2022-10-31 遐怪 20882

It's scary to imagine two zones of people, one in terror, slowly and silently being crushed to death, another not knowing anything at all is wrong, and just slowly moving towards the crush being guided by the crowd, happy and partying, with a boundary layer between them perhaps only a dozen people deep making coordination really hard. Like.. how do you get the message to a crowd of thousands of people to stop doing something when all they're really doing is standing up and going with the general flow?


You can’t. The event organiser has to have the common sense to break up the crowd with physical barriers like railings so it doesn’t swell and surge forward like a tsunami.
From experience, it is also important to designate as many exit points as possible when you are expecting a large crowd. In the event that people need to get out, they can start trickling out from the sides instead of surging towards one faraway exit point.


There is no official event, this is just a gathering of young peoplen in costumes, amplified by clubs doing Halloween specials

原创翻译:龙腾网 http://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

At that point it becomes the local government's responsibility. When you have 100,000 people converging to a district for a single night you need crowd management.
This is a failure of both the local late night business community and the government.


There actually were officers posted around the streets. However, it seems like they failed to do crowd management. The Yongsan police dept is famously corrupt and rotten, maybe that had something to do with it.

原创翻译:龙腾网 http://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

Officers patrolling isn't going to help. Physical barricades for separation are needed for extremely crowded situations. In NYC for example, during the holiday season barricades are set up to form corridors in popular areas. If a crush would begin to form the barricades would get pushed over to relieve it.


I'm Korean who living in Seoul. This could happen anywhere any moments. Gov too focused Drug addict, Sexual harassment but didn't think Crowd Control. What kind of Gov only send 200 Police then invest just Drug addicts? This is Terrible. Gov at least bring or temperately hire 2000 personals. They Even knew 100,000 Crowd will gather that small streets.


Video showed that even when the alley entrance was clear the people were so jammed together they couldn’t move while rescuers were failing to pull people out because they were stuck. I’ve never seen anything like this

原创翻译:龙腾网 http://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

That video is unimaginable. EMTs keep trying to pull people out and nothing moves, it's like an immovable wall of bodies. Terrifying.
EDIT : many people asking where to find the video. I will not lix it as I don't want to look for it. It was amongst the images shown during one of the live news broadcast on a Korean channel.

原创翻译:龙腾网 http://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

It's insane, people break their legs and arms because they are shifted and locked into unnatural positions making it even harder to get people out.

原创翻译:龙腾网 http://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

That is one of the most fucked up scenarios I've ever seen. Some of the people below are most probably crushed to death whereas the ones on top cannot move out because they are stuck as well.


People standing up were crushed to death. That’s the terrifying thing about crowd crush - you don’t have to fall down to die. The pressure gets so bad you can’t breathe in.


Yes, a good friend related his tale of going up a flight of stairs in a concert crush and not touching a step or being able to breathe. San Diego, late 1970s.


That is really hard to hear . Feel so bad for these people who were just out for a fun evening


I remember the video of the Station Night Club fire. Dozens trapped in the serpentine vestibule of the club. The exit was a double doorway which was wide open, but people could not pass through this portal because so many were crammed into it and were being crushed from behind by those panicking as they burned alive.


Even crazier was the one dude who survived because he was under the body pile, which insulated him from the flames and smoke.


18 hospitals involved and if parents can’t find their child, they would have to go Yongsan sport stadium where dead bodies are placed


Bruh imagine walking through lines of dead young bodies trying to find your child…that’s just…screwed up beyond words


And dressed in Halloween attire, nonetheless.


My grandfather went missing for a time after the 1988 earthquake in Mexico City. My grandma had to go all over the city looking for his corpse. They checked the usual places. The bar, the construction area (he was either at work or drunk) and anywhere else she could think of.
She didn’t find his corpse but she was messed up by that. They were pulling out bodies, places were destroyed and so many went missing after a terrifying earthquake.
Hell. My own dad was in the third floor with my sister and he damn near jumped out the window. He figured the fall could fuck him up, but he could use his body to shield my sister and that was safer than being in the building if it collapsed.
Edit: My grandad was alive. He was in Acapulco.


How did she not know he was in Acapulco?


Cause the old man told no one.
He literally went through the earthquake, decided he didn’t want to help clean up and just went to Acapulco to unwind for 2 weeks.
Everyone thought he was dead.


Also consider that emergency responders don't have the answers yet. Family could call and visit every hospital but still not find their loved one. Did they lose their phone and they're fine? Are they still being transported to the hospital or morgue? Simply not knowing if your child is ok is agony and it typically takes hours to even start finding out.
In a situation like this it might even take longer. I heard of a tragedy happening at a beach that had mass casualties and it took very long to identify everyone. You don't have your ID with you when you swim and since entire families were effected, it took longer to identify the next of kin.


I had a dream once that a tsunami was coming. I was worried for my mother, who can’t swim, and focused on getting her to high ground, but after the wave came and went, I realized I hadn’t helped my sister. The dream ended with police leading me down an endless line of dead bodies to identify her.
I don’t usually move in my sleep at all, even to turn my head or shift my legs, but I woke up curled up into a hall at the foot of my bed. Took me five minutes of soul crushing grief to realize she wasn’t really dead. I’ve thought about that dream at least once a week in the five of six years since. It still fills me with absolute dread.


That sounds horrible and I've never been through that. And I don't want to minimize your story but... is this abnormal? Because I can empathize with it


Not the commenter you replied to but I had quite a few nightmares about my baby being crushed in my bed when she was still a newborn. I’m a little bit of a sleep walker and have family who wake up at random times of night occasionally and end up super disoriented. No idea how common it is because it’s not something that comes up in conversation.


Imagine going to the 16th then 17th hospital still unable to find your loved ones. The stress would be unbearable for me.


As a parent of a young man this scares the shit out of me
Omg those poor kids. Just out for a fun time.


Think of all the people who lose their phones and wallet. It might be while before they can contact their family.


The first responders at the Bataclan terrorist massacre talked of the anguish of hearing the cacophony of mobile phones desperately buzzing away in the pockets of the deceased as loved ones tried to call them.


There’s video of the police in the Pulse nightclub after the shooting in Orlando of this. It’s horrifying hearing all those phones going off.


I remember watching a video of the Las Vegas shooting and it was the same thing


It probably happened so fast and was out of control. People couldn't get out.

原创翻译:龙腾网 http://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

Your comment is totally insensitive and doesn't need to be said.
No one deserves to die or lose a loved one because they went out expecting a fun evening. Keep your shitty opinion to yourself next time.

原创翻译:龙腾网 http://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

Sometimes things get dangerous before you realize it, and by the time you realize it it's too late.
Your solution basically amounts to "never go to any large events", which is stupid and naive.


Sometimes it's easy to lecture people from your warm home, having the hability to decide for others with time, information and zero stress. Show some respect you nugget


There are two types of people :
One who offers kindness.
One who disregards the feelings of others and needs to put on the I-am-very-smart blxers.
If you have to choose,
Choose to add joy & kindness with your existence.


You’re an asshole.


An eyewitness report:
“My partner and I were in the crowd crush tonight. When we entered the road behind the hotel it was already way too packed. I even mentioned that this was close to a crowd crush. As we turned back up the side road next to the hotel to leave that's when the real crush started. Pushed so hard it was hard to breath. Fighting not to fall over. My partner picked a girl off the ground that fell in front of us so she wouldnt be trampled.
It all happened so quickly, and we couldn't see behind us to anything that started it. It even happened both ways. People were fighting both their way in and out from the narrow sidewalk on the main road. That didn't stop until police arrived.”
I'm glad this couple made it out alive.


I was there about an hour before the crush. There was ZERO crowd control as more and more subway trains, buses and taxis arrived right outside the alley.
I was trying to get to Mahalo and ended up giving up. It was insane. My wife and a friend made it to the neighborhood shortly before us and her first message to us was "don't come here". It was already too late, another friend and I were stuck in the flow of people getting off the subway with no way to turn around.


My wife and other friend were in the alley where the crush would happen and ducked into a store because it was already just too over crowded. They could hardly move and were getting claustrophobic. It took me about ten minutes to go the ~50 yards to the store. We were basically being carried/shoved forward by a flow of people. I finally got into the store and luckily we found an exit on the opposite side of the building from the alley, facing the main street.
It then took us about two minutes to cross the mass of people on the sidewalk until we could get to the street. Two minutes to cross the width of a sidewalk! It was clear we just had to get away and ended up walking in the road (people began to slowly spill off the sidewalk, but cars were still screaming by) because the sidewalk was too packed. I'm so glad that we decided to leave. Awful tragedy.


Glad that you and your loved ones are okay.


I saw a video from someone in the crowd where a girl next to him was really struggling and started screaming. In another video from a different perspective you can see him again and she was clearly unconscious.
I can’t stop thinking about her. And I can’t even imagine what these people went through in their final moments, how terrified they must have been. Awful.


I can't stop thinking about her either. The man next to her (streamer wearing white shirt with blue stripes) made it out somehow. I hope she's alright, too. Watching those videos will haunt me. I wish I hadn't seen them.


I really wish those videos had been flagged NSFW or NSFL. I wish I hadn't seen them either, didn't realize what they were until it was too late.


This 7-year old Reddit comment is required reading on this kind of horrific crowd tragedy. It covers the physics of how these things happen, explains the difference between crowd crush and crowd collapse, explains how people die and gives some tips that can improve your chances of recognizing and escaping similar situations.


I was in a “crowd collapse” at the Cow Palace in SF. We were packed like sardines and the front of the crowd was getting crushed against the barrier in front of the stage. I said fuck this and started squeezing my way back. I got to a point where I couldn’t move anymore and the people in front of me suddenly flopped over, I fell on them and the people behind fell on me. Just a big meat sandwich. I could hear people below me screaming. I had about 2 layers of people on me so I could still breath barely. I was super high so it was scary as hell. I don’t know how long it was but people were finally able to get out on one side. I haven’t been on the floor of a major concert since.


So glad to finally know what this is - was on the verge of a crowd collapse at Warped tour back in ‘07 or ‘08. I remember being completely pinned and being completely at the mercy of the crowd around me. Multiple times we almost all fell over, but it never reached the tipping point to cause a full-on crush.
Glad you made it out alive! I’m too old to be in the front row at shows anymore anyway…


That’s absolutely awful, I’m glad you’re okay and I completely understand not being on the floor ever again. I refuse to go to the front of any concert for this reason (also I’m already uncomfortable with too many people touching me)


Reading this and I can vouch. Was at the Travis Scott Astroworld festival last year, and this is exactly what happens. The “shockwaves” are beyond exhausting to stay upright in, and no one at the front ~1/3rd of the crowd has control over their movements anymore. The physical exhaustion, claustrophobia, noise, pain from people stepping on your legs, and the hopeless panic makes it by far the most dreadful experience I’ve ever had.
I was lucky to have anticipated the crush because I picked an area near the front where the barriers could shield me from any choke points, since earlier performances from other artists were nearly as bad. At the end of the day I’m glad I was able to help lots of people over the barrier after it got bad, but witnessed some shit I can’t unsee :/ my friends not too far back who left with me didn’t believe me when I claimed people died


Thanks for this, I did a double take when I first saw this headline. When I read 120 dead my brain could barely understand how that many people could die without some kind of bomb or guns involved. Truly heartbreaking


My oh shit headline was 50 people receiving CPR at once.
Couldn't fathom that.


There’s a video of this I accidentally saw. Really fucking jarring to see that many people getting CPR at once


I accidentally saw that one too, jarring and honestly I feel nauseous seeing that. What the fucking fuck..

原创翻译:龙腾网 http://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

Ya real cpr is fucking brutal. Talk to loved ones about their wishes.


Interestingly (though not surprisingly given the descxtion of crushes behaving like a fluid), this is exactly what you should do if caught in a rip at the beach - swim sideways to escape the worst of the current, and then diagonally back to shore.


The bottom of the comment says a man survived falling in a crowd crush during a fire in the fetal position because he had a pocket of air created by a human heat shield. Does that mean he was literally buried under people burning alive and sucking down what little air was trapped beneath them? Holy shit.


原创翻译:龙腾网 http://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

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