2022-11-28 翻译加工厂 15315
-------------译者:独孤风云---- 审核者:龙腾翻译总管------------

A Chinese couple in Shenzhen have given up on renting an apartment to live in a camper van in order to save money. Despite being dubbed “beggars in a car park”, the couple said they have a better quality of life than before.


-------------译者:镜花水月绽放--- 审核者:龙腾翻译总管------------

R. C.
I''ve seen many videos on YouTube about people building out a van to live in, this is one of the best. Usually they look smaller, bare and a little boring. This feels like a small apartment with all the cabinets and attention to detail. I''d like to see more about this van, and wish they''d shown the inside of the bathroom. I''d definitely hire this man to build one for me.

原创翻译:龙腾网 转载请注明出处

r sashimi
Van living is pretty common in the USA and Canada. But here in China, it''s something relatively unheard of, and most likely frown upon as it will be construed as no different from being homeless.
Kudos to the young couple for choosing a lifestyle that suits their aspiration. Wishing them the best and disregard those ignoramus hateful comments.


Nitho LX
No matter what we do, right or wrong, we will find always people criticizing around. The best thing people can do is to live their life without paying attention to those haters. Best wishes to this couple. I always wanted to live in a van house, must be really cool experience.

-------------译者:世界的记忆--- 审核者:龙腾翻译总管------------

Unbelievably wholesome. I love everything about this couple. This is the power of love. They have overcome difficult challenges with one another and still manage to make the absolute most in life. I pray they continue living well forevermore.


Lorenzo, The Handa For Life Planner
There may be challenges and sacrifices in living the van life, but this is something that is doable. Hoping to be able to do this in the near future. Success for the happy couple!


Donald Harmon
I live in shenzhen and honestly have considered doing this. With the constant no notice lockdowns it just seems the right path to take. Plus can travel and also not pay such high rent lol

-------------译者:南斗十字座一--- 审核者:龙腾翻译总管------------
原创翻译:龙腾网 转载请注明出处

Kookie biscuits
This is the most relaxing couples I''ve ever seen. They may be poor but they have an ambition and to clearly say it''s actually they''re not poor but ratehr a clever people who knows the worth of money and the time of savings.


The people who called them beggars are probably a paycheck or two away from getting evicted from their overpriced, concrete cubes...
It''s heartwarming to see two people so in love and in sync with each other.
unicorn w
I don''t mind living in a van like that....and I wouldn''t call them beggars living in a van...I call them smart ppl




unicorn w

-------------译者:Mogwo--- 审核者:龙腾翻译总管------------

Charles Lwin
This lifestyle is great for young couples and for saving money so that later on they can afford to buy their own place. The Asian community has always looked down on others for living a happy lifestyle and honestly, the social constructs are annoying. I am happy for this couple and wish them luck! Don''t let others dictate your own happiness! Sending happy thoughts from America


Mohammed Ahsan Kollathodi
Love the couple. A great example to couples out there.


I don’t even think this couple is poor. For one, they have enough money to own the van and spend $23k renovating it and doesn’t seem to be a big deal for them to move back to apartment later when needed.
Also the interior is done really nicely which is telling me that this is not their first interior project and they clearly knew what they’re doing.
I say this is done more out of interest than necessity. Big kudos all the same to them though

-------------译者:乔治--- 审核者:龙腾翻译总管------------

Gina Su
As long as they''re happy and it works for them. Nothing else matters. Joy is found in the simple things in life. :)


curry ninja
Wishing nothing but the best for the couple, they’re living up the dream for many!


kyle009 00
It''s my dream to live like this.


Light Yagami
They nailed it...
Best wishes


respect to this couple

-------------译者:Mogwo--- 审核者:龙腾翻译总管------------

Sapphire Light
Love that they were able to renovate their van. Lol they''ll be more prepared than most if/when things go downhill. Not a bad idea, if you can actually afford to do it.


Paul C
They have to really love each other to stand each other 24/7. This only works if they have different working schedule cuz there''s not enough space.


They don’t even live in a house and their relationship is still strong, I never felt so happy and jealous at the same time


Lucas Pierre
There’s nothing begging about this young couple’s choice to live in a camper van while saving money to buy a house or an apartment in the future. Hater’s gonna hate or maybe just plain envy. I wish you both well!


A very creative & innovative couple. Wishing them success, happiness and a bright future with children along the way.

-------------译者:Mogwo--- 审核者:龙腾翻译总管------------

They are living their life to the fullest


Old School Gaming
This might be one of the most heartwarming stories that I’ve heard.. wish them all the best


That''s a great man and a wonderful lady right there. I wish I had a companion like her in my life. Too many people complain about what they have. And too many people complain about what they don''t have. Be happy with your current situation, and work on a better future everyday.


Kazuma Yagami
May those two live a happier life


Loved how they had decorations for happy birthday too

-------------译者:小刘叔叔2020--- 审核者:龙腾翻译总管------------

Lambent Ort
Cool. I wish them all the best with their vanlife!


Ray Cigar
Ahh being young and flexible in the way of living is a real blessing. I wish them a bright future.

啊 过上适合年轻人而又灵活的生活是一件幸事。我祝愿他俩有一个光明的未来。

Wish both of them happiness and joy in their lives.


Elizabeth Jarram
At first, I thought it would not work but as I was watching the video; I saw that it really, really did work and it actually made them happy, and stress-free.
Those who criticized the couple are probably not happy because they are probably feeling jealous that this couple are free from overpriced rent and they themselves are not.


Mak CK
The couple that sticks together, stays together, also they can save money on their kid’s education. Very resourceful. They also should consider interior design cos this is worthy of a not too small channel/stacked content!


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