2022-12-24 yzy86 12140


The casualization of the Western wardrobe has been going on for decades, and I definitely am not suggesting some sort of return to 1900-1950's fashion where you have to wear a suit or long dress every day.
However, the hyper-casual nature of post-2019 fashion is going way too far imo. I think it's a real shame that adults have regressed our standards to match those of children/teenagers. If you're 30+, you shouldn't be wearing the same things as a 13yo.


It's now commonplace for people to wear street clothes into work. I see teachers at school wearing jeans and a t-shirt, people showing up to an office in a hoodie and distressed denim, and wearing beanies and caps indoors. You go to a public building like the mall, library, museum, etc. and you'll find people in pajamas!
I would strongly encourage anyone (especially if you're over ~25-30) to reflect upon your wardrobe and the message you're projecting.


showing up to an office in a hoodie and distressed denim
I see you went to a startup on formal mondays


Put one of those bolo tie things on the draw strings.


It's what happens when you charge more than $200 for a hoodie-- people get confused and think it's formal wear.
Also to OP: you think people have extra money to spend on clothes? Jeans and tshirt culture means I can get a work outfit at a thrift store.


I legit have dress hoodies.
I spent a decade in law firms. I am now at a startup.
I wear jeans and hoodies. And have a closet full of suits I will never wear again.


I was a finance bro my entire life, now my suits are basically rental units for my friends who want to look nice for stuff
Except sext few. Those are...special to me


We had a guy show up for a job interview in a hoodie. It turned out he was a damn good programmer, so we hired him. No regrets.


I am wearing my dress flippyfloppies. Specifically purchased to go with my dress hoodie for work.
Op sucks


That's literally everyone at my company from President on down. Not a start-up. One of the largest energy conservation companies in the US.
Edit: The company helps with the design of new buildings such that they will be as energy efficient as possible, or help building owners retrofit older buildings to be more energy efficient. We typically work with state governments.


I believe you lol..not sure why it would be funny to see my CEO in a hoodie and jeans. He probably dressed like that when he went to FSU, twenty years before I did.

原创翻译:龙腾网 http://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

I'm an engineer in the power sector. Our high level execs wear polos. I just recently made the bottom rung of upper management and during what was probably my last time in the office a younger employee of mine asked me why I was dressed like Zuck. Gray hoody, plain T, jeans, and tennis shoes. Damn it. Then he insisted I blx. I'll still occasionally put on a dress shirt and slacks for certain in person meetings. But the only time I've worn a tie for work was when I was testifying.


My old company's rule was "wear clothes when customers are present." The number of times I saw barefoot men at the urinal...


I'm a swim instructor for kids 4mo on up.
It'll be a cold day in hell you'll find me in business casual freshly done marinating in chlorine after 6 hours.
I'll stick to wearing sweats or easier attire in and out when I go to work.
OP has to remember not every lifestyle can allow for nice attire.
My bf is a mechanic, you will not catch him in nice jeans, every pair ends up a work pair after while.
A dress shirt and a pair of clean jeans? Maybe on the holidays or a event set up ahead of time.
Now spread those two perspectives across how many more millions of jobs out there that it's not practical, just in America alone.
It's only unpopular because we value comfort and accept that not always someone can dress nice, besides, looks don't follow you to the grave.


These are my dress flip-flops.


hahaha I wore flip flops to accept my master's degree because my real shoes broke walking to the arena. yup, giant robe, Hogwarts hood, and flops!


I’ll top this. With my father, about 50 years ago, we had just gotten off a plumbing job, and went straight from there to a funeral. It was as good as the day we went to a restaurant straight from a fishing trip, and we heard a woman comment about smelling fish. Yes, I’m proud to say I helped start the trend. Living in Florida, and shopping Walmart, I feel at home.


You win! Funerals are just shitty, right?
Lady shoulda paid extra to smell the fish at a restaurant in Florida! That's culture!
The best part about my flip flops + MS robe is the professional photo they have you take before walking to accept. I should probably order the full-body and get it frxd!


I wore sandals to get my high-school diploma. It was so hot in the gym. I had a button-down shirt, nice pants and shoes to wear but it ended up being sandals, gym shorts and a white t-shirt under my gown. This was 1999, though, so I fancy myself a bit of a trendsetter....


I wore a tank top and a pair of Daisy Dukes under my robe when I walked in 1990. No way I was getting dressed up for that.


I never understood the point! You're wearing a goddam robe for fucks sake! No one took pictures of what you were wearing underneath!


well, it kinda depends what you do afterwards. If family from away come to see you get your degree and want to go out to lunch afterwards, if your boss throws a happy hour party like mine did, there comes a time to ditch the robe. And in my case, semi formal dress and flip flops hahaha.
TBF though, I don't think I dressed up at all for the high school graduation. It wasn't as big of a deal.


But what house are you in? That's the real question.


Griffindor, of course! And engineering.


My wife wore flip flops at our wedding.


I wore flip-flops at my high school graduation.


When I lived in Hawaii, I had a pair of beach flip flops, and dress flip flops. A fancy leather pair that I didn’t take on the beach.


I pretty much have only worn athleisure since covid. OP is just mad that we’re comfortable


I'm a process engineer, I'm in my office or meetings like 80% of the time. I'd qualify that as an "office job".
I'm also on the floor qualifying new process and sometimes have to fix production machines when something goes really wrong. Fuck wearing nice clothes, that shit getting ruined no matter what.
If the company isn't giving me a clothing stipend to replaced ruined stuff they can shut their traps and live with my t-shirts and carhartts.

(译注:Carhartt 以工作服闻名,如夹克、外套、工作服、背心、衬衫、牛仔裤、工裝裤、防火服和狩猎服)

Office jobs have moved from busines, to business casual to casual for a reason. It doesn’t impact performance, results in unnecessary waste (having to buy two wardrobes, one of which often requires dry cleaning), and generally requires you to feel uncomfortable for 12 hours while working.
Yes, it’s uncomfortable to button up to the top bottom and wear a tie because collars are supposed to be snug. Too much space and it looks sloppy.
I’d rather focus on my work than focus on how I look.


I think this is why it's honestly happened.
Businesses realized that casual workers made more money.
Probably started with "casual fridays" where you could wear what you wanted.
They probably looked at the numbers.... saw a serious spike in productivity, and were like ..... "huh"


Exactly. I’m not only more productive when I’m comfortable, I’m a hell of a lot more pleasant to work with.


My hoodie has buttons, so it's business casual.


If a hoodie has buttons wouldn’t it be a hooded cardigan?


"I miss the good old days when people judged you based on the strength of your handshake and the quality of your shoes. Nothing indicates maturity like wearing stuffy, uncomfortable clothing that you hate to impress people you hate."
God forbid people can be comfortable while going about their lives.


I do think we underdo clothing though.
Bring back capes! Wear an audacious coat! What about a sash? Or a very tall hat? Possibly some decorative chains? A shawl?
Let's see some fucking variety!
Also: men's fashion is trash and I weep for straight girls. Fix that shit guys. Dress like a fantasy character. Or a pirate. You want your lady to dress like a slutty witch just cause it's Tuesday? Try to one-up her, make it a contest.


If you go to a city with a big enough port sometimes the Salvation Army will have navy dress capes.


Most military people won't care about you wearing surplus gear as long as you're not wearing rank/insignia/etc. If the OP is military, he definitely will care though.


Id agree if you were talking about everyone wearing sweatpants all he time, but jeans are ok in most situations.

原创翻译:龙腾网 http://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

As a school teacher referenced, I’d like to ask the OP to do a day in a long dress and a day in the tshirt/jeans combo and then tell me which is more “appropriate” for project based learning with 9 year olds.


Seriously. I worked at a school where I had to wear dress clothes and dress shoes daily. I’d walk about 5 miles a day at the school in those shoes. Ow.
The next school I worked at didn’t care what kind of shoes you wore as long as they were clean and was much more casual about what you wore. It was so much better.


No job should require those uncomfortable shoes. I still remember when restaurants would dictate heels for waitresses, that is just unjustified.
I understand safety regulations for footwear, like steel toes for some jobs, grippy soles for others. But beyond that it's your feet and only you know what feels best on them.


This is exactly the type of person who sees something they want to do but dissuades themselves because it’s “too childish”. The best part about being an adult is doing what makes you happy (within reason). Few things more childish than worrying what is adult enough to enjoy


"When I became a man I put away childish things, including the fear of childishness and the desire to be very grown up.” C.S. Lewis

(回)“当我成为一个男人时,我收起了那些孩子气的东西,包括对幼稚的恐惧和对非常成熟的渴望”——C.S. 刘易斯(译注:英国作家,《纳尼亚传奇》作者)

'Critics who treat 'adult' as a term of approval, instead of as a merely descxtive term, cannot be adult themselves. To be concerned about being grown up, to admire the grown up because it is grown up, to blush at the suspicion of being childish; these things are the marks of childhood and adolescence. And in childhood and adolescence they are, in moderation, healthy symptoms. Young things ought to want to grow. But to carry on into middle life or even into early manhood this concern about being adult is a mark of really arrested development. When I was ten, I read fairy tales in secret and would have been ashamed if I had been found doing so. Now that I am fifty I read them openly. When I became a man I put away childish things, including the fear of childishness and the desire to be very grown up.'


TL;DR - Growing old is mandatory, growing up is optional.


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