2022-11-02 用功 8063

For someone who isn't from Germany, this is a great comparison between East and West. In Germany we rather see comparisons to specific topics than a general comparison, but it's great to see the general difference although it's clearly sad to see that the East isn't really unified with the West (also due to bad politics)


regarding the trash, I have a theory. I think in East Germany due to the scarcity of many goods under Socialism people became very frugal and also quite creative. So instead of throwing something away, people may be more likely to reuse it or turn into something else (for example making jam from strawberries after their best before date). Generally I think that DIY stuff is a bit more common in the Eastern Block states. I also was surprised to see how many people in my town go foraging for berries, elderflower or mushrooms. Given that that is sort of also an old people thing to do and the East is older than the West it sort of makes sense.


Luís Almeida
A German friend told me that when Germany was split in two, West Germany changed its capital to a small town like Bonn because they always had in mind the reunification and restoration of Berlin as the nation's capital, which would have been much harder to do if they had changed the capital to a powerful city like Hamburg.


Garrett Frugé
There's an interesting book called “The Making of the German Post-War Economy”, by Christian L. Glossner which discusses the philosophical overview and geopolitical forces that shaped West Germany's economy after WWII.

有一本有趣的书叫《德国战后经济的形成》,作者是Christian L. Glossner,其中讨论了二战后塑造西德经济的哲学概述和地缘政治力量。

although i live in east germany i can say from my own experience that it is also very easy to live in east germany whenever i am in west germany and drive through cities there they are usually dirtier than the ones in east germany (an exception is berlin)


While you are talking about the east-west division, I am also seeing in your maps a clear north south division, with the south much richer, and prosperous than the west north. It would be interesting to also analyze that.


rose green
camping and hiking and 'healthy outdoor pursuits' were heavily promoted within the USSR with millions of miles of organised hikes, hostels etc, and were very, very popular. "Tramping" is an entire lifestyle culture in Czech Republic (or was in 2010 era)

露营、徒步旅行和“健康的户外活动”在苏联被大力推广,数百万英里的有组织的徒步旅行、青年旅社等,非常非常受欢迎。在捷克共和国,"露营 "是一种完整的生活方式文化(在2010年的时候也是)。

Great video, but one thing I would like to add- while these maps are interesting the color scale is not linear to a linear scale in raw data. That is to say if for example, for the disposable wage we scale the color as white equal to zero and darkest blue equal to highest then the difference would not be this staggering. But I guess the main purpose of the maps is to show the difference between east and west but this is an important detail to keep in mind, because by looking just at the map's color scaling it might seem that eastern Germany is a developing nation compared to western which is not the case at all. Even eastern Germany is much more developed than most parts of the world.


Anton Baker
I recommend 'The Shortest History of Germany' by James Hawes. It looks at how the former borders of the Roman Empire are still visible in modern Germany.


Florian Heptner
I grew up in what used to be Eastern Germany and work in the used to be Western part for a few years now.
I agree that environmental awareness and outspokenness is more common in the western part. Although it might be added that there are a lot of environmental activists in the East too.
However, I perceive the reality of daily life in the western part as generally more wasteful. It is much more common to have a car-centric lifestyle, to have larger apartments or single-family-homes, buy new gadgets, new clothes and travel more and farther.
That is contrasted by how I grew up. Even if we were able to afford new stuff, that didn't mean we also did so. A TV set would only be replaced if it's broken beyond repair. Also, there often is only one TV set per family household. Clothes are used for decades, although they might be demoted from good clothes to stay-at-home clothes over time. Single use plastics were only reluctantly adopted. For most of my childhood up until the early 2000s, food could be bought mostly unpackaged. Traveling by train or bike is more the norm than the exception for a lot of people.
Funnily, most of that is not driven by consciousness or environmental concern, but by historical and often still present economic circumstances.
Things are changing though. Younger generations, including millennials (yes, we are not the youngest anymore but still young enough in this context) tend to adopt similar lifestyles all over the country. Then again, that is often driven by economic circumstances too.


Gregory Ross
It would be interesting if you could compare current statistics with those from before the WW1, of the two regions.

原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

SELblx in your area
Very good video! Just pointing out the facts without making one part looking better than the other one. I want to add some points to this:

原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

1. Electoral results: The German party DIE lixE ("The left one") still gets better results in the East because it developed from the SED (Socialist Unity Party of Germany) and after the so-called "unification" it first continued as PDS (Party of Democratic Socialism). Later it united with the West German WASG (Wahlalternative Arbeit und Soziale Gerechtigkeit = Vote Alternative Work and Social Justice), but people still have in mind rather the past of SED and PDS. A main point of the Left Party is to reach social justice for people in East Germany, so East Germans tend stronger to choose this party than West Germans. Saarland was an exception because of the popularity of Oskar Lafontaine. (but he has left politics yet)

1. 选举结果:德国政党DIE lixE("左派")在东部仍然获得了较高的支持,因为它是从SED(德国社会主义统一党)发展而来的,在所谓的 "统一 "之后,它首先以PDS(民主社会主义党)的名义继续存在。后来它与西德的WASG(投票选择工作和社会正义)联合起来,但人们仍然对SED和PDS的过去念念不忘。左翼党的一个主要观点是为东德人民实现社会正义,所以东德人比西德人更倾向于选择这个党。萨尔州是个例外,因为奥斯卡·拉方丹(Oskar Lafontaine)很受欢迎。(但他已经离开政界了)。虽然名字变了,但DIE lixE党的目标仍然是民主社会主义的新社会秩序。(而不是资本主义)

Although its name changed, DIE lixE Party still targets a new social order of democratic socialism. (instead of capitalism)
2. Another difference: Germany is very different between North and South. The dialects sound different and there is different culture. It's hard to explain, but I try to give an example by the point of religion: Although my region in West Germany where I live has an officially high number of Christs who are church members, the belief is much stronger in the South at least concerning my generation. I've came to know some people (but it will be many more) who are still church members but either don't believe in the church or don't believe in God at all. They just stay members because you have to pay a small amount of money (Bearbeitungsgebühr) if you want to leave the church. There is also the church tax but its amount depends on your income, so people who have no or just a low income don't have to pay the church tax and so many of them stay church members because leaving would be more expensive or because they just don't think about it that much.

2. 另一个区别:德国的北方和南方非常不同。方言的声音不同,文化也不同。这很难解释,但我试图通过宗教这一点来举例说明。虽然我所居住的西德地区有很多基督徒是教会成员,但至少在我这一代人中,南方的信仰要强得多。我已经认识了一些人(但会有更多),他们仍然是教会成员,但要么不相信教会,要么连上帝都不信。他们只是保持着教会成员的身份,因为如果你想离开教会,你必须支付一小笔钱(Bearbeitungsgebühr),还有教会税,但其数额取决于你的收入,以便没有收入或收入较低的人不必支付教会税,所以他们中的许多人继续保持教会成员,因为离开更贵,或者他们只是没想那么多。
原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

Flex 17
You said there are many more farms in the east but it’s the complete opposite. You even showed the map that showed that the farm SIZE is bigger in the east and the logical consequence of that is that there are less farms there


Martin Růžička
I would not be surprised if the size of farms in Eastern Germany was influenced by the soviet era farm collectivization. The same happened in Czechoslovakia. Many small farms were being united into big soviet farms.


Regarding the size of farms, i think that points more toward the communist drive to collectivisation of farms, as larger farms are almost always more efficient, because of this larger farms likely means less farmers per certain amount of farmland rather than more. I am guessing this is the case as in the Netherlands we have had a larger amount of Ruilverkaveling (Land consolidation) since largely the end of the second world war and the result has been larger farms with fewer farmers with more machinery.


José Salazar Vargas
It would be great if you make those kinds of videos about differences that last until today, you can do about the north and south of Japan, the north and south of Italy, the west and east of Europe, North and South Korea, West and East Russia and so on try those countries


Little more info:
In a map to show where are people most vaccinated against Covid in Germany, you can see the old DDR/BRD Borders too.
Also, many people in Germany are still talking about Ossis (Easties) and Wessis (Westies). The border is still in the mind of many people.
Greetings from Germany (old british zone/BRD). Very interesting video


原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

John Park
Watching videos like this is very interesting because it makes me think if Germany still has these problems and divide after 30 years of reunification, how bad it would be for North and South Korea. South and North Korea divide is much bigger and North Korea is far worse than East Germany ever was, so I can imagine the problems will be like this but x10 worse. So many people in my country are now against reunification, especially since young people already have it hard and have no relatives in the North.


Craig Putnam
Yes French Canada v English Canada; how various historical geographic and cultural differences shaping the two areas, You did a nice article on the German "divide" with the maps illustrating the differences, the maps doing the talking.

是的,法裔加拿大人对比英裔加拿大人;各种历史地理和文化差异如何塑造了这两个地区,你做了一篇关于德国 "鸿沟 "的好文章,用地图显示差异,让地图说话。

"East Companies went bankrupt"
that's not quite right.
After the Borders were opened the GDR continued to break appart. While 95% of all Companies still belonged to the State they tried to sell those as fast as possible to gain some money out of this situation. While no one from east germany (who would have been interested in) would have been able to buy those Companies there suddenly were some rich western germany Guys who not only have had money, but West german Mark. A currency that was worth A LOT in eastern germany back then.
Some of those rich Men bought those Companies and continued (and sometimes upgraded them) their work. Some very few bought the Companies and gave those former "Managers" a chance to buy the Company later for same price plus Bonus (many very old Companies have been saved this way)
but most of those rich guys (not only western germans but also foreigners) bought cheap companies, shut them down, took everything with worth and left right after this. some of those "corpses" are still there and belongs to those rich guys...
well. at least meanwhile the Politics started to do something about this. slowly.

其中一些富人买下了这些公司,并继续(有时还升级)让它们运转。极少数人买下了这些公司后,给了那些前 "经理 "一个机会,让他们在以后以同样的价格,再加上一笔费用,把公司买回去(许多非常古老的公司都是这样被挽救的)。

So some things that should be cleared up:
4:18 It is really just the size of farms. In east Germany many farms were stateowned and joined together, creating massive farms, while most farms in western germany stayed small, but there are a lot of them (depending on region oc, the industrial areas around Essen eg have few farms). Its just a reading mistake I assume, mistaking size of farms for amount of farms, as it was brought up again in the video at
5:33 I dont think your far of with the thought about people producing their own food, even though it is not because of farm ownership. Instead it might be due to a lot of people growing their own vedgebles and roots and stuff as buyable supplies were unreliable. People often were selfreliant to a lesser degree in order to have a better life, not dictated by the whims of structured by unreliable goods
7:58 on electorial results, the AfD had a rise during 2014 and 2020 that was nationwide and had to do with resentment towards the economic crisis in some other EU states and the intaking of arabian and african misplaced. So it isnt a eastern Germany is made up of extremists (though tbh there are a lot of groups there) but rather a gerneral suspicion towards outside influences, that lead the AfD be espacially strong there, espacially in Saxony
8:47 east germans were allowed to travel, but only within the eastern block. Some other eastern countries were not as strict, so Czechia eg was a popular escape route out of east Germany
overall, I liked the video, it even showed me a bit that I didnt know yet either, great work.
A interesting fact about eastern Germans, there is a culture of bathing without clothing, that sparked from constant surveilance. After all, you cant record secretly when you cant hide the recorder in your clothes

4:18 这其实只是农场的规模问题。在东德,许多农场都是国有的,并联合在一起,形成了大规模的农场,而西德的大多数农场都很小,但也有很多大农场(根据地区的不同,例如埃森周围的工业区就有很多农场)。我想这只是一个阅读错误,把农场的大小误认为是农场的数量,因为在视频中又提到了这一点。
5:33 我不认为你对人们生产自己的食物有什么看法,尽管这并不是因为农场所有权。相反,这可能是由于很多人自己种植蔬菜和根茎之类的东西,因为可买到的供应是不可靠的。人们往往在较小的程度上自力更生,以便有更好的生活,而不是由不可靠的商品供应所决定。
7:58 的选举结果显示,德国选择党(AfD)在2014年和2020年在全国范围内有所上升,这与其他一些欧盟国家对经济危机的不满以及接纳阿拉伯和非洲移民有关。因此,德国东部并不是由极端分子组成的(尽管那里有很多团体),而是对外部影响的普遍怀疑,导致德国选择党(AfD)在那里特别强大,尤其是在萨克森州。
8:47 东德人被允许旅行,但只限于东方(苏联势力范围)。其他一些东部国家没有那么严格,所以捷克是个很受欢迎的逃离东德的路线。

原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

I would love to see a video on how the British empire has influenced current borders today


The Raging Platypus
What you can also see on the map is the north south divide in Germany which is older but still pronounced.


Gaia (aka The Earth)
For some reason, East Germany is for a lot of the statistic maps shown in white. Usually, white doesn't mean 0 or "very less / low / few", but "no data" or "lack of data". This kind of bugs me and raises for me the question of scientificality. Anayway, thank you for the video, was very interesting to see Germany in this way.

出于某种原因,东德在很多统计图上都显示为白色。通常情况下,白色并不意味着0或 "非常弱/低/少",而是 "没有数据 "或 "缺乏数据"。这让我很不爽,也给我提出了科学性的问题。总之,谢谢你的视频,以这种方式看德国非常有趣。

Nikolai Matyushev
Tents vs camper trailers - you were not allowed to wild camp in Western Germany so you need a trailer. On the contrary USSR and GDR was totally fine with it and promoted hiking and public transport. As the land was mostly common. So it was much easier to have a tent and camp.

原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

Xaver Lustig
0:55 The zones of occupation were not according to where each side had invaded, but they were agreed upon months before the end of the war in 1944 in a conference in London.

0:55 占领区并不是根据每一方的占领地点划分的,而是在1944年战争结束前的几个月在伦敦的一次会议上商定的。
原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

Love your videos GK, Would following in that topic do one from England, Scotland and maybe Wales & Northern Ireland too?


Pianist Stefan Bötel
The East has higher birth rates which I would consider positive when thinking about demographic shift. Probably it has to do with more traditional values.
Still, a lot of people from the East would go to the West due to a lack of opportunities.


Stefan Maier
About the size of farms. Actually it is the other way around. In the west, especially in the southern states farms are small independent farms with a few acres that are organized in esentially as small family businesses. You can find those small structured farms in many other parts of central Europe. The large farms are have two historic roots, on the one hand the Prussian system had large noble landowners (Junker) that had huge estates. Those were also the basis for post war collectivisation in the GDR. So in Bavaria up to this day you have small thriving small villages with local farmers - they might come under economic pressure to increase the sizes of their farms, but it is still rather small compared to northern and eastern Germany where you have big agro companies running the farmland with rural communities depopulating very fast, as those highly mechanized and increasingly automated farms do not need much human labour.

原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

Maxime Lemaire
I remember reading once that the lower population in East Germany has also had another side effect - rewilding of certain areas. I'm not 100% sure but I believe it was wolves which were spotted more and more there.


Great video! I had no idea that there are 2 lights systems!
Also another difference can be in the infrastructure, more high blocks of flats and more open spaces in the east.
Damn, similar as in Korea, south vs north, well, not as bad, but - wherever Russians come and rule, there is mess and poverty later heh
Only 2 things which i liked from their influence: architecture/planning/design
I mean not cluttered space, districts planned well, with stuff which ppl needed (schools, kindergardens etc) nearby
Lots of trees, lawns, something rarely seen in modern development (they aim mainly to maximize profits, screw trees)
And the blocks of flats was a nice idea to house many people quickly.
Still in use today and apparently they are well built (very, very few incidents where i live - Poland - country was occupied by the Soviets)


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