2022-11-24 超级凉快 7049

Spring Break
I have lived and worked as a foreigner most of my adult life, currently in Europe. I am careful not to criticize my host country, because I am but a guest here. If I do not like the conditions here or how people treat me, I can always go back where to where I came from. I am deeply grateful to the people and nations of Europe--they do not owe me anything!

原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

they do own you, as I am sure your host country has something to do with your origin country being messed up


when the hosts' values being are bigots and discriminatory against the immigrants, the immigrants aren't allowed to do anything?

原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

@IU Imigrants ca can leave to where they come from.


@IU It's important to understand, that many people simply had no contact with different cultures. Thus, bringing it into their country is a "threatening" sensation that many are aggravated. Unlike them traveling to other cultures on their own accord.
A flawed behaviour, nonetheless, but that how it is. Only through gradual positive exposure can that change.
Trying to replace the host country's culture while coming there by choice means challenging them. And it does not create a positive image. Thus the locals will only be more guarded and dislike the outsider.
I find it strange that people enter other countries and expect to be trusted like in their homeland. I don't expect a mosque to provide me a christian prayer.


Vegard Baisgård
Im Norwegian. Here i support immigrants that demands at least to be treated with decenty! Especially as Norway brags about being so open, and tolerant. Even here were affected of the trends that happens internationally. Which is..not scary, but.. the world is kinda on the edge i feel. Anyways, i welcome you to Norway, should you ever visit.

原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

Jeyson Jones
My friend.. you are not a foreigner anywhere. As a human being, we are welcomed everywhere on this planet. Any government that tells you otherwise proves the need to defund all governments.


Anwesha Kar
Europe actually does owe a lot of the world a lot of things


Engle de Laffety
Immigration is a deeply emotive topic. But we should not fall into the danger of calling out "good" immigrants (educated, high earners) vs "bad" immigrants (poor, uneducated). As a second-generation UK citizen, my father arrived in the UK in 1960 from Trinidad, he worked 34 years as a cleaner in a hospital. Today, I am an epidemiologist doing research on lung cancer. There are many ways to "give back" to a country.


Fantastic win-win experience! You gain more education in the UK and UK gains an epidemiologist. Although I do wonder if your father was a cleaner back in Trinidad. So many educated immigrants that come to a new country end up doing something totally unrelated to their original career.

原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

He did not throw stones at border guards, did not DEMAND money just because, respect, and for British meals to be removed from school menus because he did not like them. The issue is, that most of today's migrants have no plans outside of "we're going to Germany, they'll give us free money there". What your father and you did, deserves a great amount of respect, but it's just not like this anymore nowadays


Renee Caballero
@redonebeatbox exactly the same issue we have in the US. They get everything given to them for free and they live better than most citizens do because they're not documented, the US can't verify marriage licenses. So, most women come with husbands. Husband works, but the wife claims she has no one to help,has no money, but is pregnant every year. It's frustrating when you see them driving luxury vehicles worth more than you make in a year, and they still receive free housing, food stamps, medical, the list just goes on. Everything is handed to them, without any investigation. If they do work they buy someone else's stolen identity so that they can work and still receive government handouts. It pisses me off. If they were truly coming because of war, I would understand that, but most of them complain how they hate it here and how their country is so much better, etc. They don't try to learn the language, everyone else has to learn theirs. I was a single mom of 4 sons after divorcing and I had to work 96hrs a week because I couldn't get any assistance. I missed out on most of my sons lives when they were growing up. Why am I, a citizen denied, but everything given so freely to illegal immigrants without them having to even prove their own legal names?

原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

Millions of people escaped my country (Bulgaria) due to poverty and lack of jobs in the last 30+ years. Most of them (including my parents for a while) desperately looked for legal means to move abroad and work. Does it seem fair to you that MILLIONS of Middle Eastern people just break the fence saying SOME name and SOME nationality (they have no papers on them), and then DEMAND money, shelter, food, and not offering almost any skills and workforce in return? Also, Europe can NOT feed millions of non-working newcomers just because someone wishes it would be awesome it it was possible. And when those people do not wish to work, integrate and adapt, they become a social, financial and security problem, which is bad both for them AND for the countries they went to.
a big number of today's migrants do not even consider working. Drug dealing and staying on government money is soo much easier to do. Plus, when speaking about skills and education - you do want your dentist, surgeon, accountant etc etc to have the proper skills and education, right? And in general, being a citizen means more or less contributing to the society, not living from other people's work and taxes. I mean, if a person isn't educated or capable of doing something, he will most probably end up from being miserable in one country, to being miserable in another one


Atro Patene
@redonebeatbox I think everyone should be able to move here freely. Most European countries were built on immigration. We need it.


J. Abildgaard
Many Europeans, unfortunalely see themselves as automatically "better"/better educated etc as everyone else.
This has to come from the slavery-mindset...the slavery many of them never really stopped
Years ago, I met a Brazilian who was in Europe for a conference. We exchanged experiences from our home countries regarding education and everything else and in the end, we agreed that there isn't really not much difference between our two countries - my original European colonial place however, still neither can nor will, see/understand this..and, they certainly will not change...
This means, if we didn't know before, we now should know, that what need change and real development, is ourselves..


I agree that if you live in a poor country, you would want to move to a better one. But bringing nothing but a hungry mouth is not a good idea, if you want to be respected and accepted as a part of your new country. Also, free movement depends on tons of political and economical factors. It is a fact in the EU, and we can all see the benefits. But that free movement is mainly beneficial for work and living purposes. However, when someone doesn't want to work, how would he support himself anywhere he goes?
Plus, there is this thing - if all the people from the poor places move to Europe, for example, what will happen to Europe? It will turn into a shithole in no time. So we do need to put emotions aside, and think real. I would rather see the world helping poor countries get better, than every poor person coming here and living on my taxes without willing to work, to learn the language, integrate etc. And if "better future" means doing nothing while waiting an EU country to pay you money, that will only worsen the problem. And free movement comes with a list of laws and rules to follow, not breaking fences and throwing stones.


@redonebeatbox Jesus, you really think people leave their countries because "they'll give us free money?". I'm an immigrant in the EU: I come from the United States. I came because my beliefs didn't allign with my country of origin. Because I saw my european country as a functioning socialist democracy where equality is practiced. I came for opportunities, and for a better life. I am willing to do whatever I can in this european country to be of use to this system. I want to contribute and be of value to this place. There are so many people who come from all over who have the same perspective as me. There are so many people working the worst jobs in Germany, and all over Europe. This system benefits the citizens of these European nations first and foremost. Just look at what issues are arrising in Britain in the wake of Brexit: and the difficulties they're facing finding migrant and low wage workers to fill the positions in society that most don't want to work. Think critically about how an influx of low-wage workers who are used to lower living standards benefits the citizens of European nations. I'm not saying it's right: it's borderline exploitation in many cases: but it's a start for so many immigrants: and a benefit to YOU.


I think we all should face this topic from a realistic point of view. On the one hand we should open our borders for qualified people. And I don't care if they're from Ukraine or from Iraq. But at the same time we should also acknowledge that different cultures can cause problems and clashes. And that CANT be ignored. When this leads to acts of crimes (as seen a lot of times the last years, rapes and violence etc.) we should be strict and send them back immediately.


Jay Bird
That process was in place until people like Joe Biden started to ignore it and just invited everybody in and we'll work all those problems out later. And by then of course, it's too late..


I wish there could be safe and legal ways for people outside of the EU to immigrate here, I am staunchly opposed to illegal migration as you never know what kind of characters end up coming here, not to mention the mortality rate of such a journey! I don't quite know how migration works for these people so I don't have an understanding of the opportunities for them. In my experience I can drive to any country I want within the EU, I can apply for a visa and fly out to another continent without much difficulty. I treat this freedom as a right, but it's clearly a privilege.


Pedro Gama
TB89 The reality is that Europe NEEDS to choose, very carefully, WHO comes and who Stays, like ANY other Country or Society would do...its not only a DUTY its an OBLIGATION for the Generations to come ! some Cultures are NOT "integrating" neither they want to....and there is nothing to "debate" anymore, this is being going on for DECADES and we see the results everywhere and they are NOT GOOD...and WHY has NEVER been a CENSUS among NATIVE Europeans about this ANYWHERE ?! WHY is being Imposed down our Throats ?

原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

Best way to respect cultural differences would be to allow different cultures to live apart in their own respective nation states that each has exclusive rights to. Control of borders makes for better neighbours and maintains diversity of cultures.


maria albina bilaro
as soon as they do crimes send them back straight ahead..


Aboubakar Kam
Make sense but to be honest sending people back to their origin countries is not the solution. Just treat everyone as you would want to be treated we are all one nation. Let's stop racism and live together as we are one mankind.


Sama Sob
How would you pick qualified immigrants and leave the rest?


@Sama Sob You can actually pick and choose. Thats how Canada does it..the most important thing is that we have to acknowledge cultural differences and also a strict policy on criminals. Europe was naive the last years, welcoming everybody with open arms (which was a nice attempt, from a humanitarian perspective) but it lead to massive problems and we HAVE to do something about that. We cannot tolerate violence of migrants anymore. And yes this is a real issue, that a lot of politicians want to put a blind eye on.


Håkan Rohdin
The difference between the refugees from Ukraine and what we have seen before is just mind-boggling. Women, children and the elderly escaping to a neighboring country as compared to young men crossing 5, 6, maybe even 10 countries, before finally applying for asylum.


how about single young men being productive and industries having access to a cheap n reliable workforce, so as to enable industries be productive n pay more taxes for the benefit of everyone. Why not be an optimist like the rest of us. Remember there is too much femenism n homosexuality in europe that is causing europeans not to have children n thus contributing to the population decline.


Linda S
Women and children threatened with genocide definitely need asylum. Men unwilling to study and work and make their own countries great instead of setting up gangs in Europe - not.


Until automation becomes mainstay, we have little choice - as the alternative represents a sharp dip in living standards. and I'm glad some of us think a few steps further ahead.


@98Zai Automation is the answer indeed. Even in agriculture. Japan is doing very well without a mass invasion of their country even though they experience a population decline at the same time. The West should not destroy the lives of the future generations to make one more $ today.


Europe should open up to all people from its former colonies.

原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

Cherry S
my problem is that I refuse to accept any type of coercive hierarchical authority under any circumstances. That puts me at odds with every single state that exists on earth

原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

I see healthy men here in Germany illegally entered Poland and Poland welcomed them with open arms, same government pushed back Muslim immigrants in borders between Belarus and Poland, you can just ask those who work as volunteers between Belarus-poland border, they didn't allowed them because they were dark skinned.
How can you say who is good who is bad.


Kawa Taufik
ukrainian not refugee should no one help them


Atro Patene
@Kawa Taufik Ukranians are also refugees and should also be helped. But we should help people from other places as well as we help the ukranians, is my point. The difference in age and gender shouldn't matter, we should help all of them.

原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

I'm all for allowing people in and I've had some great colleagues from all over the world. At the same time I'm preparing to leave the Netherlands myself because I hate how overcrowded my country is. There are no affordable houses, barely any nature, everything is asphalt or buildings. It's too depressing. We're like sardines in a can, our country isn't that big. I know I'll be the foreigner soon, but I respect the country I want to go to and know there is plenty of space for people.


ghazi khan
Where do you want to go to, if i may ask, I'm intrigued to know which country you see as a better place for you than Netherlands.


Autumn Jacaranda
Sorry if you don't want to say, but I am also curious where you are considering moving to?


mark boele
I am also a dutchy looking to move. Probably poland or spain.


Cornelious Stradivarius
Most want and EXPECT the country they move to to adhere to THEIR beliefs and way of life while reaping all the benefits of that country with little to no integration or contribution to society. ppl wonder why we have an immigration problem here. Damn politicians trying to score brownie points.


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