2023-01-10 兰陵笑笑生 8174

Does anybody else feel kind of disappointed that they are not a native speaker of a more widespread language?


I am a native speaker of Polish. Personally, I love the language and I find it beautiful and dignified. It is an extremely difficult language to learn, let alone master for foreigners, so I am glad I possess a skill that most people in the world would probably be never able to obtain. Of course, I've been surrounded by Polish since conception, so it is not really any kind of amazing intellectual achievement, but still.
However, Polish is not a particularly important or relevant language worldwide. Aside from Poland and its neighbouring countries, it is pretty much irrelevant. It is not taught in schools or universities, it is not a working language of any major internations organizations (like the UN or the UE), is it not an official language anywhere outside of Poland, and so on.
Like, I love Polish, but I kind of wish my native language was a little bit more relevant.

原创翻译:龙腾网 http://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

Say, if you are a Mandarin Chinese native speaker, and you move to the USA, you could always use that to you advantage and maybe even get a job. There is surely a lot of demand for fluent Mandarin speakers. Even if you never set foot in China, being a native speaker of Mandarin is an EXTREMELY useful skill.
Now, by comparison, were I to do the same and move to the USA, literally nobody would care about me being a native speaker of Polish. Meanwhile, I would always be an inferior English speaker compared to native speakers.
I hope you understand what I mean. I envy native speakers of Spanish, Chinese, French or English, as those are languages that are actually somewhat relevant and people respect them. I think that natives of those languages do not appreciate their gift enough.


German N|English C1|Japanese N2|Manchu ?|Mandarin ?
No, if anything I think it would've been really cool to grow up speaking some small regional or minority language besides our national language (German). It's very hard to learn these smaller languages as an adult, partially because of the lack of resource.


I used to feel the opposite, wishing I were a native speaker of any European language since nowadays that basically guarantees you "start out" bilingual. Especially people like me who grew up using the internet. But nowadays I try to focus my thoughts on things within my control, rather than dwelling on what I can't change.

我以前的感觉恰恰相反,我希望自己是任何欧洲语言的母语者,因为现在基本上可以保证你 的生涯"一开始"就掌握了两种语言。特别是像我这样在互联网时代长大的人。但现在我试着把我的想法集中在我可以控制的事情上,而不是纠结于我不能改变的事情。

FWIW lots of native speakers of English feel a little disappointed because there’s so many of us, and are envious sometimes because it can be surprisingly difficult to learn a second language when you can use your native one as a crutch literally everywhere.
Edit: and obviously the above sentiments are mostly coming from fellow language nerds but surprisingly Ive heard them from normal people too


I agree with this. I also find it odd when people want to learn because they genuinely like it rather than out of utility, because it's kind of boring and plain to me (as a native speaker. Grass is always greener right? I'm sure if I spoke any other language natively it would still lack the appeal foreign languages hold for me for some reason...


Idk I think English is kind of fun. It’s the machine gun of languages, you can just keep talking and talking and talking without really having to plan on where you’re going next or having to remember what you’ve already said and it continues to be coherent as long as you follow the basic word order rules and stay away from creating too many subordinate clauses.

我说不好。我认为英语很有趣。它是语言中的 "机关枪",你可以一直说啊说啊说,而不必真正计划下一步要说什么,也不必记住你已经说过的话,只要你遵循基本的词序规则,避免创建过多的从句,它就能继续保持连贯性。

Oh I’m so sad that secondary languages aren’t a thing in the USA. Hell, I barely speak English well, thanks to poor educational standards in the US, let alone a second language! I’d much rather be fluent in two languages (common and uncommon) than just fluent in one!


I definitely can’t speak for everyone but where I live in the United States knowing Polish would be more beneficial than knowing Mandarin or any other language except for Spanish. Polish is far from a useless language.


I was just thinking the same thing. I lived in Chicago for four years and fluency in Polish would be very valuable.


Where do you live?


Wouldn't be surprised if he lived in Chicago


Probably Chicago or Midwest. There are still Polish speakers around, although not nearly as many as a generation ago. My grandfather was born into a monolingual Polish-speaking household in the Midwest US and didn't learn English until he went to school. Unfortunately he and his generation never really passed the language down. That's why I'm learning it now.


My fathers dad spoke Polish and my fathers mom spoke Lithuanian. Neither grandparent passed the language down.


Chicago suburbs


I don’t think you should view your language as inferior. It’s a part of an identity that only natives will understand. There’s too much nuance to “learn” it, especially with outside influence of their native culture
Embrace it :)

拥抱它吧 :)

My native language has about 4% the speakers that Polish does: Yiddish. (I picked up English as a second language as school.) My family is very proud of our language and we'll keep it going as long as we can. I'm strengthening my own Yiddish to become an expert in the language, so I can research and publish linguistic works and learning materials. This tiny language is my world; personally, it's the most useful language I'll ever know.
I can't wait to start learning Polish seriously after Spanish. My family always spoke it but the younger generation doesn't apart from some words here and there, so I'd like to get it back. Such a wonderful language! It'll also help me learn Russian and Ukrainian quicker when I get to them.

我迫不及待地想在西班牙语之后开始认真学习波兰语。我的家人总是说波兰语,但年轻一代除了偶尔会说一些单词外,基本就不说了,所以我想把它找回来。这是一种奇妙的语言! 它也会帮助我在学习俄语和乌克兰语时更快地掌握它们。

I think people tend to overestimate the value of speaking a language in terms of career value. The business language is (bad) english, even for non english speaking countries. I work in an IT company and whenever I have a meeting with customers from other countries we speak english. No matter if they are form Poland, Spain, France or China.
People often claim they want to learn German because of it's economic value but the only time I spoke to a foreign customer in German was with someone from the Netherlands who asked if we could switch to English after 15 minutes.
If a company plans to do international business they will employ people that speak english.
A friend of my father went to china for two years for a work project. They assigned him a English speaking translator to help him in his everyday life and business was only done in english. He didn't have to learn any mandarin at all.
The only time where it is usefull to have a language in higher demand is for apps like hellotalk or something but I think this advantage can be ignored.

对一门语言有更高需求的唯一有用的情况是像 玩hellotalk 之类的应用程序,但我认为这个优势可以忽略不计。

In case of German, it is essential to survive in Germany in long term and it is exponentially more important for careers like medicine and law.


I feel the exact opposite actually


No. Ukrainian is even less relevant than Polish and Russian is an official language of the UN and an official language in several countries. And it’s still completely useless. Pretty much the only languages that ACTUALLY matter are the language of the country you are living in + English. I live in Ukraine and want to live here for the rest of my life so I don’t need anything else. The other languages I’m learning or plan on learning are just for hobby/personal interest. I like Poland and Poles so I’m learning Polish. Maybe it will help me in my career at some point but I don’t really care. I could spend that time learning something else that would benefit my career more so it doesn’t really matter.
You should be grateful that your native language wasn’t banned and repressed (in the last 100 years atleast). My grandparents were born in Poland (now Ukraine) and teachers would hit them or insult them for speaking Ukrainian. Ukrainian is still repressed here. The mayor of my city refuses to speak it. You speak a language of a major European country, it’s not like you speak Basque. You say English and French speakers don’t appreciate their position yet you do the same. Polish authors have won the Nobel Prize, and your country has a long and rich literary tradition. You couldn’t find a book in Kharkiv in Ukrainian even 5 years ago.


Ukrainian is still repressed here. The mayor of my city refuses to speak it.
Which city is that ? I have heard multiple time that a lot of russian speaking Ukrainians are switching over to Ukrainian currently. Is that information incorrect ?


if you are a Mandarin Chinese native speaker, and you move to the USA, you could always use that to you advantage and maybe even get a job. There is surely a lot of demand for fluent Mandarin speakers. Even if you never set foot in China, being a native speaker of Mandarin is an EXTREMELY useful skill.
It’s not. It’s orders of magnitude less useful, from a US career perspective, than doing an online certification in SQL. So do that, and then you can consider the playing field leveled between you and the Chinese speakers.


This. Speaking Mandarin as a native language can give you advantages when applying for some positions in APAC, but not much for the rest of the world.


Unless that Mandarin speaker also does the same certification, then they are more employable again :)
I get that you're saying that Mandarin is not an extremely useful skill, but all other things being equal Mandarin is more useful than Polish.

然后那个讲普通话的人也去做同样的认证,那么他们又更容易被雇用了 :)

I've met non-native english speakers who spoke better english than me, a native english speaker. With enough practice your speech would be no way inferior


Of course your language isn't inferior to others but I definitely understand what you mean in terms of international usefulness. I see a good amount of comments disagreeing here with OP but I feel like that's because this is a community super interested in language learning so that might skew the answers a bit. I think the best case scenario would be to have parents who are bilingual in their native language as well as one of the world languages and teach both to the child or maybe the opportunity to move to a English speaking country at a young age if desired but of course its not possible for everyone. Also, a lot of speakers of one of the world languages like the ones you mentioned end up being monolingual, which is a shame.


As an English heritage speaker, I am pretty disappointed I was never fully taught the language. I had to learn how to speak it on my own and largely missed out on my grandparents' Minnesotan accent. Other than that, I am proud to be a native speaker of Argentine Spanish.


Thank you for your response, but this does not really compare. Spanish is an enormous language.


And it's about as useful as Polish outside America and Iberia, not mentioning the fact Argentine Spanish is very underrepresented (only Buenos Aires Spanish is ever depicted on English language media, as if it doesn't vary depending on where your grandparents are from) and sometimes even frowned upon.


Spanish is an enormous language.
Polish alone might not have a huge number of speakers.
But being a native speaker of Polish you'll have a huge understanding of most Slavic languages.
You have access to a large number of speakers.


I am disappointed that I am not a German native speaker. But that has more to do with me wanting to be born in a first world (preferably European) country. I would not have a shitty future, and more importantly a shitty childhood which is normalized here (Verbal abuse, physical abuse, gaslighting me to making me believe I am not good enough and not worthy of love unless I am perfect. Despite being in the top .01 percent academically (according to national standard test I took) I have no future because my parents are not rich (they make 15000 dollars per year give or take)
I have however used that as a motivation to learn German and I am determined to leave my home country as I cannot stand it here after all the trauma I have gone through here.
Sorry if this is out of context but I need to vent.

我很失望我不是一个以德语为母语的人。但这更多地与我想出生在第一世界(最好是欧洲)国家有关。在那里我不会有一个糟糕的未来,更重要的是不会有一个在我现在这里正常化的糟糕童年(口头虐待、身体虐待、让我相信我不够好并且不值得爱,除非我是完美的。尽管我的学业成绩处于前 0.01%(根据我参加的国家标准测试)我还是没有未来,因为我的父母并不富有(他们每年赚15000美元左右)

Yes, I often feel that way too. Especially the following two parts of your post hit home with me.
Like, I love Polish, but I kind of wish my native language was a little bit more relevant.
Now, by comparison, were I to do the same and move to the USA, literally nobody would care about me being a native speaker of Polish. Meanwhile, I would always be an inferior English speaker compared to native speakers.

原创翻译:龙腾网 http://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

For that to happen then parents would have to sacrifice their native culture and teach their children another language first. That also relies on them being proficient at that language. I just wish most of the world knew one of say five big languages as a L2 so that one could talk with almost everybody with five languages. But it’s unlikely to happen.


No, being a native speaker of English, Mandarin, Spanish, or French isn't an extremely useful skill.
Why? Because those are legion. You will find them in plenty anywhere. While being a native speaker of Polish is rare outside of Poland and thus, marketable.


Knowing a rare language means that you have an advantage when people need that rare language. But knowing a popular language means you are qualified for a larger number of opportunities.


Polish speakers aren't rare outside of Poland, there has been a huge emigration from Poland for the last decades. In Germany Polish speakers are the second biggest minority if I remember right and no employer was ever interested in my Polish skills. I would only need it if I wanted to apply for a job at the Polish store.
On the other hand English, Spanish, German or French native speakers can basically go anywhere in the world and paid for literally only speaking their native language because people want to learn those languages and are willing to pay a lot of money in language schools to have conversation classes with native speakers.


You have it backwards dude. Being a native speaker of Spanish, French, Mandarin, and especially English is useful because they’re so widespread, in demand, and are desired for business purposes.
Who the hell hires someone on the basis that they’re a native speaker of Polish (outside of Poland)?


This is so true. I live abroad and when I was working for a localisation company, they had plenty of Spanish speakers. Granted, we had more work than people with smaller languages but we were also easier to replace, so in the end permanent contracts usually went to languages that were harder to find, including Polish.
It all has its pros and cons to be honest.


I am a native french speaker. I know that the language is learned a lot and it is quite a widespread language. I feel like the french language is overall quite respected, seen as romantic, etc... even having a french accent in a foreign language is not so badly seen.... But it is not useful to speak it, at least not in the engineering workplace in which I work. Sometimes I am frustrated to not have as much scientific ressources in french when it is so easier to find in english.


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