2022-12-26 兰陵笑笑生 17781
Sick of hearing about how Asia is "the most racist place in the world," where do people keep getting this from??


"Repeat a lie enough times and it becomes the truth."


Cause you know, it were Asian countries that enslaved countless blacks, asians, American natives, and used racism as a weapon against every their enemy (Chinese exclusion act, concentration camps for Japanese etc)


You make a good point. What the Whites did is especially heinous and goes way beyond whatever Asians have done. No Asians has ever conquered and settled multiple continents and created countries as living space themselves. The Whites deprived entire groups of people of a homeland, which is an especially severe form of injustice. At least with Asians, their homeland remains intact and are now recovering and converging with the White countries. For groups like Native Americans and enslaved Blacks, they're still colonized to this day and will take a long time for them to overcome the oppression of the Whites.


How fragile? ... White Europeans genocided native Americans, enslaved black people, colonised and brutalised people of colour all over the world etc.. and used supremacist logic like manifest destiny and spreading the word of God to justify it... But his feelings are hurt because Koreans made him feel like a goof


Incels who can’t get a girlfriend in their life will project their racism toward the non racist people.
White people needs to stop being so racist. They’re not that special on planet earth.

在生活中找不到女朋友的Incels会把他们的种族主义投射到非种族主义者身上。 白人需要停止如此严重的种族主义。他们在地球上并不是那么特别。

Meanwhile blacks who actually live in Asia are doing vlogs and saying life is great.
Whites are masters of projection. They assume that since whites are so racist, so Asians must be a 100 times more racist because Asians are "uncivilized". Unlike the "morally superior" white people who ran the biggest slave trade in human history and invaded every country on the planet.
“I’m a Free Black Man Here ...” (Black in Japan)
"You Have Freedom Out Here, Like Real Freedom ..." (Black in Vietnam)
Why Go To China? (Black in China)
"People Here Are Tolerant ..." (Black in Singapore)


Thanks for these sources it is great to hear people saying this. A big part of the white agenda is to keep the people they steal from divided and I’m really beginning to realize most of the Asian/ African tensions are stoked intentionally by Europeans.


This screams “Asian countries are racist af so it’s okay to beat up Asians in the West.”


He wasn't saying this. He says that people in Asia can be racist too.
Heck I'm an Asian who tans easily and I've gotten racism from light-skinned Northeast Asians both in Asia and in the US.


I'd ask you to take your tongue out of other people's asses, but I assume it's gotten quite comfortable to the taste.
I'll leave you to it.


you're not Asian, you're one of those CIA Twitter psy-op accounts


From their post history, they’re the libtard type of Asian that hates themselves to the point where they shit on their own parents and their entire community. Sad really.


no use your brain and read between the lines - he's trying to dismiss racism against asians in America by claiming "Korea is one of the most racist places on earth" and of course he only has anecdotal evidence to support his outlandish and over exaggerated claim

只过眼不过脑是吧 - 他试图通过声称"韩国是地球上最种族主义的地方之一"来否定美国对亚洲人的种族主义,想当然耳他只有没有证据的轶事来支持他离奇和过度夸张的说法。

brains is what these people dont have.
more and more people in the west has declining IQ, it almost feels like. maybe something in the cheap plastic food that they eat.


Seems like the modern way of saying “those people are uncivilized savages”.
We as the West must civilize free those savages oppressed/brainwashed people.


What most people don't realize is that if Asians (or East Asians in particular) were to be racist, most of the time it's due to ignorance. But Anglos on the other hand...their racism is MALICIOUS. No educated person can deny this


oh poor little bastard got "laughed at" in "some places". Wow, little fragile motherfucker must have so much ptsd from that.
Does this guy just ignore every case of black on asian crime in the US? And he dares say that "being laughed at in some places" is worse??

原创翻译:龙腾网 http://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

it is quite amusing to see people get angry about certain stereotypes but also dont see anything wrong with using (probably made up) anecdotes to declare an entire continent of 4.5 billion people all racist


I cursed some people out in other subs. They generalize Asians, but think we are racist.


This happens because people don't push back aggressively against this narrative. Look at what happens when someone accuses the African-Americans of being the most racist. There will be a strong response to push back against that narrative. We need to learn from others on how to respond.


Lmao they just be making shit up .

原创翻译:龙腾网 http://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

The guy that farted in the rooms blames others


Pretty much, pulling shit out of their asses. People are experts at doing that. Racism to them is at worse not having the red carpet rolled out for them and treated like royalty. People are utterly stupid and gullible if they just believe at face value what some random attention seeking person on the internet with their own personal agenda have to say. But a sucker is born every minute.


It's the "Big Lie" method of trying to shift the narrative away from centuries of white colonialism and racism.
Say something so outrageously untrue over and over again, and people start to believe it.


Racism against white people in Asia = being dismissed/teased
Racism against Asians in America = being beat up/gang raped/punched out over 100 times/set on fire/pushed in front of a moving train/shot/stabbed/sucker punched while walking down the street/attacked whether you are 8 or 80/need I go on?
Give me ONE example of a white man being randomly beaten/killed in Asia

亚洲针对白人的种族主义 = 被解雇/被嘲笑
美国对亚裔的种族歧视 = 被殴打/被轮奸/被殴打 100 多次/被烧死/被推到行驶中的火车前/枪击/刺伤/走在街上时被傻瓜殴打/被袭击,无论你是 8 岁还是 80 岁/我需要继续吗?

I saw a white man desperately clinging onto that there is no racism towards Asians in the US because "Asians earn the most money". And then closed it by saying, "I'd be curious to see how much a white man would make in China".
Dumbass didn't even know the history that unqualified Brits were given high roles in HK while extremely qualified Asians in the West are generally not even allowed into management / exec leadership.

原创翻译:龙腾网 http://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

i think it’s because we don’t mingle outside our own community, wage wars on other race like whites do, and don’t open our borders.
none of this is bad btw. it’s ok to stick within your community due to being mistreated by other race, maintain peace with other countries, and close our borders as long as we don’t directly cause a refugee crisis through war and invasion.
that’s the real reason we’re being labeled the most racist. everything else is smokescreen. they hate that we mostly keep to ourselves.


Whites say this to tell black people to “feel lucky” that they live amongst whites in America.


The racism of Asians towards blacks (at its worst for the most part): moving to the other side of the street, an extra glare when the juveniles come in
The racism of blacks towards Asians: armed home invasions, elderly grandmas and grandpas beaten up and killed, robberies, burglaries, looting
So similar if they want to keep equating the racism of Asians and blacks, I’d gladly trade my peoples suffering for theirs. I don’t mind being watched extra at a store as much as I mind my people being killed and traumatized on a daily basis


Blacks will tell you Asians deserve to be attacked just for that reason alone lmao


Asian hate crimes at this rate are a very recent phenomena. Tbh I’d much rather trade places with Asians as they’re usually born into families that emphasize success (I’m African so I was raised similarly but not with the same level of income as my family is middle class) that also have money to send them to elite universities, which has always been a dream of mine. The Asians at my university (of which there are many) live significantly easier lives than students like me who spend all their free time working because their parents tend to pay for their education. I don’t mean any of this maliciously either. I just feel like I’d be more set up for success considering I’ve always been amongst the top 5% academically, but couldn’t go to certain universities because my family couldn’t afford it. Unless you live in a shit hole like NY the issue of being beaten and robbed as an Asian is not common. They also have a significantly better reputation, and don’t have to worry about being viewed as incompetent, associated with criminality, or the myriad of mostly negative or dehumanizing stereotypes that blacks are associated with. You think it would be easy to be looked at in stores, but you would crack after your 1000th negative interaction. You would definitely not cope well with being black in an academic or higher income setting where everyone is extremely rude and condescending to you because they don’t think you deserve to be there.


The fact your first sentence is false is a preview for the validity of everything else you said.
“Asian hate crimes at this rate is a very recent phenomenon”
Yeah, because the media only cared about Asian hate crimes recently, since they exploited our struggle to bash Donald trump and “white supremacists”. We’ve always been targeted for attacks, for decades, and let me tell you, it’s not “white supremacists” that are killing and victimizing Asians on a daily basis. It’s black people that are committing these crimes, but the media just never reported it.
In fact, a CNN director even admitted that he wanted to cover Asian hate crimes, but didn’t because he didn’t want to hamper the BLM movement.
Also you mention the difficulty in academia, that’s on the black community honestly, you can’t be pro affirmative action, and then blame people for judging black students for taking spots in college they didn’t deserve. Reverse racism is still racism. If there wasn’t affirmative action, then no one would think you didn’t earn your spot in college.

原创翻译:龙腾网 http://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

Uh no it isn’t “because the media only cares about Asian hate crimes recently” it’s because of people associating COVID with Asians. That’s a fact that can be looked up. Also, I went to undergrad in Michigan where affirmative action is banned, so save the predictable spiel, I don’t feel bad for you if you can’t get into a challenging university especially since you’re born into a much better living situation than most of us 90% of the time. I never said I was pro - affirmative action. You just assumed that because I’m black.


Gave the guy my two cent.
Asia is not racists. Having born and lived there, I didn't notice any discrimination at least at the level you see here in the US. But hey, even if its true. We didn't enslave blacks, bomb everyone else who isn't white and didn't colonized and destroy an entire culture. Take a look at what happened to the Native American or the bikini island aborigines.


Anything less than royal treatment is considered "extremely racist" to white people in Asia.
A normal minority experience is considered "extremely racist". Keep in mind this is on top of all the white privilege they enjoy in Asia.
They be like: omg they are speaking in a different language! I'm scared. omg they didn't smile at me! How dare they!


Arm yourselves with facts and demand they come to the table with real examples of their claims. Have it listed in your notes ready to be pull out.
I got into a Twitter exchange with some FBA dummy claiming Asians are more racist than blacks.
I gave them 6 examples of Black on Asian violence within the past year.
They ran out of examples after 4 tweets and stopped responding. I kept going with a full on thread to drive my points home.
What’s great about Twitter these days is unlike Reddit where it’s a liberal echo chamber, those who pull shit out their ass about Asians being racist are no longer protected by censorship.


He didn't become Mr. Charisma so he feels like everyone is being racist to him. Some girl probably told him "sorry I don't date foreigners" and he got butt hurt.

原创翻译:龙腾网 http://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

last time i checked, racist asians don't randomly kill or hurt people. im more scared of racist whites and blacks than racist asians. true that racist asians will be rude or give attitude, but they don't beat people up, mug them, or murder them. plain and simple, our world is garbage. some garbage is WORST THAN OTHERS.


I'm legitimately baffled by comments such at this. I can confirm, as a Asian-American, I've faced way more racism from other Americans, even Korean-Americans, than Koreans in Korea, who are some of the most welcoming people I've ever met.


Its simple. White americans don't think europeans are racist because they're also white and also vice versa. They only have to learn a few basic phrases and they will be treated well.


1st gen Asians are pretty racist tbh at least in my experience as a hapa, feel like y’all are in denial to save face, but my Grandparents are pretty bluntly racist towards my Aunts black husband etc.


Why am I never surprised when a Hapa attacks Asians willy nilly? They think they have an in and prance around for their White/X halves.
You ain't in the group sunshine and stop using your Asian half to curry favour with your White relatives.

原创翻译:龙腾网 http://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

Nobody's saying that the proposition "Asians are racist" is false (=nobody is in denial). People are saying that the proposition "Asians are the biggest racists" is false. Stop trying to warp this.


Idk, but self-hating “Asians” like yourself have a habit of generalizing all Asians based on your own “experiences”, if that counts as an example of “Asians are most racist”.


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