2023-01-07 杏子 7972
Innocent Masengo
That most Africans are poor, not because they really are poor, but because someone decides to describe them as such.
My grandfather is ‘poor’. He certainly lives on “less than a dollar a day”. He is now 95 years old. In his nine and a half decades on earth, he has never lacked, and he has never begged. He only attended one year at a mission school in the 1930s and learnt how to read and write. This is how he pulls it off:


When he wants food, he goes to the banana plantation, looks at tens of bunches of matooke (banana) and decides which to harvest for the day’s dinner. Adjacent to the plantation is a sweet potato garden, cassava garden, yams and finger millet. To the south of the banana plantation are beans, cow peas or peanuts gardens. Down the valley is grazing land with tens of Frisian and cross-breed cattle. They provide him with milk daily, 365 days a year.
He also has about 20 goats. In Uganda, goat milk was generally not considered palatable, possibly due to the abundance of cow milk, so we never milked goats. He would sell a couple of them to supplement income from other produce to send his children to school. He also reared a couple of chickens, more as a hobby.
The farm produces more than he can consume. He sells the surplus to afford such essential services as kerosene (recently upgraded to solar), soap, sugar (at his age he no longer takes sugar, he uses honey — doctor’s orders).


Scattered across the farm are sugarcane (for eating, not for making sugar) and fruit trees (guava, mango, pawpaw, avocado, orange, passion fruit, pineapple). He drinks fresh juice from mangoes and passion fruit. As is evident, everything here is on a subsistence basis, but very organic. He has done this for the past 75 years.
He had eleven children, my mother being his first born. He sent all of them to school, saw eight of them through college. He sold at least two cows, some goats and some produce each school term to send his children to school.
I went to live at grandfather’s place when I was 5 years old. I left when I was 14 (my family lived in an urban area). I learnt how to farm, milk cows, tether goats, harvest fruits (by climbing the fruit tree) and harvesting honey (at night using smoke).


Why the long story?
My grandfather, just like millions of other Africans that live like him, is considered poor. He rarely holds money, and he rarely needs it. He produces most of what he needs. But using the standard World Bank/IMF descxtion of ‘poor’, my grandfather is poor. I live in the city and earn about USD 12,000 a year after tax, which in Uganda is a decent salary. But I can hardly match my grandfather in terms of providing for my family with fresh milk, fresh food and fresh fruits.
This is one thing most people that watch International media do not know about Africa: not all Africans are poor, many simply live differently than you.


Ugandan farmer riding bananas from his farm to the market. Most people from other backgrounds would pity him, and consider him ‘poor’.


Didier Champion
This is an interesting perspective. Never occured to me until now. Your grandfather is a champ. 95 years and still going. I need to pay visit for a lesson on how to last that long. I enjoyed reading your poetic-style written answer. Thank you

原创翻译:龙腾网 http://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

Myrte Jansen op de Haar to Didier Champion
He just described in detail how his grandfather lasted that long: You stay active, outside, take good care of what you own, you eat properly grown, fresh fruit and no bullshit, and you stay in touch with people. No stress, no offices, no hyper processed foods, no sitting still all day.


Stone Atwine
This is a very good answer. With lots of food for thought and amazing comments.
What is clear is that there’s a flaw in the World Bank’s definition of the poor. Perhaps it needs to be upxed.
My grandmother lives like this. The only money she ever spends is to buy salt, sugar and soap. She grows her own food, has a few cows that give her milk, butter, yoghurt, etc. She makes all the diary products herself. She rarely eats or buys meat and probably doesn’t even want it. She is not rich but she has led a good life.


Innocent Masengo to Stone Atwine
And sadly, she is called poor and needy. Yet she lacks nothing.

原创翻译:龙腾网 http://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

Dharmavaram Thyagarajulu to Innocent Masengo
Self sustenance a great experience, subsistence is not inadequacy but it is self satisfaction those who experience it only understand its value. Though one is considered as poor but he live his life independently such an independence is possible only in the farming.
You answer though is simple but it is a reflection of honesty and innocence, one of the best I have read on quora.

你的回答虽然很简单,但却反映了诚实和纯真,这是我在 quora 上读过的最好的答案之一。
原创翻译:龙腾网 http://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

Anand Nyamdavaa
Poverty measurement is a useful economtric tool. How else would you know if there ws a progress or not. But this tool has been abused too much. It doesnt always makes sense for everyday people. In my country, mongolia you are regarded as poor if you have 200 or less sheep.


Cynthia Cerna to Anand Nyamdavaa
Damn. Not only am I considered a broke-ass mofo here in the U.S., but in Mongolia as well. Double-damn!


Vivek to Anand Nyamdavaa
Then I am already very poor. i don’t have a single sheep. Somebody please provide me some subsidies?


David Lim to Vivek
You can always find a bunch of sheep loitering in front of an Apple store during the launching date of a new iPhone. We never had any shortage of them.


Claire Jordan
That’s also partly because people don’t understand the difference between the exchange rate and local buying power. They hear that somebody’s salary in a third world country is equivalent to say £5 a week and they think oh, how shocking, these poor people have to live on £5 a week - but the currency of third world countries tends to be disproportionately undervalued, and in terms of its purchasing power that person’s income is probably more like £50 or £100 a week. Or, as you say, they may have their own smallholding and be growing most of what they need, so their money income is just for things like clothes and petrol. And they probably own their house and work within walking distance, so they don’t have rent or mortgages or fares to worry about.


John Hirst to Claire Jordan
Correct. Economists call this “purchasing power parity” and it’s good to adjust for this when comparing countries.


Felix Ryker to Claire Jordan
Accurate. I live in Bangladesh and although a lot of middle class families have the ability to buy a basic PC here, software and games would be so ridiculously expensive if converted according to their native price that most stores that sell these sell cracked, pirated copies. It’s the reason why piracy is so rampant in developing countries. We can afford hardware just fine, it’s the software that can’t be price converted reasonably. And that’s because of this disproportionate undervaluing that you’ve mentioned. I’ve never seen a game store here that actually sells legit consoles or games because no one would ever buy them.


Marius Kramer
You left out that he has property, real-estate and animals, which arr similr to a Westerner owning $300,000 in assets no?


Biswa Jyoti
The real problem is present economic models can’t measure the production value of historic, civilizational and traditional lifestyles. It can only measure what the western world thinks measurable.
What you wrote about your grandparents is also true for most of Indians.


Innocent Masengo to Biswa Jyoti
I am glad that you can relate to it. And yes, a one-size-fits-all kind of scale is fundamentally flawed.


Raj Penumudy to Innocent Masengo
Whats worse they use this metric and then they want to “help”. Looks like their idea of help is to loan money to buy the useless crap that would turn an environmentally-friendly lifestyle into an urban mess and only benefit the big businesses in the process.


John Roberson
Western society has spent two centuries making aspects of life as “legible” as possible for metrics like this. For instance, a housewife’s work at home was originally excluded from GDP numbers, but if that housewife works for a salary and pays someone to do what was previously her work at home then it’s all now “legible” to GDP metrics.
Africans haven’t wasted nearly so much time doing this.
The future belongs to those who understand the illegible.


Ygor Coelho
Your answer is very well written, convincing and even poetic, but unfortunately I’m really skeptical that your 95-year-old grandfather is representative of the general citizens living in Africa and the average African peasant. I do believe you, but when I also consider many totally non-monetary measures of poverty, like life expectancy, undernourishment rate, infant mortality and so on, the pictures for most African countries are still v.e.r.y problematic. Living myself in an underdeveloped country with high level of inequality, I know rural life can be simple but wonderful when you own a fertile piece of land and a good number of domesticated animals, but it’s definitely very harsh when you own just a tiny land or you’re not a land owner.


Harsh Deep to Ygor Coelho
Yes, his point was that not all ‘poor’ are poor. Many people in developing and underdeveloped countries have farming only for self-sustenance, and many people live decent lives.
There are huge problems of poverty, malnutrition, education etc. but the point is that western measures of poverty are not always the best.


Michael Moldenhauer to Ygor Coelho
The real point of this is that, while perhaps maybe there is as you suggest “real poverty” in Africa (= low life expectancy, undernutrition, infant mortality, etc.) - it shows there is also something else which is neither this ‘real poverty’ nor western style opulence. Which suggests that you don’t necessarily need to make western style opulence to get away from “real poverty”, and that’s an important lesson I’d think especially given concerns about environmental sustainability, etc. - which do you think is more “green” eh? The West, or this “not-rich-not-poor” living? It shows there may be other paths to “development” - such as focusing on improving this kind of wealth, instead of, or at least more prioritized than, western style urbanization with attendant massive resource consumption, etc.


John Barr to Ygor Coelho
I am a European African. Ie white African. His answer is spot on. Many Rural African do live as described, and thus well below the poverty line. The thing is any of these people are happy and in terms of Maslow their basic needs are being very well met.


Rakesh Ranjan
Finally someone called out on the bullshit definition of poverty as defined by the western world. Thanks for posting an answer which concurs with my school of thought.


Murphy Barrett to Rakesh Ranjan
I am from the Western world, and I agree, the definition of poverty most of us use is based on our way of life. Having both traveled and being well read, as well as an amateur historian, it always drives me crazy that a person who can supply their own needs, who is self sufficient, is often described as “poor”.


Abhirup Dutta
While the answer is insightful, poverty measurement is not simply about physical obxts like milk and bananas.
It is about safety-nets and opportunities in life.
What happens in case of diseases or epidemics - how far is the nearest clinic? What happens in case of wildfires or floods?
What happens in case of impending political conflicts - can you move and change job? What happens if someone inflicts harm on you - do you have course for justice?
Poverty means living and dying with the land, and being unable to escape that fate.


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