2023-01-03 兰陵笑笑生 12600

In March 1981, Marianne Bachmeier opened fire in a crowded courtroom and killed Klaus Grabowski — the man on trial for murdering her 7-year-old daughter.


In March 1981, Marianne Bachmeier opened fire in a crowded courtroom and killed Klaus Grabowski — the man on trial for murdering her 7-year-old daughter.
Immediately, Bachmeier became an infamous figure. Her subsequent trial, which was followed closely by the German public, begged the question: was her effort to avenge her slain child justified?


Kate Smith
Even if he was innocent of the murder of her daughter, he was still a child molester so… she did the world a favour


Jaimi McEntire
He wasn’t innocent. He confessed and bragged about it.


Gobi Subramaniam
And deserved to be shot for it.


Alex Delarge
No one deserves to be shot for anything. Having this extreme of a view on the world actually suggests some real turmoil in your psyche.

原创翻译:龙腾网 http://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

Gobi Subramaniam
No one deserves to be shot for anything.
Maybe when someone murders your child on day, you could see things a little different.
Then again, I hope you never have any (children). People like you are the ones making the World sick by filling it with evil people.


Alex Delarge
Seeing as I am not a sociopath, I don’t practice sextive empathy. I live by an obxtively justifiable ethical code and don’t break it because of my own personal feelings. I feel empathetic for victims and their families, but I also feel it for the person suspected of the crime. This is the only position that anyone can actually justify. There is no ethical justification for the death penalty.


Franek Speak
What kind of ethics can justify spending over half a million on a murderer while innocent people die because of the underfunded healthcare system? Do I really need to “feel" for these monsters? What if my empathy have limits to the cases where I see someone vulnerable? Besides, even if I understand the ugly things that person did, does it mean they were justified?
And what about a simple justice - in old times justice was moral and rather lack of justice was immoral… I believe that most of the people would feel that justice was served in this case (although outside of the system, which is of course wrong) and on the contrary, if the guy got 25 years and served 12 (which could be the case) most of the people would feel that it was injustice. I think that not serving justice is immoral and also very irresponsible. But well, we live in times where responsibility is not a virtue anymore so murderers don’t need to take responsibility for their crimes anymore and we don't want to take responsibility for serving them justice.


Alex Delarge
If empathy has limits, it isn’t empathy. That is literally sextive empathy, which is directly lixed to an extreme, twisted morality.


Franek Speak
I'm glad you bring this up. I learned that usually peoples' so called empathy is based on their own experience, so it is indeed sextive and I agree that although it's most common, it's not a real empathy. However, I still think that even if I have a true empathy, which allows me to feel for any human being (even those troubled by completely unknown to me problems), I still have my common sense. This common sense will tell me that for my own sanity I should not be engaging with empathy towards for example serial killers. And even if we come to a conclusion that they are just troubled human beings which pushed them to commit such horrible things, do you think that it would take away the blame for their actions? Are you suggesting that no one is really responsible for their deeds? Then the concept of justice would be just obsolete. When we do a crime, we make a choice and we are willingly committing something bad and punishable. The punishment is just a consequence of that decision and that action, in some sense empathy has nothing to do with justice. Justice is served when the punishment is adequate to the crime, here we can say that the empathy would play a role to correctly assess the mitigating factors, but not to assess the blame. BTW justice is one of the most important foundations of our civilisation, without it we would be savages. I don't think that empathy should or is capable of replacing justice.


Sherry Burgess
Agree, like cockroaches, in my opinion, the only good child molester is a dead one.


Abdul Moiz Qureshi
What have hissing cockroaches ever done to you?


Alex Delarge
It doesn’t hurt you to have empathy for all humans. I’ve seen people in abject turmoil over how much they want someone dead. This is, if anything, a mental illness.


Mark Slinger
They should have paid her what it would have cost to house him in prison for the rest of her life. The world would be a safer place, if citizens were allowed to carry out street justice. The criminal justice system exists ONLY to enrich lawyers and the government. FACT

原创翻译:龙腾网 http://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

So no need for the courts, right? No need for laws, police, a fair trial. We'll just start taking matters into our own hands…? We can be the judge and jury on the streets and just settle it there. Wild West style!

原创翻译:龙腾网 http://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

Paul Rolling
She may have agreed with you, prior to the murder of her child.


Yeah, I don't need people to agree with me to form my own thoughts. I would never judge this mother though, but I definitely don't agree with her actions.

原创翻译:龙腾网 http://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

Paul Rolling
You just did, and you’re of course free to make whatever judgements you please.
The point is that one can see how, when the most precious thing in her life was ripped from the world, her ability to think rationally would be inhibited.


No, there's a difference between judging someone's character and someone's actions. I understand why the mother did what she did. I as a parent empathize with her. Like I said before, the pain she felt I'm sure was unimaginable. But I'll draw the line at resorting to or condoning revenge or murder, which I believe this is…even if the courts don't.


Justin Hopkins
People like you scare me. You clearly support vigilante justice, extrajudicial killings and you’re willing to become wicked to punish the wicked. I’m certainly relieved that you’re not a judge.


Jami Gilbert
Killed her daughter? .. … JUSTFIED!!!


Octavian Rusu
I think,she made him a favor. To be locked in for the rest of his life, would to be as an agonized death.


Holly Darling
People don't spend the rest of their lives in prison for murder any more.


Cool Woodsman
He won’t and taxpayers don’t have to pay $600,000 just to incarcerate him for 20 years. A low average cost is $30,000 per year. I don’t know if she was reimbursed for her 60 cent bullet. Let’s hope so.


Joely D
This is back in the 80s when they still had the death penalty.


Mark Burn
Not in West Germany he would have probably served 10 or so years
She got 6 years for his murder would have served 3


Christian Diener
The Federal Republic of Germany has never had the death penalty. It is and always has been unconstitutional in the Federal Republic of Germany, Art. 102 of the German Constitution.


Fabian Mcallister
Strangely enough, you're correct!
The guy convicted of murdering ten people and injuring sixteen in Canada has just been sentenced to 25 years. Canada’s supreme court has ruled that life sentences without the chance of parole are both “cruel” and unconstitutional, so they can't do ten consecutive sentences of 25 years.
The guy can apply for parole after 25 years……..


Danny Cameron
He would have been pampered, use the Human Rights Act to get what he wants! Check out William Begg from Scotland, Killed a teen boy, cut him up in to bits & threw them in to Loch Lomond! He uses the HRA for everything, got a pay out of £5000 for a HRA violation, makes you think?

这家伙肯定没事的,可以利用《人权法》来达到他的目的! 看看苏格兰的威廉-贝格,杀了一个十几岁的男孩,把他切成碎片,然后扔进洛蒙德湖!他把《人权法案》用在了所有事情上,还因为检方违反了《人权法案》而得到了5000英镑的赔偿,你们怎么看?
原创翻译:龙腾网 http://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

Ben Agaran
It wouldn’t have been for the rest of his life. 15–20 years at most.

原创翻译:龙腾网 http://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

Jeff Mitchner
They should have revived him so she could have done it again to him.


Joely D
Even the best doctor or paramedic cannot revive him …

即使是最好的医生或医护人员也无法救活他 ...

John Stevens
When it comes to loved ones and someone visitinf evil on them there are only two obstacles. Time and opportunity.
I completely empathize with her. I thank God that I have never been in her position.


Tim Dowling
According to Grabowski, Anna tried to seduce him sickening. You kill a totally innocent victim and then revictimize her in court.
By the way, he has therewith admitted guilt, so good riddance.


James Mccutchen
I would have felt more satisfaction in using my hands than a gun. But given the time constraints, a gun would do.

原创翻译:龙腾网 http://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

Good for her. I would go the extra mile and say she should have added all people who tried to arrest her, anyone in the system stupid enough to come after her. I would go so far.


Justin Hopkins
Vigilante justice often ends up harming innocent people. She could have easily killed someone else. We can’t have people running around shooting everyone who wronged them. That’s not justice, that’s chaos and no different from “The Purge”. She turned one murder into two. This achieved absolutely nothing.


Maj J
When justice is denied by those responsible for it, one occasionally has to take matters into one’s own hands.


Christian Diener
The guy was on trial. He would very likely have been convicted (after all, he had admitted to having murdered the little girl) and then been punished pursuant to the laws in place. No justice being denied here. The only thing that was against the law was what Ms Bachmeier did. Do I feel sorry for a child molester and murderer, though? No, I do not. Do I feel that it was not only legal (no question there) but also just to punish Ms Bachmeier? I do. Am I happy about the outcome of two people being dead and one going to jail (she had to spent something like four years behind bars). Certainly not.


Maj J
What was the maximum sentence he could have gotten under German law? Assuming that he was not going to be deemed mentally unstable and sent to a hospital of course; which was the more likely outcome.


Christian Diener
Life. Mandatory for murder. And no, a German life sentence is not X years. Life means life. There is a chance of parole after 15 years. A chance, nothing more. The longest sentence (where the person did not actually die in prison) so far was 59 years…
But there is also a good chance (or risk) of subsequent preventive detention even if the person does qualify for parole.
What makes you think that he would have been deemed mentally unstable? And even if so, (i) he would have been sent to a mental institution until he was no longer a risk to anybody and (ii) it would be really wrong to punish somebody who is mentally ill and does not understand what they are/were doing, so this certainly cannot be a justification for Ms Bachmeier.


Maj J
Ah, but it could be argued that this killing was not premeditated. In any case, is it your opinion that a comfortable 15 year sentence (which you say was a possibility) would have been sufficient punishment for the act committed in this case?
I believe that, six years earlier, he was convicted of the sexual molestation of two young girls and deemed psychologically addicted and incapable of controlling his urges. He was even allegedly made to undergo chemical castration. It's all hogwash though, chemical castration does not stop sexual urges, and this argument for mental incapacity could potentially be pleaded for any criminal whatsoever. Apparently, his mental incapacity did not prevent him from planning and carrying out her molestation and murder successfully.
There was every indication that he would have undergone a few more months of 'therapy’ and let go to grin at his victim's mother (his neighbour) in the face over their mutual fence every morning, while plotting on how to capture, molest and murder more young victims. Taking him out of society as the plucky mother did was the only way to rid society of his 'addiction’ and its effect on the neighbourhood.


AD du Jonquier
I get your perfectly valid point. It is only the justice of men though, not absolutely a moral justice.
Indeed it would be better that people don't start killing each other off out of revenge. However that woman has done it and it is a fair moral punishment for the crime(s) of that man.
At the end of the day, she has the moral high ground and did serve a certain justice.
In certain societies, it is actually up to the victim to determine the punishment of the perpetrator. It somehow makes sense as only the victim can truly forgive, or not, the perpetrator. Only the victim can quantify the pain inflicted to them.


Mark Slinger
The Law is an ass. Tell me why it is illegal to enforce justice on the murderer of ones child. For good social order? Give me a break, look at the hordes of homeless sleeping in the streets, open borders to the South, both things are against the law, yet the laws are not enforced. It is illegal to own a gun in Chicago, yet there is gun violence nightly, on weekends the death total in gun violence is commonly 5 people, with a dozen shot but who survive. Get back to me when laws are equally applied, or even JUSTLY applied.

法律就是个屁。告诉我为什么对杀害孩子的凶手伸张正义是违法的。为了良好的社会秩序?饶了我吧,看看成群结队睡在大街上的无家可归者,向南方开放边界,这两件事都是违法的,但法律却没有得到执行。在芝加哥拥有枪支是违法的,但每晚都有枪支暴力事件,周末枪支暴力事件的死亡总数通常为 5 人,一般会有十几个人被枪击,但他们都活了下来。当法律能够平等地应用,甚至只是适时地应用时,请再回来找我。

Duane Quinn


Victor Gray
Justified, save a lot of tax dollars


Ankita S
I would have killed anyone that harms my child too.


Mario Hunstorfer
I remember that sad story very well. Public opinion in (West) Germany was deeply divided over what she did. An astonishingly large number of people commended and defended her, others thought (rightfully so, in my opinion) her act of vigilantism to be irreconcilable with German law, even though some of those people still expressed at least a certain level of understanding for her action. I certainly do have an understanding for why she did what she did, even though it could be said that Marianne Bachmeier wasn't always the best mother. The media coverage that followed was sometimes controversial and heavily biased. Her name got dragged through the mud when they reported on her private life. She was ultimately sentenced to six years in prison for manslaughter but got paroled after four years. Upon her release she left Germany for some time and only came back when she fell seriously ill. The sad end came in 1996 when she died of pancreatic cancer and was buried next to her daughter. I always found hers to be a terribly poignant story.


Xander Hawkins
Agreed with you completely. It is shocking how many people support these murderers who take justice into their own hands. We have due process for a reason, same in America, and if anyone is denied a trial for an accused crime, that is a constitutional denial of rights.
No criminal, no matter how egregious the accused crime, should be punished or killed without the due process of law taking place first…


Melissa Barham
I'm just thankful that I have never been put in her position. I can't imagine the agony of heart and pure rage that she must have felt Taking a life for any reason is a sin.


Arun Vaya
Mother is a mother with instinct. The law of nature is stronger than the law of the land.


Jeff Ober
She fired 8 shots an hit him with 6. That's pretty damn good. 100% justified btw


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