中国“酒店式养猪场” - 26层楼高的大型猪肉生产设施
2022-11-07 宝玉8192 21955

After seeing its pork production decimated by African swine flu outbreaks, China has been investing heavily into so-called ‘pig hotels’, controversial multi-storey pig raising facilities.
Talk about elevating pig farming to new heights! For the last three years, farmers across China have been investing billions of dollars into massive high-rise hog-raising facilities popularly known as pig hotels.


The trend started with two and three-storey facilities, but it quickly escalated into monolithic structures of over 10 levels, with tens of thousand of animals raised on each. At the end of this month, Zhongxin Kaiwei Modern Farming, a privately-owned company in Hubei, is set to complete a 26-storey pig hotel touted as the largest such structure in the world.Located in Ezhou City, Zhongxin Kaiwei’s massive structure is being touted as the “world’s tallest hog breeding site”.


It consists of two 400,000-square-meter buildings, both of which will be equipped with automated feeding machines and smart air filtration and disinfecting systems, as well as a biogas-based waste treatment system that will convert pig manure into clean energy for electricity generation and heating.


When construction is complete, China’s largest pig hotel is expected to produce around 54,000 tonnes of pork from a herd of 600,000 a year.


Such multi-level pig farms have been built in Europe as well, and while a few are still in operation today, most closed down over the years, due to management issues and public pushback against massive, intensive pig farming.


However, none of them ever exceeded three storeys. China’s pig hotels, on the other hand, are literally taking the model to new heights.

原创翻译:龙腾网 转载请注明出处

Up until 2019, multi-level pig farms were illegal in China, but as African swine flu outbreaks started wreaking havoc, pushing pork prices through the roof, the Chinese Government lifted the ban in an attempt to increase production to meet demand.


Small pig hotels have been popping up around the country, and they’ve been getting bigger and taller ever since.


“Compared with traditional pig-raising farms, this saves land and is more environmentally friendly, they save energy and resources” one pig hotel investor claims, but the model remains controversial.

“与传统的养猪场相比,节省了土地,更环保,它们节省能源和资源 ”。一位酒店式养猪场投资者称道,但这种模式仍然存在争议。

Apart from concerns about the quality of life of the animals being raised in pig hotels, experts have expressed concerns regarding the biosecurity of such pig farms. Zheng Zhicheng, public affairs director of the agriculture conglomerate New Hope Group, said that eventual African swine flu outbreaks in pig hotels could bring massive losses, as they would be more difficult to contain.

除了担心养猪酒店动物的生存质量,专家们还担心养猪场的防疫安全。农业集团新希望的公共事务总监郑智昌(音译)表示 ,养猪酒店爆发非洲猪瘟可能会带来巨大损失,因为其更难控制。

Frankie Seward
Urban farming is the future


Benny B
“China built a pandemic breeding facility”
I mean what could go wrong


Ivanov Samuraj
All this but they won't let their international students back


I should fit in the hotel nicely


All slaughter houses should take a note
on how to treat animals or livestock . In the US, slaughter houses act like it’s a sport to torture the animal before they slaughter it


原创翻译:龙腾网 转载请注明出处

Grouchy Patch
Those poor pigs don't see the blue skies and greens. That's why we need to cut down on meat. It won't kill us to eat more plant based prein. Good for the planet and compassion for sentient beings.


Claus Schmidt
This is so sick. Go vegan


Bruno Moulin-Groleau Voyance Médiumnité


Tom Kalter
They are showing more initiative than the usa


Cale Brehio
Pigs are actually considered the fifth-most intelligent animal in the world—even more intelligent than dogs—and are capable of playing video games with more focus and success than chimps! They also have excellent obxt-location memory. Why in the holy f**k would anyone of any sense and the most basic human compassion subject them to....ANY of the cruelty that they do?


Bruno Moulin-Groleau Voyance Médiumnité
Nous faisons la même chose dans les campagnes Bretonnes (France). La seule différence est la hauteur du bâtiment. Les conditions d'élevages sont identiques !


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