2022-11-15 Kira_Yoshikage 6594

Poor people who have dated rich people, what did you learn?


原创翻译:龙腾网 http://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

They don't really have a concept of how rich they are. My ex boyfriend was WEALTHY, but had a complex about how he was super poor. It was because all of his friends were also so wealthy, and he was maybe marginally less rich than some of them, he considered himself on the lower end of the scale. They don't really have a point of reference for how poor some people are. When we were together I was living on a food budget of £50 a month, and he absolutely could not wrap his head around how a person could spend that little.


I lived with a horrendously rich friend, his family are aristocracy in his home country. One thing I've noticed about him is that he's completely incapable of grasping that if I stop working, I just stop being able to eat. He was confused about why I was worried about taking a week off work, and didn't understand I was worried I'd lose money. He seemed to think that most people work because they choose to, because he's never had to work.


I have a friend like this who is insanely rich. Would always say, “I grew up in the poorest part of Beverly Hills.”

原创翻译:龙腾网 http://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

My ex was having problems with roommates at university. Her parents bought a $300000 condo for her to stay at while she finished her degree (2 years). They sold it for a profit immediately after. I can't imagine not only being able to solve my problems with money, let alone make more off of them. She also assumed her family was lower middle class because she didn't live in a mansion like her friends. She was very humble and was smart with her money, but it was very clear she could just call her parents if something didn't work out. Meanwhile my parents were struggling to pay rent, meaning I was their fallback. Not the other way around


Not a dating story but it was eye opening when I went to Uni in the UK and some of the rich students bought their flats in Edinburgh just for their studies. One of these rich students was an amazingly sweet person and since I couldn't afford to fly home for Christmas she took me with her to her family's compound in Morocco where they literally had servants that followed them around carrying silver platters of tea all day.


Yeah… I am finding this out quite quickly with the family I’m marrying into. My fiancé always has said that he was upper middle class. His parents drive 10+ old cars, haven’t upxed their home in forever. Will only buy LL Bean on sale. Slowly I realized that wasn’t the case.


I especially realized that the case when they just gifted us $200k a few days ago. My dad was an army officer and my mom a teacher, I literally have no idea the world I’m walking into.


Dated a man who didn't work - lived off of a TrustFund. Oddly, since he could afford nearly anything - nothing had any value. He'd buy a $400 KitchenAid mixer - and burn it up making Christmas candy the first week. If he decided to make more candy - he'd just go buy another $400 mixer. Nothing meant particularly ANYTHING to him.


So this. On a Friday night whim my gf decided she wanted some pie. I suggested we go down to the store. She rang her favorite restaurant and had a chef bake her her favorite pie. The cost $170. A pie. Yes, she could afford to do it but the problem was the complete lack of value. Nothing really mattered to her because she had that kind of money.


The food waste!! I have an uber rich friend and if they want pasta they don’t just order a bowl of takeout pasta. They’ll order three different pasta entrees for variety, a couple of appetizers, tiramisu since we’re already doing the Italian theme, and oh that cannoli looks good let’s get a few of those… On a random Tuesday they’ll get half the menu delivered to their front door. And they don’t even eat the leftovers because the next day they’ll get another feast delivered.


How much easier it is to make money when you already have money.


I once had a rich coworker find out I was pretty broke. I was working at a very fancy retreat as a student, so was surrounded by rich people working for fun. He told me to "just buy a 3 bedroom house, live in one of the rooms and rent out the other 2."


Just buy a house.


Yeah, in college a friend and I were taking about not having money and another gal we knew overhead and said “Just ask your parents”. It never occurred to her that everyone didnt have rich parents.


I got that from debt collectors. "Well, do you have anyone you can borrow it from?"


Motherfucker, I ONLY owe you three grand, I'm the RICH one in my family!


1000% this. I didn't date anyone rich, but I have a relative that's rich, and he's constantly telling us "You just have to put a few bucks into things and see how it goes!"


His few bucks is "I saw a storage facility near our house, so I bought it and put $200K into it, now it's pretty much self running and brings in $8K a month. I also bought out my lawn care guy's business and kept all the employees, so they make extra cash for me during the summer while I work my main job..."


That's an insane return on a 200k investment


People born into money think they know what it’s like to be middle class or poor (and sometimes even can make it sound convincing) but they honestly aren’t even close to understanding. I’ve lived in three former meth labs as I grew up thinking McDonald’s was treating myself. I worked 40 hours a week at a gas station while taking 21 credit hours at a public university. Now I’m a department lead engineer at a pharmaceutical company. When I hear the stories about all my gf’s rich classmates in a prestigious MBA program going to Europe for “studying” (really just taking Molly and clubbing all night while the school pays for it) I cringe like hell. They get snobby about if a job makes less than 6 figures and imply that’s low middle class (we’re in the Midwest where that’s upper middle class).


Grows up in meth labs and goes into pharmaceuticals.


Sir - were you the one making the meth?


Lmao I’m actually in their agriculture division


My wife's family has no concept of what a workday is.


My parents and my sister are like this. My dad started his own firm, but for the last 30 years he's been the owner, not the boss, and in the last 20 it's done well enough that he's now minor-league wealthy rather than well-off. My sister has never worked, and my mom was a stay-at-home mom. They will constantly plan family vacations for all of us and be utterly shocked when me and my wife can't just take three weeks off to go to Australia with them. "But we'll pay!", they'll whine (which is lovely, they're very generous and I'm on easy-mode because of them...but...), not understanding that it's not always about the money


“What is a weekend?”

原创翻译:龙腾网 http://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

I've thought about this a lot as someone who grew up poor, but has been in a number of relationships with women from upper or upper middle class castes. I think what it boils down to is that they have a kind of certainty in the idea that things will work out for them that I don't. Growing up, it felt like we were always at the precipice of catastrophe. I always felt that one wrong move would result in us losing our house or all of our money. As such, I kept immaculate care of things that I bought knowing that I could not replace any of it if it were gone. The women I've been in relationships with, though, seem to have none of this fear. They always assume that things will work out. Plans don't need to be made because there's always some way to solve a problem with money. obxts don't get much respect because they're always readily replaceable. I always think about Nick Carraway's quote from The Great Gatsby: "They were careless people, Tom and Daisy--they smashed up things and creatures and then retreated back into their money or their vast carelessness or whatever it was that kept them together, and let other people clean up the mess they had made."


How real the 'network' or 'bubble' of it is.


It's like the other side from the 'it's expensive being poor' concept. It's this weird internal community of people with money, and thus power, who are willing to make things happen as long as you're 'in'. I mean, I would meet people at a fundraiser or something and five minutes later, they're happy to make a call that will get me a job at some huge firm. Or like, my then-boyfriend would say let's go this concert. Tickets are $180 but it's okay but a friend's parents have a box, so we'll just join them. Or even one time the dishwasher in our flat broke - but we didn't have to pay a dime for repairs, because his friend from high school's parents own the building, so they're fixing it for free as a favour.


Yep. Even having rich friends makes a difference, giving you access to that special network.


“Free to those who can afford it, very expensive to those who can’t.”


Dated a girl for 3 years who came from old money.


She was fine but her family was beyond out of touch with the real world. They were nice people but incredibly removed from the rest of the world. They looked at me like I was zoo animal in the sense that they were so curious about my life/family. They'd ask me what it was like going to public school. How my parents immigrated. They were baffled that not everyone had vacation homes or traveled a lot.


The most interesting thing is that old money is much more powerful than new money. They belonged to these "clubs" that consists of other rich families and the influence they had was mind-blowing. Want to build a factory in an area not zoned for it? Within a week that was changed.


Damn. Classism even exists between rich people.

原创翻译:龙腾网 http://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

I learned just how productive having money can be. Something needs to be fixed/ replaced? We can afford to. Want to do something fun or adventurous? Sure let's do it now. Want to eat healthier? We can afford all the ingredients.


Like what do you mean your life isn't slowed down by a million different things that need fixing/ upgrading/ replacing/ saved for?


I had a girl that wanted to take me to her parents vacation home for the weekend. But it was farther than my two hour on call leash as a firefighter. She was like no worries if you get called out on a fire. I'll have my dad pick you up in the helicopter...... I was ok let's do it.

原创翻译:龙腾网 http://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

My ex-wife had a grandfather that was a multi-millionaire. Christmas time at their house was like being in another world.

原创翻译:龙腾网 http://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

All of the different family members would try to get a moment with the King and kissed ass as much as possible.


I spent my time down on the ground playing with my kids and was happy to get out of there.


About a week or two after the second Christmas I got a phone call from Grandpa. He wanted to know what he could do for my family.


I told him I didn't want any of his money but I would like my kids to know their great grandfather.


Later that year he showed up at our place unexpected and spent most of the afternoon telling stories with me about his youth.


He set up a trust fund for each one of my kids to have their college paid for a little bit after that.


He told me out of all of his in-laws I was the only one that never asked him for anything but to be himself.


He didn’t have any concept of saving money, it was always just there because his money was always earning money. Having money was an income stream of itself. Also he had no concept of how much anything cost. Was going to get some groceries for dinner and he gave me $300 to pick up some basics.


If you have a lot of money, people give you so much free stuff all the time trying to earn your business or procure donations. Ironic that the people who can best afford to pay for the items get comped the most!



原创翻译:龙腾网 http://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

A great example is when I went back home for vacation, my best friend invited me to Van Cleef & Arpels (a high end French jewelry store) for high tea in their private room. They had ordered high tea from Laduree and let us sit there chatting over tea for an hour before bringing in their high jewelry or anything we wanted to look at. I realized they did this because my friend had purchased a $300,000 necklace.


A couple months later, she was invited to NYC on an all expenses paid trip (flights, hotel, Michelin star restaurants, private driver etc) to view their full high jewelry exhibit. Her sales associate planned the trip and was with her showing her around to every event. These places lavish you and treat you so well because they are courting your next 6 figure purchase. It’s a whole different world. Wild.


Grew up poor (now middle class) and at 18 dated a superrich guy. First thing I noticed was the food. Not just quantities but I also discovered so much food (like oyster, fresh fish, olives,..) things my parents could never buy.

原创翻译:龙腾网 http://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

I also had to learn etiquette. My parents brought me up well, I read books all the time, was a decent student and well-behaved kid.. but the way his family interacted was SO different. I had to learn a lot of unwritten rules that I wasn’t aware of.


I think in the end what I actually learned was that even though my childhood was rough (the amount of stress of not having enough money has probably impacted me for life), I valued my parents so much more. Once I had seen what life was like for rich people, I was just so proud of my family for making it work with so much less.


I had to learn a lot of unwritten rules that I wasn’t aware of.


Got an examples?


Mostly related to etiquette: like which cutlery to use at a real fancy restaurant (and how to use it haha), how to make polite conversation, how to dress for different parties/occasions,… just a lot of stuff I never thought twice about. Like one example was at a restaurant where we got a menu and there were no prices on the menu, so I asked for another one. Turns out women get menus without prices because it’s the men that pay ;-) but the moment you ask, everyone knows you don’t belong.


I was a pretty shy girl, polite and all that but I always felt out of place because there’s so many little things to be aware of. It’s very easy to make a faux pas.


Turns out women get menus without prices because it’s the men that pay

原创翻译:龙腾网 http://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

I never would have known this was a thing my whole life lol

原创翻译:龙腾网 http://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

Quality really does make a difference in everything from clothing to ingredients.

原创翻译:龙腾网 http://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

The difference between having money and having wealth.


You grew up poor and worked hard and finally got $10,000 in the bank and your income keeps you afloat? Cool. But that is nothing compared to a 50 acre family farm with a couple houses on it, several generations of inheritance that will fall in your lap someday. Family business or family connections to lucrative opportunities. Savings, investments, cash hidden in safes, piles of gold jewelry.


If they suddenly lost all their checking and savings accounts, they’d still be worth hundreds of thousands of dollars and wouldn’t have to worry even for a second where their next meal would come from.


Something I did not see here is, how the comfortably rich view the truly rich.


At one time I was Director of a Fortune 100 IT department and my boss was the VP. He was wealthy enough to have his own yacht and to belong to a big name yacht club. One evening he and his wife hosted me and my wife at that club for a dinner. Great dinner!


We were amused to hear him complain during dinner of all the things he could not do along with his wealthier club friends, like, for example, drop everything on the spur of the moment to fly to South Africa for a yacht race -- as a spectator, not a racer. He was genuinely put out by this awful dose of reality. We commiserated appropriately.


But we did get several pleasant trips on his yacht over the years. So, it's nice to know the merely average wealthy from time to time.


That we're hardly even playing the same game, nevermind by the same rules.

原创翻译:龙腾网 http://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

I dated a girl from old money, generational inherited wealth. Grandpa's money, some corporate bigwig banker or something to that effect. I don't think her father ever worked a day in his life, and her mother clearly came from money as well. Outside of her, I found every one of her family members out of touch and completely unrelatable. I got real good at biting my tongue when my ex's siblings would complain about not getting a new car for their birthday when last year's model is sitting in the driveway. They had no concept of the value of money and never had to do anything for themselves to get what they wanted. I wasn't exactly poor growing up, but for the most part if it wasn't strictly necessary for survival I didn't have it. It was really eye opening how everything was taken for granted. Those specific people would be helpless in the real world if they lost all their dough.


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