2022-12-21 jiangye111 8129
Call for wealth tax as UK billionaire numbers up by 20% since pandemic
-‘Sudden explosion of billionaire wealth’ at the expense of the rest of society is ‘grossly unjust’, says Equality Trust


(The Equality Trust said the number of UK billionaires had increased from 147 in 2020 to 177 this year.)


The number of UK billionaires has increased by a fifth since the onset of the Covid pandemic, according to a report calling for a progressive wealth tax to tackle rising inequality amid the cost of living crisis.


The Equality Trust charity said interventions by governments and central banks during the pandemic allowed for an “explosion of billionaire wealth” in Britain at the expense of the rest of society, after fuelling a boom in property values and on the stock market.


At the onset of the global health emergency three years ago, the Bank of England and other big central banks around the world crashed interest rates to zero and pumped billions of pounds into financial markets through their quantitative easing bond-buying programmes. Aimed at softening the edges of the worst recession in three centuries by supporting businesses, households and governments with lower borrowing costs, the report found the policies also helped inflate asset prices, helping to line the pockets of wealthy investors.


The Equality Trust said this had contributed to the number of UK billionaires increasing from 147 in 2020 to 177 this year, with the median billionaire now holding about £2bn.


“This sudden explosion in extreme wealth was in large part due to measures aimed at lessening the impact of Covid-19 on the economy, as central banks pumped trillions of dollars into financial markets, leading to a stock market boom which effectively lined the pockets of shareholders,” Jo Wittams, co-executive director of the Equality Trust, said in a report published on Monday.

原创翻译:龙腾网 http://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

“While Covid-19 saw billionaire wealth rise to levels never seen before, the construction of the economic infrastructure that has enabled this mass accumulation stretches back over the last four decades.”


The report found that the number of billionaires in the UK had risen more than tenfold from 15 in 1990, when the Sunday Times first published its Rich List, after taking into account inflation over that time period.

原创翻译:龙腾网 http://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

Using inflation-adjusted wealth data from archive copies of the Rich List, it said the combined wealth of Britain’s billionaires had risen from £53.9bn in 1990 to more than £653bn in 2022. “This represents an increase in billionaire wealth of over 1,000% over the past 32 years,” the report said.


“That we have allowed the very richest few to accrue such a staggering amount of the nation’s wealth since 1990 is a national disgrace,” Wittams said. “The UK’s record on wealth inequality is appalling, grossly unjust, and presents a real threat to our economy and to our society.


“Every year we are invited to celebrate the very richest individuals and families in the UK, while food bank usage continues to increase, 3.9 million children are living in poverty and 6.7m households struggle to heat their homes. That these are two sides of the same coin is very rarely mentioned.”

原创翻译:龙腾网 http://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

Wittams said inequality did not have to be inevitable. “The right policies can have a positive impact,” she said. “We call on the government to tax wealth in line with incomes, reform the financial sector and end the UK’s role in tax avoidance. Two-thirds of the British public agree that ordinary working people do not get their fair share of the nation’s wealth and it is time the government took action.”

原创翻译:龙腾网 http://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

Tax equality campaigners claim the government could raise up to £37bn to help pay for public services if it introduced a string of wealth taxes.


Tax Justice UK has called on the government to introduce five tax reforms targeting the very wealthy, who the campaign group said had done “really well financially” during the coronavirus crisis and national lockdowns, rather than seek to save money with further cuts to public services.


“Tax is about political choices. At a time when most people are being hit hard by the cost of living crisis it would be wrong to cut public services further,” said Tom Peters, Tax Justice UK’s head of advocacy. “The wealthy have done really well financially in the last few years. The chancellor should protect public spending by taxing wealth properly.”


The campaign group, which is calling for a “fairer tax system that actively redistributes wealth to tackle inequality”, suggests five wealth tax reforms.


The measures include equalising capital gains tax with income tax, scrapping the non-dom regime and introducing a 1% tax on super-rich people’s assets over £10m – which, they claim, could raise £10bn on its own.


borezGeordie in London
We need a massive shake up of the tax system towards the rich and super rich no doubt, it's absolutely obvious to most people that inequality is running out of control. Thing is though, the people with the money have so much political ( both inside and out ) and media influence that it's just not going to happen, or it'll be happen on such as superficial level that it'll make little difference to the growing issues.
Pretty much sleight of hand economics for want of a better phrase.
We need a government who can remove the influence, change and enforce the rules and actually do the job needed. That's what really needs to happen.
Tories need outing first though.


It’s not individuals that are the problem. It’s businesses. Businesses have so many ways to avoid paying tax it’s mind boggling we let it happen. Imagine if you and I could just not pay tax on the expenses that are essential for us to exist. I.e. food, transport, accommodation, utilities. There’d almost be nothing left to pay taxes on, which is how businesses pay tax.
That’s not going to change any time soon, but at the very least the focus should be on how to squeeze businesses out of loopholes and pay tax fairly rather than on individuals.


It not just about tax they could pay. It's about tax they should pay.
Estimates are that £80bn a year of taxes are avoided in the UK.
Imagine an extra £80bn a year to spend on the NHS, schools, hospitals and services. It'd transform Britain.
There's one party, for absolute sure, that will never address this problem and that's the one in government now.


According to the article, there are 177 billionaires in the UK. So to raise £80bn they would need to be paying an average of £500m each. Every year.
Nobody is going to pay half a billion pounds in tax for the pleasure of living in the UK. It isn't going to happen.
They will either find other loopholes, or leave.
You might be of the opinion that we would be better off without them. Maybe. But don't try to pretend that we will ever see £80bn in taxes from them.


You're assuming that the £80bn comes only from the 177 billionaires.
It doesn't.
For example, HMRC let Vodafone off £6bn in tax not so many years ago. How many other companies and individuals have cut cosy little deals with this government?
There's plenty of opportunity to recover a sizeable proportion of the £80bn but trying to make excuses for those not doing so is a sure way of it not happening.


Taxation for the ultra wealthy across the planet needs to somehow be based of the increase of their "worth" not income as the don't have traditional "incomes" that trigger taxation.
Net worth specifically but which is difficult for many reasons, chiefly as the wealthy have options to take loans out against assets and you don't pay taxes on debt.
The ultra wealthy pay donations or just plain old bribes to law makers to ensure the system and rules that make them wealthy stay in place to keep them wealthy.
The system is rigged.
However I am no expert on tax law, just an interested party and my explanation is very rough and probably flawed.
Overall I don't know how to go from where we are to something else with out horrible harmful revolutions and the likely societal collapse that will follow.
And most people who have comfortable lives don't want to deal with that.


I certainly don't see an issue with aligning capital gains to your tax bracket. If you're happy living here paying that level of tax on income then also paying it on capital gains shouldn't really be a deal breaker. Or at least add a third tier so it's 10%, 20% 30%.
The problem though is when you start talking about taxing assets. Assets are not money. They are paid with by money that should have already been taxed or inherited and thus should have already been taxed.
There is also a school of thought to tax unrealised capital gains on assets. This is very silly because you have to do it fairly. If the economy or parts of it have a very bad time you can end up with significant unrealised capital losses, especially in the housing market where capital gains tax is already 28%.
If you're going to tax people on unrealised capital gains you also have to then rebate them for unrealised capital losses. This would be an absolute nightmare if we ever have another 2008 or something similar.


chef_26 310
I do think it’s a reasonable moment to assign a windfall for wealth valuations above a value and tax 20% of it for social good.
The problem is getting hold of that number and enforcing it because huge amounts of these values are not personal assets, they are business, trust and offshore assets. To actually make this work a windfall tax on ultimate beneficiaries would need to made legal


I’d push for a system which allows for zero excess profits on utilities. For the good of almost everyone.

原创翻译:龙腾网 http://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

Taxing 20% of wealth above a certain level isn’t sustainable and would cause a run on assets which would collapse the value of pensions etc.
Tax 20% of someone who has a billion for example would require tax payments of £200m per year and the wealth would entirely deplete over a fairly short period (dependent on rate of growth). Fair enough their billionaires and billionaires are immoral, right? Well, yeah but billionaires are stupid and will just live in any of the 200 odd states recognised by the UN that tax significantly less.
So how much should a wealth tax charge? Heuristic is that you can sustainably withdraw 5% of assets a year without running them down because average annual gains should cover this. Taxing at this level has some chance of buy-in.
Basically wealth taxes are a great idea but need to be really carefully planned and marketed, because exceptionally wealthy people have choices over where they live, school their children, place their money etc. we have a lot going for as a country and people place great value on living here, key to to find out what level of wealth tax will be willing to be beared. Even a 3% wealth tax above a certain asset level would bring in significant new tax revenues.


The problem is that wealth taxes, depending on how they are constructed, tend to be incredibly difficult to administer and tend not to raise as much, over the long term, as you'd expect or hope. Among economists, this tends to be one of the biggest sticking points. Indeed, when asked, around 80 percent of surveyed economists made this exact point with regard to Warren's wealth tax proposal. Furthermore, there are questions as to whether a wealth tax is the best policy tool; this is not a given. Indeed those same surveyed economists believed that reforms to capital gains tax would be far more effective in achieving the same goals. Aligning capital gains tax to income tax would probably do a lot and wouldn't require the same extensive changes to capacity that is needed for a wealth tax.


This won't work as long as the City of London remains a tax haven. It'll just be another tax on the majority that the rich avoid.
And London won't stop being a tax haven since it's one of the few actual profitable areas of our economy.


And London won't stop being a tax haven since it's one of the few actual profitable areas of our economy.
And this is really the elephant in the room. The UK has been in decline since the fall of the Empire. We've been propped up by some ... dubious industries, like Big Finance and Arms dealing.
We're not all that great on natural resources, or productivity generally. We've got some great trade options, but ... only if we don't keep sabotaging our relationships with trade partners.
But I don't think we can afford to lose the oligarch money from our economy, even if they don't pay much tax.


It seems like the wealth gap is only getting wider and it's not sustainable to have such a concentration of wealth in the hands of a few. A wealth tax could be a great way to redistribute some of that wealth and help fund important public services like healthcare and education. Plus, it's not just about income - wealth is also about assets and property, and a wealth tax would ensure that those who have accumulated a lot of wealth contribute their fair share.


The problem is that the media is complicit.
It's no secret many media companies are owned by the same umbrella group. Their coverage of the disparity in wealth is minimal. It's all "royal family, migrant and brexit" nonesense.
No accountability of CEO's, MP's or social issues.


France tried this and they all moved, some to the UK. They buy one Mclaren and it has more VAT then most people pay tax for the entire year.
If you eat the rich, they won't be buying Mclarens and can quite easily move to Monaco or any other country.


A wealth tax is tricky to implement. Transactions define a value to be taxed, but just having wealth doesn't really define how much of it there is, in terms of money.
This is why progressively taxing income is so important. The idea is to prevent these dragon hoards, because taxing and distributing them is more difficult than having a violent revolution with all the horror that comes with one. The dragons have the power and will resist any attempt to reduce their wealth.


Why just billionaires? Those are likely to leave as fast as you approve that law, anyway. Argentina has a wealth tax that begins at USD 33k or so. You can progressively tax wealth that way and you're likely to collect more since those people are unlikely to have the means to leave altogether.

原创翻译:龙腾网 http://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

Our current PM is super fucking rich and entitled and our government has got a long track record of doing things without the public voting on it. So this will never happen


Billionaires have choices where they live. They can easily move to a different country if their current country gets too aggressive with tax burden.


It’s disgusting. We need a revolution. How can a ceo earn millions and millions. Rise up people!


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