2022-12-12 兰陵笑笑生 11976
People that say India is a modern colonial construct only seek to Balkanize


According to these people India is a modern colonial construct and there isn’t any shared history amongst the people of the subcontinent. Not only is this nonsensical, but it applies modern day idealogies of colonialism to thousands of year old warring states. Ask these same people if China is a politically united civilization or if it’s actually artificially constructed as well. What they want is Balkanization and be seen as distinct groups, which is perhaps fair but to disregard periods political unity is blatantly false. To disregard the Mauryan empire is unequivocally political and only seeking to create discord. It’s fairly obvious to anyone that the modern state of India is a political unit because of British rule but to remove a common civilization Al history that has had many of the different groups in India rule over one another is a mistake. There have been Kannada kings, Tamil Kings, North Indian kings that have ruled over a variety of parts of India that was different than their “homelands”. Diversity may be India’s strength but it’s hard to see how it’s not also the largest downfall by seeing the diaspora argue over stuff like this.


It really is though. Prior to British forcibly making it into one unit for administrative purposes you have to go back 3000+ years to get any semblance of an entity which reflects ‘india’
India has always been a continent rather than what we see as a country in modern times. And there’s nothing wrong with that.


India as a concept has existed as a cultural/racial group, but due to size and population it was never possible for pre industrial empires to conquer and unify the entire territory. Bharatvarsha and Jambudvipa were the historical names that residents had for the land and it’s people.


Nah, I just don't think the will or the vision was there to subvert India under one authority. Shih Huang Ti pulled off that feat with China. Ashoka could have done the same thing in India, but he stopped expanding his empire after converting to Buddhism.


actually that's a common misconception. he was notoriously cruel even after converting




Europe and Africa have also existed as racial groups. Also, aren’t most East Asians considered the same race?

原创翻译:龙腾网 http://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

Difference there is that Africans were labeled as one race by outsiders. There wasn’t any African literature describing the common origins and similarities between various African tribes, and calling non Africans outsiders.
As for Europe, until recently Anglosphere countries didn’t even consider South Europe and Irish to be white.


Common history, which nobody is denying, does not necessarily translate to a pan-subcontinental political state, which is evidenced by the fact that (excluding Mughals and the British since they weren't a part of the majority demographic) there hasn't been one since the Mauryas over 2000 years ago. And that was before the advent of Islam in the subcontinent, which further complicates things politically in the present era.
until recently Anglosphere countries didn’t even consider South Europe and Irish to be white.
That was mostly just the US. And they were still considered white, just not preferred compared to English, German, Scandinavian etc whites. If they weren't considered as such, they would've been banned completely like Asians were with the Chinese Exclusion Act.


Yeah I never said India existed as political concept. I’m saying there was a cultural concept of India.
Regardless, the point is that non Anglos were seen as an inferior subgroup racially, and their lands would not be treated as an equal partner

原创翻译:龙腾网 http://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

Ugh contrary to popular belief, believing that India and South Asia as a whole today were once united as one power and that everything was happy etc. is itself a colonial mindset and construct. South Asia, before the Brits arrived, was never a united nation or people, just a patchwork of different kingdoms, the Mughals etc etc. or varying Nawabs across the land. The British colonialists forcefully united all of them to create the British Raj and then India/Pak and so on.


No place was all “United and happy”. Not China, not Japan, not Germany. India however was United multiple times in history with varying degrees of success. To say this is false is quite ahistorical.


I'm not convinced that India would be a single unified country today without the legacy of British rule. There was common history and a common religion, but India has always been made up of warring Kingdoms and different ethnolinguistic groups.
If the Brits hadn't colonized India, it would probably resemble the EU or African unx.
It's true that, in the ancient past, empires have ruled over vast portions of the Indian subcontinent (the Mauryan empire, for example), but the same is true of Europe and the Middle East.


Counterfactuals are always kinda dangerous for this reason. We have no idea whether or not India would be unified or not
Yeah India had been a bunch of disunited squabbling kingdoms, but so was Germany. That didn't stop Pan Germanism or Pan Italianism from taking off
I think had the British not arrived, Pan Indianism almost def would've arisen with the introduction of European ideas of nationalism, whether it would be successful or not would be a coinflip

原创翻译:龙腾网 http://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

Pan-Italian and Pan-Germanism is completely different from what you’re suggesting. Those are ethnicities with a common language and culture. Also, technically Austria, The Netherlands, and Flanders should be part of Germany if Pan-Germanism really took off.

原创翻译:龙腾网 http://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

lol the only reason Italian is considered a single language is for political reasons. During unification, North and South Italians couldn't understand each other.
Same with German to a lesser extent, there's High and Low German probably would be considered
The question about whether Austria should be a part of Germany or not was kinda a big deal, there's a reason why so many Austrians supported Anchluss
The Dutch and Flemish were pretty clearly not Germans and no one ever thought of them as such
And India shared a common culture lmao


All Italian languages ( except for 1/2 a million German speakers in the alps) are all Latin based languages. The languages of the Italian peninsula probably started to splinter of from each other over the last 800-1300yrs. Additionally many are just dialects.
Unlike in India where indo-Aryan languages started to splinter of from each other around the last 2500-3500yrs, so their is far greater linguistic differences/distant. Then you have Tibetan-Burman, Austroasiatic, Dravidian languages which come from completely different language families in India. You also have the iranic language of Pakistan which separates from the indo-aryans languages some 4000+ yrs ago.
The differences Between the languages of the Italian peninsula is more similar to the differences between gujarati languages than to the entire Indo-Aryan language family.


So, we’re pretty much agreeing that nation states are built for political reasons and not because they “belong” to another nation based on a civilization from thousands of years ago. And what common culture are you talking about? There’s over 200 languages in India alone and thousands of miles separating ethnicities apart. I certainly don’t relate to people from Sri Lanka or Bangladesh. Apart of some physical similarities, they’re completely foreign to me.

原创翻译:龙腾网 http://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

No we're not agreed lol
Neither German Unification nor Italian Unification was initially driven by states. The Prussian and other German states establishment were initially against it, but the 1848 revolution, which was largely a mass movement, demanded German unification and is the only reason it was pursued by the authorities
Italian unification was even more extreme, it was literally some random dude who fought in South America deciding to conquer Southern Italy to unify Italy
I'm not saying that they were unified because they "belonged" to a nation based on a civilization from thousands of years ago. But I'm also not saying that top-down political reasons were the reasons for unification, because that's just as false. The fact of the matter is, people's identities and perceptions of identities are what shaped and caused nationalism. If everyone in Texas tomorrow decided they were Louisanan, they would be Louisanan
The fact of the matter is, Indians largely shared a sense of identity, in the face of the British yes, but also prior. Indian identity always existed in an us vs them sense and was only strengthened by the Muslim invasions of India
And what common culture are you talking about? There’s over 200 languages in India alone and thousands of miles separating ethnicities apart. I certainly don’t relate to people from Sri Lanka or Bangladesh. Apart of some physical similarities, they’re completely foreign to me.
lol Bavarians and North Germans have variations in these culture as well. As do Venetians and Sicilians.
But there's plenty shred in Desi culture, from religion to song to dance etc.

事实是,印度人在很大程度上有一种认同感,在面对英国人时是这样,在这之前也是这样。印度人的身份认同让这里的人对外人一直有一种"我们VS他们 "的感觉,这在穆斯林入侵印度后更加得到了强化。
原创翻译:龙腾网 http://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

It’s slightly different than Europe and Africa though. There was always a concept of “India”, just not political unity. I’m guessing a confederacy would be most likely, but in the environment of the Cold War who really knows what route India would’ve taken.

原创翻译:龙腾网 http://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

I mean theirs also been a concept of Europe , concept of Confucius Asia, concept of turkestan , Malay world, Iranshahr ( greater Iran), Dar al Islam , Christendom, Latin America , Arabia for centuries . Doesn’t mean they all the same though or should be under one country.


It would. The Marathas would’ve unified the country.


The Marathas are definitely underrated in modern history. They were actually very close to unifying most of the subcontinent and their army was meritocracy based and a diverse one. The reason the British were able to defeat them was because of timing.


They're not underrated. If anything, they're overrated, and certainly the most whitewashed out of any group, owing to how easily Maratha history can be co-opted into a narrative of "The Pursuit of a United Hindu India" or something.
They ravaged entire cities in conquest. Their repeated raids of Bengal were particularly brutal, leading to the slaughter of hundreds of thousands of commoners, women, and children. A good chunk of them Hindus, in fact.
The Marathas were interested in plunder, conquest, and empire. Not unity. Well, unity springing from "we'll be the only ones left with any kind of power", yeah maybe. But certainly not any inclusive kind of unity. Not even a pan-Hindu one.
And it wasn't just the British, and it wasn't just the timing. The nature of this kind of empire is inherently unstable. A consequence of being unwilling to share power, is that you don't have allies. The Mughals too couldn't have ruled without sharing power with other kingdoms and groups in north India. The Marathas did not have the support of the Rajputs, nor the Jats, which contributed to their defeat in the Third Battle of Panipat.


Their peak lasted barely a few years, they are a footnote in Indian history tbh


I somehow don't think that Tamils, Sikhs, Muslims, etc. would necessarily have wanted to be ruled by the Marathas.
Empires that involve one ethnolinguistic group ruling over others generally don't last. The Ottoman, Roman, and Mongol Empires demonstrate this.


Lmao fuck the Marathas, those violent idiots did more damage to my land than the Mughals. There's a reason bargis are still used to scare kids.


You can have shared history without functioning as a single political unit. Indian history, just like most of the world, is of warring states, and the concept of modern India is a British given one, I see nothing wrong with that.
However I would argue that modern India has something better, than race/religion/language based nations- unity among diversity. If Indians uphold that message properly, we might see a realisation of a world order based on the same mantra. However, right now, unity in diversity for the world is very utopian, at the same time, modern India, despite of plenty shortcomings, ain't doing it that bad.


The Republic of India is indeed largely a British invention. They established many of the institutions, the civil service, military, court system, etc.
And that's not a bad thing. The Republic of India has historically been the most democratic and stable country in the region. It's democratic institutions have remained intact, it is a secular democracy, and it has never succumbed to militarily rule (unlike Pakistan, Myanmar, Thailand, etc).


People promoting the idea of "akhund Bharat" and psueohistories of an ancient unified India are doing it to balkanize India today, namely by using these ideologies to portray all Muslim and Christians in the subcontinent as "alien."

那些宣扬"akhund Bharat(大印度主义)"和“史前大一统的印度”的人才是想让今天的印度巴尔干化,即利用这些意识形态将次大陆的所有穆斯林和基督徒描绘成"异类"。

Regardless of what india may have been like Sans British “intervention” Imo india needs to stay as one big unit for it to project power (military, political, economic, cultural). A divided india won’t help anyone except maybe ethnocentrists in India and the diaspora in the western world.
Freedom of movement of people and goods, trade etc is vital in today’s world.


Listen here, buddy, don't drag Kannada into this. They just wanted independence like anyone else, and then they minded their own business.


The argument isn't that there is no shared history, it is that the modern India is not the arbiter of that "shared history". For example, let' ask the question: if the British decided to one day (highly unlikely) return the crown jewels it stole form the subcontinent during the Raj, which country does it go to?
It isn't Blakanization to say that the current India as a country never existed prior to 1947. This whole post is just soft Hindutva propganda dressed up in liberalized speech. Notice how OP completely "forgot" to mention the role of the Mughals in this shared history. It isn't wrong to counter the narrative which implies that certain people and countries shouldn't exist.
The Mauryans never "united" the entire subcontinent. It never conquered a lot what is now present day Pakistan, Bangladesh or Nepal.


Nobody is saying India didn't exist before British colonization. But it was the British that effectively unified India into one cohesive unit. This we can't deny. The Mauryan and Moghul Empires came the closest, but neither one of them came all that close to uniting entire subcontinent under the rule of a single authority. In fact, after Ashoka died, the Mauryans pretty much lost control over the lands that Ashoka brought under his rule, which should really show you how tenuous their hold over the country was.
Think about it like this - if any ancient empire was successful in uniting India under one banner, you wouldn't see so much variation in language, diet, religion, or culture. A ruling house wouldn't tolerate so much diversity because it would complicate things for the administrative institutes overseeing the country and it would foment secessionist tensions.


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