2022-10-29 青丘国的守护者 22063
Why is China called the "Middle Kingdom"?


Phen Su
China first referred to the Luoyang area,You can find it in the center of the image below. because it was located in the middle of China's geographic location, so it was called the middle kingdom. The king’s territory was only the Luoyang area two thousand years without invading any country, and developing a very mature Chinese civilization.


Luoyang has the most prosperous city.


Luoyang owns the first Chinese book I Ching, which is the origin of all Chinese culture.


Luoyang has the first Confucian school.

原创翻译:龙腾网 http://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

Luoyang has the first Taoist temple.


Luoyang has the first Buddhist temple.


Other countries were attracted by Luoyang's advanced civilization. People began to learn from China and put forward the theory of the Hua and Yi . It believes that as long as you learn Chinese culture, you can join China. If you don't learn Chinese culture, you are a barbaric. Everyone agrees that King Zhou is the son of heaven, who was sent by God to help the people. All kings agree that King Zhou is the king of kings. Even the Yayan spoken by King Zhou became the official language, and all scholars and nobles would speak it. This was also the first Mandarin version.


In the end, many countries joined China. The Qin, Mongols, and Manchus were originally ethnic minorities. They all chose to join China when they ruled China, making China a very large country. The Middle Kingdom is no longer a geographical term, but refers to Chinese civilization.


Steve Chao
I can answer this question. Before China was unified as one country, there were many small kingdoms in China. Every kingdom had his own king and government. However, there was still one kingdom which was superior than others. The king of this super kingdom was called Son of God and was treated as the king of kings. His kingdom was respectfully called “ Middle Kingdom” by other kingdoms. In 220 BC, the kingdom “Qin” conquered all other kingdoms and unified the China under one central government. As a result, there was only one kingdom in Qin Dynasty. Middle kingdom and China was one thing now.


Sulskis Galina
OK, let me provide you the correct answer as most of the answers here are somehow wrong.

中国, in terms of today’s language and translation, it means the central country.
However, in ancient Chinese language, 国 means 郭, which means “city”, or means walled city with facilities as a fortress. It first appeared in “Zhou Dynasty”. Later, it more indicate to the capital city where the emperor lives.

中国 doesn’t really mean middle kingdom at all. And it doesn’t even mean a kingdom. It is more focusing on “Central”, it more likely carries a location and orientation meaning.
In terms of arrogance, 中国 is not the word, but 天朝上国, which means “The State of Heaven”.

Nguyễn Thắng

中 middle 国 country!
中 middle 原 common sense to refer to the river delta!(感觉一般指的是河流冲击的三角洲)
中 middle 土 land!

is a geographic concept, referring to the central and downstream areas of the Yellow River with the center of Henan province, the birthplace of Chinese civilization, viewed by the Huaxia as the center of all humanity. [first] Ancient Chinese also use words like "China", "Middle Earth", "Central China" with the same meaning as the central plate. It is generally assumed that Zhongyuan is the focus area of ​​the Huaxia tribe, the center is Zhou. With the unification of Huaxia, Huaxia culture or Chu culture was developed and spread to other regions. Residing in the central and downstream of the Yellow River, Hoa Ha people with advanced culture considered themselves civilized, called China to distinguish it with four di. With the spread of Huaxia culture, many peripheral adversaries are also integrated into the Central Plains culture!


They use this term to distinguish themselves and their surroundings and sometimes cultural racism!




西戎 mean the wolf in the west :意思是西部的狼/害虫
東夷 shooters in the east:东部的弓箭手
北狄 mean the enemy in the north:指北方的敌人/危害物
南蠻 barbarian in South:南方的野人/没教养的人

So they have divided their world into four different directions since ancient times! And call yourself the center while invading other nations around


Matthew Asia

It’s a direct translation from 中国
中 middle
国 kingdom/country

Far back in history everyone assumed they were the centre of the world/universe and that’s where the name most likely comes from
China was the kingdom in the middle of their world.

中 middle(中间,中心,)
国 kingdom/country(王国、国家)
原创翻译:龙腾网 http://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

Anthony Hoysted

The Japanese, who borrowed Chinese characters for their writing system, were happy to keep 中国 (middle/central kingdom) as the name for China, because their name for Japan was 日本 (origin of the sun), which is (arguably) an even better name.
日本人为他们的书写系统借用了汉字,他们很乐意保留中国作为中国的名字,因为他们日本的名字是日本 (太阳的升起之地),这(可以说)是一个更好的名字。

Rose Walker
Why do some people call China the "middle kingdom"?
Because that’s literally China’s name.

原创翻译:龙腾网 http://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

That means China in Chinese, or I suppose Mandarin? I can’t tell the difference between Mandarin and Cantonese or much else. :P
Anyhoo, the Zhōng part roughly means the middle or center. The guó part means kingdom or country.
Disclaimer: I’m not Chinese. I don’t speak any kind of Chinese. I’m just going by what I learned in university years ago. If what I answered is incorrect, then I apologize.


Chizuko Allen
China is the "Middle Kingdom" but in reference to what?
The notion of “middle country (kingdom)” was first introduced by the people living in a small portion of today’s China, actually the middle sections of the Yellow River, millennia ago. This area, in antiquity, was very special thanks to its fertile land and location serving as a crossroads in northern China. Those in this area were surrounded by the “eastern,” “western,” “northern,” “and southern” peoples who had different lifestyles under diverse natural surroundings.


Thanks largely to their unique location, those in the mid-section of the Yellow River came to develop a city and soon a civilization, or what we know as the prototype “Chinese civilization.” They thought they were superior because they had developed a writing system and other cultures, and they also believed that they were in the “middle,” being surrounded by “barbarians” who were eager to come and trade crops and animals for cultural goods. This is how the Chinese civilization began millennia ago.


Over time, the civilization expanded to encompass much of northern China, incorporating former “barbarians.” Now, those living outside of northern China were referred to as “barbarians.” The “eastern barbarians” had initially been in the Shandong peninsula (of China) earlier, but soon those in the Korean peninsula and the Japanese islands were referred to as “eastern barbarians.” The civilization even incorporated southern China later, so the “southern barbarians” were pushed farther down to Vietnam and Southeast Asia.


The “middle kingdom” continued expanding for centuries, but it also shrank at times because of “barbarian” invasions. Regardless, the notion of their country being in the “middle” (and superior) lives on till this day.

原创翻译:龙腾网 http://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

Jiahong Chen
Actually it doesn’t mean Middle, it means Central.
The Ancient China thought it were the center of the world, the others surrounding it were all barbarians. Outer than these barbarians were the oceans. It’s so called the China’s centerism.
So it does not mean Middle Kingdom, it means Central Kingdom.


Dave C.J. Kim
It’s the archaic name Han Chinese people have for their land. Literal translation would be more like “the central plain” or “the middle plain”. referring to the Chinese heartland: Middle and lower reaches of the Yellow River Valley and the geographical region known as the North China Plain.
That and in Traditional Chinese Religion and cosmology, that area is the center of the world. Not unlike other classical and ancient world mythologies and religions.


Peter Jones
That’s how they thought of China centuries ago, only China counted, everyone else were barbarians and uncivilised. Not the only country to think like that unfortunately.


Chuan He

All stupid ancients on this planet thought they were at the center (中 doesn't mean middle here) of the world before they know the world is a sphere. Center means supreme, and N S W E are all barbarians. But only Chinese still believe that they are the best in this world even after their wooden sailboat hit by Western iron fleet, and even today. We call this Ah Q spirit”

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