不庆祝生日的 7 个理由(下)
2022-12-13 yjl0518 6451

As a younger version of myself, I used to enjoy my birthday and celebrating it. Now? Not really. I’ve had so many disappointments over the years and then through in the fact I get the blues after the day is over. I prefer a quiet day, without a fuss. Too many of those I had Loved are no longer here who used to celebrate my birthday so when my birthday does come around I feel especially sad and really missing them. I also try very hard not to focus on the number associated with my age. I honestly cannot believe how old I am! I totally enjoyed your post, Mabel.


Mabel Kwong
I am sorry to hear that your recent birthdays were disappointing. Those who are no longer here would probably be silently watching over you on your birthday, and a quiet day and birthday can be a meaningful.


My favorite: #7, recognizing that life is more than just the single day. I usually think of this in relation to those very expensive wedding events, the $10,000 (or more) wedding. The wedding day is exciting, to be sure, but then there’s all the Rest of One’s Life that you are building with the other person. Your mention of having a birthday that falls on a public holiday reminds me of my own situation, in which my mom and I share a birthday. And, it’s one month before the Christmas holiday, so the date gets somewhat overshadowed. I always thought it was kind of a nice thing that I was born on my mom’s birthday, and I also didn’t feel resentful or anything that I didn’t get my “own” birthday. But my sister, whose birthday is in August, told me recently she wished she’d had the birthday shared with my mom, that she’d liked to have felt that strong connection by birthday.


Mabel Kwong
It can be unusual to not celebrate a birthday because by celebrating, it’s an opportunity to have fun and probably do something out of the ordinary. But that can be any day but most days we are caught up in the routine…
Not every day you hear someone who shares the same birthday as their mum. It must be double the celebration if your friends and family celebrate the birthdays together…maybe two cakes at a time too


I also don’t like a fuss on my birthday, but it’s nice just to go out for lunch or dinner with my beloved hubby. If more family happen to be around, it can also be very enjoyable. This year, I’ll be in Johannesburg with our daughter for my birthday. She’s really excited about that and has booked dinner and a show, so I’ll be very spoilt.


Mabel Kwong
It does sound like you will be very spoilt for your upcoming birthday, Sylvia. I think we all like to be spoilt Hope it will be one to remember. Enjoy the food and show, and above all have a lot of fun


My birthday is on Valentine’s Day and even if I wanted to keep it low key, everyone remembers (and I mean everybody).
We celebrated my son’s birthday in a big way past year, but only with close friends and family. It was his first birthday and we wanted to make it special. Also, he proved to be a fighter on the day he was born when his heart rate dropped rapidly at birth and the doctors and nurses had to perform CPR for 7-8 min to revive him. And for that reason, it is quite the celebration of life and it is worth rejoicing. We will continue to make a big deal of his birthday because that is what parents do (and I don’t mean spending lots of money, I mean celebrating).


Mabel Kwong
That is amazing a lot of people reminder your birthday and that it’s on Valentine’s Day. Maybe when he grows up he will remember all these celebrations but more importantly, these moments with you and the family


I loved this post. Though I like to celebrate it, I don’t enjoy big celebrations. Birthdays to me, is a day to reflect upon life and myself a few questions, maybe over a small meal at my favourite restaurant. I love to celebrate it that way. This way I go into the next day rejuvenated.

原创翻译:龙腾网 http://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

Personally, I find it disingenuous that people should only decide to be nice to a person just because it’s their birthday; we should aspire to be nice to people all the time.


Mabel Kwong
You said it. We should be nice to people all the time. No excuses, and that will make the world a better place.


I’m glad to read this post. I always thought it was just me!! I relate to a lot of the reasons you say here that quite honestly it can be expensive to set out a big celebration and sometimes it isn’t what I personally want to do! Also, I’m more keen on treating my self to small things on a daily. ‘Your day can be celebrated any day.’ I love your wisdom. It’s a good call you make saying that psychologists have found the idea of pre planned happiness as not being particularly healthy!

原创翻译:龙腾网 http://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

Mabel Kwong
Treating yourself to small things every day can be such a lovely thing. In a way you make yourself special and important


It makes me nervous to be the center of attention and parties are not my thing. Simple greetings (and a family dinner, now that I have my own family) from loved ones and good friends are good enough for me.


Mabel Kwong
Quiet and simple is always something to be appreciated. Glad you appreciate the quiet moments, Imelda. Many more quiet ‘parties’ for you


Nihar Pradhan
I agree birthday have are important but over years we have attached meaning to this occasions and the occasions have acquired wings and have manifested in multiple ways…some of these we like but many we may not like, as rightly pointed out it is so much with our personality and the person we are…any of us are private person and we don’t like the big public announcement and celebration which invariably makes a statement, how big is the event and who all attended the celebration and how much better it was than the previous year and the publicity takes over the privacy that is so much a essential aspects of any birthday celebrations. Though it is good to get connected with as many people and check the durability and reliability of friendship and relationship, as if it is a litmus test for the relationship to prove whether they have the strength to stand the test of time.


I agree with social media it has become a public notification and you don’t know where all you have left the days on and it get flashed like a lightening speed all across the digital landscape and then you are overwhelmed and many times get lost in the wilderness of such clicks which many are forced to do as others have done and they don’t want to be left behind as they just do the wishes mechanically rather than any emotions attached. I also like the birthday to be private and limited and the best celebration is when I get to spend time with self and nobody to remind that I have grown older and one more year has passed by and nothing that I can do to arrest the passage of time in life. A day to reflect and muse the philosophy of life…


That’s the reality of life, we try to discover some solace by making that day count designing the celebrations around that special day. There are these good enough reasons as have been so craftily highlighted as including the aspect of spending extravagantly rather than using that money for a good cause which could be of our choice like donating to an orphanage or supporting a needy one or promoting any cause of our interest…these all goes a long way to build a saga in our life that connects the years of our birthday that comes year after year and we either go with the motion or make all these days adds up to make a much more meaningful story in our life the years to come…


Mabel Kwong
It was a quiet birthday this year, Nihar. Just the way I like it. So true that over the years we have attached meaning to occasions. Publicity takes over privacy…I like how you say it. Sometimes we feel like we have no control when we’re at a big party, be it our party or a party we go to. It is the test of time that will make us realise who are really there for us and who will actually show up when we really need it.
Again you are so spot on when you say social media flashes by us like lightning speed. We might also see one thing online at one moment, and completely forget about what we saw the next moment and move on to the next notification. Wishes can indeed be mechanical, not just insincere but sort of programmed. It is lovely to hear that you like spending time with yourself on milestone occasions and reflect on your philosophies…and maybe even come up with more thoughts of wisdom.


Nihar Pradhan
Indeed Mabel, with so much cacophony around us and so much of work at hand we are literally lost in the wilderness of disguised work. And we have became mechanically busy creatures and we are aping machines and we have managed to successfully do so, and have come close to behaving like machines and the classic irony is that machines have started imitating like human beings, and the role reversible is such an intriguing subject.
It so happens that we are forced into organising or joining a party on such occasions and at times it becomes asphyxiating and we desperately want the party to end and we want to come out and enjoy the true reflection with self, the quite moment and also being with very few close friends and spending a meaningful conversation…has much more to offer than the dance, music and the food in the party.


Mabel Kwong
Disguised work and disguised emotions are something that will inevitably hurt us all in the end. Machines can be useful to streamline tasks and make life easier. But that isn’t the best when it comes to human one-on-one interactions. As humans, we have emotions and that in itself is so unpredictable. The last thing many of us want is to be treated as a person to talk to because they are there for company and nothing more.
So true that reflection of self can have so much more to offer than a loud party. For extroverts, maybe they do prefer a party. But for the more low-key ones like you and I, reflection comes with the realisation of what’s important to us and what we really want. Sure, there will be food at a party but we can always bring our snacks to our own small and quiet get-togethers


Inside the Mind
I must say that all of your points are very valid. In fact, I feel the same way about the Christmas holidays.
There’s the pressure of decorating, organizing family events and of course money too spend for gifts.
I like my birthday because it’s my day and mine alone. I came from a family of 5. A birthday among so many was always a way to feel special. As an adult, I don’t feel that way now.

原创翻译:龙腾网 http://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

Mabel Kwong
There certainly is quite a bit of pressure when it comes to organising a celebratory occasion, especially when you are the only one organising it – can be quite a lot of juggling from getting the food to inviting the guests. Lovely to hear you enjoy your birthday when you were younger..


I understand, though there have been times when I’ve hated and times when I’ve loved having people pay attention to my birthday. I’m heading into my late 60s now As a child, I adored all the birthday cards and presents I got from family and friends, and as the years have gone by those have decreased. I think I now get about three or four cards a year, that tells me how fast time is passing and I don’t like that aspect of it.
The year that my mother died, I just wanted everyone to forget my birthday. I couldn’t focus on anything other than having lost her.


Mabel Kwong
Your mother’s passing sounded like a challenging time, but I am sure you and her have many memories together. It is nice that you still receive some cards each year, and you must be important to quite a few people around you. I do think it is something special when others remember your birthday and existence – it’s like you are made to feel special and feeling special or spoilt is usually a nice feeling


Hugh's Views and News
I’ve always disliked my birthday. I really don’t like all the fuss (which many seem to believe everyone should have), and I really dislike having ‘Happy Birthday’ being sung to me. It was fine when I was a child eating jelly and ice cream on my birthday, but not as I’ve got older. I don’t want to be reminded that I’m another year nearer by ‘best by’ date.
I’m kinda lucky in a way, as my birthday falls at Christmas time, so many people have their minds on other things, and not on my birthday. It sorta gets me off the hook. Also, usually when given a gift at Christmas, I’m told ‘this is your Christmas and birthday present.’ Doesn’t seem fair in a way, but I don’t mind.


Mabel Kwong
Ah, eating jelly and ice-cream as a kid for your birthday. It sounded like a treat back then. I also had memories of eating jelly during my birthday when I was a kid – blue jelly that my mother made. As we get older, I don’t think many of us like to be reminded of our mortality, or the fact that things – what we have and people around us – come and go in life.
Sounds like Christmas time is a great cover for your birthday. You can hide behind all the festive attention and treats…and blend into the background like you want too


It seems that I have a lot of company in feeling self-conscious around birthday celebrations. They sometimes seem to me that others ring or wish you a Happy birthday out of so kind of duty, or social convention, and they are not always sincere. So, like many others, the way I celebrate birthdays is with one or two friends and in that way, I have a reason to have a social engagement once a week for many weeks. For me, it is a way to catch up with people I might not otherwise get to see. The birthday is not the focus, it is only the reason to initiate the meeting. My children’s birthday are a very special day for me too, as I gave birth to them on that day and my life was forever changed in a wonderful way from that day forward, for better or worse, and that is a reason to celebrate too. My children do NOT like a fuss on their birthday, one of them from as early as 2 years old, instructed me that the family was NOT to sing Happy Birthday – he has social anxiety!! I genuinely want to make a fuss for them and make their day super special, however, I have learnt to respect that they can spend it anyway they want, even NOT to acknowledge it at all.

原创翻译:龙腾网 http://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

Mabel Kwong
‘kind of duty, or social convention, and they are not always sincere’. You summed up how I feel about birthdays, Amanda. But I do agree on you how a birthday or having a social convention a week is to meet people and catch up with them – that is maintaining connections. Life is always more interesting with others around, even for us who are introverts or with anxiety.
Your children sound like they know what they want, lol. It is nice of you to want to make them feel special on their special day and do so in your way that makes them comfortable – and I guess at the end of the day they appreciate it.


I think many of your ideas about celebrating birthdays are very sound. I, too, believe that these Happy Birthday wishes are not always sincere. Very fine blog.


Mabel Kwong
So hard to tell these days if birthday wishes are sincere. I suppose if you know the person well, then maybe.


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