2022-10-31 兰陵笑笑生 6222

Why was the proclamation of the German Empire held at Versailles? Wouldn't it have made more sense if it was held somewhere in what would become part of modern day Germany?


Cem Arslan
Amateur military historian and fiction writer
To understand that, one has to go a couple centuries back.
This might seem far fetched looking at the power dynamic between Germany and France in and after 1871, but until that point, Germany and Germans had been living in, proverbially speaking, mortal fear of France. France was the continent’s greatest military power, and one with a long and proud history of expansionism into Germany.
French armies rampaged western Germany in the cataclysmic Thirty Years’ War, which in total saw more German dead, not just in percentages but in absolute numbers, than the Second World War. French expansionism crept slowly into Germany over the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries.
The decisive blow was Napoleon: who gobbled up Rhineland and northwestern Germany directly into France, chained to his will as puppets half of Germany in form of the so-called Confederation of the Rhine, and enforced on Prussia a more draconian peace than had been seen in Europe for a long time(and indeed, much more so than the peace that the Coalition would eventually force on him). Unlike the earlier events, left over from an era where nationalism was hardly the strongest of forces and German national identity deeply flawed, the years of Napoleonic domination left deep scars in German national conscious, kickstarted the German desire for national unity, and gave rise to a true Franco-German enmity.
Germany had been Europe’s battleground and zone of territorial expansion for centuries. And Germans were fed up with the misery that existence brought.
When Bismarck’s Prussia fell upon the Danes, beat back the Austrians, and pummeled the French to the ground, the proclamation of King Wilhelm I of Prussia as the German Emperor, in the very palace of the legendary Sun King, was intended to convey one message, to France in particular, but to the world in general. Two words issued by a nation that refused to remain as Europe’s stomping ground.
No more.

从 1871 年和之后的德国和法国之间的权力动态来看,这似乎有些牵强,但在此之前,德国和德国人确实一直生活在众所周知的对法国的致命恐惧中。法国是欧洲大陆最强大的军事强国,并且有着悠久而自豪的向德国扩张的历史。

Olivier Rychner
I quite like this answer. And also, I quite like the famous painting you have chosen to illustrate it, by Von Werner. You’ll notice how the Kaiser, at the top of the steps, is not really the center of it, but how Bismark, centered and in a starkly-constrasting white uniform, is highlighted…


Daveed Phoenix
“No more.”
It didn’t really work, though, did it?


Cem Arslan
Turns out, when the proverbial kicking toy of the continent rises out of that, everyone else is really terrified of what might happen- and quite determined to return to the way things were.

原创翻译:龙腾网 http://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

Alfredo Perozo
My go-to analogy every time this is brought up is the Mexican army marching over NYC.


Annie Smith
LOL! In your dreams.


Alfredo Perozo
That was what the French told themselves too.


Ethan Freeland
Your country is literally controlled by cartels, defeat them first before you talk about invading America


Gilles Poche
Indeed, Napoleon the 1st turned out to be one , if not the foremost, of the unifiers of Germany.
Unser his rule, 90% of the German principalities disappeared, and, as Cem points out, the latent German desire for unity gathered strength.
Those facts are absolutely not understood in France, where few aknowledge the constant French agressions, from the end of the sixteenth century, end the acquistions of parts of Lorraine, to Napoleon.


Son of Peace
History resists simplicity. But the allure of victimhood is as old as the Christian messiah and Caesar's conquest.


Thomas Bart
Cem is not anti-French. He is not pro-German either. He is simply one of the few people out here in Quora who try to be halfway obxtive with Germany and the Germans and does not think in the well-known stereotypes. His comments are usually well-founded and fact-based. As concerns this very comment: The other powers which ravaged Germany in the thirty-years-war, like Sweden, simply weren’t existant any more as a competition or a threat. At that time, and since centuries before, France was the closest and most powerful menace to Germany.


Jared Keplinger
Very well put, I’m impressed by your knowledge of the matter, as well your unique insight.


Sean Kahn
To be fair the losses Germany endured in the Second World War were felt more as they occurred over a much shorter amount of time. But other than that good answer.


Yevgeniy Leto
My German friend said that Napoleon was instrumental in making German unification possible by lumping hundreds of little German principalities into a few relatively big nations.


Gérard Briais
I'm beginning to think you're fundamentally anti-French.
I do not deny the ravages that the French wreaked on the territory of present-day Germany but, to be honest, there was very little of it during the Thirty Years' War, first of all because we were allied with some German princes and we should not be confused with the Swedes,
On the other hand, there were many more under Louis XIV and Turenne's exactions in the Palatinate, and of course under Napoleon, but especially vis-à-vis Prussia, other German states being then allied to France, precisely for fear of the warmongers in Berlin.
But you are not mentioning the whole history of France's relations with the Habsburg Empire, which since Charles V had not stopped reducing France. So much for going back in time, study a little seriously what the Holy Empire was for a long time for Europe.


Gilles Poche
Richelieu paid for different armies to fight the Habsburg in Germany, and then sent French armies after 1635 when he started running out of allies. To be fair, the French armies were not worse than the others, but the French involvement lengthened the war by maybe ten years, and thus the miseries of the civilians.

原创翻译:龙腾网 http://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

Marc B.
Thank you. There is nothing to add.
Fun fact 1: The reparations that France had to pay to Germany in 1871 was exactly the amount per inhabitant that Prussia had to pay to France in 1806. The signal was clear: don't attack us anymore, we are back.
Fun fact 2: The success and rise of Prussia is largely due to French Huguenots. In 1806, almost a third of all Berliners and Potsdamers had French surnames and spoke French. There were French churches, schools, cultural associations. After the occupation of Prussia by French troops, many of these institutions dissolved, the "French" changed their surnames.


Gilles Poche
Don't forget the french restaurants on Savignyplatz.


Scott Mills
This may be, but it did not quiet work out the way they imagined in 1871. Just 43 years later they would fight France again, and much of the German Empire was lost. In less than 100 years after yet another war involving France, Great Britain, and Russia (the Soviet unx) Germany would lose almost all of Prussia and be split into two states.


Stephen Tempest
Well, the German statement wasn’t so much “No more” as “Now it’s everyone else’s turn”.


Aidan Harris
“No more”
*Rest of Europe starts laughing*

原创翻译:龙腾网 http://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

León Eduardo Grueso
So, Germany was Europe's Congo.


Stefano Crosignani
just for the precision, the 30 years warwas started as a german civil war, and saw different external participants (denmark, sweden, an done should not forget spain in support of the emperor). The french were actively involved only in the last third.


Alex Parker
Aside from the glory of the Palace of Versailles, the main reason for its choosing to be the site of the proclamation of the German Empire was to send a loud and clear message.
For most of modern history, certainly since 1871, the Franco-German relationship has been one of an intimidating Germany threatening and looming over a weaker France. In recent years the relationship has ceased to be hostile, but economically Germany is still by far the greater power.
What you need to understand is that this has not always been true.
In fact for most of history it had been quite the opposite.
Ever since Charlemagne, Germany had lived in at least slight fear of the French state. It was for centuries the titan of Europe and, especially from the 15th century onward, repeatedly advanced further and further into the lands of the Holy Roman Empire into lands that then would have been considered German.
And thus already by the 19th century, the Kingdom of Prussia (which would later unite Germany) was in a state of acute fear of France.
And then things only got worse when this guy happened:
Under the rule of Napoleon Bonaparte France achieved a state of military hegemony over Western and Central Europe. Overshadowed by the glory of such campaigns as the Peninsula War, the Napoleonic invasion of Russia and the defeat of the Hapsburg Austrian Empire, people often forget the part that Prussia played in the Napoleonic Wars.
Although, at Waterloo, the Prussians certainly did get a taste of vengeance, by and large the Napoleonic Era was horrifically humiliating for Prussia.
It saw Prussia itself defeated and brutally maimed as vast swathes of its territory were confiscated and it saw over a decade of French domination of much of German politics.
By 1812, as you can see above, massive sections of Germany had been annexed by France the rest subjugated with the Kingdom of Prussia itself, while technically independent, clearly subject to the French throne.
By 1870, this was still very much in memory.
Not only had it not actually been all that long, 50 years is short enough that many alive would have remembered the Napoleonic Wars—in fact soon-to-be-Kaiser Wilhelm himself fought in the Napoleonic Wars—but there had not been a major conflict involving France and Prussia since.
When in 1870 Prussia then spectacularly annihilated the armies of France, mere years after crushing Austria, it was no normal victory. Instead, it was an upheaval of continental European politics.
For centuries France had been the greatest military power in Europe while Germany, although at points certainly powerful, fell second to it.
But then, in the Hall of Mirrors in 1871, a new country was formed. One that could not just compete with France but surpass it. One that could challenge the industrial might of Britain. One that could completely overturn the balance of power in Europe.
Germany had risen, where better to show it than the heart of a defeated rival?





Ibrahim G Zalloum
“This was very much in memory”
As a commentary on this: Wilhelm I was in fact a veteran of the Napoleonic wars. He served in 1814–15, and was actually described as a gallant officer.


Kristijan Car
I find it completely unfair that France was always allowed to be the stronger out of the two, yet that one time when Germany is stronger, everybody gangs up on Germany and forces it into the WW1 situation instead of advocating peace.
The Peace of Versailles in 1918 was also by far harsher on the Germans than the one in 1871.


Francis McCarthy
What do you mean by "always allowed"? France has always been kept in check by alliances and collations in some form or another.
And what do you mean by "that one time"? Germany was the centre of the Holy Roman Empire, that was at many points in history the main power in Europe and sometimes quite literally sandwiched France.
And could you please define what you mean by harsher?


Kristijan Car
You asked, you shall receive.
By always allowed, I mean that that nobody looked at the big dominant European power France following the 100 Year War after shaking off English influence and uniting their people, and decided to put it in a war it can’t win, surrounded and then destroy it’s dominance in a peace treaty. Instead France was a major power for hundreds of years in Europe whilst Germany was fractured from the fall of the Frankish Empire to the Unification of Germany in the 19th century, heralded by the brilliant policies of Otto von Bismarck.
And I do understand there were the coalitions against the French during the Napoleonic Wars, but that was different. But those were to check off French ambitions in the far east of their realm, not to weaken it following the unification of all French people.
The HRE wasn’t an unified country. Like the saying goes “it wasn’t holy, wasn’t Roman and it wasn’t an empire”, it was a collection of smaller states in not just Germany, but territory that would today be part of the Low countries, France, Italy, Austria, Czechia, Slovenia, Croatia and Poland. I mean the French prove my point for me considering Napoleon disestablished the HRE.
As for the issue of Germany “threatening” the balance of powers in Europe, WW1 pretty much proves that even after all the carrying Germany did in the war, it couldn’t do it all alone. Who knows, maybe the Italians are at fault for not switching sides before the war, then Germany would look less competitive to the French, Russians and British.
The peace at the Versailles palace following the Franco-Prussian war was way less harsh whichever way you cut it. France didn’t go into a debt that would have to be paid for 100 years like Germany did at the Treaty of Versailles following WW1. Land wise, Germany lost more land than France did, and the land they lost was German speaking anyways. Ofc there are some similarities and I have to mention them like how the Germans occupied the heartland of French industry, the same as the French did in the Rhineland.
But the French went berserk over their loss in the Franco Prussian war, they felt bitter over their defeat and decided to destroy the German Empire by any means necessary, even allying to the British. They even flirted with far left and far right ideologies over this loss, the roots of fascism can even be attributed to France over this loss. Georges Valois for example states that the Jacobin movement in France was an inspiration to the fascists in Italy. Some historians even mention Napoleon the III. Whichever way you cut it, the French definitely had totalitarian run governments similar to fascist governments before tge fascists came to power in Italy.
Yet the French thought it was alright to harshly punish the Germans and essentially make them choose to go the Hitler route following a failed democracy from 1921 to 1932.
Do you see my point ?



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Matthew Gordon
Coursework in Medi, Early Modern, Modern periods; BA; know enough to get
The German Empire was proclaimed at Versailles, as opposed to in Germany, for a very good reason: because it was meant to represent all of Germany.
Although the other answers have explained why William I chose Versailles for the proclamation of the German Empire, as opposed to some other foreign court (Vienna?), they’ve omitted the second question: why not Germany?
I had almost this exact conversation with my German history professor during the second year of my undergraduate degree.
ME: Why didn’t the coronation of William I happen in Berlin?
DR. HABERER: Then it would have looked like a Prussian takeover.
The German Empire was sold to its constituent kingdoms as a German unification, not a Prussian conquest. There was never a forcible annexation of Bavaria, Baden-Württemberg, etc. The regional princes had to buy into the Empire.


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