2022-11-08 熊猫永不为奴 15790

Kavitoli Zhimomi
My Goodness, who on earth has to appear Neet exam without bra and panty. Its first of it's kind that they are implementing. This is too much and those authorities should be jailed.


Shital Singh
Nothing is more important than dignity, respect and self-care.


Imagine the pressure they had gone through, preparing day and night for this day and they can't write their paper with peace. Shame on everyone who was involved in this

原创翻译:龙腾网 http://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

Students are forced to remove underwear and bra just for neet exam but leaders are welcomed in Parliament even being a separatist.


S Bh
I have been saying it for a few years now.Checkings at exam centres have reached ridiculous levels.It is time to take legal action against these rascals.


This is just so bizarre and nerve-racking. I can't imagine the emotional turmoil those girls had to go through while they were asked to remove their innerwear. Thankfully the invigilators and the staff at my centre were very kind and respectful.

原创翻译:龙腾网 http://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

Self-Respect means more to a woman, more than her life. All I can say is, this is disgusting......


Yashika Shreya
This is sooo disappointing and disgusting! Strong actions must be taken against this.

原创翻译:龙腾网 http://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

Suman Baur
It is very very shameful incident in the history of NEET. The female students who were very eager to appear for this exam and at that situation if they were asked to do this kind of activity, it is unexpected. Police should take right action against those people..


Jyotiraditya Poddar
The other day I read that a girl was held back from taking her exam because she was at 1⁰ higher than normal temperature.
Another case.. students with Hindi medium were given English paper and vice-versa in exam centre.
Now this! NTA is clearly playing with the future of students. They don't even have compensatory policies.


Sharat Chandra
In Rajasthan girls with Hijab were allowed to sit in exam while all the boys were forced to remove the dhaga in their hand.
and here they forced to remove undergarment.
Why there is such different types of treatment with students. They were there to give exam not to get humiliated after paying Rs.1500 as exam fee.


Jessica Li
If cheating is that commonplace, allocate a different room for the girls, having previously arranged for women invigilators.


Shantanu Narvekar
For NEET Hijab is allowed but no Brassiere...
Sick level of appeasement at cost of women's dignity..
That's the sorry state we are in...

对于NEET (印度高等教育考试)来说,允许戴头巾,却不允许穿胸罩…

anshuman sahu
Being a college student once we know the type of things people do for cheating but the checking can be carried out in a more civil and dignified way.


I also gave this exam and my centre was 50 km away from my house in a crpf camp. For reporting at 11 am we had to leave early at 8 am... and after we entered crpf camp we students had to walk over about 1.5 km within the camp in the hot sun..it was just like hell.. but all the invigilators were very supportive, they understood that students are also human who have came from 50 km...NTA should ensure closest centre for students nta should understand the we r humans not robots, our parents also had to suffer heat strokes.


Templar !
I'm so ashamed after reading this
I can't even watch this video
It's really disgusting
Can't even feel the trauma those girls had to go through


Anubhav Raj
Writing the exam is itself no less than a horror. And students faced those stupid and discusting act. That's not acceptable at all. Strict action must be taken.


Amrit Sharma
I can understand strict checking before exam only by female staff under privacy...but can't understand the logic of making completely remove there undergarments.


msr raju
This is not the 1st time happened in Kerala. Two years back, same thing happened in Kerala. Seems like the govt and exam conducting body haven't learned anything.


Av Kp
Our education system is actually doomed


aruna koyanbron
My friend said that many things weren’t allowed to be worn so she took extra precaution while going to write neet. However at the centre they told her since her sandals had this metal parts it couldn’t be worn inside. Since her parents weren’t nearby she was anxious and in desperation, removed her sandals and literally had to go in barefoot in the centre.


I have heard reports of similar incidents before.. I don't remember exactly when and where but it was probably during some previous years' neet exam... The least I can say about this is disgusting..
We spend 2 years almost in penance while preparing for these competitive exams.... Definitely don't deserve to undergo this nonsense during the prime moment.


harsh vardhan
This is beyond ethical conduct. Shame on the staff.


Strictly taken action against the security and authorities.... respect girls nd women we are with them

原创翻译:龙腾网 http://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

This is the result of over enthusiasm of the organizers of the exam ....an immediate corrective action is required.


Neha Agarwal
What the hell is going on ? All perverts are entering the education system. Authorities should be put in jail.


This is called equality...men and women are equal..

原创翻译:龙腾网 http://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

Sudhanshu Bohra
What if some girls are very intelligent and can become doctor but this stupid incident destroyed her hard work of months or we can say some years.


Shivam Choudhary
It's common.
I'm seeing such kind of nuisances from 2-3 years.
Believe me it's very normal for NTA.
that's why doctors and engineers are fleeing from Country.
I hope that I will also flee.


Let me share my experience, when i went for my jee exam i asked to remove my locket which was given by my grandmother, but due to free and fair examination i supported the staff. Many unfair practices happened last year so that's why government is taking like this step. And it is clearly mentioned that no metal is allowed, we are asked to remove our belt even jense with metal zip is not allowed. Last year in Rajasthan one boy fitted device in his slipper. If authorities will not take this step then it may be injustice for remaining candidate. So hopefully you guys will understand the scenario.


This is very shameful. Frisking for girls in Kerala NEET is beyond national level, girls who have appeared the exams were embarrassed because of these reasons. Just think of the mental pressure they have to undergo while writing a qualifying exam. they will be Mentally disturbed and imagine what these girls will write in exams?


New Era
I pledge to the government of India to take immediate action against all person involve and must be given a capital punishment.
I'm now 60 year old and never in my entire life come across such an embarrassing incident like this. Capital Punishment not less then 50 years in prison.


Parmod Chauhan
it is the dark story of every competetive exam


Shaswat Sahay
Bruh same happened with me too ..I have a t- shirt with a little minute collar ..they ripped my shirt off..and then allowed me to enter the examination


Kartikey Singh
This is shame for country, the pressure at such exams are exponentially high because your all 2 or 3 years hard work is to be concentrated in a 3hr paper.....and at this stage a small negative nuance in environment can put a drastic impact on us......Can't imagine what those sisters have gone through.


cyber war
Maybe rule needs to be made where invigilators wont be allowed to wear clothes completely in exam centre that ought to teach them a lesson


Rajeev Dutta
Strict action should be taken against the invigilator and other staff. The code of conduct of examinations should be followed stringently. How the hell are making such bullshit rules for students? This is beyond my comprehension. I don't want to imagine what those poor girls went through during the examination. We can't ignore the fact that even male students have to go through such similar harassment. If we can't trust these students with an examination then how can you expect public to trust them when they become a doctor? Its high time students need to speak directly with the PM.


With the amount of money charged for form fillup, 5 invigilators could have been provided in one room if necessary, then they wouldn't need to harass students like this. This is the first time I have also encountered all these stupid procedures, for their convenience they made everyone sit for more than 3 hours before the exam.


Fox Bat
Extremely disgusting. Imagine the trauma on those poor girls sitting for probably life altering examinations. I am confident that Mahadev will do justice and the perverts who did this will be punished.


I think Same happened last time also


Kundan Powar
A little distraction plays havoc with concentration during any exam.
This was no ordinary exam and such gargantuan humiliation would have been enough to cause a mental block to the harried girls.
Server action must be taken.

原创翻译:龙腾网 http://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

Ats kj
I think the school has the responsibility because not all places we see such incidents happening if it was mandatory then all schools have done the same thing it means it's not the fault of agency rather than the school management


Vineet Kumar
Even when i was going to give my JEE this year they made the girls to remove their slippers and hair bands and all in the centre even if it isn't mentioned in the instructions sheet published by NTA


Markus Müller
Writing the exam without the cheat sheet holder became a sheer horror


suraj prakash Behera
What is happening in India?
This kind of human rights violation is unimaginable..Police should have been involved right there itself...And why Kerala government is avoiding it's responsible and Helding unx government accountable???

原创翻译:龙腾网 http://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

Himanshu Singh
Not only girls but some time boys too have to remove shirts while giving examination in most of cases under SSC exam. I was victim of this .

原创翻译:龙腾网 http://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

N Ngullie
Bizarre and most unfortunate incident.


NEET nude exams, neatly done


ketho kevis
The institution where this exam was held must be closed down once and for all and all the faculty associated with this exam should be put behind bars. Its really hard to comprehend that such a cheap disgusting thing as this was even carried out!


Yuvraj Parmar
Life imprisonment and seizure of all assets of the official who gave this order and harrassed minor students.


Unplugged Traveller
This is very common in Rajasthan, Boys sit here bare body in almost every exam. Their shirt buttons and sleeves cut off straight away. This is pathetic NO HUMAN RIGHTS AT ALL !!!!


Neha Prasad
What the hell? Disgusting


Jitin Shrivastava
This is insane and inhuman, strict action must be taken against Authorities who did this


Idiotsgets Offendedbyfacts
Sitting without bra is not a traumatic experience. Embarassing maybe because now people know she is not wearing bra but definitely not traumatic. I have heard women talk about how uncomfortable bra are.


Ayush Aggarwal
it's shameful to see this kind of behaviour in our country. How can they give their exam properly if they are not feeling comfortable.


The Chiradip D
See, this is not what nta told them to do. The centres are only told the rules of examination. The frisking laws varies from centre to centre. The centres goes on making their hypocrite rules. Some didn't let students to mark anything on the question although it was the booklet that had not to be submitted.


nayak ji
What a shame


1000% literacy


Vanitha V
Strict action is required on the private institution


Sudip Maity
Question Paper is the best instrument to prevent any kind of cheating.Bring all the books and study material you want.If the question paper is set right then you don't need all these security measures.Also a personal interview is necessary for esteemed degree courses to clearly seperate water from milk.


krypton x
Lots of such abusive behaviour are being done in college,institutions,exams too..
It is being done in names of so called rules and regulations..


Aman Law
Well can't blame these people because we only did the wrong and we only have to suffer this!
Eg: Bluetooth device in slippers! 2021-22
Smallest earphones in ear in 2018
Answers on kada by laser! 2016
Hidden Notes on Thigh 2015
So we can't blame the government!!!

比如2021 - 22年,拖鞋里的蓝牙设备!

sahil parmar
Women protection is major concern in our country and if this kind of misbehaviour happens in a institution where we educate our future generation what else can we expect from these kind of education institutions. Nothing is above dignity and integrity of women and this particular act was very shameful.


Kyle Lernout
Ladies and gentlemen this is how the most literate state handles such issues


s k
yes it should ,,, Men were also asked to remove under wear during exam checks..


Bungkiu Kissinquinker
Private institutes and their over zealous strict measures. There should be some regulations as to how private institutes are run and the rules they make.


S anchan
This has been done on purpose by some perverts strict action has to be taken


Sonai Satvaya
This happens at times. Sometimes the aspirants are forces to remove their belt and shoes. I just wonder if they are supposed to do cheating, then what is fucking job of the invigilators. Just to gossips with co-invigilators? This things need to be addressed with priority.

原创翻译:龙腾网 http://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

Sritamraj Mahakul
Obviously kerala has highest literacy rate.If kerala is doing something that means it's good bro.


glitchy box
At these point I no longer feel anything seeing such news


v ins
Wow that's Kerala now how quickly developing great achievement of Government Kudos people for voting and bringing them to power now get what you sow


Ayushi Bagdi
This is so horrible,I don't think after this happening.She given her best in exam.I hope strictly actions will be taken against thiss.


justice for all
There is no wrong , if it's being done properly with out hurting them by a female invigilator but not crrct asking them not to wear , it's nothing but hurting them . Rule is a rule for everyone ....


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