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I want to learn artificial intelligence and machine learning. Where can I start?


Scarlett Jones
See, AI(Artificial Intelligence) - one of the most sought after skills in today’s time, is an umbrella term and encompasses ML(Machine Learning) and DL(Deep learning). DL again is a subset of ML. Hence, if one needs to master AI, one would first need to hone his/her skills in ML and DL.
And, when it comes to self-learning Machine Learning, it is essential to decide on an effective resource - the one that considers that the students are new to the domain and are not adept with the Machine Learning environment, the one that explains why the program is executing the way it is executing, the one that discusses different approaches the students can use to solve a question and does not restrain their mind to just one method, the one that does not merely glide over the topics. Well, I too learned these lessons the hard way.
But now, having mastered Machine Learning and thence having bagged a high-paying Machine Learning Development job fresh out of college at Airbnb, after facing multiple challenges, I believe, I should put an answer to this question so as to make your learning less troublesome and less time consuming than mine.


Frankly, to master Machine Learning, I had left no stone unturned. I had purchased plethora of courses, books, PDF material, but I always used to hit a wall a few days into the learning. In majority of cases, I felt that the author/tutor was in a hurry to get to the end of the course and was not educating the rationale behind writing those pieces of code and assuming that one is well versed with the Machine Learning environment. But, that is not the case with someone who is a beginner.
Moreover, in several resources I found that while solving questions, the author applies a logic/technique that has not been taught to the learner yet. This leads the learner to skip to those sections of the tutorial, where that particular topic is discussed. The concepts taught in those sections in turn apply logic that belongs to another concept. Often, this is a repetitive cycle.
See, as a beginner, much of the learner’s interest in the subject lies in the hands of the tutor and the manner in which the course is delivered. Inefficient coaching can pretty quickly lead to the learner losing interest in the subject, and in worst cases - this can significantly hamper one’s career.


Kechit Goyal
The artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning (ML) industry is growing by leaps and bounds. The global market size for both these sectors was about $9.51 billion in 2018 and it is expected to rise to $118.6 billion by 2025.
In such a booming environment, if you want to learn AI and ML, you will have to look beyond your immediate obxtives. To begin with, find out the following:
What Is Your Goal?
The first question you need to answer is what precisely your goal is. Your learning process will drastically vary with your answer.
For instance, if you intend to learn AI and ML for getting a job, you'll have to focus on obtaining practical experience. However, if you want to learn them as a part of academics, you'll need to concentrate more on the theoretical aspects.
What's Your Knowledge Level?
Secondly, you will have to figure out how much you already know about AI and ML. Self-learning can work if you possess a basic understanding of:


Programming - especially Python.
Markup languages.
Foundational mathematics.
Numerical computation.
Multi-variable calculus.
Linear algebra.
Probability theory.
Do You Have Time?
Last but not the least, ascertain the exact amount of time that you have in hand. Irrespective of your goals, knowledge, or time, upGrad can be a great place to start learning about AI and ML. With its specifically designed programs, one-on-one mentorship, and extensive knowledge base, you can learn AI and ML in as few as 11 months!


原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

Dhaivat Pandya
How do I start learning machine learning if I know programming?
Build something; understand the theory behind what you’ve built; repeat.
A lot of people suggest picking up a book like Elements of Statistical Learning and just cranking through that. That might work and is probably the most efficient way of picking up the basics, but it’s kind of a boring path.
Instead, pick a dataset that you’re interested in. Don’t spend time collecting data: it just has to be something that’s easily available, e.g. elections, sports, etc. Identify a prediction problem related to that dataset and try to build a predictive model using libraries like scikit-learn, statsmodels, etc. or their equivalents in R.
Your models’ predictions will probably be pretty bad at first and you’ll find yourself just cycling through different models in order to get better metrics. Resist this temptation. Instead, just pick up a few simple models (e.g. a linear model, maybe an SVM) and then read up on the relevant details from a textbook (e.g. Elements of Statistical Learning or Pattern Recognition and Machine Learning). Of course, if you don’t have the math or CS background needed to understand a particular concept, you should take the time to learn that as well.
Once you feel like you’ve developed a reasonably deep understanding of what you’re doing, attack the same or a different problem again.
If you learn things this way, it’s much harder to forget the details since you’ll end up using a lot of them immediately. Secondly, the entire process will be much more pleasant and interesting than trying to force-feed yourself an entire book with no clear goal in sight.

如果我 懂编程,我如何开始学习机器学习?
相反,选择你感兴趣的数据集。不要花时间收集数据:它必须是容易获得的东西,例如选举、体育等。确定与该数据集相关的预测问题,并尝试使用scikit learn、statsmodels等库或R中的等效库构建预测模型。

Cserei Zoltán
How can I start programming machine learning and artificial intelligence?
I’m in no way qualified to fully answer this question - I just asked a very similar question myself a few days ago.
However, taking into account that you are just starting your CS degree, I might have tip or two for you. While what I’m about to say is currently related to AI/ML, you can consider it general advice.
Have you ever experienced what I call “maths enlightenment”? When a concept that felt totally useless finally made sense? I’ve been there several times before: every now and then you realize that after all, derivatives, integrals or differential calculus might not be total bullshit. Or, taking a step back, do you remember when you first realized in practice why it made sense to get yourself to understand multiplication? That you finally knew how many ice creams you can buy on your pocket money?
Machine learning is the first area where after a very long while I felt like I should’ve paid more attention when learning about matrices, differential algebra or any of the “hard” courses, in general. While some of the most practical courses might seem more appealing (I remember being super excited about “iOS development”), and certainly they can be more useful in the very short run, the hard subjects (physics, algorithms, calculus, signals and systems) will pay off forever.
I am saying this as a CS dropout: while you might feel well-prepared to use the technologies and the tools available today, every now and then a new set of technologies pop up where you will sort of be required to know about the low-level stuff in order to understand the bigger picture. That’s where I am today: learning some advanced math that I previously neglected again, finally being able to appreciate some concepts .


Vaani Singh
These last several years have seen remarkable growth for AI. Already, artificial intelligence (AI) and Machine Learning is producing billions of dollars in revenue across a variety of businesses, as well as offering up a plethora of job opportunities.
This trend in artificial intelligence will continue, as the majority of industry verticals embrace the promise of AI to create better tomorrow while also opening up a multitude of employment opportunities. These cutting-edge technologies are available to future professionals, allowing them to establish a long, rewarding, and satisfying career.
Similarly, for true machine learning to work, the computer must be able to identify patterns without being explicitly taught how to do so. Using artificial intelligence, robots may learn a task via experience without being specifically programmed for it.


Understanding machine learning and artificial intelligence is not an easy task, to put it mildly. A high-quality set of data is first provided to the computers, which are then trained using a variety of machine learning models based on data and numerous methodologies that have been developed. As a result, the algorithms that you employ will depend on what kind of data and what kind of task you're automating.
An approximate road map to becoming proficient in Machine Learning and Artificial Intelligence may be found here. So hold on as I guide you.
Understand the pre-requisites - To begin, you must understand the prerequisites. Most people need to first master Linear Algebra, Multivariate Calculus, Statistics and Python before they can dive into ML and AI like a prodigy. A basic understanding of these topics is sufficient to get started, although a PhD in these fields is not required. For Machine Learning, Linear Algebra, as well as Multivariate Calculus, are both necessary skills. However, the extent to which you need them depends on your role as a data scientist. Around 80% of your work as an ML professional will be spent acquiring and cleaning data. Data collection, analysis, and presentation are all aspects of statistics. This means you'll need to study it, which shouldn't be a surprise to you. There's also one thing you can't ignore - Python.


Be familiar with the different ML and AI ideas - Model, Feature (label), Target (label), Training, and Prediction are a few of the basic concepts. Machine learning includes supervised, unsupervised, semi-supervised, and reinforcement learning. It takes a lot of effort to collect, integrate, clean and prepare data in order to use it in machine learning. You'll need high-quality data, but it's not uncommon for large amounts of data to be generated at random. Other requirements include the study of alternative models and the use of real-world data. This can help you acquire a sense of what kind of models are appropriate in particular situations. There's also the matter of learning the proper methods for analysing data using various models. Knowing the various tuning settings and regularisation methods used on various models can make this easier to achieve.
Take part in projects - The fascinating and entertaining part of Machine Learning comes after understanding the foundations. PROJECTS! Through the integration of your largely theoretical understanding with real-world application, you will be able to improve your machine learning skills. To get you started, the 'Titanic: Machine Learning from Disaster project,' the 'Digit Recognizer project,' etc. can help you gain confidence. It is also possible to use the projects as a tool while looking for employment in this sector.
A smart option when you've learned the basics is to network with other data scientists or enrol in professional training courses. Furthermore, courses like as upGrad, Skillslash, Edureka are some of the top AI and ML platforms on the market right now. There are a number of reasons why Skillslash, for example, provides some of the best intermediate-level AI and ML courses.


An industry expert reviews their project experience, which is very significant in this domain.
Individually tailored courses are available through Skillslash for a moderate fee.
Over the course of the nine-month term, students who sign up for Skillslash get access to 350+ hours of live sessions.
In addition, they give students the chance to collaborate on real-world projects companies. For students to enhance their portfolios and receive a project experience certificate, they can engage in joint projects with businesses.
Courses, such as Data Science and AI Program, Full-Stack AI and ML Program, are available to students from a range of professional backgrounds.
In order to keep expenses down, they've created affordable courses that costs Rs. 89,000 and Rs. 35,000 for professionals and newcomers respectively.
Final Thoughts - Self-driving cars, chatbots, realistic speech recognition, efficient internet search, and a vastly improved understanding of the human genome have all been made possible by artificial intelligence and machine learning in recent years. Most of us utilise AI and ML hundreds of times a day, without ever recognising it. That's why all learners receive intermediate-level tuition from Skillslash.


Deepika Das
One of the most common questions in today’s day and age is “How to start learning Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning?”. This is not an easy question to answer. One needs to go through various online e Books, websites, and blogs, courses, classroom training, training institutes, and on-the-job training to learn this. This answer, however, leads to a range of other questions that need to be answered, such as which book to buy or which online course to take.
In order to begin, here is a list of details of the sources mentioned above:
E-books: Reading a book or two related to a field is one of the best and simplest ways to learn about anything. Some of the e-books available for data science can be read for a good start. Some of them can be downloaded for free in order to get a good understanding of data science. E-books offer the unique advantage of allowing a person to gain knowledge at their own pace without relying on other individuals. As a bonus, it's one of the best and most affordable ways to learn about Data Science, as well as in-depth. However, e-books are primarily hindered by a lack of support. The issue is accentuated if the person does not have any prior background in the field. Furthermore, it is difficult to learn from books due to a lack of practical experience and knowledge, which is a major drawback in a field such as this.


List of books you can refer to:
For data science: Python Data Science Handbook by Jake VanderPlas
For Machine Learning: Understanding Machine Learning by Shai Shalev-Shwartz and Shai Ben-David
For Artificial Intelligence or Deep Learning: Deep Learning by Ian Goodfellow
Websites and blogs: An ocean of data science-related websites and blogs exist today, which leaves many asking, Which is the best place to learn machine learning and AI? Learning can be found primarily through websites and blogs, which often offer useful practical knowledge. The most popular websites and blogs are - Kdnuggets, Kaggle, Data Camp, etc. Additionally, Reddit's and Google Newsblogs also provide information on Data Science, which is a key component to the dissemination of news on Data Science. Moreover, the comments given by users on these blogs help elaborate certain concepts. Similar to learning from books, they are not dynamic and do not offer individual support.
Online courses: Based on my 5+ years of experience in this field, enrolling yourself in an online training program is the best way to build your future in the field of Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning. When you are guided by professionals and industry experts, your chances of success increase. Many amazing platforms exist that teach machine learning concepts, so you should definitely use them. This again raises questions such as – Which course should I take to learn AI? You can find many e-learning courses on the internet provided by excellent online course providers. A few of them are listed below:

对于数据科学:Jake VanderPlas的Python数据科学手册
《机器学习:理解机器学习》作者:Shai Shalev Shwartz和Shai Ben David
网站和博客:如今存在着大量与数据科学相关的网站和博客,这让许多人不禁要问,哪一个地方是学习机器学习和人工智能的最佳场所?学习主要可以通过网站和博客找到,这些网站和博客通常提供有用的实用知识。最受欢迎的网站和博客是-Kdnuggets、Kaggle、Data Camp等。此外,Reddit和谷歌新闻博客还提供数据科学信息,这是数据科学新闻传播的关键组成部分。此外,用户在这些博客上的评论有助于阐述某些概念。与从书本上学习类似,它们不是动态的,也不提供个人支持。

Learn with Google AI – It was launched by Google to convey what artificial intelligence is and how it works to the general public. Although the resource is still in its infancy, it already offers a machine learning course that incorporates Google's TensorFlow library. It introduces TensorFlow and explains how neural networks are designed, and everyone from beginners to experts will find it useful.
Stanford University – Machine Learning – The course is available on Coursera. This course is taught by Google Brain founder Andrew Ng. In this course, you can choose whether to take it for free or to pay in order to get a certificate that will aid you in your career in the future. You will learn about examples of AI-driven technologies from real life, like advanced mechanisms of web search and speech recognition. You will also learn how neural networks learn.
In addition to this, there is one specific site I would like to suggest, which is Skillslash. Definitely one of the most effective ways to learn about artificial intelligence, data science, and machine learning. When I came across this platform during my research, I was impressed by the features offered here.

斯坦福大学-机器学习-该课程可在Coursera平台上可获得。本课程由Google Brain创始人吴恩达教授。在这门课程中,你可以选择是免费还是付费,以获得一份有助于你未来职业生涯的证书。逆将了解现实生活中人工智能驱动技术的例子,如网络搜索和语音识别的高级机制。你还将学习神经网络系统是如何学习的。

原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

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