2022-10-29 翻译熊 4315

What would the world be like if Nazi Germany had never lost the war?


However, the Americans continued to push with the aid of Montgomery and Rommel simply didn't have the men or resources to hold back the allied ‘London Offensive’. The Offensive forced the Germans to retreat from Britain all-together and Edward VIII fled to Germany. Hitler was forced to shelve Barbarossa to prevent an allied invasion of Normandy. The German high command collectively sighed with relief.
Realizing that an invasion of France would be next to impossible, the Allies decided against it.
(Here's where Germany ceases to be relevant in world war 2 until later marked.)
In Asia and Oceania, the Americans led by Dwight Eisenhower and George S. Patton, were using the vast majority of their might, and with no real front in Europe, they opened a series of them in Japanese territory once the Japanese fleet had been decimated in 1943. Americans flooded into Indonesia, then into South East Asia into British Malaysia and fought their way up the peninsula.


The Americans were seen as liberators to the people of these places, as they were far kinder to the civilians than the Japanese. The Americans quickly pushed out the Japanese with aid from local resistance, which had diverted forces to the North for a very probable Soviet declaration of war in the near future.
After liberating Southeast Asia and creating democratic liberated regions, they pushed into Yunnan and rendevoued with Chinese forces fighting in Sichuan. The Americans were happy to find armed and organized resistance that hated the Japanese as much as they did. The Chinese and American soldiers got along well. Eisenhower worked with Chiang Kai-Shek, but he didn't agree with his treatment of his people. And brought this up with Roosevelt.


Joseph Stalin, having seen the quick advance of American forces from the South, decided to strike against the Japanese and declared war on March 23, 1944. With Stalin involved, Mao Zedong could advance towards Beijing from his forces home in Shaanxi and Shanxi with the Mongolians and planned to meet Ivan Konev and the Red Army there. Soviet troops under the command of Vasily Chuikov entered Korea from the North and pushed Japanese forces to the Naktong-gang, where they managed to hold their ground under Hedeo Iwakuro.


The entirity of the Japanese fleet is now being used to keep the Soviets from launching an invasion of the home islands of Kyushu and Honshu.
Knowledge of Germany’s attempts at an atomic weapon still got out and the Manhattan project produced several atomic warheads, but the two that would be used on the Japanese were named ‘Dragon’ and ‘Liberty’.
On August 6, ‘Dragon’ was dropped on the Japanese city of Hiroshima, causing around 200,000 civilian and soldier casualties overall. Harry Truman, who had been elected president after the passing of Roosevelt, ordered an unconditional surrender from Hirohito and Tojo. After devastating losses in China and the crippling fear of a Soviet Invasion, the Japanese reluctantly surrendered, ending the war in Asia.


(Germany is relevant now.)
In Germany, the entire Nazi party fell into disarray after Adolf Hitler was stabbed to death in his residence at Berghof by a Polish Nationalist.
Heinrich Himmler was the most obvious choice for the new Führer, but not the most popular. Joseph Goebbles and Hermann Göring also vied for the position, Joseph Goebbles being the most popular and Göring having the support of the Luftwaffe. But a new player was becoming known on this list. A dangerous character that just might take it himself.
Erwin Rommel.
Himmler, in a fit, ordered the SS troops to surround the Reichstag(which was chosen to debate on Himmlers suggestion.) while the party was deciding how the next Führer would be elected. The SS, being under Himmlers command, forced the party to elect him Führer.


Goebbles and Göring were immediately arrested and there was outrage all across Germany. The troops loyal to Himmler were merciless in putting down even the slightest protest of his leadership.
Rommel, in secret, spoke with members of the German high command and Nazi party suggesting a council of the party would lead Germany, but Himmler must be ousted first. Himmler, in his paranoia, discovered the plot, and ordered the cleansing of the Nazi party, very similar to Stalin's ‘Great Purge' and sent political enemies and prisoners to camps in Norway.
Rommel, who had become something of a champion of the people and ‘a good German’ by the French, whom he was extremely lenient on in his garrison and a representitive of a stable and strong Germany, National Socialism or No.
On December 21, 1945, Rommel declared himself leader of Germany and much of the German military, who loathed Himmler, fell under Rommel.
The struggle for the future of the Reich had begun.


Rommel received heavy resistance from Waffen SS troops but pushed past them through strategy and numbers. As Rommel reached Berlin, Himmler was evacuated out on May 19, 1946, where he, and his supporters fled to Ecuador, where they would live out the rest of their lives on the Galapagos Islands.
Rommel refused to siege Berlin, but opted for trapping the SS troops within and the sending soldiers in to root them out. Unfortunately, the SS divisions chose to use urban warfare to it's most deadly, regardless of civilian casualties.
Rommel seized Berlin after a 7 day fight with garrisoned troops. Rommel occupied Berlin and declared himself Fürher. He then abolished the National Socialism party. His troops scoured Germany for higher Nazi officials who were trying to escape or those that expected Rommel to have mercy.
Now that he was Führer, nazi officials were fleeing the country and SS resistance was being quashed and they surrendered.


Now that Rommel was the undisputed ruler of Germany, something Rommel knew of, but not their purpose, was becoming real to him. The Nazis horrifying secret.
The concentration camps. Rommel, horrified at this discovery, sent aid groups to retrieve the few survivors from the camps. There were a total of 30,000 survivors in the camps. 16,000 being Jews.
Rommel was their hero now, putting all of their SS guards in prison for life or to death, depending on their level of involvement. But Germany was no longer their home, as a new branch of military, the ‘Bürgerverteidigungskraft’ was created to defend these survivors, and citizens in general, from the more radical elements of German society. But the majority of these people didn't want to remain in germany, and Rommel allocated funds to a relief effort for these people as they led a diaspora from germany. Many settled in Brazil, the United States, and India, which had been recently granted independence from Britain.

原创翻译:龙腾网 http://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

Rommel released France and arrested Phillip Petain. He also released Norway, Belgium, and the Netherlands, but under pro-german(not pro-nazi) regimes. He also released the northern Balkans under a new Austria-Hungary loyal to Germany and cooperative with Romania. free of the Hapsburgs and ethnic policies which destroyed the first.
He banished Italy from the Axis powers, of which Italy was completely satisfied with. Mussolini had drifted away from Germany and with control of most of Africa, he had no need for them. He had chosen competent generals when fighting the British and French, and didn't persecute local populations, in fact, he gave them more autonomy than they enjoyed under the allies for unwavering loyalty to his New Roman Empire.
Rommel created a new government for each Nation consisting of a council of qualified individuals for the position they occupied, but also one democratically elected individual to serve on the council as the representitive of the people. The a ‘high council’ consisting of the heads of each state and high elected officials from each country to represent their people. But leaders often brought provincial governors and advisers with them. Spain and Sweden would later join this ‘European Prosperity and Defense League'.


Of Poland, to honor the man who sacrificed his life to kill Hitler, Rommel restored Germany to its pre 1918 borders and what was left was a bufferstate between them and the Soviet unx. A new German unx was paying to repair the damage caused. Truman and Rommel, once enemies, got along fine, even if Truman always pushed more democratic ideals towards Rommel when they met. And Rommel responded to Truman suggesting a German republic in 1951 before the league had been officially founded:
“When the people have been educated to know the dangers of radicalism and national socialism… When the people have been taught the trickery and cruelty present in the communist belief… When the people understand how democracies fail and see it as their civic duty to prevent that infection… When Europe has been restored, better than before, then, and only then, may they choose to have Democracy.”
Rommel led Germany until 1964, in the middle of the space race with the United States and Soviet unx, when he retired to the city of his birth, Heidenheim an der Brenz, Württemberg, where he lived until his death in 1982 at the age of 91 years old.


And this has been my exercise in alternate history. A world where the Allies did not defeat Germany in World War 2. I hope you enjoyed that and let me know if there's anything I should expand on and what you thought of my scenario.
And this is simply one theory. There are millions of other ways this could have gone. I'm not suggesting this is EXACTLY what would have happened. Merely 1 of infinite possibilities.
Thank you for reading.


Andrés Rivas
There have been several works about this, ranging from realistic options, for example, novels like "Fatherland" and " The African Reich", to more fantasy driven ones where the Axis powers of Germany and Japan rule the world like the novel " The Man in the High Castle" or where Germany is the sole supreme ruler of the Planet, like in the Wolfenstein game series.
I find the scenario of Fatherland to be the most "realistic", the D-Day invasion fails, Germany develops the A-bomb at the same time as the US, and threatens to nuke London so Britain decides to negotiate with the Germans and the Soviets are pushed back to the Ural mountains, where they continue to fight a guerrilla war against the Germans with the US support. In the Pacific, everything happens the same way, the US nukes Hiroshima and Nagasaki and Japan surrenders.
So the Cold War still happens, but instead of being the US and the Soviet unx, is the US and Nazi Germany.
So, by 1964, Germany dominates the whole of Europe. However, Hitler is nearing his 75 birthday and has not been seen in public for months. Germany is still fighting a long and unwinnable guerrilla war in Russia, against US-backed Soviet rebels and faces internal resistance. So he hopes to end this ‘Cold War’ by staging a superpower summit, where Hitler will sign a co-operation agreement with US President Joseph Kennedy. I don't want to say more to avoid spoiling the plot.
The novel is quite good, and they even made a movie about it that you can find on Youtube.

有几部作品谈论到了这个话题,摇摆于各种现实选择之间例如,小说《祖国》(Fatherland)和《非洲帝国》(The African Reich),到更具幻想色彩的、轴心国一统世界的小说《高堡奇人》(The Man in the High Castle),再到德国独霸整个星球的《重返德军总部》游戏系列。

So, by 1964, Germany dominates the whole of Europe. However, Hitler is nearing his 75 birthday and has not been seen in public for months. Germany is still fighting a long and unwinnable guerrilla war in Russia, against US-backed Soviet rebels and faces internal resistance. So he hopes to end this ‘Cold War’ by staging a superpower summit, where Hitler will sign a co-operation agreement with US President Joseph Kennedy. I don't want to say more to avoid spoiling the plot.
The novel is quite good, and they even made a movie about it that you can find on Youtube.


Ian McDonagh
what would the world look like after a German victory? While it’s of course impossible to say for certain, that hasn’t stopped writers from speculating. Below are three maps, from three different books, representing three fictional scenarios where Germany does win the war.
The Man in the High Castle
The Man in the High Castle’s World in 1962
The Man in the High Castle by Philip K. Dick is one of the first alternate history novels to look at an Axis victory in World War Two. Written in 1962, it’s set in a fictional 1962 where Nazi Germany, Fascist Italy and Imperial Japan have won the war and more or less divided the world between themselves (see map above).
The divergence from our timeline happens in 1934 when FDR is shot. Without him, the US fails to get out of the Great Depression and fails to mobilize for war. Thus, the Nazis are able to defeat the United Kingdom and the Soviet unx, while Japan is able to defeat the United States.


The World is divided into 2 blocks, in a cold war type situation. The Greater German Reich (and occupied countries) with its ally the Italian Empire vs. the Empire of Japan (which includes the Greater East Asia Co-Prosperity Sphere). The former United States is divided between the Japanese puppet Pacific States of America, the Rocky Mountain States and a Nazi puppet state of the United States of America.
Bizarrely, it seems Canada has managed to avoid occupation, despite being part of the British Empire and being actively at war with Nazi Germany right from the start. Also worth noting is that the Mediterranean Sea has been drained in this timeline, which was actually proposed by German architect Herman Sorgel in 1920.
While the outcome imagined in the book is historically implausible, it does explore many interesting themes, especially around the nature of reality. Thus, it is still well worth reading if you’re interested in the genre.


Fatherland’s 1964 Europe
Fatherland by Robert Harris is a slightly more realistic look at what Europe might look like after Hitler had won the war. Written in 1992, it’s set in a fictional 1964 in the week leading up to Hitler’s 75th birthday.
Unlike The Man in the High Castle, Japan was defeated by the United States during the war. However, the US and Germany remain locked in a cold war. Nazi Germany has gained control of all of Europe to the Ural mountains (see map above), but still has to deal with partisan fighting on its fringes.
Most of Eastern Europe has been divided into Nazi controlled Reichskommissariat, with Western Europe forming a sort of European Community (although one dominated by Germany).
While I don’t want to ruin the book if you haven’t read it, one of the major plot points revolves around what happened to Europe’s Jews during and after the war.

罗伯特·哈里斯(Robert Harris)的《祖国》对希特勒赢得战争后的欧洲可能会变成什么样子进行了更为现实的审视。这部小说写于1992年,故事发生在虚构的1964年,希特勒75岁生日的前一周。

In the Presence of Mine Enemies
In the Presence of Mine Enemies’ World of 2010
In the Presence of Mine Enemies is the most recent book of the bunch, written in 2003 but set in 2010 where the US stayed out of the Second World War, which meant the Axis powers were able to win. The US then subsequently lost the Third World War when the Axis powers used nuclear weapons.
In this alternate 2010, Germany and Japan are the major world powers having both occupied and annexed large parts of the world. Germany controls almost all of Europe, except for Fascist Italy, Spain and Portugal. As a result of their victory in the Third World War they also control most of North America.
Italy, Spain, Portugal, Germany and a white-led unx of South Africa have split control of Africa. Imperial Japan, on the other hand, controls virtually all of East Asia, Australia and Alaska through the Greater East Asia Co-Prosperity Sphere. South America (with a few exceptions) remains outside the direct control of both empires.
If you’re curious about what the 21st century would look like if the Nazis had won, you might want to give this one a read.

《铮铮铁骨》(In the Presence of Mine Enemies)是这批书中最新的一本,写于2003年,但背景设定在2010年,当时美国没有卷入二战,这意味着轴心集团赢得了二战。在这个交替的2010年,德国和日本是世界上的主要大国,它们都占领和吞并了世界上的大部分地区。德国几乎控制了整个欧洲,除了法西斯意大利、西班牙和葡萄牙。由于他们在第三次世界大战中的胜利,他们还控制了北美的大部分地区。

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