2022-11-24 杏子 21876

I was having a discussion with my GF and we got on to the topic of over paid professions and what overpaid professions we think are out there. Naturally we talked about sports people, CEOs etc.
And there are a ton of under paid ones paid ones like NHS staff.
What do you think are the most over paid professions and why?


Loads of my uni friends are now in consultancy grad schemes. They get paid absolutely tonnes and they can't even explain to me what their job is. They seem to just make PowerPoints and take meeting minutes


Same here and I actually don’t understand it. So many of my friends from uni now work in shady Recruitment Agencies and have somehow worked up to have quite lucrative positions. I don’t get it - they don’t do anything except post on lixedIn all day yet make a lot more than me!


It's basically sales - sales can pay a disproportionate amount.

原创翻译:龙腾网 http://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

Can confirm. My sister works in life insurance and she gets upwards of £80k a year working 4 days a week. They work on commission so if she 'banks' £60k a month (this being essentially the premiums for the policies), she gets about 9% of that + £20k basic salary, or so she tells me.She has only a few GCSEs but tells me the managers there are all on £400k+ a year.She works in sales mind and isn't a particularly honest individual so I'm not too sure. She does however also get to go on conventions (cruises etc) and £3k bonuses throughout the year (again, so she claims). Meanwhile I earn about £30k a year working 5 days a week. I just couldn't stomach sales though, it seems a toxic environment from the stuff she tells me about with her colleagues, particularly the males.


sales mind and isn't a particularly honest individual
That is basically the key. My sister made a fortune in sales and is as crafty as hell. She is also power crazed so I dread to think what she got up to once she reached management level. Corporate ladder climbing relies upon having certain dubious qualities.
My dad worked in a corporation but he never really fitted in and although he did very well he did it without being unethical. He eventually locked horns with management over the fact that they were mis-selling billions of pounds worth of endowment packages to customers who had been with the company for decades. He could have made megabucks if he had joined in but he didn’t because it was borderline fraud and it did cause a scandal once the story broke, by which time he had taken early retirement because he couldn’t stand their immoral behaviour any more.


Absolutely! You sell your soul in sales.


I used to work sales. It was fucking horrible. The beginning of an interaction with someone is fun, because you're just rapport-building and making a friend, but then you have to use that against them and manipulate them into purchasing things they shouldn't.
I sold paintball tickets for a place that didn't actually charge for tickets. We were basically charging a booking fee that we would just pocket. Left after a month when I realised how awful it was.


there are some awful sales roles but also some really good ones where you don’t have to sell your soul or be manipulative. in my experience (15 years in sales), the more experienced you are & the higher value solution you’re selling, the more professional it is.
i’m in software sales & haven’t seen a toxic environment for years. my basic salary is pretty high (compared to the national average) & there’s a very good chance of earning an amount that most people would think makes someone ridiculously well-off, just by hitting my (very realistic) targets. at the lower levels (with basic salaries up to say £40k), there is far more pressure & shady tactics but it all melts away above that


Consultants - everyone just accepts they’re expensive but no one quite knows what they do. Project/product managers (not construction but things like website improvements/online system testing - stepdaughter works an hour a day delegating a few tasks but warns over £70k plus bonus. So little work she goes on holiday or visits us (few hours away) without telling anyone and just checking her emails every 2 hours.
Edit. Just adding.
This is at age 24-28, so not a very experienced person, just a few years. This has been the same at her current and precious work - two of the big 4 or 5 consulting firms most people will know. She’s about to move to an in house product manager role (website stuff again but consumer focused) at a large us company (not a consultant company). Will see if she actually has to earn the money.




CEO pay. I know it’s a bit typical, but their average salary and bonus of late have gone nuts.


This feels like a trick question.
So, on the one hand, I'm a software engineer earning 95k. I might concede that I'm a little overpaid, but I also come across huge swaths of people who have done an online coding bootcamp but can't code the simplest of applications in a quality manner.
In the same way, I'm pretty good at rugby, but I'm not Saracens or England level rugby. A very tiny number of people are, and so they command the salaries they do. I also don't provide entertainment for tens of millions of people.
If I had to answer I'd probably say the advisors at St James Palace investment firm, but not because they're incompetent - because I think their fees are unfair and they know they're swindling people.


Council chief where I live is on £200k so definitely over paid.Some NHS staff are extremely overpaid, and some are underpaid.


Estate Agents. The model of it being a % of house prices is ridiculous. If we swapped pay of conveyancers and estate agents, you’d get less overworked idiot conveyancers and value for money estate agents.

原创翻译:龙腾网 http://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

Probably none are overpaid, big salary professions come from earning big money for their company. However there are professions that are criminally underpaid. Nurses being the obvious one


Landlords. They do literally nothing,just own land.


I never understand the argument about footballers being overpaid.
The club sells £20 Million of shirts and IP related products and the footballer is supposed to take less so the owner keeps more? (and I don't even like football!)


Politicians with second jobs. I can’t see how they can be giving their full attention to their constituency/earning their full £85k salary if they’re also consultants for banks and other big businesses


I always am amazed when people on Reddit say footballers as it’s arguably one of the greatest examples of workers getting fair compensation for their money.
Like don’t get me wrong I think the amounts they earn are truly crazy, but that money comes from football being the world’s most popular sport and it’s far better the players get as much as possible vs owners.

原创翻译:龙腾网 http://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

Once you understand that pay isn't strongly correlated with effort, skill, knowledge or social utility etc. then everything/nothing is overpaid.


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