为什么中国在经济上比印度大得多、发达得多,但在美国和科技行业的印度 CEO 却比中国 CEO 多得多?
2023-01-03 青丘国的守护者 17098
Why is China much larger and more-developed than India economically but there are far more Indian CEOs in the US and the technology industry than Chinese CEOs?

为什么中国在经济上比印度大得多、发达得多,但在美国和科技行业的印度 CEO 却比中国 CEO 多得多?

Prashant Kumar
Indians have a slave mentality. Since time immemorial we have been enslaved, first by the Islamic rulers, and then by the Britishers, now it is the American tech giants. They love being slaves. They love working for American companies, because they don’t want to risk it, they play it safe, so instead of innovating, instead of creating anything new, they get settled for foreign companies, they start toiling for their American masters.
This slave mentality permeates our culture, it is inherent to every Indian. Everyone here wants to play it safe, to traverse the most traveled road.
Chinese, on the other hand, are innovative and ingenious. They create their own FB, Google, YouTube and become CEOs of these.
Which of these is better for one’s country?, I ask you.


Nikhil Bhaskaran
Having lived in both countries and as part of the technology industry here is my take :
India and China both produce some high quality talent in technology like any other country but even a small % from these countries translate to a huge number because of sheer population size.


Now what are the opportunities for these smarties ?


Indians :
1)Take a job in USA or Europe the best of all options , because it is merit based , well paid and comfortable life .Try to compete,go up the corporate ladder and feel first class citizen of different country.
2)Try to do something in India and there is a small chance you may succeed in a highly feudal system controlled by the powerful and a semi merit based one so it is way way too hard compared to option 1 and the quality of life is nowhere near to west.


1)Start something of their own in China, growing domestic market , great infrastructure , talent pool availability , ease of doing business , easy capital availability , feel like first class citizen since it is their own country where westerners find it hard to compete with them.
2) Move to corporate America , work crazy hard always feel like a second class citizen .Miss their country and culture .


Summary : So for Indians corporate America/Europe is the only good option available so most try for it and give it their best and get to top CEO posts while for Chinese there are Chinese companies , their own startups and many other options within China so many of them give it a pass and try to compete with American corporations instead of working for them and that changes the number of CEOs west can get from China.


Baba Vickram Aditya Bedi

For most Indians who left India from the late 1950s to the 1980s, progress was too slow to come to India. Delhi, India 1975.


In my life experience, I saw people like my father who were technology pioneers. My father was a full professor of Computer Science back in the early 1970s. At a time when India had rolling blackouts several times a day, and it was impossible at times to make a telephone call across town let alone to another city or internationally. He knew down to the component level how a Mainfrx worked and how to write software for it, even in machine language. His journey was one which encompassed the journey of India, as he was part of a generation of Indians who had seen the end of the British Occupation of India, and then sought to educate themselves in the most unbelievable of ways. He would go to the U.S. to seek higher education in 1957, and arrive in a country where for years he could not even eat a single dish he had grown up with. He had left a life where every need he had was taken care of, he went simply to seek knowledge of a world which had advanced while India had been held under colonialism. This group of Indians who came abroad to study, were largely from well off families, but their lives would be very hard in the West. India restricted most if not all funding for their families to support them and it was their shear desire to learn which made all this happen as without their willingness to sacrifice their own well being, they would have just returned home.

原创翻译:龙腾网 http://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

Opening a business in India during the 1970s and 1980s was a task which could take years. Obtaining licensing was a monumental task. Limited consumer choices were the norm during the license raj, Bombay, India, 1975.


After living outside and attaining highly specialized skills, many tried to return to India. But, India was a Socialist nation at this time. For my father the issue was our families landholding were under rent control, many businesses including our families utility companies had been nationalized. He saw no way to start a business in India and operate it profitably in the late 1960’s and early 1970s. Though he was offered leading positions in Indian Companies at the time, he wanted to have his own Company. India was still 20 years away from this point and he came back to the West. He would continue to do business with Indian Companies but on his own terms. My father, would become one of the first Computer Dealers and even began to outsource services to India in the late 1980s. Yet India’s socialist business enviornment persisted with hurdles for him to relocate back to India even after his role in high level advisory roles. His heart remained in Saharanpur, and he never could forget our families vast roots in India.

(译注:印度的宪法规定印度是一个社会主义国家,坚持社会主义道路;印度在上个世纪实行“ 租金评估制 ”:土地,房屋,甚至院子里的树都要缴纳税收,房屋不管是自主还是出租都要缴纳税收,不过出租按照租金的高低来收。房子面积越大缴纳越多,应该是为富人准备的。公务事业公司一般是指那些提供公共服务的,比如水电,煤气供暖公司之类的)
原创翻译:龙腾网 http://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

I saw my father as a remarkable person who could function in vastly different cultures but keep his dignity, pride and identity no matter what the situation. His example has never left me, and it is because of him that I speak fluent Hindi, Punjabi and learnt Sanskrit and Persian. Technology is a natural field for Indians, as mathematics, and philosophy have historically been part of India. It was said in the 1980s that Indian Sanskrit was the most natural language for Computers, the fact that it was NASA which reached this conclusion was all the more impressive. I remember so well the gleaming pride my father had in his eyes when the research was released.


Outside New Delhi, India, 2019.


To say India is less developed than China, is very subjective today. I have seen areas of India which are far more developed than many Western Countries. These areas are substantial in size and depth. India’s Airports are at world class standards, along with metro systems and numerous hospitals. Highway infrastructure is on par with developed nations over most of the country. Universities are world class as well. On one occasion I was eating in Delhi one evening, and I wanted some more tea. I looked on the table and noticed a small triangle with a button on it. So I pushed it, and immediately a waiter appeared. He had tea, and I asked him how he knew. He said that after I pushed the button a microphone comes on and stays on for 1 minute, I was talking about tea. He had an earpiece which could hardly be seen. It even told him which table this was.


India’s software apps work better than what I have seen outside of India. Ola had advanced software well in use before its nearest competitors did, and it continues its lead. India’s lead in software development was apparent in 1990s and 2000s, yet this lead has failed to lead to a robust production of proprietary Indian Software Products. The fact is India concentrated on the wrong end of the Computer Industry and while outsourcing services was an obvious way to build the Indian economy in the 1990s it was not an endpoint, as much of the services which were provided are today automated by the cloud. The Indian software industry is to an extent seeing the very same result that my father saw in the early 1990s as large Computer Manufacturers broke relationship with Authorized Dealers to sell direct in an attempt to gain greater profitability and control customer relationships. The end result was the loss of customers. business for most of these companies. Outsourcing has limitations and the evolution of India’s I.T. sector has to be becoming a full scale competitor with unique products and not just services.


While many people of Indian Origin are today in leading positions in American Corporations, this does not translate into a positive development for India’s economy. The duty of a C.E.O. of a public company is to his shareholders and customers, not his vision of politics of nationalism which they may or may not have. The real fact that India does not have companies like Google or Twitter on a global scale is obvious. Many Indian startups with the capability of becoming largescale household names were bought up by foreign Multinationals before they could pose a true competitive risk. India does not lack talent but it does lack a national vision of where it needs to position itself. Many are simply overjoyed that Indians are C.E.O.’s of large multinational companies without even realizing that though this is a positive development it translates into nothing more or less for India unless such experience is used to build Indian Companies in the long run.


It may take more time than anticipated to “Make in India”, live up to its true potential.


So far India has not been able to attract its own high caliber talent to return to India and to create large scale innovation in India. The real challenge of the 21th Century for India is transform itself from a transactional economy into an economy of invention. The transformation once made will ensure India’s return to it’s historical norm. India is not just a modern state but one of the last remaining of the civilizations which began at the dawn of human history, India has historically created trends not followed them. It has broken scientific barriers, and used mathematics in the most innovative of ways. For when the world was believed to be flat Indian philosophers already knew it was round. When it was said the sun rotated around the Earth, Indian treatises had been written in detail with the concept of Gravity and a 364 day year. They were only off by one day for the year in 500 A.D. It was Indian Scientific knowledge that allowed it have the world’s oldest universities before the Islamic Invasion of India. India was the only civilization that China sent its students to study in before the modern age.


While claims can be made that China is more advanced than India today, and Indians are leading U.S. companies more so than other groups, the fact is none of this matters as much as it seems. People such as my father and those in his generation began a process of gaining knowledge for the betterment of the world, and especially for the people of India and Indian Origin. India’s road to regaining its historical significance only began 75 years ago, and it can only be imagined where India will be 75 years from now. My father stated in 1983, “India’s greatest resource is renewable for it is the talent of it’s people.”, I have full faith that this resource will surprise the world just like as they have done since the ages of antiquity.


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