2022-11-14 翻译熊 7107

What would the world be like if Nazi Germany had never lost the war?


原创翻译:龙腾网 http://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

Elijah Kourt
That exactly is the question that inspired Philip Dick into writing his great novel, The Man in the High Castle, and furthermore led to the creation of the homonymous television series of which I am a great fan: The Man in the High Castle (TV Series 2015– )
With a glimpse over the other answers, it becomes pretty clear how Europe would have looked like.
Nevertheless, here is a map of what the USA could have looked like had the Nazis been the first ones to invent the nuclear bomb:
Not a world I would have liked to live in.

尽管如此,这里有一张地图,展示了如果纳粹是第一个发明核弹的人,美国将会是什么样子: 我可不想生活在这样的世界里。
原创翻译:龙腾网 http://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

Yasser Hamdan
Life would have been really good, if you were white.


Pierre Henry
Well, Slavs are "white" and they would certainly not have had a good time !


Yasser Hamdan
Slavs aren't Aryan. White=Aryan and Nordic.


Edmund Kemper
True, but the term white actually should only apply to slavs, they literally are the whittest people on the planet


Michael Meissner
Germany was nowhere near close to finishing the atomic bomb during WWII. Besides being scientifically far behind the Manhattan Project, they also lacked the raw resources, like uranium-235 or heavy water (to produce plutonium), that were necessary to construct an atom bomb. If the Nazis had won, it's quite likely that no nuclear weapon would have ever been used against a nation in war.


Alexander Finnegan
Hitler and the Nazis intended to conquer Europe and the Soviet unx. Boundaries would be redrawn. Hitler believes in ethno-nationalism. Aryans were the “pure” race that was superior. Other races were considered inferior. Jews and communists were slated for total extermination. Disabled people, Romanis, people with malformations, and others were to be exterminated to make room for the “master race.” Those not exterminated would become slaves.
Forced labor camps were used. The Nazis rented out slave labor to German corporations like Bayer and Volkswagen. Hubert Bucke devised the “Hunger Plan,” which was to starve up to 30 million Slavs after Operation Barbarossa to feed the Germans since their food supplies were unreliable. There were many Nazi supporters in the Eastern Bloc nations. Some even collaborated with the Nazis to round up Jews to be sent to the extermination camps. The support for fascism was so strong that Stalin had to move Polish and other nationalist factions away from there homes just to keep the peace.
If Germany won map


休伯特·巴克(Hubert Bucke)制定了“饥饿计划”,计划在巴巴罗萨行动后让3000万斯拉夫人挨饿,以养活德国人,因为德国人的食物供应不可靠。
原创翻译:龙腾网 http://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处



Richard Manning
The most likely answer is that 2016 would look similar to our timeline… except in one key way. The original purpose of the Manhattan Project was for the US to develop the atomic bomb before Nazi Germany could—at the time, it wasn’t known that German scientists believed such a device to be infeasible—and the original plan was that it would be used against Germany.
Given the “Europe First” policy that the war was fought under, then, had Europe still been under Nazi control once our first atomic bombs had been prepared, they would have been used against German targets, rather than Japanese targets. If Britain was still independent, then B-29s would have flown from British bases to deliver them; if the UK had fallen, then the US would have rushed development of the B-36 and, once it was ready, started using it to attack Germany from North American bases. In either event, nuclear weapons would have been used as they became available to destroy Germany’s ability to fight and will to fight. The Army planned to use atomic weapons liberally; plans for the Invasion of Japan set for summer of 1946 would have used twelve atomic bombs—four dropped on the landing beaches in the hours before the invasion, and then eight more dropped on key cities after establishing a beachhead, to clear the way for the invasion forces.

考虑到战争是在“欧洲优先”的政策下进行的,那么,一旦我们的第一颗原子弹准备好,如果欧洲仍在纳粹的控制下,它们就会被用来对付德国,而不是日本。如果英国仍然是独立的,那么B -29轰炸机将从英国基地起飞运送它们;如果英国战败了,那么美国就会匆忙研制B-36,一旦准备就绪,就开始用它从北美基地攻击德国。在任何一种情况下,核武器都将被用来摧毁德国的战斗能力和战斗意志。陆军计划自由使用原子武器;1946年夏天的侵略日本计划将使用12颗原子弹,其中4颗在入侵前几个小时投在登陆海滩上,然后在建立滩头阵地后再投8颗在主要城市,为侵略军扫清道路。

The most likely scenario, then, is that several dozen major cities in Europe would have been nuked to destroy their value to the Germans, prior to either a second invasion of Europe (this time, preceded by heavy bombardment of the landing beaches with atomic bombs) or simply the collapse of the German economy and thus fall of the Nazi government. Meanwhile, in the Pacific, depending on how quickly the “island-hopping” campaign went, either the Allies would have invaded the Japanese Home Islands in 1946 (likely resulting in the complete destruction of the Japanese culture), or, if things bogged down, the submarine force would have been allowed to finish the job of starving Japan into surrender. There was no chance of the Allies accepting a peace with the Axis that left the Nazis in control of Europe, and the sheer scale of American industrial might (40% of the entire world’s manufacturing capability, even BEFORE our massive build-up of capacity during the war) combined with the massive manpower reserves of the US and USSR would have meant that, in the end, Germany would have lost the war—it’s just a matter of how many cities were reduced to radioactive wastelands, and exactly when each party surrendered.

原创翻译:龙腾网 http://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

Anix Orov
This would heavily depend on who would succeed Hitler. No Nazi leader had exactly the same views as Hitler had.
If a type like Heidrich would assume power, the state would become more bureaucratic, ascetic and the ideology would lose its spirit. He would likely finalize the Germanization of the Soviet territory but would try to avoid new wars.
If Himmler would succeed, the ideology would shift to become more esoteric and mystic, possibly Christianity would have been abolished.
If Goering would succeed, the ideology would become more conservative and the elite's life would become more luxurious. There would be a lot of rallies and celebrations.
If somebody like Ribbentrop would succeed, an animosity against the USA would persist while he would try to make anti-US alliances in the East.
If Speer would succeed, the usage of slave labor and scientific research would be widened, a lot of construction and mega-projects commenced.
Goebbels most likely would continue most of the already conducted policy, but a lot of new wars possibly would unfold. He would lead Germany into total war with a lot of countries.


Jörg Sprave
Nazi Germany IS still here today.
Yes, Adolf Hitler and his horrible Nazi party was removed and Germany was defeated. But not eradicated.
Modern day Germany isn’t just the legal successor of the “Deutsches Reich”. The highest German court (“Bundesverfassungsgericht”) made it very clear that the “Bundesrepublik Deutschland” is identical with the “Deutsches Reich”. Hence the new Germany took over full responsibility for the catastrophic and utterly evil things the Nazis did. But after the war Germany as a nation wasn’t permanently eradicated. Instead it gradually got back full self control until the reunification and finally the two plus four treaty (effective 1991) reinstated Germany’s full and official authority over it’s territories.
The allied forces removed a German government, not the German nation. This could indeed have been done differently. The German nation was just 75 years old in 1945 and the allies could simply have divided it’s territory, for example by giving the parts to the neighboring countries (like France, Poland, Italy, The Netherlands, Denmark and so on). This even happened in a way, but only on a small scale (Eastern Prussia and the Alsace, namely).

现代德国不仅仅是“德意志帝国”的合法继承者。德国最高法院明确表示,“Bundesrepublik Deutschland”与“Deutsches Reich”完全相同。因此,新德国承担了纳粹所做的灾难性和完全邪恶的事情的全部责任。但战后德国作为一个国家并没有被永久消灭。相反,它逐渐恢复了完全的自我控制,直到统一,最终二加四条约(1991年生效)恢复了德国对其领土的完全和官方权威。

Maybe your real question was/is if the Nazis would still rule Germany without the war? Not likely. Even an empire like the Soviet unx, with it’s unfathomable natural resources, was not able to cling to powers indefinably. Such administrations have the tendency to overplay their hands and/or spend too much money, which at some point leads to crashes, reforms or revolution. But it is not impossible that the Nazi party would still run Germany today. What a horrible imagination.
In a way even the “Nazi spirit” survived. When the cold war broke out, Germany was needed as a partner for the West, and the great majority of ex Nazi party members never had to face legal consequences. Many ex Nazis got into very powerful positions in the new administration and also in the new German military (“Bundeswehr”). In fact the majority of civil servants in the Germany of the fifties, even the sixties, had a Nazi history.
Some people say that this spirit still is palpable in parts of the German bureaucratic organizations, maybe because the high ranking officers usually sexted their own successors.


Werner Hoermann
To say that the “Nazi spirit” survived is akin to say that the “communist international spirit” still permeates Angela Merkel. After all, she was a high ranking functionary in the communist youth organization.
The vast majority of people in a country just wants to live their lives and survive. They are not interested in politics and if survival of their family requires getting along with the people holding power and to join their civic organizations, you do it.
On second thought though, in the case of Angela Merkel you may be right.


Ethan Carter
Nazi Germany prior to the war was actually popular amongst other countries, they had a lot of support, given more time they would have slowly swayed other countries to ally with them, Romania was an example. Keeping in mind the nazis only became unpopular late and after the war.
Citizens were very happy, industry enjoyed the nazis, the voting system was rigged, people were given free vacations, re-education, modernization and scientific breakthroughs. So people prior to the war were the happiest on earth, industry was happy, inter government was happy, generally speaking a very proud nation.


What people don’t realize is if Hitler didn’t declare war, given another 5 years Germany would have been an economic and industrial super power, resources prior to the war were supplied by the Soviets and the allied nations, people say the Soviet unx would have eventually attacked, that’s bs, Stalin was always scared of a frontal war with Germany.
Now we go into the landscape of the world, of Germany, Japan, Soviet unx and all these countries didn’t go to war, they’d still exist and they would have progressed. Germany wouldn’t have lost their scientists for example, they would have kept progressing.


The war also changed many social aspects, these countries also had strong national pride, so citizens would have been exposed to long term propeganda, the people of the world wouldn’t be what they are today. Because of world war 2 we had many other major engagements, the Cold War etc, the war pushed the US and allied nations to progress, this would have happened. People would be very different.
So would they still exist today, yes, the rest of us would not. The German people didn’t hate them, prior to the war most countries were envious, the liberal politically correct world we live in now wouldn’t exist.


Reinhardt Vogt
No way. Societies in Europe would have progressed around Germany, and no dictatorship would have been able to survive this until today, especially without complete control of the media which could not have been maintained for so long. People would have yearned for personal freedom like they did in the GDR, eventually leading to a western-type democracy.


Ethan Carter
Totally disagree, I respect your opinion but it was World War II that shaped the social agendas, the German people were happy, given 15–20 years more propeganda and social engineering and you’d have an aryan Germany after 20+ years. also they didn’t have much of a voting system ;) who would have voted them out


Jeff Dean
There are some brilliant and horrifying descxtions here, but I want to go in a slightly different direction.
Many of these terrific responses primarily suppose that had the Nazis won, we would all now be living in a hellscape dominated by pure evil. I want to offer what I consider to be a more chilling prospect: had the Nazis won, we would live in a world that most every one of us would experience as entirely normal and not at all terrible. We might know a small amount about the slaughter of millions of Jews and Slavs, but we would shrug our shoulders, say “that's a horrible shame,” and then continue driving along in our Volkswagens.
Had the Nazis won, no footage or photographs of the Holocaust would have been captured. No Diary of Anne Frank would have been published, no Schindler’s list filmed. By this moment in history, the German Reich would likely have issued a tacit acknowledgment of the historical “tragedy,” and some commentators would suggest they were “courageous” for “confronting their unfortunate past.” But very, very few people would care very much.


I believe this would be the case because we *do* inhabit such a world now—a world in which the Turks massacred the Armenians, the Americans slaughtered the native populations, and the Bolsheviks liquidated millions of their own people, yet few of us loose sleep over those incidents. Tragedy in the past becomes increasingly “normal” to us with every passing day.
The real horror of history is therefore not the near miss but rather the direct hits we've come to think of as merely unfortunate turning points in the past.
To me, realizing I could live in a world wherein such evil is just taken as part of history is bone chilling. But we *do* live in precisely that kind of world, relative to other wholesale massacres of innocent human lives.

原创翻译:龙腾网 http://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

Jeff Quiggle
History books are written by the victors. Had the Nazis and their allies won, we would certainly have a different perspective on many aspects of the war.


Alex Wong
In this era, history books are written by everyone. You can find a lot of history books about the genocide committed by the the US in US bookstores. Mass media and the internet has changed how history is recorded.


Heath Lee Fournier
This is a good answer, and almost certainly true unfortunately.


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