2022-12-17 兰陵笑笑生 9080

Why are white residents-only towns booming in the 'Rainbow Nation' of South Africa?


Jan Minnie
Lives in Cape Town (2015–present)
Because we as white people accept that we have to work for what we want. We dont expect the government to give us everything we want. We throw our trash in the bin not beside it. We pay for services even when we dont get any. We are proud of our white heritage and prefer to live in a clean environment, so we keep our neighbourhoods clean when the Municipality does not do what we pay them for. We dont take stuff that belongs to someone else even when it is lieing unattended. We dont blame the world for what happened in history. We get on with it and make the best life we can. History is history tomorrow is where we can make a difference so we concentrate on that. We dont expect handouts we know we have to create our own future , and dont ask someone else to create it for us. We are forced to make our own destiny and work toward it for ourselves even when government legislation forces us to give 50% of our businesses away. So we make a plan and carry on as individuals so we dont have to GIVE anything away. Our officials are held accountable and in most cases do not steal the money supposed to be used for the benefit of the community. So our towns work even though its an upward battle to keep them out of the hands of the thieving ANC cadres.


Charles Auzenne
When blacks start moving into nice neighborhoods the neighborhoods go to shit that happened to the two Towers in San Francisco by Geneva it used to be real nice place to live . Then black started moving there because of section 8 and white people started moving out and it all went to shit


Chris Glista
When my parents got married in 1951 the lived in the north end of Hartford, CT. Very nice neighborhood. They moved out in 1960. The Blacks started to move in and most of the Whits moved out.
The north end is now the most crime ridden, drug infested part of the city.


Val V
Can you please be a bit more specific? Are you also referring to the millions of hard-working, God-fearing, law-abiding, and civic-minded “Blacks” across the world? There’s a big difference. Please make the distinction.
I’m what society would call “Black” and live in a multi-racial southern US community, where many “Blacks”, “Whites”, Asians, etc. live in harmony. And by the way, it’s what even you would call a nice place to live. There’s many other communities like it.
Stop stereotyping an entire group of people just because of skin color. It’s tiresome and sinful.
Just like not all “Whites” are murderous, hateful, arrogant thieves. Not all “Blacks” are lazy, welfare-loving, violent thugs.

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Michael O'Kelly
I live in a previously white neighborhood in South Africa for the past 35 years. Both my neighbors are black now. One is a lawyer. Can I send you photographs of what it looks like in front of their yards? Compared to what it looks like in front of mine? They are the ones damaging the reputation of your race, not me.


Chris Glista
Why are most of the poorest, most crime and drug infested cities mostly inhabited by minorities ?


Jim Thurston
I was under the impression that in South Africa, whites are the minority.


Jan Minnie
We are very much the minority. 2,7million whites,57million blacks.


Reading this feels a little like my hometown of Chicago, a great but challlenged city. One point - the term “minorities” applied to people not hailing from Europe is soon to be a misnomer in the US. The White/ European population is now barely a majority in the US, and many apparently no longer think it’s worth their time to raise a family. A low birthrate combined with “deaths of despair” pushes down the percentage every year. My obxtion to the use of the word “minorities” is because I think it is contributing to the masking of this problem. Instead of acknowledging the data, all we hear about is “white privilege”, “white supremacy” etc..


Janet Bourque
Would you and your associates please move to America? We could use you.


Jan Minnie
Janet we all would if we could afford it. But! with an exchange rate of 17 to 1 It is NOT possible. Most of our children have left to find a better and safer life elsewhere, and we are left behind to watch the steady decline in chaos and famine.


Gary Richards
So sad to read this Jan. I worked with a guy who had brought his family to Scotland to feel safe.
Did what you describe start under Mandela, who I always thought to be a cause of good changes, or has it all come about since his retirement /death?


Shahieda Khan
Mandela was good to his people. He made sure blacks got shares in companies He laid the foundation of BBBEEE. A black empowerment movement that allows a certain amount of blacks to be employed irrespective if they can do the job or not. He implemented that lucrative packages be granted to workers to retire from their jobs, making way for blacks to fill the positions. During his time in office, they already started to neglect to do regular maintenance. Our true qualified and experienced work force left our shores. More blacks must be enrolled into universities than any other race. More blacks must be employed than any other race. A black owned company are allowed to have black only staff members but none other race are allowed too. Is this Democracy? Mandela was no angel. People use his name to enrich themselves.


Craig Langman
Mandela prevented civil war and it wouldn't have only been white vs black, It would've been black on black too. Other than that read Shahiedas reply. They don't like Indians either. But blacks aren't Racist it's xenophobia BS.


Craig Rosa
My Brother a qualified Diesel mechanic and his wife a Maths & Science High school teacher did that and They WOULDN'T recognize their qualifications,even though they both have decades of experience in South Africa and New Zealand!She had to totally redo her degree which took years while my brother worked at a tyre shop where they kept calling him to the mechanical workshop side to solve problems the American mechanics couldnt do!They of course exploited him and continued to pay him as a tyre fitter until he had enough and quit!

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Piet Hein
Old story. After the WW2 many highly qualified Europeans wanted to emigrate to the USA. They all spoke English but were refused entry because the did not have a 1,00,000 US$ deposit. Germans who had fought against the USA however were welcomed with open arms. Such is life in reality.


David Blyth
My eldest daughter and her husband moved to the USA around 2002, have established themselves with their own family and are flourishing
Thanks for the welcome - I felt welcome when I visited there


Linda Mack
And this Community Conduct should be in everyone who wants to be better by doing better. It's not just White People there are plenty Black People that are proud of being part of a great Community. We work hard and deserve a clean decent place to live. No handouts or hand ups. If people are poor and less fortunate, they still should do everything to keep their property clean and have respect for themselves. I see depression in White and Black Communities where they just don't care. It's heartbreaking.

原创翻译:龙腾网 转载请注明出处

Mike Smith
Would love you guys in the uk. Desperately need decent people like you with a work ethic. We get 40% Albanian criminals in boats and the rest free loaders after free stuff.


Jerom Watson
Two of the many postive attributes of White
people is our resiliance!
And we adapt!


Chimuga Ramafatlha
This is nothing but a racist ranting. Where have you seen whites doing things for themselves here in South Africa? You mention that people want handouts and freebies. You're just disappointed that most blacks are not employed by you anymore. You talk as if whites don't commit crime when we know very well that you do. How many whites are now rich because of the apartheid corruption let alone the Tinder scammers. It is just unfortunate that some people within the ANC had resorted to bread and butter politics that is detrimental to the financial well-being of majority of the citizens. Is it only indigenous African people that are receiving grants in South Africa? Look at the statistics before answering me and I am sure that you will be shocked. It's lucky that the perpetrators of corruption are facing the might of the law. You're one of the people that were voting for segregation government and are bitter because Africans are in charge of their affairs in Africa. We will never have a true rainbow nation when there are still racists like you that grasp any opportunity to bad mouth our country. You're allowed to leave the country and allow those that are interested in building the country in peace. I cherish the idea of a free and democratic South Africa where all races live in peace.


Jan Minnie
There we go again. Out comes the race card. If you all had the courage to admit that you are the problem and not history, Africa would not be the mess it is! NO MOST BLACKS ARE UNEMPLOYED> AND MOST ARE UNEMPLOYABLE BECAUSE THE ANC HAVE NOT EDUCATED THEM PROPERLY!! How many blacks are now Rich because of BEE? at the expense of their own people?I suggest you DO LOOK at the Statistics!! What Might and what Law?? Who is facing it? NO I am disappointed at the way Africans have taken charge and turned a perfectly viable option, (ANC rule)into a complete mess of corruption and lawlessness! My bud I am not grasping at an opportunity to bad mouth our country the news of what is going on, leaves no need to grasp at anything.


Its all there to see hear and experience. Who exactly in your race are interested in building the country? If you and your buddies had done the job required there would not be any need to build the country! it was built already, all you had to do was take over and run it properly NOT steal all the money, build houses for the homeless that don't fall apart, educate the masses, and create jobs with the existing businesses. Not threatening to Expropriate without compensation, not rape and kill more women and children than any other country in the world including countries at war!! Not pull the race card and blame apartheid for all your shortcomings and forget about your tribe and accept everyone as equals, then and only then will everyone be able to REBUILD a once great country into an even greater country.

你的种族中究竟有谁对建设好国家感兴趣?如果你和你的伙伴们都完成了所需要做的工作,这个国家就不需要建设了!因为它已经建成了,你们要做的就是接管并妥善管理它,而不是盗窃所有的钱。要为无家可归者建造不会倒塌的房子,教育大众,并与现有的企业一起创造就业机会。不要威胁无偿征用,不要强奸和杀害比世界上任何其他国家(包括战争中的国家)更多的妇女和儿童!! 不要打种族牌,把所有的缺点都归咎于种族隔离制度,忘记你的部落,平等地接受每个人,然后也只有这样,大家才能把一个曾经伟大的国家重新建设成一个更加伟大的国家。

Do yourself a favour and stand in front of the mirror and honestly ask yourself WHY is SA in such a mess. Why are more Black professionals leaving SA than Whites?(Stats) Why are 85% of the sewerage works in SA not working, WHY are towns and municipalities RUN by the DA the only ones working? Why are the towns and municipalities run by the DA the only ones with Clean Audits every year??? How many highways has the ANC gov build since coming to power? How many Dams, How many power stations that work? Then ask yourself what has been destroyed since you and your brethren have taken over…Let me enlighten you.


DENEL WAS one of the most successful arms manufacturers in the world, bringing in billions to the SA government, ESKOM was voted the most successful and best run power utility in the world in 1988, unemployment in SA was 15% in 1992, at present we are sitting at 37% . Drop the race card bud and sort out your shit. The world has had enough of Africans blaming history instead of sorting out their crap. Just look North and you will see the future of SA. Its not pretty.


Bakgalaka Ba Borwa
All the best guys, all the best.
White people value relationships to things, they want to own and control.
Our African culture values relationships with people, we want to treat everyone as equals.
Now this is where our conflict with European culture comes in as I see it. Having said that though, I believe there are disciplines we can learn from and about you.
To show that you are not committed to this continent, you send you kids back to Europe when the going gets tough. Enjoy.
African leaders are behaving the way they do because there is an incentive that meets their needs. They are also not committed to this continent.


Jan Minnie
Dear Mr Bakgalaka Ba Borwa, we dont send our kids away when the going gets tough, we send them away because we don’t want to bury our children! Have you seen the latest stats on murder rape and abuse of kids in South Africa. As a matter of fact you may want to know that there are more black families leaving SA than white.

亲爱的Bakgalaka Ba Borwa先生,我们不会在困难的时候送走我们的孩子,我们送走他们是因为我们不想埋葬我们的孩子。你有没有看到关于南非谋杀、强奸和虐待儿童的最新统计数据?事实上,你可能想知道的一个数据是,离开南非的黑人家庭比白人多。

Ali Adel Hashim
I’m not from Africa I can tell you for factually examining history that the white race thinks it superior from a historical perspective but only dating back 800–900 years. If you think about it all skin colors were slaves at one point or another. For example Jewish people that’s descended from issac and Arabic decedents that descended from ismali were all olive skin with dark hair and dark features. Not to get to my point the reason white towns are booming in South Africa is because they have resources and help from outside nations that the black people of Africa don’t have. The fact that Africa on repeat has outsiders come in and try to colonize it and outsources all the natural resources has had a major affect on the advancement of the continent. If skin color didn’t matter the world would be in a much better place than it is now!

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The Saracen
I’ve been to many places where most people are “white” there are areas that are dirty, violent, trash everywhere and there are also clean areas. You claiming your skin tone and European heritage makes you all these good things you claim is ridiculous and dillisional and you know it. If you have such contempt for Africans leave Africa. They don't need to forget something that happened in their lifetime ,the horror they faced in their own land by invaders. I'm surprised they've let you stay after the evil treatment they faced.


Jan Minnie
oh realy, which places have you been to that look like you describe?
it's no good telling fibs on this forum. you have obviously never been to SA


The Saracen
I never claimed to have been to SA. I have been to places with majority “whites”, places where there are no others to point the fingers at in parts of Europe, USA and Britain and Ireland. Clearly you haven't travelled much yourself. Your dillisional if you think having pink skin means your automatically law abiding and clean! What Europeans have done to people across Africa and continue to do is heartbreaking and evil. Why don't you go back to Europe instead of turning your nose up at the people you stole from and oppressed?


J Ak
This answer is a 1950’s justification for jim crow laws. So sad not to even recognize your own misguided world view. For every ‘clean white town’ I can show you community of meth snorting white washouts and thieves. No not every black town is a shit hole and not every white town a paradise.

这个答案(一楼)是 1950 年代的时候对吉姆克劳法的辩护。你甚至不承认自己被误导的世界观,真是可悲。对于每一个"干净的白人城镇",我都可以向你展示吸食冰毒的白人洗劫者和小偷社区。不是每个黑人城镇都是粪坑,也不是每个白人城镇都是天堂。

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