2022-11-01 用功 6577

Tobias Unknown
The East German farms are bigger because they were collectivized under Soviet rule and then privatized as a whole after reunification.
Btw, the unemployment situation has improved a lot, but differences are still there although they shrank a lot over the last decade.


nishijuru kun
Economically has definitly become better over the years particually in Thüringen


Born To Climb
@nishijuru kun


Andrea Voigtländer
so they are way better


It's good that things are improving in the east. There are always differences in regions within countries but it takes a lot to heal from the effects of Soviet rule (Russia may take generations to get over the trauma and currently isn't going in the right direction).


Tobias Unknown
@Andrea Voigtländer
yes, in the early years after reunification it was the only economic sector that was more competitive than its west German counterpart.


lettuceatter _
@Andrea Voigtländer
except not


Ciaran Harrington
I'm working just south of Berlin and I noticed the farms are few but large. Who were the people that got the land after the fall of communism though, can't quite work out who got the valuable assets and why


@Ciaran Harrington
I couldn't find valid resources, but as far as I remember many of the former bosses of the LPGs (the 'agrarian collectives'?), who were important party members during the time of the DDR, managed to grab a big part of the land and machinery in the months and years after the reunification.


Michael Weskamp
@A V
Of course they had to take credits from the banks but they knew the guys already and had the knowledge how to manage this kind of big agrarian companies. A bargain for most. Also the guys who took over the machine parks, mostly the former head of it made some good business.


Skank Hunt44
@Ciaran Harrington
often enough the people who owned the land before the ddr existed so often it where nobels or Großbauern who got their old propert back wich was stolen from them by the ddr goverment


Spaghettoo schifo
It would be maybe also interesting to see the difference between North and South Italy, since there the difference is even bigger then in Germany even tho the south is already a part of Italy for many many years


Aside from street lights Berlin also has very visible infrastructure differences - For example, while tram lines were still operating in East-Berlin, it's Western counterpart decommisioned and dismantled all tram lines in the West in order to have a more car-centric city. This is nowadays a problem for city planners, since for a more extensive public transport new lines have to be built in the Western part of the city from scratch again, while in the Eastern part the systems are still up and running.


Just one little correction: you can't say east Germans were not allowed to leave the country. That's not correct. It was just difficult to go to western countries. But 1. It was not impossible, just difficult depending on the situation and 2. Travelling to the east European states was very common. You could also visit other communist countries like Vietnam if you had the money.

但是,1. 这不是不可能的,只是当时情况下很困难;2. 到东欧国家旅行是非常普遍的。如果你有钱,你也可以去其他共产主义国家,如越南。

120 Geräte gefunden
A very good topic. What many people don't know is that only the Soviet-occupied part of Germany had to pay reparations to the USSR. Huge amounts of factories, railway tracks, agricultural machinery and other things were dismantled and taken to the USSR.


Klecker Klotz
Let me say something to some points, which are not as accurate as they should be:
1:00 "Seperate areas of occupation were established depending on where each side had invaded." That's only partly true. A large chunk of East Germany was invaded by American and British soldiers. The western allies had fought their way to the western shores of the river Elbe. That means whole Thuringia, half of Saxony and Saxony-Anhalt was occupied by western allies. But they traded that chunk of land away for a tiny part of Berlin. This was agreed in 1945 during the Yalta conference.
4:36 Demographics. Here you get to a key point, why the East is different from the West. 2 Million mostly young people left East Germany for a better life in the West in the years between 1990 and 2010. That was a brain drain, which cripples the East in so many ways. And almost every other map you show is influenced and distorted by exactly that brain drain.

1:00 "根据每一方打下的地方,建立了不同的占领区。" 这只是部分事实。东德的一大块土地都是由美国和英国士兵打下来的。西方盟军一路打到易北河西岸。这意味着整个图林根州、一半的萨克森州和萨克森-安哈尔特州都被西方盟军占领了。但他们用这一大块土地换取了柏林的一小部分。这是在1945年雅尔塔会议期间达成的协议。
4:36 人口统计学。在这里,你可以看到一个关键点,为什么东部与西部不同。1990年至2010年期间,有200万年轻人离开东德,到西方过上了更好的生活。这是一种人才流失,在许多方面削弱了东部。而你展示的几乎所有其他地图全都是受到了这种人才流失的影响和扭曲。

5:45 Trash and simple interpretation: more money means more consume means more trash. That's very likely the best explanation.
5:49 "But that could also be something cultural. Although it's odd, since the evironmental concern is higher in the West" I don't think so. Both can't be the case. The evironmental concerns are pretty much evenly distributed among Germans. I wonder where you get that from? Votes? (EDIT: Oh yes, you do. LOL) If it was from votes, let me tell you, that one of the main driving forces for the reunification was an enviromentalist movement in the GDR. And most of these people still live in the East. But the higher concern today is wealth distribution, that's why they do not vote for the green party. In the eyes of most (fortunately not all) West Germans every East German is some kind of right wing racist idiot, who doesn't care about anything. That bullshit is pushed by mass media. And I absolutely do not like this trend.
6:00 "Perhaps more people live of their land." Bad guess. Private land ownership is very low in East Germany. Land is mainly owned by big companies nowadays. And that's due to the fact, that the socialist state owned most of the land before and that land was sold out by the "Treuhand" after the reunification. Google "Landwirtschaftliche Produktionsgenossenschaft" or short "LPG". Private land owners were force to join the LPG by the communists after WW2. And that's why the size of farms is bigger in East Germany (4:25). And that's why private land ownership is way higher on average in West Germany.
If all your information is from maps, you will miss important facts. And all your conclusions are very distorted, simply you do not get the main point, why the East and the West is different: That brain drain that crippled the East.

5:45 垃圾和简单解释:更多的钱意味着更多的消费,意味着更多的垃圾。这很可能是最好的解释。
5:49 "但这也可能是属于文化。虽然这很奇怪,因为西部对环境的关注度更高。"我不这么认为。全都不是。德国人对环境的关注基本都一样。我想知道,你是从哪儿得到这个结论的?投票吗?(编辑:哦,是的,你有。大笑)如果是来自选票,那我告诉你,统一的主要推动力之一,是民主德国的环保主义运动。而这些人中的大多数仍然生活在东部。但今天更关心的是财富分配,这就是为什么他们不投票给绿党。在大多数(幸好不是全部)西德人眼中,每个东德人都是某种右翼种族主义的白痴,对任何事情都不关心。这些谣言都是由大众媒体推动的。而我绝对不喜欢这种趋势。
6:00 "也许更多的人生活在他们自己的土地上"。猜得不对。在东德,私人土地很少。现在的土地主要是由大公司拥有。这是因为以前社会主义的国家拥有大部分的土地,统一后土地被 "Treuhand(第三方托管) "卖掉了。谷歌 "Landwirtschaftliche Produktionsgenossenschaft(农业生产合作社) "或简称 "LPG"。私人土地的所有者,在二战后被共产党人强迫加入LPG。这就是为什么东德的农场规模更大(4:25)。这就是为什么私人土地所有权在西德的平均水平要高得多。

4:25 Actually, that was because many small farms were put together under 1 control in the early years, for which LPGs, Landwirtschaftliche Produktionsgenossenschaften (Agricultural Production Cooperative) were created to manage them. But yes, there is a tendency of people growing some stuff themselves here, which isn't nearly as present in the west

4:25 实际上,那是因为早年许多小农场被集中在了一起,由1人控制,为此成立了LPG,即Landwirtschaftliche Produktionsgenossenschaften(农业生产合作社)来管理它们。但是,这里有一种人们自己种植一些东西的趋势,这在西德几乎是不存在的。

Actually the east of Germany is pretty nice if you have a good Job.
The Houses are not only Cheaper, they are also bigger, its not that dense, the Countryside is beautyfull.
The East of Germany is a very nice Region


Sebastian Koch
This is my first comment on youtube, but I really felt like I have to say this.If you make videos like this, you should really team up with people from both sides you are talking about. As an eastern German I can say that the facts you were talking about were right, but your conclusions about the reasons were terribly wrong. Most of these things could have been explained easily to you by someone who knows about the culture and history of the country.
For example are not many people working in eastern germany in agriculture and most of the farm land is not owned by private farmers. During GDR times farmers were expropriated by the state and the farmers were forced to go into agricultural production communities. These communities often still exist as private companies. So only a low amount of people is owning all the farm land.
Another Example is the relation of tents to campers. It was way more common in the gdr to go camping and it was allowed to camp in other countries of the eastern block. So saysing the eastern germans were not allowed to leave the country is wrong. But it was very difficult to get a camper, since they were expansive and you had to wait more than a decade for them so there are not many old campers in the eastern part and nowadays most people can't afford.


原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

Tobias Mazur
5:06 it's true that the population density is higher in the West, but this has also been the case prior to the Cold War. Especially the region around the Rhine river, which is part of the "blue banana", has always had the highest population density in Germany, and the Ruhr region with its coal mining and steel production was basically the economic center of Germany during the Industrialization era. Of course the Iron Curtain and its fall deepened the situation, since, as you mentioned, company HQs move to more economic stable regions (which leads to higher economic growth, which leads to higher population influx), but the roots of the different population densities lie in the decades before WWII.

5:06 西部地区的人口密度确实较高,但在冷战之前也一直是这样。尤其是属于 "蓝色香蕉 "的莱茵河周边地区,一直是德国人口密度最高的地区,而鲁尔区的煤矿和钢铁生产在工业化时代基本上就是德国的经济中心。当然,铁幕及其倒塌加深了这种情况,因为正如你所提到的,公司总部迁往经济更加稳定的地区(这导致更高的经济增长,从而导致更高的人口流入),但不同人口密度的根源在于二战之前的几十年。

Jiri Rehurek
I dunno, but there's a lot left out or misrepresented in this vid. e.g. the economic collapse of East was to large part caused by 1:1 exchange rate and privatisation almost always meant not that HQ moved to West but that company from the West bought and immediately closed the East German company etc etc.
One can clearly see that in East German case there was less of actual reforms or privatisation and more of market share and labour force takeover- you just have to look at Czechia: both regions had similar GDP/ capita and still have similar GDP PPP/ capita and were and still are similarly highly developed but Czechia didn't have Western cousin to be bought out by so they had to repair their own roads and homes and reform their economy by themselves and it took them more time but the same time they managed to preserve most of their industrial base and even many established communist brands are still around and thriving.


Raymond Hartmeijer
8:46 No, in the old GDR, citizens could leave the country for holiday for example, but only in other European Soviet-influenced states ofc. Hungary, I believe was a popular destination

8:46 不,在旧东德,公民可以出国度假,但只能在其他受苏联影响的欧洲国家。例如匈牙利,我相信就是一个受欢迎的目的地。

Crni Vampir 1995
I am from Croatia and once I met the person from the former East Germany and we had a lot in common and we could easily understand each other regarding some views to the world. On the other side people from the former West Germany were like child robots to me:).


Living in east Germany myself, i belief the main reason for the lower trash production is the low availability of goods in the GDR. Since people were not able to just buy any new product anytime they wanted to they stored old things instead of throwing them away because maybe they could use them in the future. This still happens today in almost any family.


"they were reunited in 1940"
That is impressive they reunited before they were even divided.


Laura Hartmann
I was born in former east Germany in the early 2000s and my grandparents were very involved when it came to raising me. Born after the unification, my homecountry was always considered a western country, when actually the former sowiet influence still played a role in my upbringing. It was kind of like being too western for the east, yet still too eastern to fully belong to the western nations.
Many people my age take big pride in being from the former GDR. They hold on to artefacts of their parents youth and feel some kind of nostalgia for a seemingly more simple time, which they never got to live in. (The German word for East is Osten or Ost for short, so we even got the word Ostalgie, to describe this feeling)
The older generation sometimes longs for this as well, saying things like "of course we were locked in, of course the system was kind of set up for failure, of course there were things like espionage, but the huge majority of us still had easy, good and affordable life's with everything they needed"

许多与我同龄的人对自己来自前东德感到非常自豪。他们保留着他们父母年轻时的物品,对他们从未经历过的、看似更简单的时代感到某种怀念。(德语中的 "东 "是指Osten或Ost,所以我们甚至用Ostalgie这个词来描述这种感觉。)

Pianist Stefan Bötel
1:20 Whenever a country uses the word "democratic" in its name you can be sure it's the opposite

1:20 每当一个国家在其名称中使用 "民主 "一词时,你就可以肯定它是相反的。

Democratic People's Republic of Korea (DPRK)

朝鲜民主主义人民共和国 (Democratic People's Republic of Korea)

Stalin Liberator
perfectly said about US

原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

Pianist Stefan Bötel
@Stalin Liberator
Why do you think the U.S. isn't a democratic country?


@Pianist Stefan Bötel
"united" states of america


Stalin Liberator
@Pianist Stefan Bötel
It's hard for me to call the United States a democratic country where communists were exterminated, like in Nazi Germany, where until recently they oppressed the black population, which still lives in a ghetto, where the president is not elected by direct popular vote, but by electors. What kind of democracy is a country talking about that preaches the idea of ​​the exclusivity of its nation (reminiscent of some European countries of the 30s), cynically talks about democracy and human rights, while bombing Yugoslavia and killing a million people in Iraq.


Edward Sanville
@Stalin Liberator
The United States doesn't have "Democratic" in its name. Also, most of what you're posting are exaggerated left-wing talking points that are popular in the corporate press in Europe and also here in the United States itself. The points you make about foreign policy are pretty good, though.

美国的名字中并没有 "民主 "二字。 另外,你发布的大部分内容都是夸张的左翼言论,这些言论在欧洲的企业新闻界和美国本土也很流行。 你关于外交政策的观点倒是很好。

Cesar de Oliveira
@Pianist Stefan Bötel
His nom de plume is stalin liberator. There's literally one piece to this "puzzle", mate.

他的网名叫 "解放者斯大林"。这个 "拼图 "实际上只有一块,伙计。

The reason for the camping difference is also that there weren't a lot of cars in the gdr. Why would you buy a trailer, if you are still waiting for your car.


Tom Wilson
As an old retired Scotsman living in Germany. Found your presentation first class and interesting


Another interesting divide is Japan where the east and west are divided by the battle of Sekigahara and the Itoigawa-Shizuoka fault lines, which results in cultural differences


Kortanios LastOfHisName
Many of the economic differences have decreased in severity since 2011-14, they are still there, but less pronounced. Fun fact though, the UK government through the London/South of England focussed economic planning of the last 50 years (and neglect of the North in terms of not providing structural support when manufacturing/heavy industries were failing there and not building modern infrastructure there) has managed to create an even greater economic divide without the country being split than the divide was in Germany in 2011-14 let alone now.


As someone from east germany that lived quiet some time in west germany I can say something about the trash numbers. In east germany the people were insentivised to have their own compost, for small gardens, or behind the house. This still reduces „biological waste“ a lot because it does not go into the trash can, but to a compost. Also… people produce vegetables in the gardens and dont have to bus them, but I think the numbers of kilogramms of food that dont go in the regular trash but in compost are way more important.


One thing to note for the trash difference ist also that a recycling mentality in east germany developed because of the shortage of supply

原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

Arthur Fibich
The situation in the east has improved quite a bit since the GFC. Because of ever higher rents in western cities, more and more students choose to study in the west. That combined with the good education and investment, cities like Dresden or Leipzig are becoming tech hubs in their own right with e.g. Global Foundries setting up in Dresden, Intel in Magdeburg and Tesla in Grünheide


Jovan Weismiller
They were actually reunited in 1990 not 1940, and since German Reunification Day is 3 October, it hasn't been quite 32 years. However, thank you for this video. In 1989 after the Wall fell, I had a discussion with a friend. I said Germany would be reunited within the year. He said it would take a decade at least. I was technically right, with over a month to spare, but in some ways, he was overly optimistic, as this video shows.


The number of rural communities and farms in the East could also be due simply to its geography. West and South Germany have lots of hills and woodlands making cultivation difficult whereas the East is mostly plains.


Brus El perro
Curiously, a lot of this are result of the way the reunification was handled and not the division itself


原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

很赞 3