europe’s frontiers lies Turkey untouched, having been neutral during the war. Saudi Arabia, receptive towards Nazi Germany’s anti-Jewish policies and her authoritarian ways, dominates the Middle East and controls all oil in an Israeli-free world. There is no Islamic radicalism as we see today, the Iranian revolution never took place in Persia (Iran), while Iraq and Syria are controlled by the Saudis in a fundamentalist Caliphate-type government confederation with little freedom.


North and Central Africa have become colonies of Nazi Germany, Italy, and Vichy France. The decolonization movements of the 1960s were stamped out and local natives live under oppression. It has been speculated that the Nazis would have attempted to exterminate blacks in Africa, but racial policy classified these persons as animals rather than sub-human. Thus, more likely, would have been an apartheid-type system, in which South Africa would have been a strong ally of Nazi Germany.


A weak Russia exists but the Soviet unx collapsed when they surrendered to Nazi Germany. Stalin and his henchmen were arrested as traitors and a second Russian Revolution took place to purge the hard-line communists who had lost the war. What exists today is a pseudo-democratic nation with questionable politics much like we see in the real world. The communist Chinese also took over just as we know today, however there was no Korean or Vietnam War as Russia never moved in to the region to establish communism.
Japan has still lost the war and exists as we know today. Atomic bombs were still dropped, the Philippines liberated, Indonesia and Malaysia restored, and American forces have a strong Pacific presence. The British empire survives in Singapore, Australia and New Zealand, while some Vichy France colonies continue to exist in the South Pacific.


Nazi Germany in fact never intended to invade America and would have had a very hard time doing so in any event. Thus, America survives and is locked into a Cold War except with Nazi Germany instead of the Soviet unx. Canada, where the United Kingdom government relocated after the fall of Britain, is the new heart of the British Commonwealth.
Of interest is that it is highly likely that during the 1970s and 80s, after the death of Hitler and the top World War II Nazis, something very similar to de-Stalinization would have took place in Nazi Germany and perhaps brought about better relations with the US. The Nazi leaders of the 1990s may perhaps have admitted to the Holocaust as well as offered reparations for the victims. Going into the 2000s would have perhaps seen a Gorbachev-like Nazi leader, seeking better relations with the United States, and a Nazi version of perestroika.


Very little change here from what we know, except that Nazi Germany has occupied Cuba to have a western hemisphere base of operations. South American governments, with perhaps the exception of Brazil, are receptive to the Nazis having similar authoritarian-type governments.


Unlike the world of today, where Antarctica is off-limits to military activities, both Nazi Germany and America would most likely have established military bases there. Other Antarctica territorial claims, as we see today from Chile and New Zealand, would probably also exist.
Nazi Germany and America would both have reached the moon, but the establishment of permanent bases there would still be several decades away, even with the enhanced technology of Nazi Germany’s weapons program.

原创翻译:龙腾网 http://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

A world where a Nazi Germany exists in 2016 would certainly be different to what we know today and there would definitely have been high death tolls in the 1950s and 60s as the Nazis finished their racial programs and extermination of populations. But we also have no Korean or Vietnam war and little strife in the Middle East with Al Qaeda and ISIS non-existent. Time perhaps has a way of leveling itself out as the ripples in the pond are barely noticeable the more time passes. But, I still prefer the world we live in today.

今天纳粹德国的世界肯定会和我们今天所知的不同,在20世纪50年代和60年代,当纳粹完成他们的种族计划和灭绝人口时,肯定会有很高的死亡人数。但我们也没有朝鲜战争或越南战争,也没有基地组织(Al Qaeda)和ISIS以及中东地区当前存在的冲突。时间也许有一种平衡自己的方式,就像池塘里的涟漪随着时间的流逝几乎不被注意到一样。但是,我还是更喜欢我们今天生活的世界。

Paul Irving
Nazi occupation of Cuba would have required US acquiescence, & defeating the (Canada-based) Royal Navy. It seems very, very unlikely. Cuba was more or less a US protectorate until its revolution. I am sure the USA would not have accepted it.
The USA developed the atom bomb by 1945 with the help of people & documentation sent by the UK. If the UK had been defeated there is no guarantee that either the people or the documentation would have got away. A US bomb would probably have taken rather longer to develop without that help. Still ahead of the Germans, though.
Without massive Soviet aid after the defeat of Japan (what happened in reality), a Communist victory in China does not seem likely.
Why invade & annex Hungary but not Turkey? Hungary assisted the German invasions of Yugoslavia & the USSR - why punish it for that & make enemies out of allies?

原创翻译:龙腾网 http://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

Why gobble up the client states? Slovakia & Croatia had Germany-friendly puppet governments. Best to leave well alone.
Colonies - why grab Spanish & Portuguese colonies? Fascist or semi-fascist governments, friendly or at least neutral. Why make enemies out of friends? Especially since you have some of their colonies being given to countries which fought Germany.
Why give the whole Fertile Crescent to Saudi Arabia? There were locals (e.g. Rashid Ali in Iraq) who were better-organised, better-armed, better-educated, & already inclined to be friendly. Why suppress them & hand over their countries to one of the most backward lots in the region? Yet again, you’re turning friends into enemies for no reason.


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