2022-12-13 admin315 17193

Samsung failed in China. How did Apple succeed?


Apple is apple they do things that don't make sense but at the same time the world adapts to what Apple does. Google may have failed in China Google is way too big in India because everyone in India uses Google services. Apple is just a walking dog of China

原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

You wanna know how Apple did it, that's easy.
The chinese love brand stuff and luxury. Apple became the luxury brand for smartphones worldwide so ofc the chinese are greedy for Apple products.


It's difficult to get most of the Chinese brands in the US, unless you buy direct from overseas. Most Americans never even heard of Xiaomi or Oppo, and they make some really nice phones.


I am both a Samsung and Apple phone user, iPhone resale value is always higher than Samsung Galaxy phone, also Samsung phone tend to lag one year later I have used Note 3, Note 20, s3, s10, s20, s21 are all the same and Samsung has lots of gimmicky features that you never use, as for Apple I have used iPhone 6s Plus iPhone 11, iPhone 12 their system is always smooth even 2 years later. If Huawei wasn’t suppressed by tue US govt. Apple won’t get the No.1 in China even globally

我是三星和苹果手机的用户,iPhone的转售价值一直都高于三星的Galaxy手机,而且三星手机往往在一年之后会变得卡顿。我用过的Note 3、Note 20、s3、s10、s20、s21都是这样的,三星有很多你永远不会用到的噱头功能。至于苹果,我用过iPhone 6s Plus,iPhone 11、iPhone 12,它们的系统即使在2年后也总是很流畅。如果华为没有受到美国政府的压制,苹果在中国甚至全球都不会获得第一的位置。

What Apple does well is optimizing their devices to work very well and for a long time. Their phones and tablets run very efficiently compared to the Android.
Iphones can sure last a long time. I know friends who still use the Iphone 6(nearly 8 years old!) and it is still working strong.
Most Android Phones will start to crap out after a couple of years.
Samsung tries to be Apple but they are stuck using Android which has remained behind iOS with their app sextion and optimizations.
Samsung is ironically the ones keeping Android tablets alive while Google gave up on it.

iphones确实可以使用很长时间,我认识仍在使用iphone 6的朋友(用了将近8年了!)而且它仍然运行良好。

Nil Nil
It shows that what lgbt and human rights of the US is just talk.. coz in the first place different cultures and social norms are different and thus US shouldn’t impose it values on others.. like Apple it didn’t and respect China law and culture and it worked !

原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

Linh Tran Tuan
Same happened with Tesla in China. If you follow their politic you will get decent favor.


Jeeban Gurung
Most chinese think apple phone is luxury phone, u r right. Anyway i'm a fan of samsung android phones witch r resonsble n easy to use.

原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

Habibi Noor
I didn't get it, what happened to Huawei? In a really short period, slumped this much !?
And I also think that Apple forced CHINESE government to restrict Google services in China .


Visent Tou
US sanctions made Huawei unable to manufacture more smartphones. As smartphones in CN market upxes fast, new generation every half a year, Huawei’s old phones just couldn’t keep up with consumers’ expectations and became uncompetitive.


Habibi Noor
Visent Tou I don't think that's the main reason; Huawei products were made in China and they were banned from exporting to US; But what happened in their motherland ?


Visent Tou
Habibi Noor The ban was comprehensive, not just selling to the US. They restrict Huawei from using all technologies that developed with any US patent. That includes cameras, software, screens, and of course, chips and modems. Because chip fabricators inevitably use US-based technologies, most chip manufacturers are now unable to make chips for Huawei. Therefore Huawei is limited to Chinese homebrew chips, which are 10 years behind, and a few US-approved chips with limited functions, making it unappealing to the market.


10 yrs ago, the US's GDP was about 40% of the world's GDP. Today it's down to 24% and China's GDP takes up about 18%. At this rate, the US will no longer hold the richest country title in the near future, and this is very concerning to a lot of people outside the US, but ironically Americans don't seem to care that much.


Nicolau Poceiro
The data on the sales share chart is kind of outdated, 4 months old. The peak clearly reflected the introduction of the iPhone 13, I am pretty sure Apple is not the number one seller anymore now.
Huawei will bounce back big time, they will use their own chips, probably graphene-based ones. They are investing billions in research and development, they are working day and night, according to taxi drivers.
Apple profited big time from the political turmoil surrounding Huawei. Without that Huawei would be number one. And it will be again.
Also, a lot of Chinese companies are not moving production from China to India, but adding India as they expand globally.

销售份额图表上的数据有点过时,已经过期4个月了。这一高峰明显反映了iPhone 13的推出,我很确定苹果现在已经不再是第一大手机厂商了。

Sam S
Your analysis lacks the Cultural aspect, the Koreans copied the Japanese in manufacturing such as cars, T.V.s but trail-blazed smartphones. The Chinese have done this to Koreans and now companies like TCL, Huawei, Xiaomi, etc are outproducing Koreans. The Chinese stopped purchasing Samsung because they champion their country's companies regardless of price even if the phones were more expensive, the Chinese would always favor their own. In Japan, the Japanese don't purchase Korean phones or cars. Apple is a luxury brand like Louis Vuitton or BMW, it will always have strong market share because of its status.

原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

In the US, the phone cases also have a cutout so you can see the logo. This isn’t China exclusive

原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

People love it because our culture is obsessed with consumerism. Apple products are hardly luxurious, compared to other electronics. They don’t actually do anything that other products can’t do and are actually limited in many ways. Like on my android I could use two apps at once and use split screen, but my iPhone 11 doesn’t have this capability. Really people love iPhone due to its social factor, which is why they enjoy showing off that they own an apple product, because it’s all social performance.

人们喜欢它是因为我们的文化痴迷于消费主义。与其他电子产品相比,苹果的产品并不奢华,它们并没有做其他产品做不到的事情,而且实际上在很多方面都受到了限制。在我的安卓手机上,我可以同时使用两个应用程序并使用分屏功能,但我的iPhone 11没有这种功能。人们真正喜欢iPhone是因为它的社交因素,这就是为什么他们喜欢炫耀自己拥有一款苹果产品,因为这都是社交上的表现。

I’m not an apple hater. They make decent products. I currently own an Apple Watch, MacBook and iPhone. But I won’t go so far as to call them luxurious or better than the other r products out there. Apple is simply really good at social engineering. Most iPhone users have never even used an android device or they never used a high end android or a device more recent than 2012. It’s all vapid consumerism and nothing more


Currently in China... When Iphones first came out they were seen as a luxury good and people were showing them off. Phone cases would have a cut out so people could see the Apple logo and there were plenty of copy-cats. I was a huge Android fan until I moved to China. Partly because of the "great firewall" Android was not a good option. I had a Xiaomi phone as well, but the hardware just didn't last. I just bought an Iphone 13 yesterday and the customer support in China is really good. (Also there are plenty of repair shops that can fix Apple product more easily)

在中国...当iphone刚出来的时候,它被视为奢侈品,人们都在炫耀它。iphone的手机壳上会有一个缺口,这样人们就可以看到苹果的LOGO,而且当时市场上有很多iphone的模仿者。我是一个狂热的安卓粉丝,直到我搬到中国。部分原因是因为“墙”,这导致安卓不是一个好的选择。我也有一部小米手机,但硬件不耐用。我昨天刚买了一部iphone 13,它在中国的客户支持真的很不错(而且中国有很多维修店可以更容易地修理苹果的产品)。

Tony Tony
China is the future. there is no doubt. I am learning Chinese! Look at the top 10 power langauges: English, Spanish, French, Russian, Chinese, Japanese, German, Arabic, Hindu, Portuguese!

中国是未来,这一点毋庸置疑。我正在学习中文! 看看排名前十的强势语言吧:英语、西班牙语、法语、俄语、汉语、日语、德语、阿拉伯语、印度语、葡萄牙语!

Sloppy Toons
I left Shanghai in 2018, but I remember Samsung was a super popular phone there, surprised how quickly it disappeared.
I remember they were once selling a flagship android flip phone. Was almost 10 000 rmb. Only saw it in the shops.
Galaxy Notes and S was very common. That’s a massive market to lose.

Galaxy Notes和S在市面上非常普遍,这(对三星来说)是一个巨大的市场损失。

Alex Huh
nobody showing off iPhones in china nowadays. it was a thing between2010-2017, not anymore. now ppl talking about switching to domestic phones to avoid future sanctions like the West did to Russia


In 2018, Samsung market share in China is already “others”


Jacob Newman Lim
I remember backing in the early 10s, everyone around me were saying that Samsung usually get slow really fast and that they wouldn’t buy a Samsung as their next phone. I blame for lack of localisation (e.g. for mega apps like WeChat), early success+bad Android optimisation, note 7 incident as reasons behind the downfall for Samsung in China.


M@G@©0MMUN1$ M
i haven't seen manu people using Samsung in the last 6 years let alone 2018. it was big once but after 2015 they dropped dead


Mrutyunjaya Biswal
I greatly feel that the very first and main reason for Apple being even standing on it's feet,i.e.,the company's integral relationship with the govt,would at some point in future be the sole reason for the downfall (atleast in Cxhina).


One reason: Samsung is not regarded as a premium phone brand in China.


Cun Xu
It will be really hard for other brands in China to get the same premium reputation as Apple and Huawei


Karl Tanner
I had a Galaxy s2, was nice at first but ended up being the worst phone I ever had.
Tried again with the s5 and s9, good phones but lack of long term support meant they were obsolete 18 months after purchase. I’m sticking with Apple sadly for the time being.

我有一个三星Galaxy S2,一开始很不错,但最后却是我用过的有史以来最糟糕的手机。

Apple came to China at the time when old Android phones (Mostly Samsung) were suffering from long-term performance issues. iPhone quickly became popular despite its high price no only because it's reliable and endurance but also because Android are slow and laggy.
It's interesting that whenever I ask iPhone users around me why they love iPhones, they always give me the same answer - because Android are slow and quickly become laggy after a few months.


As a Chinese, I can tell you clearly that before NOTE7, my whole family used Samsung, and many people also use it outside. Samsung will perish because of the Note7 battery explosion, Samsung recalled worldwide (except China), on the grounds that the Chinese version does not use the same battery, it will not explode, it does sound very reasonable. But it turns out that most airlines and transports in China, prohibit the carrying of NOTE7 (regardless of which country's version). Then Samsung went downhill immediately, because both the note7 and Samsung fans would persuade people around them not to buy Samsung, and at that time Chinese brands themselves were on the rise (Huawei, Xiaomi, etc.), and finally Huawei, Xiaomi didn't need to work too hard , to get Samsung's market share.(To put it simply, except for Apple, other smartphones are not irreplaceable)

作为一个中国人,我可以清楚地告诉你,在NOTE 7之前,我们全家都在用三星手机,外面也有很多人在用它。三星之所以会消失是因为Note7的电池爆炸,三星在全球范围内进行了召回(中国除外),理由是中国版没有使用相同的电池,所以不会爆炸。虽然这听起来确实很有道理,但事实证明,中国的大多数航空公司和运输公司都禁止携带NOTE 7(不管是哪个国家的版本)。随后,三星马上开始走下坡路,因为NOTE 7事件以及三星的粉丝都会劝说身边的人不要再购买三星手机,而当时中国的手机品牌本身也在崛起(华为、小米等),最后华为、小米不需要太费力就拿走了三星的市场份额(简单地说,除了苹果,其他智能手机都不是不可替代的)。

If Apple run on android it would be like samsung as well. it is competition, the most intensive on earth. chinese brands offer much better value than samnsung but apple run a different os to carve out a separate market.

原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

Samuel Flg
simple answer: by Trump targeting Huawei. Basically the market share Huawei lost due to access to chips (TSMC 7nm), goes to Apple and Samsung, and especially Apple.
And of course, Apple must provide great customer service and products, as well as marketing to win this portion of market against dozens of competitors in the Chinese market.


原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

Cause, Apple invested 275 billion dollars in China in that past 5 years, lol. That's why.


Mahesh Pun
Sad to see the decline of Huawei, wasn't a big fan of them but at least they were much better than iPhone, I worry as other Chinese phone brands gets bigger, US can use the same security justifcation to employ sanctions.


Chika Mazri
Fun fact
Smartphone market share in these three countries
Japan: Apple, and other Japanese smartphone brand(unsuccessful outside of Japan)
SK: Apple, Samsung other SK smartphone brands(successful in a lot of countries except Japan and China)
China: Apple, Xiaomi, Huawei and other Chinese smartphone brands.(successful in a lot of countries except in SK and Japan)


The biggest reason is the rise of Chinese Android phones, already has Xiaomi, huawei, honor, oppo, vivo, redmi, etc. And meizu, meilan, Nubia etc. back then. And they're much much cheaper at the beginning, and better local ecosystem, better local operating system.
Samsung was just expensive and not really quality difference from the local brands phones really. They don't need Samsung or any other brand. Apple is just the other option.
And apple is doing well recently is mainly because the US trade wars and sactions.


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